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# Kalem Miktar Birim
1 1 _ 9783476048578 _ Claus Altmayer Et. Al. _ Handbuch Deutsch Als Fremd-Und Zweitsprache: Kontexte – Themen – Methoden _ J. B. Metzler _ 2021 1 ADET
2 2 _ 9783518467534 _ Clemens Setz _ Die Stunde Zwischen Frau Und Gitarre _ Suhrkamp _ 2015 1 ADET
3 3 _ 9783518431092 _ Clemens Setz _ Monde Vor Der Landung _ Suhrkamp _ 2023 1 ADET
4 4 _ 9783518225202 _ Elke Erb _ Das İst Hier Der Fall _ Suhrkamp _ 2020 1 ADET
5 5 _ 9783825286552 _ Eva Burwitz-Melzer Et Al. _ Handbuch Fremdsprachenunterricht _ A. Francke _ 2016 1 ADET
6 6 _ 9783869710174 _ Jan Wagner _ Tage Des Letzten Schnees _ Galiani _ 2014 1 ADET
7 7 _ 9783869712093 _ Jan Wagner _ Am Roten Strand _ Galiani _ 2022 1 ADET
8 8 _ 9783835302716 _ Lukas Bärfuss _ Hundert Tage _ Wallstein _ 2008 1 ADET
9 9 _ 9783518463246 _ Marcel Beyer _ Putins Briefkasten: Acht Recherchen _ Suhrkamp _ 2012 1 ADET
10 10 _ 9783476050939 _ Peter Eisenberg _ Grundriss Der Deutschen Grammatik: Der Satz _ J. B. Metzler _ 2021 1 ADET
11 11 _ 9783887697570 _ Tawada, Yoko _ Abenteuer Der Deutschen Grammatik: Gedichte _ Konkursbuch _ 2010 1 ADET
12 12 _ 9783442741281 _ Terezia Mora _ Der Einzige Mann Auf Dem Kontinent _ Luchterhand _ 2009 1 ADET
13 13 _ 9783630874975 _ Terezia Mora _ Auf Dem Seil _ Luchterhand _ 2019 1 ADET
14 14 _ 9783503177561 _ Ursula Hirschfeld _ Phonetik İm Fach Deutsch Als Fremd-Und Zweitsprache _ Erich Schmidt Verlag _ 2018 1 ADET
15 15 _ 9783868155846 _ Andreas Thomasberger Ve Hartmut Vollmer _ Franz Hessel: Lyrik Und Dramatik: Sämtliche Werke İn 5 Bänden, Bd. 4 _ Igel Verlag _ 2019 1 ADET
16 16 _ 9783498003418 _ Bärfuss, Lukas _ Vaters Kiste. Eine Geschichte Über Das Erben _ Rowohlt _ 2022 1 ADET
17 17 _ 9783868155815 _ Bernd Witte _ Franz Hessel: Romane: Sämtliche Werke İn 5 Bänden, Bd. 1 _ Igel Verlag _ 2019 1 ADET
18 18 _ 9783868155839 _ Bernhard Echte _ Franz Hessel: Städte Und Porträts: Sämtliche Werke İn 5 Bänden, Bd. 3 _ Igel Verlag _ 2019 1 ADET
19 19 _ 9783832182083 _ De L'horizon, Kim _ Blutbuch _ Dumont _ 2022 1 ADET
20 20 _ 9783868155853 _ Hartmut Vollmer _ Franz Hessel: Verstreute Prosa, Kritiken: Sämtliche Werke İn 5 Bänden, Bd. 5, Mit Aktualisierter Bibliographie, Textnachweisen, Erläuterungen Und Zeittafel _ Igel Verlag _ 2019 1 ADET
21 21 _ 9783868155822 _ Hessel, Franz _ Franz Hessel: Prosasammlungen: Sämtliche Werke İn 5 Bänden, Bd. 2 _ Igel Verlag _ 2019 1 ADET
22 22 _ 9783518430804 _ Menasse, Robert _ Die Erweiterung: Roman _ Suhrkamp _ 2022 1 ADET
23 23 _ 9783518469200 _ Menasse, Robert _ Die Hauptstadt _ Suhrkamp _ 2018 1 ADET
24 24 _ 9783498042912 _ Mosebach, Martin _ Das Leben İst Kurz – Zwölf Bagatellen. Erzählungen _ Rowohlt _ 2016 1 ADET
25 25 _ 9783518424476 _ Seiler, Lutz _ Kruso: Roman _ Suhrkamp _ 2015 1 ADET
26 26 _ 9783442719709 _ Stanisic, Sasa _ Herkunft _ Luchterhand _ 2019 1 ADET
27 27 _ 9783518424483 _ Winkler, Josef _ Winnetou, Abel Und İch _ Suhrkamp _ 2014 1 ADET
28 28 _ 9783518472347 _ Winkler, Josef _ Die Ukrainerin. Njetotschka Iljaschenko Erzählt İhre Geschichte _ Suhrkamp _ 2022 1 ADET
29 29 _ 9783423110013 _ Erich Kästner _ Doktor Erich Kästners Lyrische Hausapotheke _ Dtv _ 2013 1 ADET
30 30 _ 9783100153043 _ Hilde Domin _ Gesammelte Gedichte _ S. Fischer _ 1987 1 ADET
31 31 _ 9783499117848 _ Mascha Kaleko _ Das Lyrische Stenogrammheft _ Rohwolt _ 1974 1 ADET
32 32 _ 9783110176575 _ Walther Von Der Vogelweide _ Leich, Lieder, Sangsprüche _ De Gruyter _ 2013 1 ADET
33 34 _ 9783446270824 _ Müller, Herta _ Der Beamte Sagte: Erzählung _ Fischer _ 2023 1 ADET
34 35 _ 9783476024763 _ Ansgar Nünning _ Metzler Lexikon Literatur-Und Kulturtheorie: Ansätze – Personen – Grundbegriffe _ Metzler _ 2008 1 ADET
35 36 _ 9783826064845 _ Benoît Ellerbach _ L'arabie Contée Aux Allemands: Fictions İnterculturelles Chez Rafik Schami _ Königshausen Und Neumann _ 2011 1 ADET
36 37 _ 9782343177175 _ Bernard Banoun (Author) , Frédéric Teinturier (Author) , Dirk Weissmann _ Istanbul-Berlin: Interculturalité, Histoire Et Écriture Chez Emine Sevgi Özdamar _ Editions L'harmattan; Bilingual Edition _ 2019 1 ADET
37 38 _ 9783518430088 _ Emine Sevgi Özdamar _ Ein Von Schatten Begrenzter Raum _ Suhrkamp Verlag _ 2021 1 ADET
38 39 _ 9783520300102 _ Frenzel, Elisabeth _ Stoffe Der Weltliteratur _ Kröner _ 2005 1 ADET
39 40 _ 9783520301079 _ Frenzel, Elisabeth _ Motive Der Weltliteratur _ Kröner _ 2008 1 ADET
40 41 _ 9783150003015 _ Hauff, Wilhelm _ Sämtliche Märchen _ Reclam _ 2010 1 ADET
41 42 _ 9783825348830 _ Marchenhafter Orient: Projektionen Eines Landes Der Phantasie _ Markus May (Editor) , Christiane Raabe (Editor) , Robert Baumgartner (Contributor) , Michael Baumann _ Universitaetsverlag Winter _ 2023 1 ADET
42 43 _ 9781108465557 _ Muhsin J. Al-Musawi _ The Arabian Nights İn Contemporary World Cultures Global Commodification, Translation, And The Culture Industry _ Cambridge University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
43 44 _ 9783847111931 _ Sabine Egger (Editor) , Stefan Hajduk (Editor) , Britta C Jung (Editor) , Joanna Jablkowska _ Sarmatien-Germania Slavica-Mitteleuropa. Sarmatia-Germania Slavica-Central Europe: Vom Grenzland Im Osten Uber Bobrowskis Utopie Zur Asthetik... Und Medien) (English And German Edition) _ V&R Unipress _ 2020 1 ADET
44 45 _ 9783499221613 _ Jelinek, Elfriede _ Die Kinder Der Toten _ Rowohlt _ 1997 1 ADET
45 46 _ 9783499231315 _ Jelinek, Elfriede _ Gier _ Rowohlt _ 2002 1 ADET
46 47 _ 9783150175118 _ Kemper, Hans _ Interpretationen: Gedichte Von Georg Trakl _ Reclam _ 1999 1 ADET
47 48 _ 9783897541542 _ Lecouteux, Claude _ Eine Welt İm Abseits. Zur Niederen Mythologie Und Glaubenswelt İm Mittelalter _ J. H. Röll _ 1999 1 ADET
48 49 _ 9783596181612 _ Müller, Herta _ Der Mensch İst Ein Großer Fasan Auf Der Welt: Eine Erzählung _ Fischer _ 2009 1 ADET
49 50 _ 9783406669286 _ Petzoldt, Leander _ Kleines Lexikon Der Dämonen Und Elementargeister _ Beck _ 2015 1 ADET
50 51 _ 9783103971019 _ Strubel, Antje Ravik _ Blaue Frau: Roman _ Fischer _ 2023 1 ADET
51 52 _ 9783887691868 _ Tawada, Yoko _ Überseezungen: Literarische Essays _ Konkursbuch _ 2016 1 ADET
52 53 _ 9783887695576 _ Tawada, Yoko _ Akzentfrei. Literarische Essays _ Konkursbuch _ 2016 1 ADET
53 54 _ 9783887693244 _ Tawada, Yoko _ Das Nackte Auge: Roman _ Konkursbuch Verlag _ 2010 1 ADET
54 55 _ 9783423124966 _ Trakl, Georg _ Das Dichterische Werk _ Dtv _ 1998 1 ADET
55 56 _ 9783150082515 _ Trakl, Georg _ Werke-Entwürfe-Briefe _ Reclam _ 1986 1 ADET
56 57 _ 9783751801102 _ Weber, Anne _ Annette, Ein Heldinnenepos _ Matthes & Seitz _ 2022 1 ADET
57 58 _ 9782296102408 _ Chraibi, Aboubakr; Ramirez, Carmen _ Les Mille Et Une Nuits Et Le Récit Oriental. En Espagne Et En Occident _ L'harmattan _ 2009 1 ADET
58 59 _ 9783458200383 _ Lailach, Michael Et Al. _ Reisende Erzählungen: Tausendundeine Nacht Zwischen Orient Und Europa _ Insel Verlag _ 2019 1 ADET
59 60 _ 9783596298891 _ Lange-Müler, Katja _ Drehtür _ Kiepenheuer & Witsch _ 2016 1 ADET
60 61 _ 9783462050905 _ Lange-Müler, Katja _ Das Problem Als Katalysator: Frankfurter Poetikvorlesungen _ Kiepenheuer & Witsch _ 2018 1 ADET
61 62 _ 9780814332597 _ Marzolph, Ulrich _ The Arabian Nights Reader _ Wsup _ 2006 1 ADET
62 63 _ 9780814332870 _ Marzolph, Ulrich _ The Arabian Nights İn Transnational Perspective _ Wsup _ 2007 1 ADET
63 64 _ 9783423135689 _ Mosebach, Martin _ Das Beben. Roman. _ Dtv _ 2008 1 ADET
64 65 _ 9783596189816 _ Müller, Herta _ Niederungen _ Fischer _ 2011 1 ADET
65 66 _ 9783476019806 _ Wild, Reiner _ Geschichte Der Deutschen Kinder-Und Jugendliteratur _ Metzler _ 2007 1 ADET
66 67 _ 9781108474856 _ Al-Musawi, Muhsin J. _ The Arabian Nights İn Contemporary World Cultures: Global Commodification, Translation, And The Culture Industry _ Cambridge University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
67 68 _ 9781503612396 _ Atshan, Sa'ed _ Queer Palestine And The Empire Of Critique _ Stanford University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
68 69 _ 9780691205953 _ Canaday, Margot _ Queer Career: Sexuality And Work İn Modern America _ Princeton University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
69 70 _ 9781503614246 _ Haeri, Niloofar _ Say What Your Longing Heart Desires Women, Prayer, And Poetry İn Iran _ Stanford University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
70 71 _ 9780674247949 _ Kurt, Ümit _ The Armenians Of Aintab: The Economics Of Genocide İn An Ottoman Province _ Harvard University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
71 72 _ 9781503633865 _ Lara Deeb, Tsolin Nalbantian, Nadya Sbaiti _ Practicing Sectarianism Archival And Ethnographic Interventions On Lebanon _ Stanford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
72 73 _ 9781503611986 _ Rashid, Maria _ Dying To Serve Militarism, Affect, And The Politics Of Sacrifice İn The Pakistan Army _ Stanford University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
73 74 _ 9780691151328 _ Sheehi, Stephen _ The Arab Imago: A Social History Of Portrait Photography, 1860–1910 _ Princeton University Press _ 2016 1 ADET
74 75 _ 9780520289567 _ Tusan, Michelle _ Smyrna's Ashes Humanitarianism, Genocide, And The Birth Of The Middle East _ University Of California Press _ 2021 1 ADET
75 76 _ 9780192865298 _ Üngör, Ugur Ümit _ Paramilitarism: Mass Violence İn The Shadow Of The State _ Oxford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
76 77 _ 9781789205305 _ (Eds.) Kacandes, Irene And Yuliya Komska _ Easterneurope Unmapped: Beyond Borders And Peripheries _ Berghahn Books _ 2019 1 ADET
77 78 _ 9780197565728 _ Fahrenthold, Stacy D. _ Between The Ottomans And The Entente: The First World War İn The Syrian And Lebanese Diaspora, 1908-1925 _ Oxford University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
78 79 _ 9780197538807 _ Greble, Emily _ Muslims And The Making Of Modern Europe _ Oxford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
79 80 _ 9781503614819 _ Hoffman, Andrew J. _ The Engaged Scholar Expanding The Impact Of Academic Research İn Today’S World _ Stanford University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
80 81 _ 9780199683291 _ Johnson, Rob _ The Great War And The Middle East _ Oxford University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
81 82 _ 9780674987432 _ Kitromilides, Paschalis M. & Tsoukalas, Constantinos _ The Greek Revolution: A Critical Dictionary _ Harvard University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
82 83 _ 9780141991474 _ Otte, T. G. _ Statesman Of Europe: A Life Of Sir Edward Grey _ Allen Lane _ 2020 1 ADET
83 84 _ 9780241444320 _ Gingeras, Ryan _ The Last Days Of The Ottoman Empire _ Allen Lane _ 2022 1 ADET
84 85 _ 9781487541279 _ Guidi, Andreas _ Generations Of Empire: Youth From Ottoman To Italian Rule İn The Mediterranean _ University Of Toronto Press _ 2022 1 ADET
85 86 _ 9780190652005 _ Katsikas, Stefanos _ Islam And Nationalism İn Modern Greece, 1821-1940 _ Oxford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
86 87 _ 9780192895769 _ Macarthur-Seal, Daniel-Joseph _ Britain's Levantine Empire, 1914-1923 _ Oxford University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
87 88 _ 9780141978741 _ Mazower, Mark _ The Greek Revolution: 1821 And The Making Of Modern Europe _ Penguin _ 2021 1 ADET
88 89 _ 9781503613379 _ Methodieva, Milena B. _ Between Empire And Nation: Muslim Reform İn The Balkans _ Stanford University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
89 90 _ 9780755642533 _ Oğuz, Çiğdem _ Moral Crisis İn The Ottoman Empire: Society, Politics, And Gender During Wwı _ I. B. Tauris _ 2021 1 ADET
90 91 _ 9781788972451 _ (Eds.) Akram-Lodhi, A. Haroon, Kristina Dietz, Bettina Engels, Ben M. Mckay _ Handbook Of Critical Agrarian Studies _ Edward Elgar Publishing _ 2021 1 ADET
91 92 _ 9780367407605 _ (Eds.) Perreault, Tom, Gavin Bridge, James Mccarthy _ The Routledge Handbook Of Political Ecology _ Routledge _ 2019 1 ADET
92 93 _ 9781784785239 _ Campling, Liam And Alejandro Colás _ Capitalism And The Sea, The Maritime Factor İn The Making Of The Modern World _ Verso _ 2021 1 ADET
93 94 _ 9781583678398 _ Foster, John Bellamy And Brett Clark _ The Robbery Of Nature: Capitalism And The Ecological Rift _ Monthly Review Press _ 2020 1 ADET
94 95 _ 9780520278943 _ Berberian, Houri _ Roving Revolutionaries Armenians And The Connected Revolutions İn The Russian, Iranian, And Ottoman Worlds _ University Of California Press _ 2019 1 ADET
95 96 _ 9781487503772 _ Cucuz, Diana _ Winning Women’S Hearts And Minds: Selling Cold War Culture İn The Us And The Ussr _ University Of Toronto Press _ 2023 1 ADET
96 97 _ 9781487520366 _ Derry, Margaret E. _ Horses İn Society: A Story Of Animal Breeding And Marketing Culture, 1800-1920 _ University Of Toronto Press _ 2015 1 ADET
97 98 _ 9781442637207 _ Fraser, Erica L. _ Military Masculinity And Postwar Recovery İn The Soviet Union _ University Of Toronto Press _ 2019 1 ADET
98 99 _ 9780197511817 _ Türkmen, Gülay _ Under The Banner Of Islam: Turks, Kurds, And The Limits Of Religious Unity _ Oxford University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
99 100 _ 9781487525033 _ Vendrell, Javier Samper _ The Seduction Of Youth: Print Culture And Homosexual Rights İn The Weimar Republic _ University Of Toronto Press _ 2020 1 ADET
100 101 _ 9780197609118 _ (Eds.) Schippers, Huib And Anthony Seeger _ Music, Communities, Sustainability: Developing Policies And Practices _ Oxford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
101 102 _ 9780190092924 _ A. Ayoub, Samy _ Law, Empire, And The Sultan: Ottoman Imperial Authority And Late Hanafi Jurisprudence _ Oxford University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
102 103 _ 9780197532898 _ Anooshahr, Ali _ Turkestan And The Rise Of Eurasian Empires: A Study Of Politics And Invented Traditions _ Oxford University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
103 104 _ 9780520295353 _ Bayat, Asef. Herrera, Linda. _ Global Middle East (The Global Square) (Volume 3) _ University Of California Press _ 2021 1 ADET
104 105 _ 9781503610910 _ Danon, Dina _ The Jews Of Ottoman Izmir A Modern History _ Stanford University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
105 106 _ 9781108427845 _ Hafez, Melis _ Inventing Laziness: The Culture Of Productivity İn Late Ottoman Society _ Cambridge University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
106 107 _ 9780691234250 _ Kalisman, Hilary Falb _ Teachers As State-Builders: Education And The Making Of The Modern Middle East _ Princeton University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
107 108 _ 9780198722007 _ Saunders, Nicholas J. _ Desert Insurgency: Archaeology, T. E. Lawrence, And The Arab Revolt _ Oxford University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
108 109 _ 9780861933235 _ Taylor, James _ Creating Capitalism: Joint-Stock Enterprise İn British Politics And Culture, 1800-1870 (Royal Historical Society Studies İn History _ Royal Historical Society _ 2014 1 ADET
109 110 _ 9781503612204 _ Adly, Amr _ Cleft Capitalism The Social Origins Of Failed Market Making İn Egypt _ Stanford University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
110 111 _ 9780674971721 _ Downs, Jim _ Maladies Of Empire: How Colonialism, Slavery, And War Transformed Medicine _ Harvard University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
111 112 _ 9781874267997 _ İnal, Onur & Köse, Yavuz _ Seeds Of Power: Explorations İn Ottoman Environmental History _ White Horse Press _ 2019 1 ADET
112 113 _ 9780674241053 _ Olivarius, Kathryn _ Necropolis: Disease, Power, And Capitalism İn The Cotton Kingdom _ Harvard University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
113 114 _ 9780520342514 _ Shehabuddin, Elora _ Sisters İn The Mirror A History Of Muslim Women And The Global Politics Of Feminism _ University Of California Press _ 2021 1 ADET
114 115 _ 9780007575572 _ Sivasundaram, Sujit _ Waves Across The South: A New History Of Revolution And Empire _ The University Of Chicago Press _ 2021 1 ADET
115 116 _ 9780691199283 _ Stephen J. Collier, Andrew Lakoff _ The Government Of Emergency: Vital Systems, Expertise, And The Politics Of Security _ Princeton University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
116 117 _ 9781914049095 _ Varlık, Nükhet & Jones, Lori _ Death And Disease İn The Medieval And Early Modern World: Perspectives From Across The Mediterranean And Beyond _ York Medieval Press _ 2022 1 ADET
117 118 _ 9781503631441 _ Andrew, Simon _ Media Of The Masses Cassette Culture İn Modern Egypt _ Stanford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
118 119 _ 9780226752334 _ Coen, Deborah R. _ Climate İn Motion Science, Empire, And The Problem Of Scale _ The University Of Chicago Press _ 2020 1 ADET
119 120 _ 9781487505257 _ Dumancic, Marko _ Men Out Of Focus: The Soviet Masculinity Crisis İn The Long Sixties _ University Of Toronto Press _ 2021 1 ADET
120 121 _ 9780520343207 _ Houston, Christopher _ Istanbul, City Of The Fearless Urban Activism, Coup D'etat, And Memory İn Turkey _ University Of California Press _ 2020 1 ADET
121 122 _ 9780300266412 _ M. Hartley, Janet _ The Volga: A History Of Russia's Greatest River _ Yale University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
122 123 _ 9781503631557 _ Mikdashi, Maya _ Sectarianism Sovereignty, Secularism, And The State İn Lebanon _ Stanford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
123 124 _ 9780674251434 _ Morris, Benny & Ze'evi, Dror _ The Thirty-Year Genocide: Turkey’S Destruction Of Its Christian Minorities, 1894–1924 _ Harvard University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
124 125 _ 9781469671734 _ Pearson, Chad E. _ Capital's Terrorists Klansmen, Lawmen, And Employers İn The Long Nineteenth Century _ The University Of North Carolina Press _ 2022 1 ADET
125 126 _ 9781503614208 _ Piliavsky, Anastasia _ Nobody's People Hierarchy As Hope İn A Society Of Thieves _ Stanford University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
126 127 _ 9783111087047 _ Roscher, Mieke, André Krebber And Brett Mizelle _ Handbook Of Historical Animal Studies _ De Gruyter Oldenbourg _ 2021 1 ADET
127 128 _ 9781442627291 _ Sorge, Antonio _ Legacies Of Violence: History, Society, And The State İn Sardinia _ University Of Toronto Press _ 2015 1 ADET
128 129 _ 9781474462631 _ (Eds.) Öztan, Ramazan Hakkı And Alp Yenen _ Age Of Rogues: Rebels, Revolutionaries And Racketeers At The Frontiers Of Empires _ Edinburgh University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
129 130 _ 9780367662646 _ Al, Serhun _ Patterns Of Nationhood And Saving The State İn Turkey: Ottomanism, Nationalism And Multiculturalism _ Routledge _ 2020 1 ADET
130 131 _ 9780520296145 _ Blumi, Isa _ Destroying Yemen: What Chaos İn Arabia Tells Us About The World _ University Of California Press _ 2018 1 ADET
131 132 _ 9781846684982 _ Colley, Linda _ The Gun, The Ship And The Pen: Warfare, Constitutions And The Making Of The Modern World _ Profile Books _ 2022 1 ADET
132 133 _ 9781846140860 _ Darwin, John _ Unlocking The World: Port Cities And Globalization İn The Age Of Steam, 1830-1930 _ Allen Lane _ 2020 1 ADET
133 134 _ 9781108708623 _ Fuhrmann, Malte _ Port Cities Of The Eastern Mediterranean: Urban Culture İn The Late Ottoman Empire _ Cambridge University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
134 135 _ 9780241957943 _ Harper, Tim _ Underground Asia: Global Revolutionaries And The Assault On Empire _ Allen Lane _ 2020 1 ADET
135 136 _ 9780520343702 _ Kayalı, Hasan _ Imperial Resilience The Great War’S End, Ottoman Longevity And Incidental Nations _ University Of California Press _ 2021 1 ADET
136 137 _ 9781316515464 _ Metinsoy, Murat _ The Power Of The People: Everyday Resistance And Dissent İn The Making Of Modern Turkey, 1923-38 _ Cambridge University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
137 138 _ 9781108832144 _ Wishnitzer, Avner _ As Night Falls: Eighteenth-Century Ottoman Cities After Dark _ Cambridge University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
138 139 _ 9781503609518 _ Demare, Brian _ Land Wars The Story Of China's Agrarian Revolution _ Stanford University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
139 140 _ 9781783489213 _ Harrington, Jack _ The Uses Of Imperial Citizenship: The British And French Empires _ Rowman & Littlefield Publishers _ 2022 1 ADET
140 141 _ 9780691242217 _ Nye, John V. C. _ War, Wine, And Taxes: The Political Economy Of Anglo-French Trade, 1689–1900 _ Princeton University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
141 142 _ 9780198852964 _ Özavcı, Ozan _ Dangerous Gifts Imperialism, Security, And Civil Wars İn The Levant, 1798-1864 _ Oxford University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
142 143 _ 9780520303591 _ Phillips, Amanda _ Sea Change: Ottoman Textiles Between The Mediterranean And The Indian Ocean _ University Of California Press _ 2021 1 ADET
143 144 _ 9781503634121 _ White, Alexandre I. R. _ Epidemic Orientalism Race, Capital, And The Governance Of Infectious Disease _ Stanford University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
144 145 _ 9783959940788 _ (Ed.) Kelly, J. B. _ Desert Dispute: The Diplomacy Of Boundary-Making İn South-Eastern Arabia (3 Vol Set) _ Gerlach Press _ 2019 1 ADET
145 146 _ 9780197530016 _ Barkey, Karen, Sudipta Kaviraj, And Vatsal Naresh _ Negotiating Democracy And Religious Pluralism: India, Pakistan, And Turkey _ Oxford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
146 147 _ 9781503612167 _ Giersch, C. Patterson _ Corporate Conquests Business, The State, And The Origins Of Ethnic Inequality İn Southwest China _ Stanford University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
147 148 _ 9780198825036 _ Robson, Laura _ The Politics Of Mass Violence İn The Middle East _ Oxford University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
148 149 _ 9780520382572 _ Rock-Singer, Aaron _ In The Shade Of The Sunna Salafi Piety İn The Twentieth-Century Middle East _ University Of California Press _ 2022 1 ADET
149 150 _ 9780520291263 _ Tamari, Salim. _ The Great War And The Remaking Of Palestine _ University Of California Press _ 2017 1 ADET
150 151 _ 9780192844415 _ Von Winning, Alexa _ Intimate Empire: The Mansurov Family İn Russia And The Orthodox East, 1855-1936 _ Oxford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
151 152 _ 9780520310728 _ Barak, On. _ Powering Empire How Coal Made The Middle East And Sparked Global Carbonization _ University Of California Press _ 2020 1 ADET
152 153 _ 9781503602823 _ Berda, Yael _ Living Emergency Israel's Permit Regime İn The Occupied West Bank _ Stanford University Press _ 2017 1 ADET
153 154 _ 9780192846198 _ Booth, Marilyn _ The Career And Communities Of Zaynab Fawwaz: Feminist Thinking İn Fin-De-Siècle Egypt _ Oxford University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
154 155 _ 9780520280823 _ Harris, Kevan _ A Social Revolution Politics And The Welfare State İn Iran _ University Of California Press _ 2017 1 ADET
155 156 _ 9780197621752 _ Katsikas, Stefanos _ Proselytes Of A New Nation Muslim Conversions To Orthodox Christianity İn Modern Greece _ Oxford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
156 157 _ 9781503629721 _ López, Jane Lilly _ Unauthorized Love Mixed-Citizenship Couples Negotiating Intimacy, Immigration, And The State _ Stanford University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
157 158 _ 9780141982465 _ Pye, Michael _ Antwerp: The Glory Years _ Penguin _ 2022 1 ADET
158 159 _ 9780197665039 _ Shattuck Jr. , Gardiner H. _ Christian Homeland Episcopalians And The Middle East, 1820-1958 _ Oxford University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
159 160 _ 9780367663896 _ (Eds.) Bauhardt, Christine, And Wendy Harcourt _ Feminist Political Ecology And The Economics Of Care: In Search Of Economic Alternatives _ Routledge _ 2020 1 ADET
160 161 _ 9781786438430 _ Bryant, Raymond L. _ The International Handbook Of Political Ecology _ Edward Elgar Publishing _ 2017 1 ADET
161 162 _ 9781503634046 _ Minawi, Mostafa _ Losing Istanbul: Arab-Ottoman Imperialists And The End Of Empire _ Stanford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
162 163 _ 9781503615403 _ Scaramelli, Caterina _ How To Make A Wetland: Water And Moral Ecology İn Turkey _ Stanford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
163 164 _ 9780520383418 _ Smith, Sarah-Neel _ Metrics Of Modernity Art And Development İn Postwar Turkey _ University Of California Press _ 2022 1 ADET
164 165 _ 9780190861568 _ Tamanaha, Brian Z. _ Legal Pluralism Explained: History, Theory, Consequences _ Oxford University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
165 166 _ 9781800732131 _ Gammerl, Benno _ Subjects, Cıtızens, And Others: Administering Ethnic Heterogeneity İn The British And Habsburg Empires, 1867-1918 _ Berghahn Books _ 2021 1 ADET
166 167 _ 9780691243559 _ Hyde, Timothy _ Ugliness And Judgment: On Architecture İn The Public Eye _ Princeton University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
167 168 _ 9780198857297 _ Malcolm, Noel _ Rebels, Believers, Survivors: Studies İn The History Of The Albanians _ Oxford University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
168 169 _ 9780192863119 _ Murray-Miller, Gavin _ Empire Unbound: France And The Muslim Mediterranean, 1880-1918 _ Oxford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
169 170 _ 9781503633759 _ Norrıs, Jacob _ The Lives And Deaths Of Jubrail Dabdoub, Or, How The Bethlehemites Discovered Amerka _ Stanford University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
170 171 _ 9780197558416 _ Stokes, Lauren _ Fear Of The Family: Guest Workers And Family Migration İn The Federal Republic Of Germany _ Oxford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
171 172 _ 9780367666323 _ Şenoğuz, Pınar _ Community, Change And Border Towns _ Routledge _ 2019 1 ADET
172 173 _ 9780198858324 _ Tasic, Dmitar _ Paramilitarism İn The Balkans: Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, And Albania, 1917-1924 _ Oxford University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
173 174 _ 9780367408718 _ (Eds.) Alber, Erdmute And Tatjana Thelen _ Politics And Kinship: A Reader _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
174 175 _ 9781350126817 _ (Eds.) Janeja, Manpreet K. ; Andreas Bandak _ Ethnographies Of Waiting: Doubt, Hope And Uncertainty _ Routledge _ 2019 1 ADET
175 176 _ 9781978825659 _ (Eds.) Junge, Benjamin; Sean T. Mitchell, Alvaro Jarrin, Lucia Cantero _ Precarious Democracy: Ethnographies Of Hope, Despair, And Resistance İn Brazil _ Rutgers University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
176 177 _ 9780520305304 _ Açıksöz, Salih Can _ Sacrificial Limbs: Masculinity, Disability, And Political Violence İn Turkey _ University Of California Press _ 2019 1 ADET
177 178 _ 9780520329768 _ Askari, Kaveh _ Relaying Cinema İn Midcentury Iran Material Cultures İn Transit _ University Of California Press _ 2022 1 ADET
178 179 _ 9781503632097 _ Bıshara, Amahl _ Crossing A Line: Laws, Violence, And Roadblocks To Palestinian Political Expression _ Stanford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
179 180 _ 9781503631854 _ Massicard, Elise _ Street-Level Governing: Negotiating The State İn Urban Turkey _ Stanford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
180 181 _ 9780520382886 _ Nassar, Issam. Sheehi, Stephen. Tamari, Salim _ Camera Palaestina Photography And Displaced Histories Of Palestine _ University Of California Press _ 2022 1 ADET
181 182 _ 9780197532683 _ Ryan, Eileen _ Religion As Resistance: Negotiating Authority İn Italian Libya _ Oxford University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
182 183 _ 9780190841577 _ Schrad, Mark Lawrence _ Smashing The Liquor Machine: A Global History Of Prohibition _ Oxford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
183 184 _ 9781503611139 _ Wallach, Yair _ A City İn Fragments Urban Text İn Modern Jerusalem _ Stanford University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
184 185 _ 9781138370272 _ Alison Waterhouse _ Emotional Literacy: Supporting Emotional Health And Wellbeing İn School _ Routledge _ 2019 1 ADET
185 186 _ 9781032126623 _ Amber Chandler _ The Flexible Sel Classroom: Practical Ways To Build Social Emotional Learning _ Routledge _ 2022 _ Second Edition 1 ADET
186 187 _ 9780367468859 _ Bridget Grenville-Cleave Et Al. _ Creating The World We Want To Live İn: How Positive Psychology Can Built A Brighter Future _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
187 188 _ 9780143110170 _ Daniel Shapiro _ Negotiating The Nonnegotiable: How To Resolve Your Most Emotionally Charged Conflicts _ Penguin _ 2017 1 ADET
188 189 _ 9798794870985 _ Earth Saylove _ Hip Hop And The Art Of Peace Education _ İndependently Published _ 2022 1 ADET
189 190 _ 9781032380971 _ Gary E. Schaffer, Stacy L. Bender _ Implementing Universal Social-Emotional Programs: A Step-By-Step Guide For Schools _ Routledge _ 2023 1 ADET
190 191 _ 9781032045979 _ Joanna Grace Phillips, Sivanes Phillipson, Gaye Tyler-Merrick _ Growing Children’S Social And Emotional Skills: Using Together Programme _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
191 192 _ 9781032149202 _ Katherine Kapustka, Sarah Bright _ Integrating Social And Emotional Learning With Content _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
192 193 _ 9780367585365 _ Neil Humphrey, Ann Lendrum, Michael Wigelsworth, Mark T. Greenberg _ Social And Emotional Learning _ Routledge _ 2019 1 ADET
193 194 _ 9781648025716 _ Nicole L Johnson _ Humanities Perspective İn Peace Education Re-Engaging The Heart Of Peace _ Information Age Publishing _ 2021 1 ADET
194 195 _ 9780367677183 _ Piers Worth _ Positive Psychology Across The Life Span: An Existential Perspective _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
195 196 _ 9781544350899 _ Julianne Cheek, Elise Øby _ Research Design: Why Thinking About Design Matters _ Sage Publishing _ 2023 1 ADET
196 197 _ 9781032251745 _ Marilyn Lichtman _ Qualitative Research İn Education: A User's Guide _ Routledge _ 0 1 ADET
197 198 _ 9781138336841 _ Olivia N. Saracho _ Handbook Of Research On The Education Of Young Children _ Routledge _ 0 _ Fourth Ed 1 ADET
198 199 _ 9781529730425 _ Peter A. Stevens _ Qualitative Data Analysis: Key Approaches _ Sage Publishing _ 2023 1 ADET
199 200 _ 9780367144425 _ Viv Randall, Debbie Reel, Nicola Smith _ Teachers And Young Researchers İn Action: Working Together To Transform Practice _ Routledge _ 2020 1 ADET
200 201 _ 9781032200958 _ Allison Paolini _ Using Social Emotional Learning To Prevent School Violence: A Reference And Activity Guide _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
201 202 _ 9781732962224 _ Betty Reardon _ Comprehensive Peace Education: Educating For Global Responsibility _ Peace Knowledge Press _ 2021 1 ADET
202 203 _ 9780367895891 _ Erica Frydenberg, Janice Deans, Rachel Liang _ Young Children's Social Emotional Learning: The Cope-Resilience Program _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
203 204 _ 9781032081427 _ Erica Frydenberg, Janice Deans, Rachel Liang _ Building Empathy İn Children Through Community Connections: A Guide For Early Years Educators _ Routledge _ 2023 1 ADET
204 205 _ 9781032062464 _ Jamel Carly Campbell, Sonia Mainstone-Cotton _ Building Positive Relationships İn The Early Years: Conversations To Empower Children, Professionals, Families And Communities _ Routledge _ 2023 1 ADET
205 206 _ 9780367728960 _ Jane Murray, Ioanna Palaiologou _ Young Children's Emotional Experiences _ Routledge _ 2020 1 ADET
206 207 _ 9780367712884 _ Joan E. Moore _ Developing Secure Attachment Through Play: Helping Vulnerable Children Build Their Social And Emotional Wellbeing _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
207 208 _ 9781138897496 _ Katharine M. Banham Bridges _ The Social And Emotional Development Of The Pre-School Child _ Routledge _ 2019 1 ADET
208 209 _ 9780367511371 _ Rona Tutt, Paul Williams _ How To Maximise Emotional Wellbeing And Improve Mental Health: The Essential Guide To Establishing A Whole-School Ethos _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
209 210 _ 9780367545123 _ Sonia Mainstone-Cotton _ Supporting Children With Social, Emotional And Mental Health Needs İn The Early Years: Practical Solutions And Strategies For Every Setting _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
210 211 _ 9781138228856 _ Tricia Johnson _ Understanding The Emotional Needs Of Children İn The Early Years _ Routledge _ 2018 1 ADET
211 212 _ 9781032065069 _ Wendy Ostroff _ Empowering Young Children: How To Nourish Deep, Transformative Learning For Social Justice _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
212 213 _ 9780198820635 _ Bulmer, Simon Et Al. _ Politics İn The European Union _ _ 2020 _ 5Th 1 ADET
213 214 _ 9780674976412 _ Chapman, Herrick _ France’S Long Reconstruction. In Search Of The Modern Republic _ Harvard University Press _ 2018 1 ADET
214 215 _ 9781509549405 _ Favell, Adrian _ The Integration Nation. Immigration And Colonial Powers İn Liberal Democracies, _ Polity Press _ 2022 1 ADET
215 216 _ 9781350156425 _ Rappas, Alexis _ Cyrpus İn The 1930S _ Bloomsbury Academic _ 0 1 ADET
216 217 _ 9780801894275 _ Riley, Dylan _ The Civic Foundations Of Fascism _ Johns Hopkins University _ 2010 1 ADET
217 218 _ 9781472120571 _ Alexis Wright _ The Swan Book _ Wastington Square Press _ 2018 1 ADET
218 219 _ 9781982168445 _ Anthony Doerr _ Cloud Cuckoo Land _ Scribner _ 2022 1 ADET
219 220 _ 9780571376483 _ Barbara Kingsolver _ Demon Copperhead _ Harper _ 2022 1 ADET
220 221 _ 9780802157706 _ Bernardine Evaristo _ Girl, Woman, Other: A Novel _ Grove Press _ 2019 1 ADET
221 222 _ 9781032424057 _ By Miriam Fernández-Santiago And Cristina M. Gámez-Fernández (Editors) _ Representing Vulnerabilities İn Contemporary Literature _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
222 223 _ 9781529111866 _ Charlotte Mcconaghy _ Migrations _ Flatiron Books _ 2021 1 ADET
223 224 _ 9781501384776 _ Darko Suvin _ Disputing The Deluge: Collected 21St-Century Writings On Utopia, Narration, And Survival _ Bloomsbury Academic _ 2021 1 ADET
224 225 _ 9781529083514 _ Emily St. John Mandel _ Sea Of Tranquility _ Vintage _ 2022 1 ADET
225 226 _ 9780814215074 _ Erin James _ Narrative İn The Anthropocene _ Ohio State Up _ 2022 1 ADET
226 227 _ 9780525567035 _ Ian Mcewan _ Machines Like Me _ Anchor _ 2020 1 ADET
227 228 _ 9781942173700 _ Madeline Lane-Mckinley _ Comedy Against Work: Utopian Longing İn Dystopian Times _ Common Notions _ 2022 1 ADET
228 229 _ 9781846592133 _ Maggie Gee _ The Red Children _ Telegram Books _ 2022 1 ADET
229 230 _ 9780525562627 _ Margaret Atwood _ The Testaments _ Anchor _ 2020 1 ADET
230 231 _ 9780241979068 _ Mohsin Hamid _ Exit West _ Riverhead Books _ 2018 1 ADET
231 232 _ 9781101973134 _ Omar El Akkad _ American War: A Novel _ Vintage _ 2018 1 ADET
232 233 _ 9781108704922 _ Peter Boxall _ The Cambridge Companion To British Fiction: 1980-2018 _ Cambridge University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
233 234 _ 9780393635522 _ Richard Powers _ The Overstory _ W. W Norton & Company _ 2018 1 ADET
234 235 _ 9781324036142 _ Richard Powers _ Bewilderment _ W. W Norton & Company _ 2022 1 ADET
235 236 _ 9781789048544 _ Robert T. Tally Jr. _ For A Ruthless Critique Of All That Exists: Literature İn An Age Of Capitalist Realism _ Zero Books _ 2022 1 ADET
236 237 _ 9780356510040 _ Sam J. Miller _ Blackfish City _ Ecco _ 2018 1 ADET
237 238 _ 9780091920944 _ Barrett, Andrea _ The Air We Breathe _ _ 0 1 ADET
238 239 _ 9780814255612 _ Black, Barbara _ Hotel London: How Victorian Commercial Hospitality Shaped A Nation And Its Stories _ Ohio University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
239 240 _ 9798668991426 _ Henley, William Ernest _ In Hospital _ _ 2018 1 ADET
240 241 _ 9781845416591 _ James, Kevin, J. _ Histories, Meanings And Representations Of The Modern Hotel _ Channel View Publications _ 2018 1 ADET
241 242 _ 9781911583806 _ John Simmons _ Spanish Crossings _ Urbane Publications _ 2018 1 ADET
242 243 _ 9781905847877 _ Max Blecher _ Scarred Hearts _ _ 0 1 ADET
243 244 _ 9780300142020 _ Sandoval-Strausz, Andrew K. _ Hotel: An American History _ Yale University Press _ 2008 1 ADET
244 245 _ 9783030221317 _ Short, Emily _ Mobility And The Hotel İn Modern Literature: Passing Through _ ?Palgrave Macmillan _ 2019 1 ADET
245 246 _ 9780755332953 _ Victoria Hislop _ The Return: A Novel _ Harper Perennial _ 2009 1 ADET
246 247 _ 9781922070494 _ Vogel, David _ Two Novellas: In The Sanatorium And Facing The Sea _ _ 0 1 ADET
247 248 _ 9780521429450 _ John Richetti _ The Cambridge Companion To The Eighteenth-Century Novel _ Cambridge Up _ 1996 1 ADET
248 249 _ 9780754662372 _ Kate Loveman _ Reading Fictions, 1660-1740: Deception İn English Literary And Political Culture. _ Routledge _ 2008 1 ADET
249 250 _ 9781316630280 _ Marak Goldie _ The Cambridge History Of Eighteenth-Century Political Thought _ Cambridge Up _ 2016 1 ADET
250 251 _ 9781108733816 _ Paul Guyer _ A History Of Modern Aesthetics: Volume 1, The Eighteenth Century _ Campbridge Up _ 2018 1 ADET
251 252 _ 9780198184775 _ Ros Ballaster _ Seductive Forms: Women's Amatory Fiction From 1684 To 1740 _ Clarendon Press _ 1998 1 ADET
252 253 _ 9780230549388 _ Ros Ballaster _ The History Of British Women's Writing, 1690-1750: Volume Four 2010Th Edition _ Palgrave Macmillan _ 2010 1 ADET
253 254 _ 9780333492369 _ Ros Ballaster _ Women's Worlds: Ideology, Femininity And Women's Magazines _ Red Globe Press _ 1991 1 ADET
254 255 _ 9781526161475 _ Angie Blumberg _ British Literature And Archaeology, 1880-1930 _ Manchester University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
255 256 _ 9780674248854 _ Cathy N. Davidson And Christina Katopodis _ The New College Classroom _ Harvard University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
256 257 _ 9780803224407 _ Donald L. Hardesty _ Mining Archaeology İn The American West: A View From The Silver State _ University Of Nebraska Press _ 2010 1 ADET
257 258 _ 9780198859550 _ Edith Wharton _ A Son At The Front _ Oxford University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
258 259 _ 9786155423697 _ Edith Wharton, Agnes Zsofia Kovacs (Editor) _ Osprey Notes _ Americana E-Books _ 2021 1 ADET
259 260 _ 9781350202511 _ Josie Gill, Katriona Mckenzie, Emma Lightfoot (Editors) _ Writing Remains: New Intersections On Archaeology, Literature And Science _ Bloomsbury Academic _ 2021 1 ADET
260 261 _ 9780813027968 _ Luann De Cunzo And John H. Jameson Jr (Editors) _ Unlocking The Past: Celebrating Historical Archaeology İn North America _ University Press Of Florida _ 2005 1 ADET
261 262 _ 9781782111573 _ Agbabi, Patience _ Telling Tales _ Canongate Books _ 2015 1 ADET
262 263 _ 9780415277983 _ Gavins, Joanna _ Cognitive Poetics İn Practice _ Routledge _ 2003 1 ADET
263 264 _ 9781501398186 _ Margaret H. Freeman, Peter Schneck _ Emily Dickinson's Poetic Art: A Cognitive Reading _ Bloomsbury Academic _ 2003 1 ADET
264 265 _ 9781138781368 _ Stockwell, Peter _ Cognitive Poetics: An Introduction _ Routledge _ 2019 1 ADET
265 266 _ 9780472052868 _ Daniel Sack _ After Live Possibility, Potentiality, And The Future Of Performance _ University Of Michigan Press _ 2015 1 ADET
266 267 _ 9780691162805 _ Esther Da Costa Meyer _ Dividing Paris: Urban Renewal And Social Inequality, 1852-1870. _ Princeton University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
267 268 _ 9781408173824 _ Harry J. Elam And Douglas A. Jones _ The Methuen Drama Book Of Post-Black Plays _ Methuen Drama _ 2013 1 ADET
268 269 _ 9780810144057 _ Jisha Menon _ Brutal Beauty: Aesthetics And Aspiration İn Urban India _ Northwestern University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
269 270 _ 9780231187794 _ Minou Arjomand _ Staged: Show Trials, Political Theatre, And The Aesthetics Of Judgment _ Columbia University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
270 271 _ 9780472055746 _ Ryan Claycomb _ In The Lurch: Verbatim Theater And The Crisis Of Democratic Deliberation _ University Of Michigan Press _ 2023 1 ADET
271 272 _ 9780472056323 _ Stefka Mihaylova _ Viewers İn Distress: Race, Gender, And Avant-Garde Performance At The Turn Of The Twenty-First Century _ University Of Michigan Press _ 2023 1 ADET
272 273 _ 9781551119007 _ Tracy C. Davis _ The Broadview Anthology Of Nineteenth-Century British Performance _ Broadview Press _ 2011 1 ADET
273 274 _ 9781350068728 _ Wesley Brown And Aimee K. Michel _ The Methuen Drama Anthology Of American Women Playwrights: 1970-2020 _ Methuen Drama _ 2020 1 ADET
274 275 _ 9781138775787 _ Birgit Mara Kaiser _ Singularity And Transnational Poetics _ Routledge _ 2014 1 ADET
275 276 _ 9781588342706 _ Crowell _ Living Our Cultures, Sharing Our Heritage: The First People's Of Alaska _ Smithsonian _ 0 1 ADET
276 277 _ 9781472523815 _ Félix Guattari _ The Three Ecologies _ Bloomsbury Academic _ 2014 1 ADET
277 278 _ 9781032093697 _ Hande Gürses, Irmak Ertuna Howison _ Animals, Plants, And Landscapes: An Ecology Of Turkish Literature And Film _ Routledge _ 2019 1 ADET
278 279 _ 9781250822901 _ Hanna Pylväinen _ The End Of Drum-Time _ Henry Holt And Co _ 2023 1 ADET
279 280 _ 9789386906410 _ Leonid Plotkin _ Nostalgia For Eternity: Journeys İn Religion, History And Myth On The Indian Subcontinent _ Niyogi Books _ 2018 1 ADET
280 281 _ 9780822344650 _ Maria Sháa Tláa Williams _ The Alaska Native Reader: History, Culture, Politics _ Duke University Press _ 2009 1 ADET
281 282 _ 9783957960856 _ Mercedes Bunz, Birgit Mara Kaiser _ Symptoms Of The Planetary Condition: A Critical Vocabulary _ Meson Press Eg _ 2017 1 ADET
282 283 _ 9781793637031 _ Serpil Oppermann, Sinan Akıllı _ Turkish Ecocriticism: From Neolithic To Contemporary Timescapes _ Lexington Books _ 2020 1 ADET
283 284 _ 9780367882389 _ By Deborah Denenholz Morse (Editor) , Margaret Markwick (Editor) _ The Routledge Research Companion To Anthony Trollope _ Routledge _ 2019 1 ADET
284 285 _ 9781032241869 _ By Lorna Piatti-Farnell (Editor) , Donna Lee Brien (Editor) _ The Routledge Companion To Literature And Food _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
285 286 _ 9781788741668 _ By Marguerite Corporaal (Editor) , Peter Gray (Editor) _ The Great Irish Famine And Social Class: Conflicts, Responsibilities, Representations _ Peter Lang _ 2019 1 ADET
286 287 _ 9780367442118 _ Gloria Mcmillan _ The Routledge Companion To Literature And Class _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
287 288 _ 9781478011088 _ Jack Halberstam _ Wild Things: The Disorder Of Desire (Perverse Modernities: A Series _ Duke University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
288 289 _ 9781472457158 _ Lesa Scholl _ Hunger Movements İn Early Victorian Literature _ Routledge _ 2016 1 ADET
289 290 _ 9781800790841 _ Nealy Judd _ Travel Narratives Of The Irish Famine _ Peter Lang _ 2020 1 ADET
290 291 _ 9781447250975 _ Burton, Jessie _ The Muse _ _ 2017 1 ADET
291 292 _ 9781350350748 _ David Roberts, Andrew Milner, Peter Murphy _ Science Fiction And Narrative Form _ Bloomsbury Academic _ 2023 1 ADET
292 293 _ 9780300054965 _ Dizikes, John _ Opera İn America: A Cultural History _ Yale University Press _ 1993 1 ADET
293 294 _ 9780192803771 _ Graham, Helen _ The Spanish Civil War: A Very Short Introduction _ Oxford University Press _ 0 1 ADET
294 295 _ 9780241243671 _ Lee, Laurie _ Village Christmas _ Penguin Classics _ 2016 1 ADET
295 296 _ 9781519531117 _ Lloyd, Nick _ Forgotten Places: Barcelona And The Spanish Civil War _ Createspace Independent Publishing Platform _ 2015 1 ADET
296 297 _ 9780811216296 _ Maso, Carole _ The Art Lover _ _ 2006 1 ADET
297 298 _ 9780415905664 _ Montgomery, Maureen E _ Displaying Women: Spectacles Of Leisure İn Edith Wharton's New York _ New York Routledge _ 1998 1 ADET
298 299 _ 9781950539031 _ Olsen, Lance _ My Red Heaven _ _ 2020 1 ADET
299 300 _ 9780521174701 _ Payne, Stanley G. _ The Spanish Civil War _ Cambridge University Press _ 0 _ 7/14/12 1 ADET
300 301 _ 9780915308750 _ Rodoreda, Merce _ The Time Of The Doves _ _ 1986 1 ADET
301 302 _ 9781940953281 _ Rodoreda, Merce _ Death İn Spring _ _ 2015 1 ADET
302 303 _ 9781593767174 _ Tillman, Lynne _ Mothercare: On Obligation, Love, Death And Ambivalence _ _ 2022 1 ADET
303 304 _ 9780525562047 _ Wuong, Ocean _ On Earth We Are Briefly Gorgeous _ _ 0 1 ADET
304 305 _ 9781643620022 _ Brian Teare _ Doomstead Days _ Nightboat Books _ 2019 1 ADET
305 306 _ 9781571315069 _ Claire Wahmanholm _ Wilder: Poems _ Milkweed Editions _ 2018 1 ADET
306 307 _ 9780810127111 _ Craig Dworkin _ Against Expression: An Anthology Of Conceptual Writing _ Northwestern University Press _ 2011 1 ADET
307 308 _ 9781471645617 _ David Mclean _ A Posthuman Poetry Manifesto _ Lulu. Com _ 2022 1 ADET
308 309 _ 9781555977221 _ Diane Seuss _ Four-Legged Girl: Poems _ Graywolf _ 2015 1 ADET
309 310 _ 9781644450451 _ Diane Seuss _ Frank: Sonnets _ Graywolf _ 2020 1 ADET
310 311 _ 9781558498259 _ Diane Seuss _ Wolf Lake, White Gown Blown Open: Poems _ University Of Massachusetts Press _ 2010 1 ADET
311 312 _ 9780374537692 _ Frank Bidart _ Half-Light: Collected Poems 1965-2016 _ Farrar, Straus And Giroux _ 2018 1 ADET
312 313 _ 9781555978310 _ Ilya Kaminsky _ Deaf Republic _ Graywolf _ 2019 1 ADET
313 314 _ 9781780371542 _ J. H. Prynne _ Poems: [Third Edition] _ Bloodaxe Books _ 2015 1 ADET
314 315 _ 9781915079732 _ J. H. Prynne _ At Raucous Purposeful _ Broken Sleep Books _ 2022 1 ADET
315 316 _ 9781590179796 _ J. H. Prynne _ The White Stones _ Nyrb Poets _ 2016 1 ADET
316 317 _ 9781666742169 _ Johannes Aakjær Steenbuch _ Negative Theology: A Short Introduction _ Cascade Books _ 2022 1 ADET
317 318 _ 9780375712180 _ Mark Strand _ Almost Invisible _ Knopf _ 2012 1 ADET
318 319 _ 9781529051230 _ Robin Robertson _ Grimoire _ Picador _ 2022 1 ADET
319 320 _ 9780822963318 _ Ross Gay _ Catalog Of Unabashed Gratitude _ University Of Pittsburgh Press _ 2015 1 ADET
320 321 _ 9780719083242 _ Stephen Cheeke _ Writing For Art: The Aesthetics Of Ekphrasis _ Manchester University Press _ 2008 1 ADET
321 322 _ 9780811229593 _ Susan Howe _ Concordance _ New Directions _ 2020 1 ADET
322 323 _ 9780811229777 _ Susan Howe _ Spontaneous Particulars: Telepathy Of Archives _ New Directions _ 2020 1 ADET
323 324 _ 9780819511942 _ Susan Howe _ Singularities _ Wesleyan University Press _ 1990 1 ADET
324 325 _ 9780374272630 _ Ted Hughes, Alice Oswald _ A Ted Hughes Bestiary: Poems _ Farrar, Straus And Giroux _ 2016 1 ADET
325 326 _ 9781529041262 _ Timothy Donnelly _ The Problem Of The Many _ Wave Books _ 2019 1 ADET
326 327 _ 9781555978150 _ Tracy K Smith _ American Journal: Fifty Poems For Our Time _ Graywolf Press _ 2018 1 ADET
327 328 _ 9781555975845 _ Tracy K. Smith _ Life On Mars: Poems _ Graywolf _ 2011 1 ADET
328 329 _ 9781098107963 _ Chip Huyen _ Designing Machine Learning Systems: An Iterative Process For Production-Ready Applications _ O'reilly Media _ 2022 1 ADET
329 330 _ 9780525431992 _ John Carreyrou _ Bad Blood: Secrets And Lies İn A Silicon Valley Startup _ Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group _ 2020 1 ADET
330 331 _ 9781732102217 _ John Ousterhout _ A Philosophy Of Software Design _ Yakynyam Press _ 2021 1 ADET
331 332 _ 9798985349900 _ Merih Taze _ Engineers Survival Guide: Advice, Tactics, And Tricks After A Decade Of Working At Facebook, Snapchat, And Microsoft _ Merih Taze _ 2021 1 ADET
332 333 _ 9781492086895 _ Neal Ford, Mark Richards, Pramod Sadalage, Zhamak Dehghani _ Software Architecture: The Hard Parts: Modern Trade-Off Analyses For Distributed Architectures _ O'reilly Media _ 2021 1 ADET
333 334 _ 9781781256855 _ Shoshana Zuboff _ The Age Of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight For A Human Future At The New Frontier Of Power _ Publicaffairs _ 2020 1 ADET
334 335 _ 9780367694326 _ Amitoj Singh, Vinay Kukreja, Taghi Javdani Gandomani _ Machine Learning For Edge Computing _ Crc Press _ 2022 1 ADET
335 336 _ 9781803247335 _ Denis Rothman, Antonio Gulli _ Transformers For Natural Language Processing: Build, Train, And Fine-Tune Deep Neural Network Architectures For Nlp With Python, Pytorch, Tensorflow, Bert, And Gpt-3 _ Packt Pub. _ 2022 1 ADET
336 337 _ 9783031231926 _ Gerhard Paab, Sven Giesselbach _ Foundation Models For Natural Language Processing: Pre-Trained Language Models Integrating Media _ Springer _ 2023 1 ADET
337 338 _ 9780262042840 _ Jacob Eisenstein _ Introduction To Natural Language Processing _ Mıt Press _ 2019 1 ADET
338 339 _ 9781108497329 _ P. Koehn _ Neural Machine Translation _ Cambridge _ 2020 1 ADET
339 340 _ 9781108709385 _ Pablo Duboue _ The Art Of Feature Engineering _ Cambridge _ 2020 1 ADET
340 341 _ 9783031010453 _ Shashi Narayan, Claire Gardent _ Deep Learning Approaches To Text Production _ Morgan & Claypool Pub. _ 2020 1 ADET
341 342 _ 9781800563193 _ Steve Tingiris, Bret Kinsella _ Exploring Gpt-3: An Unofficial First Look At The General-Purpose Language Processing Apı From Openaı _ Packt Pub. _ 2021 1 ADET
342 343 _ 9781013293344 _ Yannick Parmentier, Jakub Waszczuk (Editors) _ Representation And Parsing Of Multiword Expressions _ Language Science Press _ 2019 1 ADET
343 344 _ 9781108420211 _ Yue Zhang, Zhiyang Teng _ Natural Language Processing: A Machine Learning Perspective _ Cambridge _ 2021 1 ADET
344 345 _ 9783031004599 _ Zhiyuan Liu, Jie Zhou _ Introduction To Graph Neural Networks _ Morgan & Claypool Pub. _ 2020 1 ADET
345 346 _ 9781098125974 _ Aurélien Géron _ Hands-On Machine Learning With Scikit-Learn, Keras, And Tensorflow: Concepts, Tools, And Techniques To Build Intelligent Systems _ O'reilly Media _ 2022 1 ADET
346 347 _ 9781032028552 _ Cathy Rogers _ Educational Neuroscience _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
347 348 _ 9781838495305 _ Ethan Honary _ Course Design Strategy: The Art Of Making People Learn _ Skills Converged Publishing _ 2021 1 ADET
348 349 _ 9780367655396 _ Fady Alnajjar (Author) , Christoph Bartneck (Author) , Paul Baxter (Author) , Tony Belpaeme (Author) , _ Robots İn Education _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
349 350 _ 9781564848536 _ Jaime Donally _ The Immersive Classroom: Create Customized Learning Experiences With Ar/Vr _ International Society For Technology İn Education _ 0 1 ADET
350 351 _ 9780807761212 _ Keith Sawyer _ The Creative Classroom: Innovative Teaching For 21St-Century Learners _ Teachers College Press _ 2019 1 ADET
351 352 _ 9780137282838 _ Renee Stevens _ Designing Immersive 3D Experiences: A Designer's Guide To Creating Realistic 3D Experiences For Extended Reality _ New Riders _ 2021 1 ADET
352 353 _ 9781032009056 _ Varun Arora _ Artificial Intelligence İn Schools: A Guide For Teachers, Administrators, And Technology Leaders _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
353 354 _ 9780367174804 _ Elizabeth G. Creamer (Author) _ Advancing Grounded Theory With Mixed Methods _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
354 355 _ 9781483350936 _ Elizabeth G. Creamer (Author) _ An Introduction To Fully Integrated Mixed Methods Research _ Sage Publications, Inc _ 2017 1 ADET
355 356 _ 9780415807357 _ Rosemary Luckin, Sadhana Puntambekar, Peter Goodyear, Barbara L Grabowski, Joshua Underwood, Niall W _ Handbook Of Design İn Educational Technology _ Routledge _ 2013 1 ADET
356 357 _ 9783030146092 _ Yael Kali (Editor) , Ayelet Baram-Tsabari (Editor) , Amit M. Schejter (Editor) _ Learning In A Networked Society: Spontaneous And Designed Technology Enhanced Learning Communities _ Springer _ 2019 1 ADET
357 358 _ 9783030673512 _ Ann Marcus-Quinn (Editor) , Tríona Hourigan (Editor) _ Handbook For Online Learning Contexts: Digital, Mobile And Open: Policy And Practice _ Springer _ 2021 1 ADET
358 359 _ 9780807765722 _ Erica Rosenfeld Halverson _ How The Arts Can Save Education: Transforming Teaching, Learning, And Instruction _ Teachers College Press _ 2021 1 ADET
359 360 _ 9781612505015 _ Gabrielle Rappolt-Schlichtmann, Samantha G. Daley, And L. Todd Rose, Foreword By Chris Dede _ A Research Reader İn Universal Design For Learning _ Harvard Education Press _ 2012 1 ADET
360 361 _ 9783030592493 _ Joop W. A. Berding _ Janusz Korczak Educating For Justice _ Springer _ 2020 1 ADET
361 362 _ 9783030393625 _ Orit Hazzan, Noa Ragonis, Tami Lapidot _ Guide To Teaching Computer Science An Activity-Based Approach _ Springer _ 2020 1 ADET
362 363 _ 9781138095564 _ Susan Mckenney, Thomas Reeves _ Conducting Educational Design Research _ Routledge _ 2018 1 ADET
363 364 _ 9783031141034 _ Dirk Ifenthaler, Sabine Seufert _ Artificial Intelligence Education İn The Context Of Work _ Springer _ 2022 1 ADET
364 365 _ 9781107544208 _ Barbara Dancygier _ The Cambridge Handbook Of Cognitive Linguistics _ Cambridge University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
365 366 _ 9781098136796 _ Lewis Tunstall, Leandro Von Werra, Thomas Wolf _ Natural Language Processing With Transformers, Revised Edition _ O'reilly Media _ 2022 1 ADET
366 367 _ 9781617296420 _ Masato Hagiwara _ Real-World Natural Language Processing: Practical Applications With Deep Learning _ Manning _ 2021 1 ADET
367 368 _ 9780262536561 _ Peter J. Denning, Matti Tedre _ Computational Thinking _ The Mıt Press _ 2019 1 ADET
368 369 _ 9783110703672 _ Terry Janzen, Barbara Shaffer _ Signed Language And Gesture Research İn Cognitive Linguistics _ De Gruyter Mouton _ 2023 1 ADET
369 370 _ 9780262046831 _ Angelo Cangelosi (Editor) , Minoru Asada (Editor) _ Cognitive Robotics _ The Mıt Press _ 2022 1 ADET
370 371 _ 9780190636111 _ Gordon M Shepherd, Sten Grillner _ Handbook Of Brain Microcircuits _ Oxford University Press _ 2018 _ Second Edition 1 ADET
371 372 _ 9780241985816 _ Karl Deisseroth (Author) _ Connections: A Story Of Human Feeling _ Penguin _ 2022 1 ADET
372 373 _ 9781529077223 _ Lucia Berlin _ A Manual For Cleaning Women: Selected Stories _ Picador _ 2021 1 ADET
373 374 _ 9781032275994 _ Phillip A. Laplante, Mohamad Kassab _ Requirements Engineering For Software And Systems _ Auerbach Publications _ 2022 _ 4Th Edition 1 ADET
374 375 _ 9780198809500 _ Bence Nanay _ Mental Imagery: Philosophy, Psychology, Neuroscience _ Oxford University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
375 376 _ 9780262543392 _ David A. Rosenbaum _ Action, Mind, And Brain _ Mıt Press _ 2022 1 ADET
376 377 _ 9780198871101 _ Edmund T. Rolls _ Brain Computations: What And How _ Oxford University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
377 378 _ 9780684838915 _ Robert M. Sapolsky _ The Trouble With Testosterone: And Other Essays On The Biology Of The Human Predicament _ Scribner _ 0 1 ADET
378 379 _ 9780691161525 _ David Feldman _ Chaos And Dynamical Systems _ Princeton University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
379 380 _ 9781451665703 _ Deborah Gordon _ Ants At Work: How An Insect Society Is Organized _ Free Press _ 2011 1 ADET
380 381 _ 9780367703295 _ Dennis Waters _ Behavior And Culture İn One Dimension _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
381 382 _ 9780995455030 _ Inigo Wilkins _ Irreversible Noise _ The Mıt Press _ 2023 1 ADET
382 383 _ 9781984879059 _ Jordan Ellenberg _ Shape: The Hidden Geometry Of Information, Biology, Strategy, Democracy, And Everything Else _ Penguin Press _ 2021 1 ADET
383 384 _ 9780198825258 _ Matthew Cobb _ Smell: A Very Short Introduction _ Oxford University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
384 385 _ 9781138335264 _ Michael T. Turvey _ Lectures On Perception An Ecological Perspective _ Routledge _ 2018 1 ADET
385 386 _ 9780262043304 _ Peter Sterling _ What Is Health?: Allostasis And The Evolution Of Human Design _ The Mıt Press _ 2020 1 ADET
386 387 _ 9780262544498 _ Robert Hassan _ Analog _ The Mıt Press _ 2023 1 ADET
387 388 _ 9780306826627 _ Sally Adee _ We Are Electric: Inside The 200-Year Hunt For Our Body's Bioelectric Code, And What The Future Holds _ Hachette Books _ 2023 1 ADET
388 389 _ 9781643137995 _ Thomas R. Verny _ The Embodied Mind: Understanding The Mysteries Of Cellular Memory, Consciousness, And Our Bodies _ Pegasus Books _ 2023 1 ADET
389 390 _ 9781032013572 _ Anne Mccabe _ A Functional Linguistic Perspective On Developing Language _ Routledge _ 0 1 ADET
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391 392 _ 9781526447210 _ Kevin Smets (Editor) , Koen Leurs (Editor) , Myria Georgiou (Editor) _ The Sage Handbook Of Media And Migration _ Sage _ 0 1 ADET
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393 394 _ 9780008321239 _ Peter Godfrey-Smith (Author) _ Metazoa: Animal Minds And The Birth Of Consciousness _ _ 0 1 ADET
394 395 _ 9780262047432 _ Philippe Schlenker _ What It All Means: Semantics For (Almost) Everything _ The Mıt Press _ 0 1 ADET
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396 397 _ 9780008403836 _ Stefano Massini (Author) , Richard Dixon (Translator) _ The Lehman Trilogy _ Harpervia _ 0 1 ADET
397 398 _ 9780593139028 _ The Moth (Author) , Meg Bowles (Author) , & 6 More _ How To Tell A Story _ Crown _ 0 1 ADET
398 399 _ 9780198791003 _ Brian Rogers _ Perception: A Very Short Introduction _ Oxford University Press _ 2017 1 ADET
399 400 _ 9780443158186 _ Gerald Litwack _ Hormones And Epigenetics (Volume 122) (Vitamins And Hormones, Volume 122) _ Academic Press _ 2023 1 ADET
400 401 _ 9780323850629 _ Jacopo Troisi _ Metabolomics Perspectives: From Theory To Practical Application _ Academic Press _ 2022 1 ADET
401 402 _ 9780190619619 _ Benjamin Ehrlich _ The Dreams Of Santiago Ramon Y Cajal _ Oxford University Press _ 2017 1 ADET
402 403 _ 9780198832232 _ Carlos Gussenhoven, Aoju Chen _ The Oxford Handbook Of Language Prosody _ Oxford University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
403 404 _ 9780198871705 _ Giacomo Rizzolatti, Corrado Sinigaglia Frances Andersen _ Mirroring Brains _ Oxford University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
404 405 _ 9781984853714 _ Karl Deisseroth _ Projections: A Story Of Human Emotions _ Random House Trade Paperbacks _ 2023 1 ADET
405 406 _ 9781250296108 _ Kate Darling _ The New Breed _ Holt Paperbacks _ 2022 1 ADET
406 407 _ 9781567501438 _ Kenneth M. Ford, Zenon W. Pylyshyn _ The Robots Dilemma Revisited: The Frame Problem İn Artificial Intelligence _ Praeger _ 1996 _ 2Nd Edition 1 ADET
407 408 _ 9780262544603 _ Luiz Pessoa _ The Entangled Brain: How Perception, Cognition, And Emotion Are Woven Together _ The Mıt Press _ 2022 1 ADET
408 409 _ 9780197631669 _ Michele J. Gelfand, Chi-Yue Chiu, And Ying-Yi Hong _ Handbook Of Advances İn Culture And Psychology Volume 9 _ Oxford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
409 410 _ 9780197567777 _ James E. Cutting _ Movies On Our Minds _ Oxford University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
410 411 _ 9789027210616 _ Klaus-Uwe Panther _ Introduction To Cognitive Pragmatics _ John Benjamins Publishing Company _ 2022 1 ADET
411 412 _ 9781788734318 _ Lizzie O'shea _ Future Histories _ Verso _ 2021 1 ADET
412 413 _ 9783030853075 _ Louise Mcnally, Zoltán Gendler Szabó _ A Reader's Guide To Classic Papers İn Formal Semantics: Volume 100 Of Studies İn Linguistics And Philosophy _ Springer _ 2022 1 ADET
413 414 _ 9780190070557 _ Stephen Grossberg _ Conscious Mind, Resonant Brain _ Oxford University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
414 415 _ 9780593297063 _ Vaclav Smil _ How The World Really Works _ Viking _ 2022 1 ADET
415 416 _ 9781108493703 _ Concha Bielza, Pedro Larrañaga _ Data-Driven Computational Neuroscience: Machine Learning And Statistical Models _ Cambridge University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
416 417 _ 9780198778875 _ Jonathan Cole _ Losing Touch: A Man Without His Body _ Oxford University Press _ 2016 1 ADET
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421 422 _ 9780367588625 _ Amir Zeldes _ Multilayer Corpus Studies _ Routledge _ 2020 1 ADET
422 423 _ 9781108819824 _ Dirk Hovy _ Text Analysis İn Python For Social Scientists _ Cambridge University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
423 424 _ 9781617296765 _ Ekaterina Kochmar _ Getting Started With Natural Language Processing _ Manning _ 2022 1 ADET
424 425 _ 9780367727420 _ Roy Youdale _ Using Computers İn The Translation Of Literary Style _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
425 426 _ 9781617295447 _ Stephan Raaijmakers _ Deep Learning For Natural Language Processing _ Manning _ 2022 1 ADET
426 427 _ 9780262534215 _ Thierry Poibeau _ Machine Translation _ The Mıt Press _ 2017 1 ADET
427 428 _ 9781107676510 _ Andrew Gelman, Jennifer Hill, Aki Vehtari _ Regression And Other Stories _ Cambridge University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
428 429 _ 9781352010800 _ Erik Angner _ A Course İn Behavioral Economics _ Bloomsbury Academic _ 2020 _ 3Rd Edition 1 ADET
429 430 _ 9783031084270 _ Sabiou M. Inoua, Vernon L. Smith _ Economics Of Markets: Neoclassical Theory, Experiments, And Theory Of Classical Price Discovery _ Palgrave Macmillan _ 2022 1 ADET
430 431 _ 9780691213828 _ Scott Ashworth, Christopher R. Berry, Ethan Bueno De Mesquita _ Theory And Credibility: Integrating Theoretical And Empirical Social Science _ Princeton University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
431 432 _ 9780367524685 _ Tiffany Timbers, Trevor Campbell, Melissa Lee _ Data Science: A First Introduction _ Chapman And Hall/Crc _ 2022 1 ADET
432 433 _ 9780393868050 _ Daniel C. Dennett _ I've Been Thinking _ W. W. Norton & Company _ 2023 1 ADET
433 434 _ 9780198814764 _ Jonathan R. Brennan _ Language And The Brain: A Slim Guide To Neurolinguistics _ Oxford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
434 435 _ 9780735223851 _ Joseph Ledoux _ The Deep History Of Ourselves: The Four-Billion-Year Story Of How We Got Conscious Brains _ Penguin Books _ 2020 1 ADET
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436 437 _ 9780805895933 _ Keith S. Jones (Editor) _ How Shall Affordances Be Refined? Four Perspectives: A Special Issue Of Ecological Psychology _ Routledge _ 2003 1 ADET
437 438 _ 9781632170255 _ Leigh Calvez _ The Hidden Lives Of Owls: The Science And Spirit Of Nature's Most Elusive Birds _ Sasquatch Books _ 2016 1 ADET
438 439 _ 9780197618769 _ Paul Thagard _ Mind-Society _ Oxford University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
439 440 _ 9780367139919 _ Richard Mcelreath _ Statistical Rethinking: A Bayesian Course With Examples İn R And Stan _ Chapman And Hall/Crc _ 2020 _ 2Nd Edition 1 ADET
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441 442 _ 9781138559578 _ Kristin Andrews _ The Animal Mind: An İntroduction To The Philosophy Of Animal Cognition _ Routledge _ 2020 _ 2Nd Edition 1 ADET
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443 444 _ 9780197619681 _ Paul Thagard _ Natural Philosophy From Social Brains To Knowledge, Reality, Morality, And Beauty _ Oxford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
444 445 _ 9781631493997 _ Peter Catapano, Simon Critchley _ Modern Ethics İn 77 Arguments A Stone Reader _ Liveright _ 2018 1 ADET
445 446 _ 9780691240992 _ Renata Salecl _ A Passion For Ignorance: What We Choose Not To Know And Why _ Princeton University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
446 447 _ 9781786603869 _ Rosi Braidotti, Rick Dolphijn _ Philosophy After Nature _ Rowman & Littlefield Publishers _ 2017 1 ADET
447 448 _ 9780262544207 _ Tim Lomas _ Happiness _ Mıt Press _ 2023 1 ADET
448 449 _ 9780262537124 _ Timothy Morton _ Being Ecological _ The Mıt Press _ 2019 1 ADET
449 450 _ 9780198871019 _ Tyler Burge _ Perception: First Form Of Mind _ Oxford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
450 451 _ 9780691234458 _ Angèle Christin _ Metrics At Work: Journalism And The Contested Meaning Of Algorithms _ Princeton University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
451 452 _ 9781250862907 _ Benjamin Ehrlich _ The Brain İn Search Of Itself: Santiago Ramón Y Cajal And The Story Of The Neuron _ Farrar, Straus And Giroux _ 2023 1 ADET
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456 457 _ 9781108498029 _ Martin J. Wainwright _ High-Dimensional Statistics: A Non-Asymptotic Viewpoint _ Cambridge University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
457 458 _ 9780262539401 _ Michael Hallsworth, Elspeth Kirkman _ Behavioral Insights _ The Mıt Press _ 2020 1 ADET
458 459 _ 9780197262627 _ Michael Wheeler, John Ziman, Margaret A. Boden _ The Evolution Of Cultural Entities _ Oxford University Press _ 2002 1 ADET
459 460 _ 9780471159599 _ Sue Savage-Rumbaugh _ Kanzi: The Ape At The Brink Of The Human Mind _ Wiley _ 1996 1 ADET
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461 462 _ 9780857527691 _ Bill Bryson _ The Body Illustrated: A Guide For Occupants _ Penguin Books _ 2022 1 ADET
462 463 _ 9781984879684 _ Dacher Keltner _ Awe: The New Science Of Everyday Wonder And How It Can Transform Your Life _ Penguin Press _ 2023 1 ADET
463 464 _ 9780367679552 _ David B. Boles _ Cognitive Evolution: From Single Cells To The Human Mind _ Routledge _ 2022 _ 2Nd Edition 1 ADET
464 465 _ 9780857525789 _ Gary Ferguson _ Eight Master Lessons Of Nature _ Doubleday (Penguin) _ 2019 1 ADET
465 466 _ 9781529112825 _ Gretchen Mcculloch _ Because Internet: Understanding How Language İs Changing _ Penguin Books _ 2020 1 ADET
466 467 _ 9780143113454 _ James Gleick _ Chaos: Making A New Science _ Penguin Books _ 2008 1 ADET
467 468 _ 9780691254050 _ Katrina Van Grouw _ Unnatural Selection _ Princeton University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
468 469 _ 9780593157961 _ Lennart Nilsson, Linda Forsell, Lars Hamberger, Gudrun Abascal _ A Child Is Born: The Fifth Edition Of The Beloved Classic--Completely Revised And Updated _ Bantam _ 2020 _ 5Th Edition 1 ADET
469 470 _ 9781786633651 _ Leta Hong Fincher _ Betraying Big Brother: The Feminist Awakening İn China _ Verso _ 2021 1 ADET
470 471 _ 9781784705435 _ Lewis Dartnell _ Origins: How The Earth Shaped Human History _ Penguin Books _ 2020 1 ADET
471 472 _ 9781847926708 _ Lewis Dartnell _ Being Human: How Our Biology Shaped World History _ Penguin Books _ 2023 1 ADET
472 473 _ 9780141988498 _ Malcolm Gladwell _ Talking To Strangers: What We Should Know About The People We Don't Know _ Penguin Books _ 2020 1 ADET
473 474 _ 9789390547036 _ Rajiv Malhotra _ Artificial Intelligence And The Future Of Power: 5 Battlegrounds _ Rupa Publications _ 2020 1 ADET
474 475 _ 9781529176490 _ Richard Dawkins _ Books Do Furnish A Life: An Electrifying Celebration Of Science Writing _ Bantam _ 2021 1 ADET
475 476 _ 9780141030579 _ Robert Macfarlane _ Underland: A Deep Time Journey _ Penguin Books _ 2020 1 ADET
476 477 _ 9780241396896 _ Sharon Moalem _ The Better Half: On The Genetic Superiority Of Women _ Allen Lane _ 2020 1 ADET
477 478 _ 9780465028788 _ Thor Hanson _ Feathers: The Evolution Of A Natural Miracle _ Basic Books _ 2012 1 ADET
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479 480 _ 9780262519953 _ Herbert L. Roitblat And Jean-Arcady Meyer _ Comparative Approaches To Cognitive Science _ The Mıt Press _ 1995 1 ADET
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481 482 _ 9781529706529 _ Koen Leurs _ Digital Migration _ Sage Publications _ 2023 1 ADET
482 483 _ 9781529720945 _ Lina Dencik, Arne Hintz, Joanna Redden, Emiliano Treré _ Data Justice _ Sage Publications Ltd _ 2022 1 ADET
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484 485 _ 9781781255902 _ Matthew Cobb _ The Idea Of The Brain: The Past And Future Of Neuroscience _ Profile Books _ 2021 1 ADET
485 486 _ 9780691241692 _ Peter Robin Hiesinger _ The Self-Assembling Brain: How Neural Networks Grow Smarter _ Princeton University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
486 487 _ 9780262537520 _ Samuel Greengard _ Virtual Reality _ The Mıt Press _ 2019 1 ADET
487 488 _ 9780190684099 _ Sarah Brayne _ Predict And Surveil: Data, Discretion, And The Future Of Policing _ Oxford University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
488 489 _ 9780525558637 _ Stuart Russell _ Human Compatible _ Penguin Books _ 2020 1 ADET
489 490 _ 9783319545165 _ Alcibiades Malapi-Nelson _ The Nature Of The Machine And The Collapse Of Cybernetics A Transhumanist Lesson For Emerging Technologies _ Palgrave Macmillan _ 2017 1 ADET
490 491 _ 9780192843883 _ Christopher Summerfield _ Natural General Intelligence _ Oxford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
491 492 _ 9783031214509 _ Haroon Sheikh, Corien Prins, Erik Schrijvers _ Mission Aı: The New System Technology _ Springer _ 2023 1 ADET
492 493 _ 9780316273992 _ Henry A. Kissinger, Eric Schmidt, Daniel Huttenlocher _ The Age Of Aı: And Our Human Future _ Back Bay Books _ 2022 1 ADET
493 494 _ 9780367312961 _ Jeffrey B. Wagman, Julia J. C. Blau _ Perception As Information Detection Reflections On Gibson’S Ecological Approach To Visual Perception _ Routledge _ 2019 1 ADET
494 495 _ 9780593238295 _ Kai-Fu Lee, Chen Qiufan _ Aı 2041: Ten Visions For Our Future _ Currency _ 2021 1 ADET
495 496 _ 9780300264630 _ Kate Crawford _ Atlas Of Aı: Power, Politics, And The Planetary Costs Of Artificial Intelligence _ Yale University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
496 497 _ 9781138545854 _ Luc Steels, Rodney Brooks _ The Artificial Life Route To Artificial Intelligence: Building Embodied, Situated Agents _ Routledge _ 2020 1 ADET
497 498 _ 9780262538190 _ Mark Coeckelbergh _ Aı Ethics _ The Mıt Press _ 2020 1 ADET
498 499 _ 9780241333907 _ Michael Wooldridge _ The Road To Conscious Machines: The Story Of Aı _ Pelican _ 2021 1 ADET
499 500 _ 9780262542999 _ Ron Wakkary _ Things We Could Design For More Than Human-Centered Worlds _ The Mıt Press _ 2021 1 ADET
500 501 _ 9780367750107 _ Agnes Szokolszky, Catherine Read, Zsolt Palatinus _ Intellectual Journeys İn Ecological Psychology _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
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502 503 _ 9780190682620 _ David Kemmerer _ Concepts İn The Brain _ Oxford University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
503 504 _ 9780198828549 _ Florian Coulmas _ Identity: A Very Short Introduction _ Oxford University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
504 505 _ 9780367404291 _ John Flach _ A Meaning Processing Approach To Cognition _ Routledge _ 2019 1 ADET
505 506 _ 9781009073677 _ José Luis Bermúdez _ Cognitive Science: An Introduction To The Science Of The Mind _ Cambridge University Press _ 2022 _ 4Th Edition 1 ADET
506 507 _ 9780415650779 _ Eleanor J. Gibson _ Perceiving The Affordances: A Portrait Of Two Psychologists _ Psychology Press _ 2013 1 ADET
507 508 _ 9781529157567 _ Felice Fallon _ Interviews With An Ape _ Penguin Books _ 2023 1 ADET
508 509 _ 9781324050360 _ Frans De Waal _ Different: Gender Through The Eyes Of A Primatologist _ W. W. Norton & Company _ 2023 1 ADET
509 510 _ 9780128186466 _ Matt Carter, Rachel Essner, Nitsan Goldstein, Manasi Iyer _ Guide To Research Techniques İn Neuroscience _ Academic Press _ 2022 _ 3Rd Edition 1 ADET
510 511 _ 9780197618592 _ Paul Thagard _ Brain-Mind _ Oxford University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
511 512 _ 9780674278677 _ Samuel J. Redman _ Bone Rooms: From Scientific Racism To Human Prehistory İn Museums _ Harvard University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
512 513 _ 9781462551743 _ Susanne A. Denham _ The Development Of Emotional Competence İn Young Children _ The Guilford Press _ 2023 1 ADET
513 514 _ 9780128180938 _ Tamas Horvath, Joy Hirsch, Zoltán Molnár _ Body, Brain, Behavior Three Views And A Conversation _ Academic Press _ 2022 1 ADET
514 515 _ 9780745345871 _ Isabelle Fremeaux (Author) , Jay Jordan (Author) _ We Are 'Nature' Defending Itself: Entangling Art, Activism And Autonomous Zones _ Pluto _ 0 1 ADET
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516 517 _ 9780262544092 _ Mark Coeckelbergh _ Robot Ethics _ The Mıt Press _ 0 1 ADET
517 518 _ 9783731507987 _ Peter Kaiser _ Whole-Body Affordances For Humanoid Robots: A Computational Approach _ Kıt Scientific Publishing _ 0 1 ADET
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524 525 _ 9780190905385 _ György Buzsáki _ The Brain From Inside Out _ Oxford University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
525 526 _ 9781560007074 _ Ivan P. Pavlov _ Psychopathology And Psychiatry _ Routledge _ 1993 1 ADET
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527 528 _ 9781935660514 _ Stephen Goldberg _ Clinical Neuroanatomy Made Ridiculously Simple, Color Edition, 6Th Edition: An Incredibly Easy Way To Learn For Medical, Nursing, Nurse Practitioner, And Physician Assistant Students _ Medmaster _ 2022 1 ADET
528 529 _ 9780262537803 _ Cecilia Aragon And Katie Davis _ Writers İn The Secret Garden _ The Mıt Press _ 2019 1 ADET
529 530 _ 9781541674639 _ David J. Anderson _ The Nature Of The Beast How Emotions Guide Us _ Basic Books _ 2022 1 ADET
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531 532 _ 9781526468185 _ John Mclevey _ Doing Computational Social Science A Practical Introduction _ Sage Publications Ltd _ 2021 1 ADET
532 533 _ 9781108793384 _ Philip D. Waggoner _ Unsupervised Machine Learning For Clustering İn Political And Social Research _ Cambridge University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
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534 535 _ 9781509535262 _ Rosi Braidotti _ Posthuman Knowledge _ Polity _ 2019 1 ADET
535 536 _ 9783030549381 _ Tamás Rudas (Editor) , Gábor Péli (Editor) _ Pathways Between Social Science And Computational Social Science: Theories, Methods, And Interpretations _ Springer _ 2022 1 ADET
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537 538 _ 9780415486057 _ Adam Pautz _ Perceptıon _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
538 539 _ 9780190061975 _ Guy Dove _ Abstract Concepts And The Embodied Mind: Rethinking Grounded Cognition _ Oxford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
539 540 _ 9781509548545 _ Mark Coeckelbergh _ The Political Philosophy Of Aı _ Polity _ 2022 1 ADET
540 541 _ 9780199685479 _ Mark Textor _ Brentano's Mind _ Oxford University Press _ 2017 1 ADET
541 542 _ 9781631490712 _ Peter Catapano, Simon Critchley _ The Stone Reader: Modern Philosophy İn 133 Arguments _ Liveright _ 2015 1 ADET
542 543 _ 9780190854157 _ Arthur S. Reber _ The First Minds _ Oxford University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
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544 545 _ 9781472966438 _ Grace Lindsay _ Models Of The Mind: How Physics, Engineering And Mathematics Have Shaped Our Understanding Of The Brain _ Bloomsbury Sigma _ 2022 1 ADET
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546 547 _ 9780691175300 _ Karen Levy _ Data Driven _ Princeton University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
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555 556 _ 9780415660259 _ Elijah Chudnoff _ Cognitive Phenomenology _ Routledge _ 2015 1 ADET
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557 558 _ 9781009011105 _ John Dupré _ The Metaphysics Of Biology _ Cambridge University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
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573 574 _ 9781978202955 _ Des O'brien _ Medical Device Regulations Roadmap: A Beginners Guide _ Createspace Independent Publishing Platform _ 2017 1 ADET
574 575 _ 9780521133852 _ Henrica C. W. W. De Vet _ Measurement İn Medicine: A Practical Guide (Practical Guides To Biostatistics And Epidemiology) 1St Edition _ Cambridge University Press _ 2011 1 ADET
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576 577 _ 9798706121884 _ Just Visualize It _ Iso 13485 Audıtıng: Journal... Notes Checklists Observations Evidence Log (Audit Notebooks And Journals) _ Independently Published _ 2021 1 ADET
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583 584 _ 9780262038256 _ Paul Miller _ An Introductory Course İn Computational Neuroscience _ Mıt Press _ 2018 1 ADET
584 585 _ 9780262039826 _ Risto J. Ilmoniemi And Jukka Sarvas _ Brain Signals _ Mıt Press _ 2019 1 ADET
585 586 _ 9780197503874 _ W. Martin Usrey And S. Murray Sherman _ Exploring Thalamocortical Interactions: Circuitry For Sensation, Action, And Cognition _ Oxford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
586 587 _ 9783732906987 _ Aleksey Tashinskiy, Julija Boguna, Andreas F. Kelletat (Eds.) _ Übersetzer Und Übersetzen İn Der Ddr _ Frank & Timm _ 2020 1 ADET
587 588 _ 9783732902347 _ Andreas F. Kelletat, Aleksey Tashinskiy, Julija Boguna (Eds.) _ Übersetzerforschung _ Frank & Timm _ 2016 1 ADET
588 589 _ 9783732907168 _ Barbara Ahrens, Silvia Hansen-Schirra, Monika Krein-Kühle, Michael Schreiber, Ursula Wienen (Eds) _ Translation – Kunstkommunikation – Museum/Translation – Art Communication – Museum _ Frank & Timm _ 2021 1 ADET
589 590 _ 9783732900053 _ Dörte Andres & Martina Behr (Eds) _ Die Wahrheit, Die Reine Wahrheit Und Nichts Als Die Wahrheit _ Frank & Timm _ 2013 1 ADET
590 591 _ 9783732909018 _ Hannah Spannring _ Lore Segal – Ein Translatorisches Porträt İm Kontext Exil _ Frank & Timm _ 2022 1 ADET
591 592 _ 9783732907557 _ Kate Reiserer _ Vier Übersetzerinnen Und İhre Neun Ehemänner _ Frank & Timm _ 2021 1 ADET
592 593 _ 9783732907564 _ Ulla Fix _ Sprachwissenschaftlerin Zwischen Ost Und West _ Frank & Timm _ 2022 1 ADET
593 594 _ 9780367473655 _ Hanna Pieta, Rita Bueno Maia, Ester Torres-Simón _ Indirect Translation Explained _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
594 595 _ 9781032094779 _ J Piers Rawling, Philip Wilson _ The Routledge Handbook Of Translation And Philosophy _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
595 596 _ 9781138036987 _ Theo Hermans _ Translation And History _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
596 597 _ 9780367369989 _ Eleonora Federici (Editor) , José Santaemilia (Editor) _ New Perspectives On Gender And Translation _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
597 598 _ 9781032112138 _ Esperança Bielsa _ A Translational Sociology: Interdisciplinary Perspectives On Politics And Society _ Routledge _ 2023 1 ADET
598 599 _ 9781138066946 _ Luise Von Flotow (Editor) , Hala Kamal (Editor) _ The Routledge Handbook Of Translation, Feminism And Gender _ Routledge _ 2020 1 ADET
599 600 _ 9789027203397 _ Adolfo M. García _ The Neurocognition Of Translation And Interpreting _ John Benjamins _ 2019 1 ADET
600 601 _ 9781912681426 _ Haydar Ergulen _ Pomegranate Garden _ Parthian _ 2019 1 ADET
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603 604 _ 9781032481289 _ Mª Carmen África Vidal Claramonte _ Translation And Repetition: Rewriting (Un) Original Literature _ Routledge _ 2023 1 ADET
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605 606 _ 9780367752002 _ Reine Meylaerts, Kobus Marais _ The Routledge Handbook Of Translation Theory And Concepts _ Routledge _ 2023 1 ADET
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607 608 _ 9781138348875 _ Tong King Lee (Ed) _ The Routledge Handbook Of Translation And The City _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
608 609 _ 9783030200985 _ Andrea Rizzi, Birgit Lang, Anthony Pym _ What İs Translation History? A Trust-Based Approach _ Palgrave _ 2019 1 ADET
609 610 _ 9783732906567 _ Johan Franzon, Annjo K. Greenall, Sigmund Kvam, Anastasia Parianou _ Song Translation: Lyrics İn Contexts _ Frank & Timme _ 2021 1 ADET
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611 612 _ 9789027212627 _ Ineke Crezee, Oktay Eser, Fatih Karakaş _ Introduction To Healthcare For Turkish-Speaking Interpreters And Translators _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
612 613 _ 9780367233693 _ Stefan Hanß _ Narrating The Dragoman’S Self İn The Veneto-Ottoman Balkans, C. 1550–1650 _ Routledge _ 2023 1 ADET
613 614 _ 9780367677732 _ Callum Walker _ Translation Project Management _ Routledge _ 2023 1 ADET
614 615 _ 9781032260785 _ Douglas Robinson _ The Behavioral Economics Of Translation _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
615 616 _ 9780367029166 _ Esperança Bielsa _ The Routledge Handbook Of Translation And Media _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
616 617 _ 9781350192119 _ Kobus Marais _ Translation Beyond Translation Studies _ Bloomsbury _ 2022 1 ADET
617 618 _ 9781032474915 _ Sara Laviosa, Maria González-Davies _ The Routledge Handbook Of Translation And Education _ Routledge _ 2023 1 ADET
618 619 _ 9780008435981 _ Alison Richard _ The Sloth Lemur’S Song: Madagascar From The Deep Past To The Uncertain Present _ The University Of Chicago Press _ 2022 1 ADET
619 620 _ 9781138581357 _ Ian Douglas, P M L Anderson, David Goode, Michael C. Houck, David Maddox, Harini Nagendra, Puay Yok _ The Routledge Handbook Of Urban Ecology _ Routledge _ 2020 1 ADET
620 621 _ 9783319868943 _ Peter Bille Larsen, Dan Brockington _ The Anthropology Of Conservation Ngos: Rethinking The Boundaries _ Springer _ 2018 1 ADET
621 622 _ 9780367858704 _ Scott Kellogg _ Urban Ecosystem Justice: Strategies For Equitable Sustainability And Ecological Literacy İn The City _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
622 623 _ 9781785363627 _ Arild Vatn _ Environmental Governance: Institutions, Policies And Actions _ Edward Elgar _ 2016 1 ADET
623 624 _ 9781503611559 _ Giorgos Kallis _ Limits: Why Malthus Was Wrong And Why Environmentalists Should Care _ Stanford Briefs _ 2019 1 ADET
624 625 _ 9781786091215 _ Jason Hickel _ Less Is More: How Degrowth Will Save The World _ Windmill Books _ 2021 1 ADET
625 626 _ 9780745341750 _ Max Ajl _ A People's Green New Deal _ Pluto Press _ 2021 1 ADET
626 627 _ 9781138333024 _ Mike Hulme _ Contemporary Climate Change Debates A Student Primer _ Routledge _ 2020 1 ADET
627 628 _ 9781138192201 _ Noel Castree, Mike Hulme, James D. Proctor _ Companion To Environmental Studies _ Routledge _ 2018 1 ADET
628 629 _ 9780367785741 _ Onur Inal, Ethemcan Turhan _ Transforming Socio-Natures İn Turkey Landscapes, State And Environmental Movements _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
629 630 _ 9780367581121 _ Ryan Holifield, Jayajit Chakraborty, Gordon Walker _ The Routledge Handbook Of Environmental Justice (_ Routledge _ 2018 1 ADET
630 631 _ 9780262038966 _ Sharachchandra Lele, Eduardo S. Brondizio, John Byrne, Georgina M. Mace And Joan Martinez-Alier _ Rethinking Environmentalism Linking Justice, Sustainability, And Diversity _ Mıt Press _ 2018 1 ADET
631 632 _ 9781509535637 _ Susan Paulson, Giacomo D'alisa, Federico Demaria, Giorgos Kallis _ The Case For Degrowth _ Polity Press _ 2020 1 ADET
632 633 _ 9780745342023 _ Vincent Liegey, Anitra Nelson _ Exploring Degrowth A Critical Guide _ Pluto Press _ 2020 1 ADET
633 634 _ 9780744080049 _ B Dylan Hollis _ Baking Yesteryear: The Best Recipes From The 1900S To The 1980S _ _ 2023 1 ADET
634 635 _ 9781847065506 _ Jean-Paul Sartre, Craig Vasey _ Last Chance: Roads To Freedom Iv _ _ 2009 1 ADET
635 636 _ 9780593138519 _ Johann Hari _ Stolen Focus: Why You Can't Pay Attention-And How To Think Deeply Again _ _ 2023 1 ADET
636 637 _ 9780393609097 _ Neil Gaimann _ Norse Mythology _ _ 2017 1 ADET
637 638 _ 9781492072942 _ Peter Bruce, Andrew Bruce, Peter Gedeck _ Practical Statistics For Data Scientists: 50+ Essential Concepts Using R And Python _ O'reilly Media _ 2016 1 ADET
638 639 _ 9781984824783 _ Rana El Kaliouby And Carol Colman _ Girl Decoded: A Scientist's Quest To Reclaim Our Humanity By Bringing Emotional Intelligence To Technology _ _ 2020 1 ADET
639 640 _ 9781789062670 _ Peng-Kang Jin, Ying-Xue Sun, Can Wang, Huang Huang, Yin-Hu Wu _ Cutting-Edge Technology And Systems For Water Treatment And Reuse _ Iwa Publishing _ 2021 1 ADET
640 641 _ 9781789063073 _ Yun-Xiao Chong, Tian-Yin Huang, Feng-Min Li, Guang-Li Liu, Qian-Yuan Wu _ Water Recyling And Low-Carbon Development _ Iwa Publishing _ 2022 1 ADET
641 642 _ 9781912092123 _ Arkbound Foundation Ed., Dr Morgan Phillips, Dr Renuka Thakore _ Climate Adaptation: Accounts Of Resilience, Self-Sufficiency And Systems Change _ Arkbound _ 2021 1 ADET
642 643 _ 9780367467333 _ Nicholas B. Rajkovich, Seth H. Holmes _ Climate Adaptation And Resilience Across Scales _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
643 644 _ 9780323998758 _ Trevor M. Letcher _ Water And Climate Change: Sustainable Development, Environmental And Policy Issues _ Elsevier _ 2022 1 ADET
644 645 _ 9780443187070 _ Uday Chatterjee, Rajib Shaw, Gouri Bhunia, Martiwi Setiawati, Soumita Banerjee _ Climate Change, Community Response And Resilience _ Elsevier _ 2023 1 ADET
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647 648 _ 9783662500538 _ Ekkehard Holzbecher _ Environmental Modeling Using Matlab _ Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg _ 2012 1 ADET
648 649 _ 9780323851602 _ Hemen Sarma, Delfina Dominguez, Wen-Yee Lee _ Emerging Contaminants İn The Environment Challenges And Sustainable Practices _ Elsevier _ 2022 1 ADET
649 650 _ 9781265017965 _ Steven C. Chapra _ Applied Numerical Methods With Python For Engineers And Scientists _ Mcgraw-Hill College _ 2021 1 ADET
650 651 _ 9781119681595 _ Kunal Roy _ Chemometrics And Cheminformatics İn Aquatic Toxicology _ Wiley _ 2022 1 ADET
651 652 _ 9781780646336 _ S. Arora _ Pesticide Risk Assessment _ Cabı _ 2019 1 ADET
652 653 _ 9783319562322 _ Ynthia V. Rider, Jane Ellen Simmons _ Chemical Mixtures And Combined Chemical And Nonchemical Stressors _ Springer Link _ 2018 1 ADET
653 654 _ 9780367415068 _ Bakrudeen Abdul _ Microbial Biofilms Properties And Applications İn The Environment, Agriculture, And Medicine _ Crc Press _ 2020 1 ADET
654 655 _ 9780875532998 _ _ Standard Methods For The Examination Of Water And Wastewater, 24Th Edition _ American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association, And Water Environment Federation _ 2022 1 ADET
655 656 _ 9780367657116 _ Erik K. Lauritzen _ Construction, Demolition And Disaster Waste Management An Integrated And Sustainable Approach _ Crc Press _ 2020 1 ADET
656 657 _ 9789027209153 _ Cornelia Ilie _ Questioning And Answering Practices Across Contexts And Cultures _ John Benhamins _ 2021 1 ADET
657 658 _ 9780198833239 _ Hedde Zeijlstra _ Negation And Negative Dependencies _ Oxford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
658 659 _ 9781107537019 _ Sara Mills _ English Politeness And Class _ Cambridge University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
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660 661 _ 9781009342469 _ Authors: Thomas S. Stroik, Michael T. Putnam _ The Structural Design Of Language _ Cambridge University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
661 662 _ 9781316612125 _ Fernando Zúñiga, Seppo Kittilä _ Grammatical Voice _ Cambridge University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
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663 664 _ 9789027205643 _ Joseph Galasso _ Lectures İn The Minimalist Program _ Syntheses & Exegeses _ 2022 1 ADET
664 665 _ 9789027211408 _ Jun Abe _ Wh-In Situ Licensing İn Questions And Sluicing _ John Benjamins _ 2022 1 ADET
665 666 _ 9780197545560 _ Vera Lee-Schoenfeld And Dennis Ott _ Parameters Of Predicate Fronting _ Oxford University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
666 667 _ 9780521195294 _ David Holton Et Al. _ The Cambridge Grammar Of Medieval And Early Modern Greek 4 Volume Hardback Set _ Cambridge University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
667 668 _ 9781108479707 _ Guglielmo Cinque _ The Syntax Of Relative Clauses: A Unified Analysis _ Cambridge University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
668 669 _ 9781009342445 _ Asier Alcázar, Mario Saltarelli _ The Syntax Of Imperatives _ Cambridge University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
669 670 _ 9780198849506 _ Güliz Güneş And Anikó Lipták _ The Derivational Timing Of Ellipsis _ Oxford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
670 671 _ 9781108458115 _ Mónica Cabrera, José Camacho _ Exploring Interfaces _ Cambridge University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
671 672 _ 9781107465893 _ Olga Kagan _ Scalarity İn The Verbal Domain The Case Of Verbal Prefixation İn Russian _ Cambridge University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
672 673 _ 9781009342438 _ Phoevos Panagiotidis _ Categorial Features _ Cambridge University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
673 674 _ 9781107534094 _ Diane Brentari _ Sign Language Phonology _ Cambridge University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
674 675 _ 9780198813576 _ Harry Van Der Hulst _ Asymmetries İn Vowel Harmony _ Oxford University Press _ 2018 1 ADET
675 676 _ 9780199608331 _ John M. Anderson _ The Substance Of Language Volume Iıı: Phonology-Syntax Analogies _ Oxford University Press _ 2011 1 ADET
676 677 _ 9780199669011 _ Matthew K. Gordon _ Phonological Typology _ Oxford University Press _ 2016 1 ADET
677 678 _ 9780198814139 _ Patrick Honeybone And Joseph Salmons _ The Oxford Handbook Of Historical Phonology _ Oxford University Press _ 2017 1 ADET
678 679 _ 9781316615713 _ Rob Goedemans Et Al. _ The Study Of Word Stress And Accent Theories, Methods And Data _ Cambridge University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
679 680 _ 9780525563075 _ Antonio Damasio _ Feeling & Knowing: Making Minds Conscious _ Vintage _ 2021 1 ADET
680 681 _ 9780262539555 _ Christof Koch _ The Feeling Of Life Itself: Why Consciousness Is Widespread But Can't Be Computed _ The Mıt Press; _ 2020 1 ADET
681 682 _ 9780198797524 _ Clive Finlayson _ The Smart Neanderthal Bird Catching, Cave Art, And The Cognitive Revolution _ Oxford University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
682 683 _ 9780198821267 _ David Reich _ Who We Are And How We Got Here: Ancient Dna And The New Science Of The Human Past _ Oxford University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
683 684 _ 9780199348312 _ H. Clark Barrett _ The Shape Of Thought How Mental Adaptations Evolve _ Oxford University Press _ 2015 1 ADET
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685 686 _ 9781789047196 _ Melvin A. Felton Jr. _ Universe Within: The Surprising Way The Human Brain Models The Universe _ Iff Books _ 2022 1 ADET
686 687 _ 9780525510321 _ Merlin Sheldrake _ Entangled Life: How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds & Shape Our Futures _ Random House Trade Paperbacks _ 2021 1 ADET
687 688 _ 9781426221774 _ Neil Degrasse Tyson _ Cosmic Queries: Startalk's Guide To Who We Are, How We Got Here, And Where We're Going _ National Geographic _ 2023 1 ADET
688 689 _ 9780262537988 _ Robert Plomin _ Blueprint How Dna Makes Us Who We Are _ Mıt Press _ 2019 1 ADET
689 690 _ 9780262539586 _ Roger Kreuz And Richard Roberts _ Changing Minds How Aging Affects Language And How Language Affects Aging _ Mıt Press _ 2020 1 ADET
690 691 _ 9780262039307 _ Simona Ginsburg And Eva Jablonka _ The Evolution Of The Sensitive Soul Learning And The Origins Of Consciousness _ Mıt Press _ 2019 1 ADET
691 692 _ 9780262048446 _ Stanislas Dehaene _ Seeing The Mind Spectacular Images From Neuroscience, And What They Reveal About Our Neuronal Selves _ Mıt Press _ 2023 1 ADET
692 693 _ 9780143118053 _ Stanislas Dehaene _ Reading İn The Brain: The New Science Of How We Read _ Penguin Books _ 2021 1 ADET
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695 696 _ 9780192845139 _ Jenny Audring And Francesca Masini _ The Oxford Handbook Of Morphological Theory _ Oxford University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
696 697 _ 9780199639397 _ Márta Abrusán _ Weak Island Semantics _ Oxford University Press _ 2014 1 ADET
697 698 _ 9780198716303 _ Michael Blome-Tillmann _ The Semantics Of Knowledge Attributions _ Oxford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
698 699 _ 9780192845221 _ Robert Truswell _ The Oxford Handbook Of Event Structure _ Oxford University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
699 700 _ 9780198869535 _ Todor Koev _ Parenthetical Meaning _ Oxford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
700 701 _ 9780190210595 _ Ur Shlonsky _ Beyond Functional Sequence: The Cartography Of Syntactic Structures, Volume 10 _ Oxford University Pressd _ 2015 1 ADET
701 702 _ 9780192849885 _ Prerna Nadathur _ Actuality Inferences Causality, Aspect, And Modality _ Oxford University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
702 703 _ 9780190675233 _ Sanford C. Goldberg _ The Oxford Handbook Of Assertion _ Oxford University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
703 704 _ 9781108474627 _ Arnulf Deppermann, Michael Haugh _ Action Ascription İn Interaction _ Cambridge University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
704 705 _ 9781108839525 _ Jennifer Andrus _ Narratives Of Domestic Violence Policing, Identity, And Indexicality _ _ 2020 1 ADET
705 706 _ 9781108491891 _ Susan Gal, Judith T. Irvine _ Signs Of Difference Language And Ideology İn Social Life _ Cambridge University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
706 707 _ 9781108832397 _ Teun A. Van Dijk _ Antiracist Discourse Theory And History Of A Macromovement _ Cambridge University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
707 708 _ 9781107627895 _ Adam Ledgeway, Ian Roberts _ The Cambridge Handbook Of Historical Syntax _ Cambridge University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
708 709 _ 9781107040847 _ Barbara Citko _ Phase Theory: An Introduction _ Cambridge University Press _ 2014 1 ADET
709 710 _ 9780198826750 _ Jeffrey Lidz, William Snyder, And Joe Pater _ The Oxford Handbook Of Developmental Linguistics _ Oxford University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
710 711 _ 9780521293501 _ David Lightfoot _ Principles Of Diachronic Syntax _ Cambridge University Press _ 1979 1 ADET
711 712 _ 9780262544955 _ Guglielmo Cinque _ On Linearization Toward A Restrictive Theory _ Mıt Press _ 2023 1 ADET
712 713 _ 9780198747857 _ Heiko Narrog And Bernd Heine _ Grammaticalization _ Oxford University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
713 714 _ 9780192866400 _ Imke Driemel _ Pseudo-Noun Incorporation And Differential Object Marking _ Oxford University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
714 715 _ 9780262543491 _ Shigeru Miyagawa _ Syntax İn The Treetops _ Mıt Press _ 2022 1 ADET
715 716 _ 9789027210517 _ Alba Cerrudo, Ángel J. Gallego, Francesc Roca Urgell _ Syntactic Geolectal Variation Traditional Approaches, Current Challenges And New Tools _ John Benjamins _ 2021 1 ADET
716 717 _ 9789027208903 _ Fuzhen Si, Luigi Rizzi _ Current Issues İn Syntactic Cartography A Crosslinguistic Perspective _ John Benjamins _ 2021 1 ADET
717 718 _ 9780198861461 _ Ian Roberts _ Diachronic Syntax _ Oxford University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
718 719 _ 9781108401524 _ Irina Nikolaeva, Andrew Spencer, _ Mixed Categories The Morphosyntax Of Noun Modification _ Cambridge University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
719 720 _ 9780198865391 _ Peter W. Culicover _ Language Change, Variation, And Universals _ Oxford University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
720 721 _ 9783110634921 _ Aditi Lahiri And Sandra Kotzor _ The Speech Processing Lexicon Neurocognitive And Behavioural Approaches _ De Gruyter _ 2018 1 ADET
721 722 _ 9781107501140 _ Jeffrey Heinz Et Al. _ Dimensions Of Phonological Stress _ Cambridge University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
722 723 _ 9783110712339 _ Klaas Willems And Cristinel Munteanu _ Eugenio Coseriu Past, Present And Future _ De Gruyter _ 2021 1 ADET
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725 726 _ 9780262543262 _ Giosuè Baggio _ Neurolinguistics _ Mıt Press _ 2022 1 ADET
726 727 _ 9781911709107 _ Helen Czerski _ Blue Machine: How The Ocean Works _ Torva _ 2023 1 ADET
727 728 _ 9780802158239 _ Helen Scales _ The Brilliant Abyss: Exploring The Majestic Hidden Life Of The Deep Ocean, And The Looming Threat That Imperils It _ Atlantic Monthly Press (21 Haziran 2022) _ 2022 1 ADET
728 729 _ 9780262546744 _ Jeffrey H. Schwartz _ Rethinking Human Evolution _ Mıt Press _ 2022 1 ADET
729 730 _ 9781603585224 _ Masanobu Fukuoka _ Sowing Seeds İn The Desert: Natural Farming, Global Restoration, And Ultimate Food Security _ Chelsea Green Publishing _ 2013 1 ADET
730 731 _ 9780262045100 _ Michael C. Frank, Mika Braginsky, Daniel Yurovsky And Virginia A. Marchman _ Variability And Consistency İn Early Language Learning The Wordbank Project _ Mıt Press _ 2021 1 ADET
731 732 _ 9780262047036 _ Perry Zurn And Dani S. Bassett _ Curious Minds The Power Of Connection _ Mıt Press _ 2022 1 ADET
732 733 _ 9780262042635 _ Peter Hagoort _ Human Language: From Genes And Brains To Behavior _ Mıt Press _ 2019 1 ADET
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737 738 _ 9780748643134 _ Antonio Fábregas, Sergio Scalise _ Morphology From Data To Theories _ Edinburgh University Press _ 2012 1 ADET
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768 769 _ 9780393705805 _ Natalie Schwartzberg, Kathy Berliner, Demaris Jacob _ Single İn A Married World: A Life Cycle Framework For Working With The Unmarried Adult _ W. W. Norton & Company _ 1995 1 ADET
769 770 _ 9780367754006 _ Paul Marcus _ Psychoanalysis As A Spiritual Discipline: In Dialogue With Martin Buber And Gabriel Marcel _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
770 771 _ 9780898625554 _ Peter Salovey _ The Psychology Of Jealousy And Envy _ Guilford _ 1991 1 ADET
771 772 _ 9780939266234 _ Richard Hycner _ Between Person And Person: Toward A Dialogical Psychotherapy _ Gestalt Journal Press _ 1991 1 ADET
772 773 _ 9781421445007 _ Bruce A. Kimballwith Sarah M. Iler _ Wealth, Cost, And Price İn American Higher Education: A Brief History _ Johns Hopkins University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
773 774 _ 9781421446486 _ Bryan Alexander _ Universities On Fire: Higher Education İn The Climate Crisis _ Johns Hopkins University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
774 775 _ 9780691165585 _ Derek Bok _ Higher Education İn America: Revised Edition _ Princeton University Press _ 2015 1 ADET
775 776 _ 9780367361952 _ Jeanine Gregersen-Hermans, Karen M. Lauridsen _ Internationalising Programmes İn Higher Education _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
776 777 _ 9780367410513 _ Joseph Rene Corbeil, Badrul H. Khan, Maria Elena Corbeil _ Microlearning İn The Digital Age _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
777 778 _ 9781138190184 _ Marie Eaton, Holly J. Hughes, Jean Macgregor _ Contemplative Approaches To Sustainability İn Higher Education: Theory And Practice _ Routledge _ 2016 1 ADET
778 779 _ 9780367230432 _ Paul G Nixon, Vanessa P. Dennen, Rajash Rawal _ Reshaping International Teaching And Learning İn Higher Education _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
779 780 _ 9780367226350 _ Shanton Chang, Catherine Gomes _ Digital Experiences Of International Students _ Routledge _ 2020 1 ADET
780 781 _ 9780367776701 _ Ulisses Manuel De Miranda Azeiteiro, J. Paulo Davim _ Higher Education And Sustainability: Opportunities And Challenges For Achieving Sustainable Development Goals _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
781 782 _ 9781250311481 _ Ashton Applewhite _ This Chair Rocks: A Manifesto Against Ageism _ Celadon Books _ 2020 1 ADET
782 783 _ 9781329803091 _ Charles Drebing _ Advocating For Others: A Pocket Resource For Peer Specialists And Counselors _ Lulu. Com _ 2016 1 ADET
783 784 _ 9781119513797 _ Derald Wing Sue, Lisa Spanierman _ Microaggressions İn Everyday Life _ Wiley _ 2020 1 ADET
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785 786 _ 9781324016793 _ Gillian Parekh _ Ableism İn Education Rethinking School Practices And Policies _ Norton Professional Books _ 2022 1 ADET
786 787 _ 9781556203930 _ Jennifer Nivin Wiliamson, Daniel Wiliamson _ Distance Counseling And Supervision: A Guide For Mental Health Clinicians _ Amer Counseling Assn _ 2020 1 ADET
787 788 _ 9781844081714 _ Rozsika Parker _ Torn İn Two: The Experience Of Maternal Ambivalence _ Virago _ 2005 1 ADET
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789 790 _ 9781032132648 _ Thomas H. Ogden _ Coming To Life İn The Consulting Room _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
790 791 _ 9781462550524 _ Cathy A. Malchiodi _ Handbook Of Expressive Arts Therapy _ Guilford _ 2022 1 ADET
791 792 _ 9781462552146 _ Charles A. Barrett _ Social Justice İn Schools A Framework For Equity İn Education _ Guilford _ 2023 1 ADET
792 793 _ 9781292303949 _ Denise Boyd & Helen Bee _ Lifespan Development _ Pearson _ 2018 1 ADET
793 794 _ 9781462524310 _ Kenneth I. Pargament And Julie J. Exline _ Working With Spiritual Struggles İn Psychotherapy From Research To Practice _ Guilford _ 2021 1 ADET
794 795 _ 9781462545001 _ Lidia Zylowska And John T. Mitchell _ Minfulness For Adult Adhd: A Clinician's Guide _ Guilford _ 2020 1 ADET
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796 797 _ 9781138285309 _ Mark Pope _ Social Justice And Advocacy İn Counseling Experiential Activities For Teaching _ Routledge _ 2020 1 ADET
797 798 _ 9781462515547 _ Richard Guare, Colin Guare, Peg Dawson _ Smart But Scattered—And Stalled 10 Steps To Help Young Adults Use Their Executive Skills To Set Goals, Make A Plan, And Successfully Leave The Nest _ Guilford _ 2019 1 ADET
798 799 _ 9781138855403 _ Antoni Verger, Christopher Lubienski, Gita Steiner-Khamsi _ World Yearbook Of Education 2016 _ Routledge _ 2016 1 ADET
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800 801 _ 9781447363330 _ Helen M. Gunter _ A Political Sociology Of Education Policy _ Policy Press _ 2023 1 ADET
801 802 _ 9783030360221 _ Michael S. Merry _ Educational Justice: Liberal Ideals, Persistent Inequality, And The Constructive Uses Of Critique _ Springer _ 2020 1 ADET
802 803 _ 9780367503253 _ Hanna Rosqvist, Nick Chown, Anna Stenning _ Neurodiversity Studies: A New Critical Paradigm _ Routledge _ 2020 1 ADET
803 804 _ 9780367343705 _ Jeff L. Cochran, Nancy H. Cochran _ The Heart Of Counseling: Practical Counseling Skills Through Therapeutic Relationships _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
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805 806 _ 9781462546152 _ Julie Anne Laser, Nicole Nicotera _ Working With Adolescents Second Edition A Guide For Practitioners _ Guilford _ 2021 1 ADET
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808 809 _ 9781526477491 _ Sofie Bager-Charleson, Metanoia Institute _ Reflective Practice And Personal Development İn Counselling And Psychotherapy _ Sage Publishing _ 2020 1 ADET
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956 957 _ 9781107197893 _ Mike Guidry _ Modern General Relativity: Black Holes, Gravitational Waves, And Cosmology _ Cambridge University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
957 958 _ 9780198865001 _ Moataz H. Emam _ Covariant Physics: From Classical Mechanics To General Relativity And Beyond _ Oxford University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
958 959 _ 9783319356280 _ Bernd Kröger _ Hermann Haken: From The Laser To Synergetics: A Scientific Biography Of The Early Years _ Springer _ 2014 1 ADET
959 960 _ 9783847319979 _ Changdong Kim _ Ultrasensitive Magnetometry And Imaging With Nv Diamond: Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Of Nitrogen Vacancy _ Lap Lambert Academic Publishing _ 2012 1 ADET
960 961 _ 9780486659572 _ Grant R. Fowles _ Introduction To Modern Optics _ Dover Publications _ 1989 1 ADET
961 962 _ 9783319248844 _ Shanmuganathan Rajasekar, Miguel A. F. Sanjuan _ Nonlinear Resonances _ Springer _ 2016 1 ADET
962 963 _ 9781107137394 _ Steven M. Girvin, Kun Yang _ Modern Condensed Matter Physics _ Cambridge University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
963 964 _ 9783319652764 _ Yan Feng _ Raman Fiber Lasers _ Springer _ 2017 1 ADET
964 965 _ 9781108748773 _ Barbara Ryden _ Interstellar And Intergalactic Medium _ Cambridge University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
965 966 _ 9780486607719 _ Jean Dufay, Owen Gingerich _ Introduction To Astrophysics: The Stars _ Dover Publications _ 2012 1 ADET
966 967 _ 9783642359620 _ Kenneth R. Lang _ Essential Astrophysics _ Springer _ 2013 1 ADET
967 968 _ 9783030703462 _ Wolfram Schmidt, Marcel Völschow _ Numerical Python İn Astronomy And Astrophysics: A Practical Guide To Astrophysical Problem Solving _ Springer _ 2021 1 ADET
968 969 _ 9780486842493 _ Z. S. Agranovich, V. A.. Marchenko _ The Inverse Problem Of Scattering Theory _ Dover Publications _ 2020 1 ADET
969 970 _ 9780367427450 _ Hagai Meirovitch _ Entropy And Free Energy İn Structural Biology _ Crc Press _ 0 1 ADET
970 971 _ 9783031207839 _ Kwang Suk Park _ Humans And Electricity: Understanding Body Electricity And Applicationsity _ Springer _ 0 1 ADET
971 972 _ 9789811242175 _ Wolfgang Hollik _ Introduction To Quantum Field Theory And The Standard Model _ Wspc _ 2021 1 ADET
972 973 _ 9780367611040 _ Konstantinos Dimopoulos _ Introduction To Cosmic Inflation And Dark Energy _ Crc Press _ 2022 1 ADET
973 974 _ 9781108948128 _ Stan Owocki _ Fundamentals Of Astrophysics _ Cambridge University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
974 975 _ 9780691174297 _ A. Zee _ Quantum Field Theory, As Simply As Possible _ _ 0 1 ADET
975 976 _ 9780691174389 _ A. Zee _ On Gravity: A Brief Tour Of A Weighty Subject _ _ 0 1 ADET
976 977 _ 9781108831956 _ Barbara Ryden _ Foundations Of Astrophysics _ _ 0 1 ADET
977 978 _ 9781107154834 _ Barbara Ryden _ Introduction To Cosmology _ _ 2016 1 ADET
978 979 _ 9781316511725 _ David J. Griffiths _ Sidney Coleman's Lectures On Relativity _ _ 0 1 ADET
979 980 _ 9783642245244 _ Éric Gourgoulhon _ 3+1 Formalism İn General Relativity: Bases Of Numerical Relativity _ Springer _ 2012 1 ADET
980 981 _ 9783662520833 _ Éric Gourgoulhon _ Special Relativity İn General Frames: From Particles To Astrophysics _ _ 0 1 ADET
981 982 _ 9781984879455 _ Sabine Hossenfelder _ Existential Physics: A Scientist's Guide To Life's Biggest Questions _ _ 0 1 ADET
982 983 _ 9781108841764 _ Steven Weinberg _ Foundations Of Modern Physics _ _ 0 1 ADET
983 984 _ 9781108415071 _ Steven Weinberg _ Lectures On Astrophysics _ _ 0 1 ADET
984 985 _ 9783319829951 _ Alexei Deriglazov _ Classical Mechanics: Hamiltonian And Lagrangian Formalism _ Springer _ 2018 1 ADET
985 986 _ 9789813236851 _ Alexey P Isaev, Valery A Rubakov _ Theory Of Groups And Symmetries: Finite Groups, Lie Groups, And Lie Algebras _ World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd _ 2018 1 ADET
986 987 _ 9781119344612 _ Brian R. Martin, Graham Shaw _ Nuclear And Particle Physics: An Introduction _ Wiley _ 2019 1 ADET
987 988 _ 9781119590583 _ Kenneth S. Krane _ Modern Physics _ Wiley _ 2019 1 ADET
988 989 _ 9780691231358 _ P. J. E. Peebles _ The Whole Truth: A Cosmologist’S Reflections On The Search For Objective Reality _ _ 0 1 ADET
989 990 _ 9781108488396 _ Sean Carroll _ Spacetime And Geometry: An Introduction To General Relativity _ Cambridge University Pres _ 2019 1 ADET
990 991 _ 9781616100445 _ Bill Wilson _ Introduction To Physical Electronics _ Orange Grove Texts Plus _ 2009 1 ADET
991 992 _ 9783030390877 _ Bryan H. Suits _ Electronics For Physicists: An Introduction _ Springer _ 2020 1 ADET
992 993 _ 9780471805717 _ Daryl W. Preston _ Experiments İn Physics: A Laboratory Manual For Scientists And Engineers _ Wiley _ 1991 1 ADET
993 994 _ 9781108480901 _ François Gelis _ Quantum Field Theory: From Basics To Modern Topics _ Cambridge University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
994 995 _ 9781108972352 _ François Gelis _ Problems İn Quantum Field Theory _ Cambridge University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
995 996 _ 9783030923341 _ Sanjeev Dhurandhar, Sanjit Mitra _ General Relativity And Gravitational Waves: Essentials Of Theory And Practice _ Springer _ 2022 1 ADET
996 997 _ 9781107034037 _ Andrzej J. Buras _ Gauge Theory Of Weak Decays: The Standard Model And The Expedition To New Physics Summits _ Cambridge University Press _ 0 1 ADET
997 998 _ 9789811212857 _ Donald Yau _ Homotopical Quantum Field Theory _ Wspc _ 0 1 ADET
998 999 _ 9789814603935 _ Ennio Gozzi, Enrico Cattaruzza, Carlo Pagani _ Path Integrals For Pedestrians _ Wspc _ 0 1 ADET
999 1000 _ 9781009212694 _ S. Sachdev _ Quantum Phases Of Matter _ Cambridge University Press _ 0 1 ADET
1000 1001 _ 9780750321617 _ Belinda Dr. Wilkes, Wallace Dr. Tucker _ Chandra X-Ray Observatory: Exploring The High Energy Universe _ Iop Publishing Ltd _ 2020 1 ADET
1001 1002 _ 9789811563362 _ Cosimo Bambi _ Tutorial Guide To X-Ray And Gamma-Ray Astronomy: Data Reduction And Analysis _ Springer _ 2020 1 ADET
1002 1003 _ 9780691179087 _ Thomas M Tauris, Edward P. J. Van Den Heuvel _ Physics Of Binary Star Evolution: From Stars To X-Ray Binaries And Gravitational Wave Sources _ Princeton University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
1003 1004 _ 9780471589860 _ Henrici Peter _ Applied And Computational Complex Analysis, Volume 3, Discrete Fourier Analysis, Cauchy Integrals, Construction Of Conformal Maps, Univalent Functions _ Wıley-Ieee _ 2014 1 ADET
1004 1005 _ 9780471542896 _ Peter Henrici _ Applied And Computational Complex Analysis, Volume 2: Special Functions-Integral Transforms-Asymptotics-Continued Fractions _ Wiley-Interscience _ 1991 1 ADET
1005 1006 _ 9781118912164 _ Brian R. Martin, Graham Shaw _ Particle Physics _ Wiley _ 2017 1 ADET
1006 1007 _ 9780128208151 _ Giovanni Finocchio, Christos Panagopoulos _ Magnetic Skyrmions And Their Applications _ Woodhead Publishing _ 2021 1 ADET
1007 1008 _ 9781108489980 _ S. B. Roy _ Experimental Techniques İn Magnetism And Magnetic Materials _ Cambridge University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
1008 1009 _ 9781842324363 _ Charles Percy Snow _ The Physicists _ House Of Stratus _ 2008 1 ADET
1009 1010 _ 9780226542027 _ Iwan Rhys Morus _ When Physics Became King _ University Of Chicago Press _ 2005 1 ADET
1010 1011 _ 9780143127048 _ Lewis Dartnell _ The Knowledge: How To Rebuild Civilization İn The Aftermath Of A Cataclysm _ Penguin Books _ 2015 1 ADET
1011 1012 _ 9780801869099 _ Paul J. Nahin _ Oliver Heaviside: The Life, Work, And Times Of An Electrical Genius Of The Victorian Age _ Johns Hopkins University Press _ 2002 1 ADET
1012 1013 _ 9780520344174 _ Robert Serber _ The Los Alamos Primer: The First Lectures On How To Build An Atomic Bomb, Updated With A New Introduction By Richard Rhodes _ University Of California Press _ 2020 1 ADET
1013 1014 _ 9781786341112 _ Tommaso Dorigo _ Anomaly! Collider Physics And The Quest For New Phenomena At Fermilab _ Wspc (Europe) _ 2016 1 ADET
1014 1015 _ 9780977651900 _ Dan Erlewine, Don Macrostie, Stewart-Macdonald _ Guitar Finishing Step-By-Step _ Stewart Macdonald _ 2005 1 ADET
1015 1016 _ 9780938716198 _ Don Ross, Michael A. Markowski _ Rubber Powered Model Airplanes: Comprehensive Building & Flying Basics, Plus Advanced Design-Your-Own Instruction _ Aeronautical Publishers _ 2016 1 ADET
1016 1017 _ 9780980476293 _ Graham Mcdonald _ The Ukulele: An Illustrated Workshop Manual _ Graham Mcdonald Stringed Instruments _ 2019 1 ADET
1017 1018 _ 9780937822500 _ Greg Rössel _ Building Small Boats _ _ 0 1 ADET
1018 1019 _ 9780937822616 _ Iain Oughtred _ Clinker Plywood Boatbuilding Manual _ _ 0 1 ADET
1019 1020 _ 9783869476117 _ Leon Albert _ 24 Präludien Für Den Erweiterten Bekanntenkreis _ Acoustic Music Books _ 0 1 ADET
1020 1021 _ 9780387743684 _ Richard Mark French _ Engineering The Guitar: Theory And Practice _ Springer _ 2009 1 ADET
1021 1022 _ 9780071579902 _ Samual Devlin _ Devlin's Boatbuilding: How To Build Any Boat The Stitch-And-Glue Way _ Mcgraw-Hill Professional Publishing _ 1995 1 ADET
1022 1023 _ 9783030293925 _ Barry B. Luokkala _ Exploring Science Through Science Fiction _ Springer _ 2019 1 ADET
1023 1024 _ 9789811241017 _ Hongyu Guo _ What Are Tensors Exactly? _ Wspc _ 2021 1 ADET
1024 1025 _ 9789811256004 _ Igor Kulaga _ Explaining Physics With The Help Of Toys _ World Scientific Pub Co Inc _ 2022 1 ADET
1025 1026 _ 9789811241987 _ Kenneth H Luther _ Casual Calculus: A Friendly Student Companion-Volume 2 _ Wspc _ 2022 1 ADET
1026 1027 _ 9789810247805 _ Martin Moskowitz _ A Course İn Complex Analysis İn One Variable _ World Scientific Publishing Company _ 2002 1 ADET
1027 1028 _ 9789814635509 _ Yuan-Sen Ting, Bryan Gin-Ge Chen, Richard Sohn, David Derbes _ Lectures Of Sidney Coleman On Quantum Field Theory _ World Scientific Publishing Co _ 2018 1 ADET
1028 1029 _ 9789811675720 _ Haiping Huang _ Statistical Mechanics Of Neural Networks _ Springer _ 0 1 ADET
1029 1030 _ 9789811241222 _ Konstantin A Makarov, Eduard Tsekanovskii _ Mathematics Of Open Quantum Systems, The: Dissipative And Non-Unitary Representations And Quantum Measurements _ Wspc _ 0 1 ADET
1030 1031 _ 9781108488082 _ M. Potters, Jp. Bouchaud _ A First Course İn Random Matrix Theory _ Cambridge University Press _ 0 1 ADET
1031 1032 _ 9781108838078 _ Daniel Baumann _ Cosmology _ Cambridge University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1032 1033 _ 9789811236907 _ Kameshwar C. Wali _ Fads And Fancies Of Elementary Particle Physics _ World Scientific Pub Co Inc _ 2021 1 ADET
1033 1034 _ 9789811209697 _ Belal Ehsan Baaquie _ Lattice Quantum Field Theory Of The Dirac And Gauge Fields Selected Topics _ World Scientific Publishing Co _ 0 1 ADET
1034 1035 _ 9781108492683 _ John Harnad, Ferenc Balogh _ Tau Functions And Their Applications _ Cambridge University Press _ 0 1 ADET
1035 1036 _ 9780198805038 _ S. G. Rajeev _ Fluid Mechanics: A Geometrical Point Of View _ Oxford University Press _ 0 1 ADET
1036 1037 _ 9781420070316 _ Ovidiu Costin _ Asymptotics And Borel Summability _ Chapman And Hall/Crc _ 2008 1 ADET
1037 1038 _ 9782278064502 _ _ Réussir Le Delf B2 _ Didier _ 0 1 ADET
1038 1039 _ 9782090351989 _ _ Abc Delf B2 _ _ 0 1 ADET
1039 1040 _ 9782090353846 _ _ Abc Dalf _ _ 0 1 ADET
1040 1041 _ 9782278061013 _ _ Réussir Le Dalfc1-C2 _ _ 0 1 ADET
1041 1042 _ 9782348041464 _ _ Croisades Et Cathédrales _ _ 0 1 ADET
1042 1043 _ 9782707195289 _ _ L'enquête Gauloise _ _ 0 1 ADET
1043 1044 _ 9780500480892 _ Alan Graves _ Studio Ceramics _ Thames Hudson _ 2023 1 ADET
1044 1045 _ 9780847899302 _ Alia Dahl _ Clay Pop _ Rizzoli Electa _ 2023 1 ADET
1045 1046 _ 9781838662936 _ Clare Lilley _ Vitamin C-Clay And Ceramic İn Contemporary Art _ Phaidon Press _ 2021 1 ADET
1046 1047 _ 9780764364570 _ Donald A. Clark-Chotsani Elaine Dean _ Contemporary Black American Ceramics Artists _ Schiffer Craft _ 2022 1 ADET
1047 1048 _ 9780500295786 _ Jannier Charlotte _ Contemporary Ceramic Art _ Thames Hudson _ 2020 1 ADET
1048 1049 _ 9781474239707 _ Paul Greenhalgh _ Ceramics Art And Civilisation _ Bloomsbury Visual Arts _ 2021 1 ADET
1049 1050 _ 9783775752558 _ Ralph Rugoff-Allie Biswas _ Strange Clay: Ceramics İn Contemporary Art _ Hatze Cantz _ 2023 1 ADET
1050 1051 _ 9781611322750 _ Dinasours And Dioramas Creating Natural History Exhibitions 1 St Edition _ The Museum Experience Revisited 1St Edition _ Routledge _ 0 1 ADET
1051 1052 _ 9783775747530 _ Donatien Grau _ Donatien Grau. Living Museums: Conversations With Directors Who Made Institutions (Zeitgenössische Kunst) _ _ 2020 1 ADET
1052 1053 _ 9781538150474 _ Mark Walhimer _ Designing Museum Experiences _ _ 2021 1 ADET
1053 1054 _ 9780810858657 _ Scott Magelssen _ Living History Museum Undoing History Through Performance _ _ 2007 1 ADET
1054 1055 _ 9781442249035 _ Beverly Serrell _ Exhibit Labels: An Interpretive Approach _ Rowman And Littlefield Publishers _ 2015 1 ADET
1055 1056 _ 9781442279353 _ John Summers _ Creating Exhibits That Engage A Manual For Museums And Historical Organization _ Amercan Association For State And Local History _ 2018 1 ADET
1056 1057 _ 9780996339315 _ Kerry J Charles _ An Exhibit Of Madness (The Dulcie Chambers Museum Mysteries Band 1 _ Edmundt Octavia Publishing _ 2013 1 ADET
1057 1058 _ 9781720564539 _ Red Hıt Careers Guide _ Museum Exhibit Technician _ Create Space İndependent Publishing Platform _ 2018 1 ADET
1058 1059 _ 9781611322637 _ Stephen Bitgood _ Attention And Volume Keys To Understanding _ Routledge _ 2013 1 ADET
1059 1060 _ 9780578847375 _ Tom Brown _ Museum Exhibit _ Contrapoint Publishing _ 2021 1 ADET
1060 1061 _ 9781442278660 _ _ Exhibit Makeovers A Do İt Yourself Workbook For Small Museums Second Edition _ American Association For State And Local History _ 2017 1 ADET
1061 1062 _ 9780259953340 _ _ The Child Welfare Exhibit May 1 St To May 10 Th _ Forgotten Books _ 2018 1 ADET
1062 1063 _ 9781538156933 _ Adına Langer _ Storytelling İn Museums _ _ 2022 1 ADET
1063 1064 _ 9781538155998 _ Cecıle Shellman _ Effective Diversity, Equity Accessibility İnclusion And Anti Racism Practices For Museums _ _ 0 1 ADET
1064 1065 _ 9781538130506 _ Heather Pressman And Danielle Schulz _ The Art Of Access A Practical Guide For Museum Accessibility _ _ 0 1 ADET
1065 1066 _ 9781538148594 _ Jason L Porter And Mary Kay Cunningham _ Museum Education For Today's Audiences _ American Alliance Of Museums _ 0 1 ADET
1066 1067 _ 9781442279360 _ John Summers _ Creating Exhibits That Engage: A Manual For Museums And Historical Organizations (American Association For State And Local History) _ American Association For State And Local History _ 0 1 ADET
1067 1068 _ 9781538152805 _ Maria Pıacente _ Manual Of Museum Exhibitions _ _ 0 1 ADET
1068 1069 _ 9781538161890 _ Porchia Moore Rose Paquet And Aletheia Wittman _ Transforming Inclusion İn Museums The Power Of Collaborative Inquiry _ American Alliance Of Museums _ 0 1 ADET
1069 1070 _ 9781588397324 _ Alice Cooney Frelinghuysen _ Gifts From The Fire American Ceramics 1880-1950 _ _ 0 1 ADET
1070 1071 _ 9780500022672 _ Antony Gormley And Martin Gayford _ Shaping The World: Sculpture From Prehistory To Now _ _ 0 1 ADET
1071 1072 _ 9780760373095 _ Christina Gordovan _ Mastering The Sculpture: The Figure İn Clay _ _ 0 1 ADET
1072 1073 _ 9780486250069 _ Edouard Lanteri _ Modeling And Sculpting The Human Figure _ _ 0 1 ADET
1073 1074 _ 9781591432357 _ Erich Von Daniken _ Astronaut Gods Of The Maya: Extraterrestrial Technologies İn The Temples And Sculptures _ _ 0 1 ADET
1074 1075 _ 9781670539953 _ Gill Roy _ Intermediate Guide To Ceramic Glazing: Layer Glazes, Underglaze, And Make Triaxial Blends _ _ 0 1 ADET
1075 1076 _ 9798703949313 _ James P. Barufaldi Ph. D. _ Native American Pottery Symbols And Designs _ _ 0 1 ADET
1076 1077 _ 9780823099245 _ Peter Rubino _ Sculpting The Figure İn Clay: An Artistic And Technical Journey To Understanding The Creative And Dynamic Forces İn Figurative Sculpture _ _ 0 1 ADET
1077 1078 _ 9783777437583 _ Stanley Abe _ Imagining Sculptor A Short Conjectural History _ _ 0 1 ADET
1078 1079 _ 9790201809182 _ A. Dvorak _ Slavonic Dances Op. 72-For Piano Four-Hands-Piano _ Henle Verlag _ 2009 1 ADET
1079 1080 _ 9780733341038 _ Ayres, Ed _ Whole Notes _ Abc Books _ 2021 1 ADET
1080 1081 _ 9790001195027 _ Erkin, Ulvi Cemal _ Six Preludes _ Edition Schott _ 0 1 ADET
1081 1082 _ 9790001198851 _ Erkin, Ulvi Cemal _ 5 Drops _ Edition Schott _ 0 1 ADET
1082 1083 _ 9790001194846 _ Erkin, Ulvi Cemal _ Sonata For Piano _ Schott Music _ 0 1 ADET
1083 1084 _ 9780793517749 _ J. Brahms _ Brahms: Hungarian Dances-Book I For Piano Duet _ Schirmer _ 1992 1 ADET
1084 1085 _ 9790202507537 _ Koptagel, Yueksel _ Epitaphio _ Bote & Boch _ 0 1 ADET
1085 1086 _ 9781728259369 _ Richard Mainwaring _ What The Ear Hears (And Doesn't) : Inside The Extraordinary Everyday World Of Frequency _ Sourcebooks _ 2022 1 ADET
1086 1087 _ 9790001191630 _ Say, Fazıl _ 4 Cities _ Schott Music _ 0 1 ADET
1087 1088 _ 9781639362363 _ Stephen Walsh _ The Beloved Vision: A History Of Nineteenth Century Music _ Pegasus Books _ 2022 1 ADET
1088 1089 _ 9780525658634 _ Stuart Isacoff _ Musical Revolutions: How The Sounds Of The Western World Changed _ Knopf Publishing Group _ 0 1 ADET
1089 1090 _ 9781495008719 _ _ Russian Piano Album: Schirmer Library Of Classics Volume 2115 _ Schirmer _ 2015 1 ADET
1090 1091 _ 9781495051647 _ _ He Romantic Era Piano Album: Schirmer's Library Of Musical Classics Volume _ Schirmer _ 2016 1 ADET
1091 1092 _ 9781538156025 _ Maria Chiara Cıaccheri _ Museum Accessibility By Design _ American Alliance Of Museums _ 0 1 ADET
1092 1093 _ 9780415802185 _ Paul F. Marty (Author) , Katherine Jones _ Museum Informatics: People, Information, And Technology İn Museums _ Taylor & Francis _ 2007 1 ADET
1093 1094 _ 9780582237261 _ Prof Douglas Biber Dr Susan Conrad Geoffrey Leech _ Longman Student Grammar Of Spoken And Written English _ Longman _ 2002 _ Revised Edition 1 ADET
1094 1095 _ 9781484278659 _ Chrissa Pagitsas _ Chief Sustainability Officers At Work: How Csos Build Successful Sustainability And Esg Strategies _ Apress _ 2022 1 ADET
1095 1096 _ 9780197625033 _ Jeremy L. Caradonna _ Sustainability: A History, Revised And Updated Edition _ Oxford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1096 1097 _ 9780367365219 _ Margaret Robertson _ Sustainability Principles And Practice _ Routledge _ 2121 1 ADET
1097 1098 _ 9781350244344 _ _ The Bloomsbury Handbook Of Sustainability İn Higher Education: An Agenda For Transformational Change _ Bloomsbury Academic _ 2023 1 ADET
1098 1099 _ 9783030706944 _ _ Generation Z Marketing And Management İn Tourism And Hospitality: The Future Of The Industry _ Palgrave Macmillan _ 0 1 ADET
1099 1100 _ 9783030743963 _ Alina A. Von Davier, Robert J. Mislevy, Jiangang Hao _ Computational Psychometrics: New Methodologies For A New Generation Of Digital Learning And Assessment _ Springer _ 2021 1 ADET
1100 1101 _ 9780815351849 _ Clara Fernández-Vara _ Introduction To Game Analysis _ Routledge _ 2019 1 ADET
1101 1102 _ 9783030635374 _ Graham S. Maxwell _ Using Data To Improve Student Learning Theory, Research And Practice _ Springer _ 2021 1 ADET
1102 1103 _ 9780674278684 _ Justin Reich _ Failure To Disrupt Why Technology Alone Can’T Transform Education _ Harvard University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1103 1104 _ 9780674363366 _ Robin Dunbar _ Grooming, Gossip, And The Evolution Of Language _ Harvard University Press _ 1998 1 ADET
1104 1105 _ 9783030885960 _ Yasemin Kirkgöz, Ali Karakaş _ English As The Medium Of Instruction İn Turkish Higher Education: Policy, Practice And Progress _ Springer _ 2022 1 ADET
1105 1106 _ 9781506268705 _ Lin Lougheed _ Barron's Ielts Superpack _ Barron's Educational Series _ 2019 1 ADET
1106 1107 _ 9781938485107 _ Alexander Lowen _ Pleasure: A Creative Approach To Life _ ?The Alexander Lowen Foundation _ 2013 1 ADET
1107 1108 _ 9781940352640 _ America's Test Kitchen _ The Complete Mediterranean Cookbook: 500 Vibrant, Kitchen-Tested Recipes For Living And Eating Well Every Day _ America's Test Kitchen- (The Complete Atk Cookbook Series) _ 2016 1 ADET
1108 1109 _ 9789752428928 _ Cesur Öztürk _ Advanced English Grammar And Vocabulary _ Pelikan Yayınları _ 2017 1 ADET
1109 1110 _ 9781939754813 _ Chris Lele _ The Vocabulary Builder Workbook: Simple Lessons And Activities To Teach Yourself Over _ Zephyros Press; _ 2018 _ Workbook Editio 1 ADET
1110 1111 _ 9780735224032 _ Dana Thomas _ Fashionopolis: Why What We Wear Matters _ Penguin Books _ 2020 1 ADET
1111 1112 _ 9781734816204 _ Dominique Robinson _ Between Us: A Mother & Daughter Workbook To Strengthen Communication _ Dominique Robinson _ 2020 1 ADET
1112 1113 _ 9780141039411 _ Eckhart Tolle _ A New Earth: Create Your Better Life Today _ Penguin Books Ltd _ 2009 1 ADET
1113 1114 _ 9780486233604 _ Ed Sibbett Jr. _ Stained Glass Pattern Book: 88 Designs For Workable Projects _ Dover Publication _ 1976 1 ADET
1114 1115 _ 9781733589505 _ Erica Meltzer _ How To Write For Class: A Student's Guide To Grammar, Punctuation, And Style _ ?The Critical Reader _ 2019 1 ADET
1115 1116 _ 9781636764955 _ Fatema Z. Sumar _ The Development Diplomat: Working Across Borders, Boardrooms, And Bureaucracies To End Poverty _ New Degree Press _ 2021 1 ADET
1116 1117 _ 9780486266466 _ Madeleine Orban-Szontagh _ Traditional Korean Designs _ Dover Publications _ 2013 1 ADET
1117 1118 _ 9781641521093 _ Michael Digiacomo _ Esl Games For The Classroom: 101 Interactive Activities To Engage Your Students With Minimal Prep _ Rockridge Press _ 2018 1 ADET
1118 1119 _ 9781646113194 _ Michael Digiacomo _ The English Grammar Workbook For Adults: A Self-Study Guide To Improve Functional Writing _ Rockridge Press _ 2020 _ Study Guide, Wo 1 ADET
1119 1120 _ 9783125343337 _ Ronald Carter, Michael Mccarthy _ Cambridge Grammar Of English Paperback With Cd-Rom A Comprehensive Guide _ Cambridge Publishing Press _ 2006 1 ADET
1120 1121 _ 9781801079037 _ Susan Smith Nash _ Moodle 4 E-Learning Course Development: The Definitive Guide To Creating Great Courses İn Moodle 4.0 Using İnstructional Design Principles _ Packt Publishing _ 2022 _ 5Th Edition 1 ADET
1121 1122 _ 9798366200943 _ Tula Rhodes _ Self-Care Habits For Busy Women: A Guide To Choosing Yourself Every Day, Breaking Free From An Overwhelming Lifestyle, And 6 Steps To Getting Back On Track _ Independently Published _ 2023 1 ADET
1122 1123 _ 9781108933810 _ Cambridge University Press _ Ielts 17 Academic Student's Book With Answers With Audio With Resource Bank _ Cambridge English; New Edition (July 21,2022) _ 2022 1 ADET
1123 1124 _ 9780061713163 _ David N. Daniels _ The Essential Enneagram: The Definitive Personality Test And Self-Discovery Guide _ Harperone _ 2009 1 ADET
1124 1125 _ 9780545231497 _ Deborah Schecter _ First Little Readers Parent Pack: Guided Reading Level A: 25 Irresistible Books That Are Just The Right Level For Beginning Readers _ Scholastic Teaching Resources (Teaching Strategies) ; Illustrated Edition (October 1,2010) _ 2010 1 ADET
1125 1126 _ 9780062506832 _ Helen Palmer _ The Enneagram: Understanding Yourself And The Others In Your Life _ Harperone _ 1991 1 ADET
1126 1127 _ 9798532750890 _ Jackie Bolen _ Ielts Speaking Vocabulary Builder: Master Idioms, Phrasal Verbs, Collocations, & Slang _ Independently Published (July 6,2021) _ 2021 1 ADET
1127 1128 _ 9780062404527 _ James Dean _ Pete The Cat 12-Book Phonics Fun!: Includes 12 Mini-Books Featuring Short And Long Vowel Sounds _ Harpercollins; Illustrated Edition (January 3,2017) _ 2017 1 ADET
1128 1129 _ 9780593644966 _ Jenny Laird _ Magic Tree House Graphic Novel Starter Set _ Random House Books For Young Readers (September 27,2022) _ 2022 1 ADET
1129 1130 _ 9781338615524 _ Liza Charlesworth _ First Little Readers: Guided Reading Levels G & H (Parent Pack) : 16 Irresistible Books That Are Just The Right Level For Growing Readers _ Scholastic Teaching Resources (Teaching Strategies) (July 1,2020) _ 2020 1 ADET
1130 1131 _ 9780545231503 _ Liza Charlesworth _ First Little Readers Parent Pack: Guided Reading Level B: 25 Irresistible Books That Are Just The Right Level For Beginning Readers _ Scholastic Teaching Resources (Teaching Strategies) ; Box Edition (October 1,2010) _ 2010 1 ADET
1131 1132 _ 9780545231510 _ Liza Charlesworth _ First Little Readers: Guided Reading Level C (Parent Pack) : 25 Irresistible Books That Are Just The Right Level For Beginning Readers _ Scholastic Teaching Resources (Teaching Strategies) ; Illustrated Edition (October 1,2010) _ 2010 1 ADET
1132 1133 _ 9781338256574 _ Liza Charlesworth _ First Little Readers: Guided Reading Levels E & F (Parent Pack) : 16 Irresistible Books That Are Just The Right Level For Growing Readers _ Teaching Resources (July 1,2018) _ 2018 1 ADET
1133 1134 _ 9781338111507 _ Liza Charlesworth _ First Little Readers Parent Pack: Guided Reading Level D: 25 Irresistible Books That Are Just The Right Level For Beginning Readers _ Teaching Resources, Box Edıtıon _ 2017 1 ADET
1134 1135 _ 9781338717396 _ Miriam Sklar _ First Little Readers: More Guided Reading Level A Books _ Scholastic Teaching Resources (January 15,2021) _ 2021 1 ADET
1135 1136 _ 9781465499332 _ Will Gater _ The Mysteries Of The Universe: Discover The Best-Kept Secrets Of Space _ Dk Children; Illustrated Edition (September 1,2020) _ 2020 1 ADET
1136 1137 _ 9781108933858 _ _ Ielts 16 Academic Student's Book With Answers With Audio With Resource Bank _ Cambridge University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
1137 1138 _ 9781637753460 _ _ Ielts General Training And Academic Exam Study Guide _ Test Prep Books (November 15,2021) _ 2021 1 ADET
1138 1139 _ 9781626567986 _ C. Otto Scharmer _ Theory U: Leading From The Future As It Emerges _ Berrett-Koehler Publishers _ 0 1 ADET
1139 1140 _ 9781941351215 _ Christine Horner _ Awakening Leadership: Be The Leader You Were Born To Be For Millennials & Transgenerationals _ _ 2016 1 ADET
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1142 1143 _ 9783110670165 _ Fernandes, Cristina, Ramírez-Pasillas, Marcela, Ferreira _ Universities, Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, And Sustainability: 3 _ De Gruyter _ 2021 1 ADET
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1145 1146 _ 9781032179667 _ Nikolay Anguelov _ The Dirty Side Of The Garment Industry: Fast Fashion And Its Negative Impact On Environment And Society _ Crc Press _ 2021 1 ADET
1146 1147 _ 9781785276910 _ Peter Mcateer _ Sustainability Is The New Advantage: Leadership, Change, And The Future Of Business _ Anthem Press _ 2021 1 ADET
1147 1148 _ 9781787330498 _ Tim Spector _ Food For Life: The New Science Of Eating Well _ Jonathan Cape _ 2022 1 ADET
1148 1149 _ 9781529112733 _ Tim Spector _ Spoon Fed _ Vintage _ 2022 1 ADET
1149 1150 _ 9780241350386 _ _ The Ecology Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained _ Dk _ 2019 1 ADET
1150 1151 _ 9781250144058 _ Barbara O'connor _ Wish _ Farrar, Straus And Giroux (Byr) _ 2016 1 ADET
1151 1152 _ 9780593308431 _ Hot Dog _ Salati, Doug _ _ 2022 1 ADET
1152 1153 _ 9781953429131 _ Jesse Sullivan _ Spectacular Stories For Curious Kids: A Fascinating Collection Of True Tales To Inspire & Amaze Young Readers _ Big Dreams Kids Books _ 2021 1 ADET
1153 1154 _ 9780316524896 _ Patrice Karst _ The Invisible Leash: An Invisible String Story About The Loss Of A Pet _ Little, Brown Books For Young Readers _ 2021 1 ADET
1154 1155 _ 9781509917891 _ Katalin Ligeti, Stanislaw Tosza (Eds) _ White Collar Crime-A Comparative Perspective _ Hart Publishing _ 2018 1 ADET
1155 1156 _ 9781108733052 _ Malcolm N. Shaw _ International Law _ Cambridge University Press _ 2021 _ 9Th 1 ADET
1156 1157 _ 9780199574452 _ Martin Dixon _ Textbook On International Law _ Oxford University Press _ 2013 _ 7Th 1 ADET
1157 1158 _ 9780198856641 _ Paul Craig & Gráinne De Búrca _ Eu Law Text, Cases, And Materials _ Oxford University Press _ 2020 _ 7Th 1 ADET
1158 1159 _ 9780198864660 _ Robert Schütze _ European Union Law _ Oxford University Press _ 2021 _ 3Rd 1 ADET
1159 1160 _ 9781107080171 _ Thomas Cottier _ Equitable Principles Of Maritime Boundary Delimitation _ Cambridge University Press _ 2015 1 ADET
1160 1161 _ 9781107003767 _ Vincent P. Cogliati & Bantz Hugo Caminos _ The Legal Regime Of Straits: Contemporary Challenges And Solutions _ Cambridge University Press _ 2014 1 ADET
1161 1162 _ 9789041167170 _ Damiano Canapa _ Trademarks And Brands İn Merger Control _ Wolters Kluwer _ 2016 1 ADET
1162 1163 _ 9780198869917 _ Lionel Bently, Brad Sherman, Dev Gangjee, And Phillip Johnson _ Intellectual Property Law _ Oxford Univeristy Press _ 2022 _ 6Th Edition 1 ADET
1163 1164 _ 9781788110587 _ Alexander Orakhelashvili _ Research Handbook On Jurisdiction And Immunities İn International Law _ Edward Elgar Publishing _ 2017 1 ADET
1164 1165 _ 9780231202855 _ Anne Irfan _ Refuge And Resistance: Palestinians And The International Refugee System _ Columbia University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
1165 1166 _ 9781316627402 _ Jason M. Pobjoy _ The Child İn International Refugee Law _ Cambridge University Press _ 2017 1 ADET
1166 1167 _ 9781108434393 _ Jean D'aspremont _ International Law As A Belief System _ Cambridge University Press _ 2018 1 ADET
1167 1168 _ 9781316502792 _ Jens David Ohlin _ Theoretical Boundaries Of Armed Conflict And Human Rights _ Cambridge University Press _ 2017 1 ADET
1168 1169 _ 9781108461498 _ Marco Longobardo _ The Use Of Armed Force İn Occupied Territory _ Cambridge University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
1169 1170 _ 9781107480667 _ Mohammad Shahabuddin _ Ethnicity And International Law: Histories, Politics And Practices _ Cambridge University Press _ 2018 1 ADET
1170 1171 _ 9780719097744 _ Nigel D. White _ The Law Of International Organisations _ Manchester University Press _ 2016 _ 3Rd 1 ADET
1171 1172 _ 9780199231287 _ Paola Gaeta & Jorge E. Viñuales & Salvatore Zappalá _ Cassese's International Law _ Oxford University Press _ 2020 _ 3Rd 1 ADET
1172 1173 _ 9781841135304 _ Anthony I Ogus _ Regulation: Legal Form And Economic Theory _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2004 1 ADET
1173 1174 _ 9781849464727 _ Hermann Pünder, Christian Waldhoff _ Debates İn German Public Law _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2014 1 ADET
1174 1175 _ 9780815373919 _ Kevin J. Fandl _ Law And Public Policy _ Routledge _ 2019 1 ADET
1175 1176 _ 9781786439819 _ Sabino Cassese _ Research Handbook On Global Administrative Law _ Edward Elgar Publishing _ 2017 1 ADET
1176 1177 _ 9781611639131 _ Sidney A. Shapiro, Joseph P. Tomain _ Regulatory Law And Policy Cases And Materials _ Carolina Academic Press _ 2020 _ Fourth Edition 1 ADET
1177 1178 _ 9781784718664 _ Susan Rose-Ackerman _ Comparative Administrative Law _ Edward Elgar Publishing _ 2019 1 ADET
1178 1179 _ 9780226609577 _ Andrew B. Hall _ Who Wants To Run?: How The Devaluing Of Political Office Drives Polarization _ University Of Chicago Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1179 1180 _ 9780367031145 _ Clive L. Spash _ Routledge Handbook Of Ecological Economics _ Routledge _ 2018 1 ADET
1180 1181 _ 9780674975781 _ Jonathan B. Baker _ The Antitrust Paradigm: Restoring A Competitive Economy _ Harvard University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1181 1182 _ 9780415810494 _ Måns Söderbom _ Empirical Development Economics _ Routledge _ 2014 1 ADET
1182 1183 _ 9781501182891 _ Matt Stoller _ Goliath: The 100-Year War Between Monopoly Power And Populism _ Simon & Schuster _ 2020 1 ADET
1183 1184 _ 9781794064881 _ Michael B. White _ Mastering Python: Machine Learning, Data Structures, Django, Object Oriented Programming And Software Engineering _ Independently Published _ 2019 1 ADET
1184 1185 _ 9781541788312 _ Paul Volcker, Christine Harper _ Keeping At It: The Quest For Sound Money And Good Government _ Publicaffairs _ 2018 1 ADET
1185 1186 _ 9780999745465 _ Tim Wu _ The Curse Of Bigness: Antitrust İn The New Gilded Age _ Columbia Global Reports _ 2018 1 ADET
1186 1187 _ 9781784706289 _ Caroline Criado Perez _ Invisible Women: Data Bias İn A World Designed For Men _ Harry N. Abrams _ 2021 1 ADET
1187 1188 _ 9780300244663 _ David Hendry, Jennifer Castle, Michael Clements _ Forecasting: An Essential Introduction _ Yale University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1188 1189 _ 9780525572510 _ David Pilling _ The Growth Delusion: Wealth, Poverty, And The Well-Being Of Nations _ Crown _ 2019 1 ADET
1189 1190 _ 9781316630334 _ Oliver Linton _ Financial Econometrics: Models And Methods _ Cambridge University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1190 1191 _ 9781944659653 _ Robert A Jarrow, Arkadev Chatterjea _ Introduction To Derivative Securities, Financial Markets, And Risk Management _ World Scientific Us _ 2019 1 ADET
1191 1192 _ 9780465094622 _ Scott E. Page _ The Model Thinker: What You Need To Know To Make Data Work For You _ Basic Books _ 2018 1 ADET
1192 1193 _ 9781452288888 _ Walter L. Leite _ Practical Propensity Score Methods Using R _ Sage Publications _ 2016 1 ADET
1193 1194 _ 9780691208633 _ Alberto Alesina, Carlo Favero, Francesco Giavazzi _ Austerity: When It Works And When It Doesn't _ Princeton University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
1194 1195 _ 9781108831994 _ Federico Echenique, Nicole Immorlica, Vijay V. Vazirani, Alvin E. Roth _ Online And Matching-Based Market Design _ Cambridge University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
1195 1196 _ 9780262537131 _ Joseph Y. Halpern _ Actual Causality _ The Mıt Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1196 1197 _ 9780262039741 _ Michael J. O'brien, R. Alexander Bentley, William A. Brock, John Maeda _ The Importance Of Small Decisions _ The Mıt Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1197 1198 _ 9780262038744 _ Nicholas Agar _ How To Be Human İn The Digital Economy _ The Mıt Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1198 1199 _ 9780262039789 _ Rafael Pass _ A Course İn Networks And Markets: Game-Theoretic Models And Reasoning _ The Mıt Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1199 1200 _ 9780262537100 _ Robert D. Atkinson, Michael Lind _ Big Is Beautiful: Debunking The Myth Of Small Business _ The Mıt Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1200 1201 _ 9780262039376 _ Wayne Ferson _ Empirical Asset Pricing: Models And Methods _ The Mıt Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1201 1202 _ 9781032303987 _ Andrew Freris _ The Greek Economy İn The Twentieth Century _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
1202 1203 _ 9780367280826 _ Ceyhun Elgin _ The Informal Economy: Measures, Causes, And Consequences _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
1203 1204 _ 9780367902773 _ Christian Aspalter _ Financing Welfare State Systems İn Asia _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
1204 1205 _ 9780367693848 _ Dimitris Kamouzis _ Greeks İn Turkey: Elite Nationalism And Minority Politics İn Late Ottoman And Early Republican Istanbul _ Routledge _ 2023 1 ADET
1205 1206 _ 9780367749163 _ Masudul Alam Choudhury _ Islamic Economics And Covıd-19: The Economic, Social And Scientific Consequences Of A Global Pandemic _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
1206 1207 _ 9781032443164 _ Steven Rosefielde _ Socialist Economic Systems _ Routledge _ 2023 1 ADET
1207 1208 _ 9780141986197 _ Abhijit V. Banerjee, Esther Duflo _ Good Economics, Bad Economics: Eight Ways We Get The World Wrong And How To Set It Right _ Public Affairs _ 2019 1 ADET
1208 1209 _ 9780141989310 _ Alan Greenspan, Adrian Wooldridge _ Capitalism İn America: A History _ Penguin Press _ 2018 1 ADET
1209 1210 _ 9780192843104 _ Benn Steil _ The Marshall Plan: Dawn Of The Cold War _ Oxford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1210 1211 _ 9780241258767 _ David Spiegelhalter _ The Art Of Statistics: Learning From Data _ Basic Books _ 2021 1 ADET
1211 1212 _ 9780226398969 _ Douglas A. Irwin _ Clashing Over Commerce: A History Of Us Trade Policy _ University Of Chicago Press _ 2017 1 ADET
1212 1213 _ 9781108477222 _ Eugenia Cheng _ The Joy Of Abstraction: An Exploration Of Math, Category Theory, And Life _ Cambridge University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1213 1214 _ 9780262037334 _ J. Barkley Rosser Jr., Marina V. Rosser _ Comparative Economics İn A Transforming World Economy _ The Mıt Press _ 2018 1 ADET
1214 1215 _ 9781108483407 _ Jeffrey S. Racine _ An Introduction To The Advanced Theory And Practice Of Nonparametric Econometrics: A Replicable Approach Using R _ Cambridge University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1215 1216 _ 9781324004219 _ Joseph E. Stiglitz _ People, Power, And Profits: Progressive Capitalism For An Age Of Discontent _ W. W. Norton & Company _ 2019 1 ADET
1216 1217 _ 9781108739870 _ Rutger Hoekstra _ Replacing Gdp By 2030: Towards A Common Language For The Well-Being And Sustainability Community _ Cambridge University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1217 1218 _ 9780241955369 _ Amartya Sen _ Home İn The World: A Memoir _ Liveright _ 2023 1 ADET
1218 1219 _ 9781501760129 _ Eric Helleiner _ The Neomercantilists: A Global Intellectual History _ Cornell University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
1219 1220 _ 9780593084441 _ Eric J. Johnson _ The Elements Of Choice: Why The Way We Decide Matters _ Riverhead Books _ 2022 1 ADET
1220 1221 _ 9780691242354 _ Francesco Guala _ Understanding Institutions: The Science And Philosophy Of Living Together _ Princeton University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
1221 1222 _ 9780262047296 _ Jeffrey Carpeter, Andrea Robbett _ Game Theory And Behavior _ The Mıt Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1222 1223 _ 9781637740590 _ Kim Hvidkjaer _ How To F*Ck Up Your Startup: The Science Behind Why 90% Of Companies Fail--And How You Can Avoid It _ Matt Holt _ 2022 1 ADET
1223 1224 _ 9780674270510 _ Leon Wansleben _ The Rise Of Central Banks: State Power İn Financial Capitalism _ Harvard University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
1224 1225 _ 9780691156989 _ Lorraine Daston _ Rules: A Short History Of What We Live By _ Princeton University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1225 1226 _ 9781492089926 _ Paris Buttfield-Addison, Mars Buttfield-Addison, Tim Nugent _ Practical Simulations For Machine Learning: Using Synthetic Data For Aı _ O'reilly Media _ 2022 1 ADET
1226 1227 _ 9798987522509 _ Simone Collins, Malcolm Collins _ The Pragmatist's Guide To Governance _ Omniscion Press _ 2023 1 ADET
1227 1228 _ 9780306925696 _ Todd Rose _ Collective Illusions: Conformity, Complicity, And The Science Of Why We Make Bad Decisions _ Hachette Go _ 2023 1 ADET
1228 1229 _ 9781942503620 _ Vernon L. Smith _ The Evidence Of Things Not Seen: Reflections On Faith, Science, And Economics _ Acton Institute _ 2017 1 ADET
1229 1230 _ 9780393634761 _ Adam Waytz _ The Power Of Human: How Our Shared Humanity Can Help Us Create A Better World _ W. W. Norton & Company _ 2019 1 ADET
1230 1231 _ 9780262042789 _ Andreas Nieder _ A Brain For Numbers: The Biology Of The Number Instinct _ The Mıt Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1231 1232 _ 9780262537797 _ Dimitry Kochenov _ Citizenship _ The Mıt Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1232 1233 _ 9781631495540 _ Edward O. Wilson _ Genesis: The Deep Origin Of Societies _ Liveright _ 2019 1 ADET
1233 1234 _ 9781631495472 _ Freeman Dyson _ Maker Of Patterns: An Autobiography Through Letters _ Liveright _ 2019 1 ADET
1234 1235 _ 9780692196380 _ Gilbert Strang _ Linear Algebra And Learning From Data _ Wellesley-Cambridge Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1235 1236 _ 9780262731836 _ Jeffrey M. Wooldridge _ Student's Solutions Manual And Supplementary Materials For Econometric Analysis Of Cross Section And Panel Data _ The Mıt Press _ 2011 1 ADET
1236 1237 _ 9780691171517 _ Matthias Doepke, Fabrizio Zilibotti _ Love, Money, And Parenting: How Economics Explains The Way We Raise Our Kids _ Princeton University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1237 1238 _ 9781501152931 _ Michele Gelfand _ Rule Makers, Rule Breakers: How Tight And Loose Cultures Wire Our World _ Scribner _ 2018 1 ADET
1238 1239 _ 9780316230049 _ Nicholas A. Christakis _ Blueprint: The Evolutionary Origins Of A Good Society _ Little, Brown Spark _ 2020 1 ADET
1239 1240 _ 9780525558330 _ Raghuram Rajan _ The Third Pillar: How Markets And The State Leave The Community Behind _ Penguin Press _ 2020 1 ADET
1240 1241 _ 9780141984919 _ Randolph M. Nesse Md _ Good Reasons For Bad Feelings: Insights From The Frontier Of Evolutionary Psychiatry _ Penguin _ 2020 1 ADET
1241 1242 _ 9780262039413 _ Agustín Rayo _ On The Brink Of Paradox: Highlights From The Intersection Of Philosophy And Mathematics _ The Mıt Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1242 1243 _ 9780262538985 _ Cass R. Sunstein _ How Change Happens _ The Mıt Press _ 2020 1 ADET
1243 1244 _ 9780691181240 _ David G. Blanchflower _ Not Working: Where Have All The Good Jobs Gone? _ Princeton University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1244 1245 _ 9780691199436 _ Elena Llaudet, Kosuke Imai _ Data Analysis For Social Science: A Friendly And Practical Introduction _ Princeton University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1245 1246 _ 9781464143335 _ Jonathan Gruber _ Public Finance And Public Policy _ Worth Publishers _ 2015 1 ADET
1246 1247 _ 9780691178363 _ Kenneth S. Rogoff _ The Curse Of Cash: How Large-Denomination Bills Aid Crime And Tax Evasion And Constrain Monetary Policy _ Princeton University Press _ 2017 1 ADET
1247 1248 _ 9780691181622 _ Kieran Healy _ Data Visualization: A Practical Introduction _ Princeton University Press _ 2018 1 ADET
1248 1249 _ 9780226650265 _ Lee Anne Fennell _ Slices And Lumps: Division And Aggregation İn Law And Life _ University Of Chicago Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1249 1250 _ 9781464813313 _ Angus Deaton, World Bank Group _ The Analysis Of Household Surveys: A Microeconometric Approach To Development Policy _ The World Bank Group _ 2019 _ Reissue 1 ADET
1250 1251 _ 9780262533157 _ Beatriz Armendáriz, Felipe Larraín B. _ The Economics Of Contemporary Latin America _ The Mıt Press _ 2017 1 ADET
1251 1252 _ 9781465473912 _ Dk _ The Economics Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained _ Dk _ 2018 1 ADET
1252 1253 _ 9780525558019 _ John Brockman _ Possible Minds: Twenty-Five Ways Of Looking At Aı _ Penguin Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1253 1254 _ 9780691154947 _ John Quiggin _ Economics İn Two Lessons: Why Markets Work So Well, And Why They Can Fail So Badly _ Princeton University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1254 1255 _ 9781595622457 _ Jon Clifton _ Blind Spot: The Global Rise Of Unhappiness And How Leaders Missed It _ Gallup Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1255 1256 _ 9780691230597 _ Kyle Harper _ Plagues Upon The Earth: Disease And The Course Of Human History _ Princeton University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
1256 1257 _ 9780300218244 _ Paul Oyer _ An Economist Goes To The Game _ Yale University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1257 1258 _ 9780262038034 _ Terrence J. Sejnowski _ The Deep Learning Revolution _ The Mıt Press _ 2018 1 ADET
1258 1259 _ 9780262039284 _ Thomas-Olivier Léautier, Jean Tirole _ Imperfect Markets And Imperfect Regulation: An Introduction To The Microeconomics And Political Economy Of Power Markets _ The Mıt Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1259 1260 _ 9783319984032 _ Vernon L. Smith _ A Life Of Experimental Economics, Volume I: Forty Years Of Discovery _ Palgrave Macmillan _ 2018 1 ADET
1260 1261 _ 9783319984247 _ Vernon L. Smith _ A Life Of Experimental Economics, Volume Iı: The Next Fifty Years _ Palgrave Macmillan _ 2018 1 ADET
1261 1262 _ 9781119403555 _ Andrew Goudie _ The Human Impact On The Natural Environment _ John Wiley & Sons _ 2013 1 ADET
1262 1263 _ 9780199565573 _ Andrew Goudie, Heather Viles _ Landscapes And Geomorphology: A Very Short Introduction _ Oxford University Press _ 2010 1 ADET
1263 1264 _ 9783319907185 _ Michael Pace-Sigge _ Spreading Activation, Lexical Priming And The Semantic Web: Early Psycholinguistic Theories, Corpus Linguistics And Aı Applications _ Palgrave Pivot _ 2018 1 ADET
1264 1265 _ 9781138574564 _ Adam D. Kiš _ The Development Trap _ Routledge _ 2018 1 ADET
1265 1266 _ 9780143134480 _ Ben S. Bernanke, Timothy F. Geithner, Henry M. Paulson _ Firefighting: The Financial Crisis And Its Lessons _ Penguin Books _ 2019 1 ADET
1266 1267 _ 9781138186576 _ Christian Aspalter, Kenny Teguh Pribadi _ Development And Social Policy: The Win-Win Strategies Of Developmental Social Policy _ Routledge _ 2016 1 ADET
1267 1268 _ 9781138588677 _ Elise Klein _ Postdevelopment İn Practice _ Routledge _ 2019 1 ADET
1268 1269 _ 9780367584962 _ Galip Yalman, Thomas Marois, Ali Rıza Güngen _ The Political Economy Of Financial Transformation İn Turkey _ Routledge _ 2020 1 ADET
1269 1270 _ 9780367478858 _ Henry Veltmeyer, Paul Bowles _ The Essential Guide To Critical Development Studies _ Routledge _ 2017 1 ADET
1270 1271 _ 9780316409148 _ Jared Diamond _ Upheaval: Turning Points For Nations İn Crisis _ Little, Brown And Company _ 2020 1 ADET
1271 1272 _ 9783030053741 _ Jörg Nowak _ Mass Strikes And Social Movements İn Brazil And India: Popular Mobilisation İn The Long Depression _ Palgrave Macmillan _ 2019 1 ADET
1272 1273 _ 9789811344534 _ Murat A. Yülek _ How Nations Succeed: Manufacturing, Trade, Industrial Policy, And Economic Development _ Palgrave Macmillan _ 2019 1 ADET
1273 1274 _ 9781138495562 _ Susannah Verney, Anna Bosco, Senem Aydin-Düzgit _ The Akp Since Gezi Park: Moving To Regime Change İn Turkey _ Routledge _ 2019 1 ADET
1274 1275 _ 9780255367318 _ William Easterly _ The Economics Of International Development: Foreign Aid Versus Freedom For The World's Poor _ Institute Of Economic Affairs _ 2016 1 ADET
1275 1276 _ 9798844528903 _ Harald Scheule, Daniel Rösch _ Deep Credit Risk: Machine Learning İn R _ Independently Published _ 2022 1 ADET
1276 1277 _ 9781441926135 _ Jonathan D. Cryer, Kung-Sik Chan _ Time Series Analysis: With Applications İn R _ Springer _ 2010 1 ADET
1277 1278 _ 9780857199683 _ Robert Carver _ Advanced Futures Trading Strategies _ Harriman House _ 2023 1 ADET
1278 1279 _ 9780262044233 _ Ana Espinola-Arredondo, Felix Munoz-Garcia _ Intermediate Microeconomic Theory _ Mıt Press _ 2020 1 ADET
1279 1280 _ 9781107608962 _ Chiara Fumagalli, Massimo Motta, Claudio Calcagno _ Exclusionary Practices: The Economics Of Monopolisation And Abuse Of Dominance _ Cambridge University Press _ 2018 1 ADET
1280 1281 _ 9781950769605 _ David S. Evans, Allan Fels Ao, Catherine Tucker _ The Evolutıon Of Antıtrust In The Dıgıtal Era: Essays On Competition Policy _ Competition Policy International _ 2020 1 ADET
1281 1282 _ 9780262543705 _ Sanjit Dhami, Cass R. Sunstein _ Bounded Rationality: Heuristics, Judgment, And Public Policy _ Mıt Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1282 1283 _ 9780300255539 _ Uri Gneezy _ Mixed Signals: How Incentives Really Work _ Yale University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
1283 1284 _ 9780062484239 _ Cass R. Sunstein _ The World According To Star Wars _ Dey Street Books _ 2016 1 ADET
1284 1285 _ 9780128214701 _ Charis M. Galanakis _ Food Technology Disruptions _ Academic Press _ 2021 1 ADET
1285 1286 _ 9780997253108 _ Christian Williams _ Alone Together: Sailing Solo To Hawaii And Beyond _ East Wind Press _ 2016 1 ADET
1286 1287 _ 9780997253115 _ Christian Williams _ Philosophy Of Sailing: Offshore İn Search Of The Universe _ East Wind Press _ 2018 1 ADET
1287 1288 _ 9783662643778 _ Jörg Dörr, Matthias Nachtmann _ Handbook Digital Farming: Digital Transformation For Sustainable Agriculture _ Springer _ 2022 1 ADET
1288 1289 _ 9781732265134 _ Tyler Cowen _ Stubborn Attachments: A Vision For A Society Of Free, Prosperous, And Responsible Individuals _ Stripe Press _ 2018 1 ADET
1289 1290 _ 9781032003641 _ Aviel Verbruggen _ Pricing Carbon Emissions _ Routledge _ 2023 1 ADET
1290 1291 _ 9781623175764 _ Charles Eisenstein _ Sacred Economics, Revised: Money, Gift & Society İn The Age Of Transition _ National Geographic Books _ 2021 1 ADET
1291 1292 _ 9780241502709 _ Erik Angner _ How Economics Can Save The World _ Penguin Uk _ 2023 1 ADET
1292 1293 _ 9781399803434 _ J. Bradford Delong _ Slouching Towards Utopia: An Economic History Of The Twentieth Century _ Basic Books _ 2022 1 ADET
1293 1294 _ 9781324035855 _ James Vincent _ Beyond Measure: The Hidden History Of Measurement From Cubits To Quantum Constants _ W. W. Norton & Company _ 2022 1 ADET
1294 1295 _ 9780593318355 _ Jonathan Healey _ The Blazing World: A New History Of Revolutionary England, 1603-1689 _ Knopf _ 2023 1 ADET
1295 1296 _ 9780691229874 _ Maarten Prak, Jan Luiten Van Zanden _ Pioneers Of Capitalism: The Netherlands 1000–1800 _ Princeton University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1296 1297 _ 9781509540235 _ Mark Koyama, Jared Rubin _ How The World Became Rich: The Historical Origins Of Economic Growth _ Polity _ 2022 1 ADET
1297 1298 _ 9781642831610 _ Nicoletta Batini _ The Economics Of Sustainable Food: Smart Policies For Health And The Planet _ Island Press _ 2021 1 ADET
1298 1299 _ 9780674971165 _ Philippe Aghion, Céline Antonin, Simon Bunel _ The Power Of Creative Destruction: Economic Upheaval And The Wealth Of Nations _ Belknap Press _ 2021 1 ADET
1299 1300 _ 9780691233512 _ William D. Nordhaus _ The Spirit Of Green: The Economics Of Collisions And Contagions İn A Crowded World _ Princeton University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
1300 1301 _ 9781399805209 _ William Magnuson _ For Profit: A History Of Corporations _ Basic Books _ 2022 1 ADET
1301 1302 _ 9780141990378 _ Adrian Wooldridge _ The Aristocracy Of Talent _ Skyhorse _ 2023 1 ADET
1302 1303 _ 9780691238388 _ Alan S. Blinder _ A Monetary And Fiscal History Of The United States, 1961–2021 _ Princeton University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1303 1304 _ 9780393417333 _ Charles I. Jones _ Macroeconomics _ W. W. Norton & Company _ 2017 1 ADET
1304 1305 _ 9780691161082 _ Edward P. Herbst, Frank Schorfheide _ Bayesian Estimation Of Dsge Models _ Princeton University Press _ 2015 1 ADET
1305 1306 _ 9781541797833 _ Ran Abramitzky, Leah Boustan _ Streets Of Gold: America's Untold Story Of Immigrant Success _ W. W. Norton & Company _ 2023 1 ADET
1306 1307 _ 9780128229279 _ Ruediger Bachmann, Giorgio Topa, Wilbert Van Der Klaauw _ Handbook Of Economic Expectations _ Academic Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1307 1308 _ 9780231200592 _ Albert O. Hirschman _ The Postwar Economic Order _ Columbia University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1308 1309 _ 9781137390448 _ Andria Van Der Merwe _ Market Liquidity Risk: Implications For Asset Pricing, Risk Management, And Financial Regulation _ Palgrave Macmillan _ 2016 1 ADET
1309 1310 _ 9781999579500 _ Andriy Burkov _ The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book _ Andriy Burkov _ 2019 1 ADET
1310 1311 _ 9780262038379 _ Daniel P. Ahn _ Principles Of Commodity Economics And Finance _ The Mıt Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1311 1312 _ 9780393541533 _ Douglas Rushkoff _ Team Human _ W. W. Norton & Company _ 2021 1 ADET
1312 1313 _ 9781441953001 _ Jaime Marquez _ Estimating Trade Elasticities _ Springer _ 2012 1 ADET
1313 1314 _ 9780062897947 _ John Brockman, Daniel Kahneman _ The Last Unknowns: Deep, Elegant, Profound Unanswered Questions About The Universe, The Mind, The Future Of Civilization, And The Meaning Of Life _ William Morrow Paperbacks _ 2019 1 ADET
1314 1315 _ 9780300234817 _ Jon Danielsson _ The Illusion Of Control: Why Financial Crises Happen, And What We Can (And Can’T) Do About It _ Yale University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1315 1316 _ 9781509534692 _ Jonathan Holslag _ The Silk Road Trap: How China's Trade Ambitions Challenge Europe _ Polity _ 2019 1 ADET
1316 1317 _ 9780735223684 _ Monica L. Smith _ Cities: The First 6,000 Years _ Simon & Schuster Ltd _ 2019 1 ADET
1317 1318 _ 9780393358469 _ Patricia Churchland _ Conscience: The Origins Of Moral Intuition _ W. W. Norton & Company _ 2020 1 ADET
1318 1319 _ 9789813149960 _ Robert A Jarrow _ Economic Foundations Of Risk Management, The: Theory, Practice, And Applications _ Wspc _ 2016 1 ADET
1319 1320 _ 9781647824198 _ Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans, Avi Goldfarb _ Power And Prediction _ Harvard Business Review Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1320 1321 _ 9780691235899 _ Bruce Hansen _ Econometrics _ Princeton University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1321 1322 _ 9780691235943 _ Bruce Hansen _ Probability And Statistics For Economists _ Princeton University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1322 1323 _ 9780691214351 _ Ethan Bueno De Mesquita, Anthony Fowler _ Thinking Clearly With Data: A Guide To Quantitative Reasoning And Analysis _ Princeton University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
1323 1324 _ 9780735211292 _ James Clear _ Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way To Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones _ Avery _ 2018 1 ADET
1324 1325 _ 9780593239483 _ John A. List _ The Voltage Effect: How To Make Good Ideas Great And Great Ideas Scale _ Currency _ 2022 1 ADET
1325 1326 _ 9780691207551 _ Justin Grimmer, Margaret E. Roberts, Brandon M. Stewart _ Text As Data: A New Framework For Machine Learning And The Social Sciences _ Princeton University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1326 1327 _ 9780262543552 _ Marc F. Bellemare _ Doing Economics: What You Should Have Learned İn Grad School?But Didn’T _ The Mit Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1327 1328 _ 9781647823016 _ Nathan Furr, Susannah Harmon Furr _ The Upside Of Uncertainty: A Guide To Finding Possibility İn The Unknown _ Harvard Business Review Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1328 1329 _ 9780300251685 _ Scott Cunningham _ Causal Inference: The Mixtape _ Yale University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
1329 1330 _ 9781524763718 _ Alan B. Krueger _ Rockonomics: A Backstage Tour Of What The Music Industry Can Teach Us About Economics And Life _ Currency _ 2019 1 ADET
1330 1331 _ 9780525533962 _ Allison Schrager _ An Economist Walks İnto A Brothel: And Other Unexpected Places To Understand Risk _ Portfolio _ 2019 1 ADET
1331 1332 _ 9781524758769 _ Annie Lowrey _ Give People Money: How A Universal Basic Income Would End Poverty, Revolutionize Work, And Remake The World _ Crown _ 2018 1 ADET
1332 1333 _ 9781620975695 _ Joseph E. Stiglitz, Jean-Paul Fitoussi, Martine Durand _ Measuring What Counts: A New Dashboard For Well-Being _ The New Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1333 1334 _ 9780358105589 _ Kai-Fu Lee _ Aı Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, And The New World Order _ Mariner Books _ 2021 1 ADET
1334 1335 _ 9780691208602 _ Katharina Pistor _ The Code Of Capital: How The Law Creates Wealth And Inequality _ Princeton University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
1335 1336 _ 9780141980768 _ Mariana Mazzucato _ The Value Of Everything: Making And Taking İn The Global Economy _ Penguin _ 2019 1 ADET
1336 1337 _ 9780674237476 _ Mehrsa Baradaran _ The Color Of Money: Black Banks And The Racial Wealth Gap _ Belknap Press: An Imprint Of Harvard University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1337 1338 _ 9781324002642 _ Michael Lewis _ The Fifth Risk _ W. W. Norton & Company _ 2018 1 ADET
1338 1339 _ 9781608462476 _ Richard D. Wolff _ Democracy At Work: A Cure For Capitalism _ Haymarket Books _ 2012 1 ADET
1339 1340 _ 9780525436379 _ Robert B. Reich _ The Common Good _ Vintage _ 2019 1 ADET
1340 1341 _ 9781108411431 _ Thomas Mazzoni _ A First Course İn Quantitative Finance _ Cambridge University Press _ 2018 1 ADET
1341 1342 _ 9781541645639 _ Thomas Sowell _ Discrimination And Disparities _ Basic Books _ 2019 1 ADET
1342 1343 _ 9780231170130 _ Venkat Venkatasubramanian _ How Much Inequality Is Fair?: Mathematical Principles Of A Moral, Optimal, And Stable Capitalist Society _ Columbia University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1343 1344 _ 9780691194738 _ Charles F. Manski _ Patient Care Under Uncertainty _ Princeton University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1344 1345 _ 9780691179209 _ David Colander, Craig Freedman _ Where Economics Went Wrong: Chicago's Abandonment Of Classical Liberalism _ Princeton University Press _ 2018 1 ADET
1345 1346 _ 9780691183138 _ Dean Karlan & Jacob Appel _ Failing İn The Field: What We Can Learn When Field Research Goes Wrong _ Princeton University Press _ 2018 1 ADET
1346 1347 _ 9780691179261 _ Diane Coyle _ Markets, State, And People: The Economics Of Public Policy _ Princeton University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
1347 1348 _ 9780674986428 _ Duncan K. Foley, Thomas R. Michl, Daniele Tavani _ Growth And Distribution _ Harvard University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1348 1349 _ 9780274756537 _ John E. Roemer _ How We Cooperate: A Theory Of Kantian Optimization _ Yale University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1349 1350 _ 9780691182506 _ Nicola Gennaioli, Andrei Shleifer _ A Crisis Of Beliefs: Investor Psychology And Financial Fragility _ Princeton University Press _ 2018 1 ADET
1350 1351 _ 9780691182179 _ Philip T. Hoffman, Gilles Postel-Vinay, And Jean-Laurent Rosenthal _ Dark Matter Credit: The Development Of Peer-To-Peer Lending And Banking İn France _ Princeton University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1351 1352 _ 9780691192970 _ Sonia Jaffe, Robert Minton, Casey B. Mulligan, And Kevin M. Murphy _ Chicago Price Theory _ Princeton University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1352 1353 _ 9780691175386 _ William L. Silber _ The Story Of Silver: How The White Metal Shaped America And The Modern World _ Princeton University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1353 1354 _ 9781138670358 _ Anna Lanoszka _ International Development _ Routledge _ 2018 1 ADET
1354 1355 _ 9780367663124 _ Arzu Akkoyunlu Wigley, Selim Çağatay _ The Dynamics Of Growth İn Emerging Economies: The Case Of Turkey _ Routledge _ 2020 1 ADET
1355 1356 _ 9781138494329 _ David Simon _ Key Thinkers On Development _ Routledge _ 2019 1 ADET
1356 1357 _ 9781138714120 _ Milford Bateman, Stephanie Blankenburg, Richard Kozul-Wright _ The Rise And Fall Of Global Microcredit _ Routledge _ 2018 1 ADET
1357 1358 _ 9780262039369 _ Olivier Blanchard, Lawrence H. Summers _ Evolution Or Revolution?: Rethinking Macroeconomic Policy After The Great Recession _ The Mıt Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1358 1359 _ 9786054362325 _ Yakup Kepenek _ Turkish Economy _ Odtu _ 2012 1 ADET
1359 1360 _ 9780826221834 _ Andrew H. Browning _ The Panic Of 1819: The First Great Depression _ University Of Missouri _ 2019 1 ADET
1360 1361 _ 9781324064879 _ Ben S. Bernanke _ 21St Century Monetary Policy: The Federal Reserve From The Great Inflation To Covid-19 _ Publicaffairs _ 2023 1 ADET
1361 1362 _ 9781316635391 _ Charles H. Anderton, John R. Carter _ Principles Of Conflict Economics: The Political Economy Of War, Terrorism, Genocide, And Peace _ Cambridge University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1362 1363 _ 9781642591187 _ Éric Toussaint _ The Debt System: A History Of Sovereign Debts And Their Repudiation _ Haymarket Books _ 2019 1 ADET
1363 1364 _ 9781509528653 _ Frank Stilwell _ The Political Economy Of Inequality _ Polity _ 2019 1 ADET
1364 1365 _ 9781316607787 _ Jeffrey M. Chwieroth, Andrew Walter _ The Wealth Effect: How The Great Expectations Of The Middle Class Have Changed The Politics Of Banking Crises _ Cambridge University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1365 1366 _ 9781541644274 _ Jonathan A. Rodden _ Why Cities Lose: The Deep Roots Of The Urban-Rural Political Divide _ Basic Books _ 2019 1 ADET
1366 1367 _ 9780812251777 _ Richard Vague _ A Brief History Of Doom: Two Hundred Years Of Financial Crises _ University Of Pennsylvania Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1367 1368 _ 9780691172088 _ Taco Terpstra _ Trade İn The Ancient Mediterranean: Private Order And Public Institutions _ Princeton University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1368 1369 _ 9780674976054 _ Yair Listokin _ Law And Macroeconomics: Legal Remedies To Recessions _ Harvard University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1369 1370 _ 9780691191225 _ Anthony B. Atkinson _ Measuring Poverty Around The World _ Princeton University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1370 1371 _ 9780262039543 _ Frank J. Fabozzi, Frank J. Jones _ Foundations Of Global Financial Markets And Institutions _ The Mıt Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1371 1372 _ 9780674987333 _ Ganesh Sitaraman, Anne L. Alstott _ The Public Option: How To Expand Freedom, Increase Opportunity, And Promote Equality _ Harvard University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1372 1373 _ 9780262038645 _ Jens Leth Hougaard _ Allocation İn Networks _ The Mıt Press _ 2018 1 ADET
1373 1374 _ 9780262039239 _ Jeremy Greenwood _ Evolving Households: The Imprint Of Technology On Life _ The Mıt Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1374 1375 _ 9780674988088 _ Stéphanie Hennette, Thomas Piketty, Guillaume Sacriste _ How To Democratize Europe _ Harvard University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1375 1376 _ 9781119158080 _ Alister E. Mcgrath _ Theology: The Basics Paperback _ _ 2017 1 ADET
1376 1377 _ 9780822370574 _ Catherine Russell _ Archiveology: Walter Benjamin And Archival Film Practices _ _ 2018 1 ADET
1377 1378 _ 9781861893437 _ Esther Leslie _ Walter Benjamin _ _ 2008 1 ADET
1378 1379 _ 9780472035229 _ James Martel _ Textual Conspiracies: Walter Benjamin, Idolatry, And Political Theory _ _ 2012 1 ADET
1379 1380 _ 9781940625485 _ Oğuz Atay _ Waiting For Fear _ _ 2022 1 ADET
1380 1381 _ 9780810135772 _ Stéphane Symons _ More Than Life: Georg Simmel And Walter Benjamin On Art _ _ 2017 1 ADET
1381 1382 _ 9781597529952 _ Steven P. Mueller _ Called To Believe: A Brief Introduction To Christian Doctrine _ _ 2006 1 ADET
1382 1383 _ 9781498292467 _ Timothy H. Maschke _ Called To Be Holy İn The World: An Introduction To Christian History _ _ 2016 1 ADET
1383 1384 _ 9781409181637 _ Alex Michaelides _ The Silent Patient _ Celadon Books _ 2021 1 ADET
1384 1385 _ 9780525536291 _ Brit Bennett _ The Vanishing Half _ Riverhead Books _ 2020 1 ADET
1385 1386 _ 9781473657632 _ Dorothy L. Sayers _ Lord Peter: The Complete Lord Peter Wimsey Stories _ Harper Paperbacks _ 2013 1 ADET
1386 1387 _ 9781940180922 _ Ed. Matt Sinclair _ Flight: A Science Fiction Anthology _ Elephants Bookshelf Press, Springfield _ 2019 1 ADET
1387 1388 _ 9780230228511 _ Ed. Andy Sawyer, Peter Wright _ Teaching Science Fiction _ Palgrave Macmillan _ 2011 1 ADET
1388 1389 _ 9780262538282 _ Jonathan Haber _ Critical Thinking _ Mıt Press _ 2020 1 ADET
1389 1390 _ 9781786078612 _ Samanta Schweblin _ Little Eyes _ Oneworld Publications _ 2021 1 ADET
1390 1391 _ 9781789098754 _ V. E. Schwab _ The Invisible Life Of Addie Larue _ Bloomsbury _ 2020 1 ADET
1391 1392 _ 9781349477449 _ Alexa Huang _ Shakespeare And The Ethics Of Appropriation _ Palgrave Macmillan _ 2016 1 ADET
1392 1393 _ 9780415787390 _ Alissa Mello _ Women And Puppetry: Critical And Historical Investigations _ Routledge _ 2019 1 ADET
1393 1394 _ 9781349437054 _ C. Dipietro _ Shakespeare And The Urgency Of Now: Criticism And Theory İn The 21St Century _ Palgrave Macmillan _ 2013 1 ADET
1394 1395 _ 9783837662375 _ Sevi Bayraktar _ Tanzen/Teilen-Sharing/Dancing _ Transcript _ 2022 1 ADET
1395 1396 _ 9781350073579 _ Sujata Iyengar _ Shakespeare And Adaptation Theory _ ?The Arden Shakespeare _ 2023 1 ADET
1396 1397 _ 9783030439590 _ Tiziana Morosetti _ The Palgrave Handbook Of Theatre And Race _ Palgrave Macmillan _ 2021 1 ADET
1397 1398 _ 9781032088983 _ Yana Meerzon _ Dramaturgy Of Migration _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
1398 1399 _ 9781630230869 _ Darin Bradley _ Chimpanzee _ Underland Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1399 1400 _ 9780226599069 _ Dinerstein, Joel _ The Origins Of Cool İn Postwar America _ University Of Chicago Press _ 2018 1 ADET
1400 1401 _ 9780691160122 _ Reimer, David _ Count Like An Egyptian _ Princeton University Press _ 2014 1 ADET
1401 1402 _ 9780231192880 _ Stathis Gourgouris _ The Perils Of The One _ Columbia University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1402 1403 _ 9780909952259 _ Felix Guattari _ Chaosmosis: An Ethico-Aesthetic Paradigm _ Power Publications, Sydney _ 2012 1 ADET
1403 1404 _ 9781635900385 _ Franco "Bifo" Berardi _ Breathing: Chaos And Poetry _ Semiotext (E) _ 2019 1 ADET
1404 1405 _ 9781474463294 _ Galina Kiryushina, Einat Adar, Mark Nixon _ Samuel Beckett And Technology _ Edinburgh University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
1405 1406 _ 9781838857684 _ Nick Cave, Seán O’Hagan _ Faith, Hope And Carnage _ Farrar, Straus And Giroux _ 2022 1 ADET
1406 1407 _ 9780923956967 _ Kenneth Blonski _ Managing Fire İn The Urban Wildland Interface _ Solano Press Books _ 2010 1 ADET
1407 1408 _ 9781108498555 _ Kevin Speer _ Wildland Fire Dynamics _ Cambridge University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1408 1409 _ 9781108425056 _ Baker J Brendon B Staffaord P _ Seismic Hazard And Risk Analysis _ Cambridge University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1409 1410 _ 9783030139759 _ Limongelli Mp Celebi M _ Seismic Structural Health Monitoring: From Theory To Successful Applications _ Springer _ 2019 1 ADET
1410 1411 _ 9788417219567 _ Ana Fernandez Cascante _ Muévete Y Aprende Español. _ Octaq _ 2018 1 ADET
1411 1412 _ 9789700769578 _ Elena Garro _ La Semana De Colores _ Porrua _ 2019 1 ADET
1412 1413 _ 9786070738777 _ Emilio Angel Lome _ Itacate De Cuentos Mexicanos _ Planeta _ 2022 1 ADET
1413 1414 _ 9788466795005 _ Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer _ Leyendas _ Anaya İnfantil Y Juvenil _ 0 1 ADET
1414 1415 _ 9788516046309 _ Lina Gutierrez _ Pachamama, La Tierra Madre _ Santillana _ 0 1 ADET
1415 1416 _ 9788498483758 _ Miguel Angel Rincón _ Muérdeme _ Edinumen _ 2012 1 ADET
1416 1417 _ 9788467053791 _ Real Academia Española _ Libro De Estilo De La Lengua Española: Según La Norma Panhispánica. _ Espasa _ 2018 1 ADET
1417 1418 _ 9788416782963 _ Casarejos, Eva | López, Mónica | Sarralde, Berta _ Vitamina B2-Libro Del Alumno _ Sgel _ 2022 1 ADET
1418 1419 _ 9788419065216 _ Castro Viúdez, Francisca _ Español C2 _ Sgel _ 2023 1 ADET
1419 1420 _ 9788497787475 _ De Prada, Marisa | Molero, Clara María _ Español En La Cocina _ Sgel _ 2023 1 ADET
1420 1421 _ 9788416782970 _ Díaz, Celia | Llamas, Pablo | Rodríguez, Aída _ Vitamina B2-Cuaderno De Ejercicios _ Sgel _ 2022 1 ADET
1421 1422 _ 9788416782949 _ Díaz, Celia | Rodríguez, Aída _ Vitamina B1-Cuaderno De Ejercicios _ Sgel _ 2021 1 ADET
1422 1423 _ 9788446024972 _ Enrico Castelnuovo _ Arte E Historia En La Edad Media Iıı _ Akal _ 0 1 ADET
1423 1424 _ 9788418752285 _ Iglesias Amorín, Alfonso _ Marruecos, Panteón Del Imperio Español _ Marcial Pons, Ediciones De Historia _ 0 1 ADET
1424 1425 _ 9788417301729 _ Javier Maderuelo Raso _ El Espectáculo Del Mundo: Una Historia Cultural Del Paisaje _ Abada Editores _ 0 1 ADET
1425 1426 _ 9788490459164 _ Josefına Méndez Vázquez (Ed.) _ Hıstorıar La Educacıón De Las Mujeres En Tıempos De Cambıo _ Editorial Comares _ 0 1 ADET
1426 1427 _ 9788408260561 _ Marıa Dueñas _ Sıra _ Planeta _ 2022 1 ADET
1427 1428 _ 9788413144566 _ Mıkel Santıago _ En Plena Noche _ B De Bolsıllo _ 2022 1 ADET
1428 1429 _ 9788413142722 _ Mıkel Santıago _ El Mentıroso _ Edıcıones B _ 2020 1 ADET
1429 1430 _ 9788466672191 _ Mıkel Santıago _ Entre Los Muertos _ Edıcıones B _ 2022 1 ADET
1430 1431 _ 9788417260743 _ Rodríguez Pérez, Ernesto _ 24 Horas En Español. Miami _ Difusion _ 2022 1 ADET
1431 1432 _ 9788417260729 _ Rodríguez Pérez, Ernesto-Chery, Diana _ 24 Horas En Español. Nueva York _ Difusion _ 2022 1 ADET
1432 1433 _ 9788416782932 _ Sarralde, Berta | Casarejos, Eva | Martínez, Daniel _ Vitamina B1-Libro Del Alumno _ Sgel _ 2020 1 ADET
1433 1434 _ 9788418907555 _ Several Authors _ Un Viaje Fantástico A Andalucía _ Difusion _ 2022 1 ADET
1434 1435 _ 9788418907562 _ Several Authors _ Un Viaje Fantástico A La Mancha _ Difusion _ 2022 1 ADET
1435 1436 _ 9788418907371 _ Alonso Raya, Rosario _ Gramática Básica Del Estudiante De Español-Versión Panhispánica _ Difusión _ 0 1 ADET
1436 1437 _ 9788417710828 _ Herrera Jiménez Et Al. _ La Didáctica De Lenguas De Par En Par. Diálogo Entre Teoría Y Práctica _ Difusión _ 0 1 ADET
1437 1438 _ 9788418032110 _ Miquel López, Lourdes _ Gramática Básica Del Estudiante De Español Ne Revisada _ Difusión _ 0 1 ADET
1438 1439 _ 9788416943890 _ Ruíz Campillo Et Al. _ Enseñar Gramática En El Aula De Español. Nuevas Perspectivas Y Propuestas _ Difusión _ 0 1 ADET
1439 1440 _ 9788417260699 _ Soria Millán Et Al. _ Las Claves Del Dele A2. Edición Actualizada _ Difusión _ 0 1 ADET
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1443 1444 _ 9788418625169 _ _ Nos Vemos Hoy 1-Edición Para Estudiantes _ Difusión _ 0 1 ADET
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1445 1446 _ 9788418625213 _ _ Nos Vemos Hoy 2-Edición Para Estudiantes _ Difusión _ 0 1 ADET
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1447 1448 _ 9788418625268 _ _ Nos Vemos Hoy 3-Edición Para Estudiantes _ Difusión _ 0 1 ADET
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1449 1450 _ 9788484437031 _ _ El Camino De Las Estrellas _ Difusión _ 0 1 ADET
1450 1451 _ 9788417730451 _ Castro Viúdez, Francisca _ Compañeros 1 Alumno 3 Ed: Libro Del Alumno + Licencia Digital 1 _ Sgel _ 2021 1 ADET
1451 1452 _ 9788417730468 _ Castro Viúdez, Francisca _ Compañeros 1 Ejer + 3ª Edición: Cuaderno De Ejercicios + Licencia Digital 1 _ Sgel _ 2021 1 ADET
1452 1453 _ 9788417730482 _ Castro Viúdez, Francisca _ Compañeros 2 Alum + 3ª Edición: Libro Del Alumno + Licencia Digital 2 _ Sgel _ 2021 1 ADET
1453 1454 _ 9788417730499 _ Castro Viúdez, Francisca _ Compañeros 2 Ejer + 3ª Edición: Cuaderno De Ejercicios + Licencia Digital 2 _ Sgel _ 2021 1 ADET
1454 1455 _ 9788417730512 _ Castro Viúdez, Francisca _ Nuevo Compañeros 3 Lıbro Del Alumno + Lıcencıa Dıgıtal: Libro Del Alumno + Licencia Digital 3 _ Sgel _ 2022 1 ADET
1455 1456 _ 9788417730529 _ Castro Viúdez, Francisca _ Nuevo Compañeros 3 Cuaderno De Ejercıcıo + Lıcencıa Dıgıtal _ Sgel _ 2022 1 ADET
1456 1457 _ 9788417730543 _ Castro Viúdez, Francisca _ Nuevo Compañeros 4-Libro Del Alumno: Libro Del Alumno + Licencia Digital 4 _ Sgel _ 2022 1 ADET
1457 1458 _ 9788417730550 _ Castro Viúdez, Francisca _ Nuevo Compañeros 4. Cuaderno De Ejercicios Tapa Blanda – 29 Abril 2022 _ Sgel _ 2022 1 ADET
1458 1459 _ 9781521783023 _ Danader, María _ Misterio En La Biblioteca: Learn Spanish With Improve Spanish Reading Downloadable Audio İncluded: _ Independent Published _ 2017 1 ADET
1459 1460 _ 9781521782866 _ Danader, María _ Una Carta İnesperada: Learn Spanish With Improve Spanish Reading Downloadable Audio İncluded _ Independently Published _ 2017 1 ADET
1460 1461 _ 9781521783139 _ Danader, María _ Una Aventura De Whatsapp: Learn Spanish With Improve Spanish Reading Downloadable _ Independently Published _ 2017 1 ADET
1461 1462 _ 9781521486801 _ Garviar, Teresa _ Viaje A Singapur. A Short Story İn Spanish.: Learn Spanish With Improve Spanish Reading. Spanish Novel For Beginners _ Independent Publishing _ 2017 1 ADET
1462 1463 _ 9781096371267 _ Garviar, Teresa _ Asesinato En El Bosque: Learn Spanish With Improve Spanish Reading: 7 _ Independently Published _ 2017 1 ADET
1463 1464 _ 9781521894569 _ Garviar, Teresa _ El Cadáver Del Puente: Learn Spanish With Improve Spanish Reading.: _ Independently Published _ 2017 1 ADET
1464 1465 _ 9781549998225 _ Garviar, Teresa _ La Verdad De La Leyenda: Spanish Novel For İntermediate B1. Downloadable Audio. Vol 9. Spanish Edition. Learn Spanish. Improve Spanish Reading. Graded Readings. _ Independently Published _ 2017 1 ADET
1465 1466 _ 9788415577423 _ L'ecuyer, Catherine _ Educar En El Asombro _ Plataforma _ 2013 1 ADET
1466 1467 _ 9788416273508 _ Rodríguez Pérez, Ernesto _ Un Día En Madrid: Un Día En Madrid (Un Día En... Nivel A1) Tapa Blanda _ Difusion _ 2015 1 ADET
1467 1468 _ 9788416657445 _ Rodríguez Pérez, Ernesto _ Un Día En Buenos Aires _ Difusión _ 2016 1 ADET
1468 1469 _ 9788417249649 _ Rodríguez Pérez, Ernesto _ Un Día En Valencia _ Difusión _ 2017 1 ADET
1469 1470 _ 9788416273515 _ Rodríguez Pérez, Ernesto _ Un Día En Salamanca _ Difusión _ 2015 1 ADET
1470 1471 _ 9788416657438 _ Rodríguez Pérez, Ernesto _ Un Día En La Habana _ Difusión _ 2016 1 ADET
1471 1472 _ 9788417249632 _ Rodríguez Pérez, Ernesto _ Un Día En Sevilla _ Difusión _ 2018 1 ADET
1472 1473 _ 9783125620360 _ Rodríguez Pérez, Ernesto _ Un Día En Málaga _ Klett Sprachen _ 2016 1 ADET
1473 1474 _ 9783125620445 _ Rodríguez Pérez, Ernesto _ Un Día En La Ciudad De México _ Klett Sprachen _ 2017 1 ADET
1474 1475 _ 9788497784238 _ Aquilino Sánchez _ La Enseñanza De İdiomas En Los Últimos Cien Años _ Sgel _ 0 1 ADET
1475 1476 _ 9788417260422 _ Dorado Debeza, Mª Dolores _ Gente Hoy 1-Complemento De Español Profesional _ Difusión _ 0 1 ADET
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1477 1478 _ 9788416782048 _ Jiménez Calderón, Francisco _ Manual De Formación Para Profesores De Ele _ Sgel _ 0 1 ADET
1478 1479 _ 9788497784290 _ Moreno, Concha _ Temas De Gramática _ _ 0 1 ADET
1479 1480 _ 9788415620792 _ Neus Sans, S. L. _ Gente Hoy 1-Libro De Trabajo _ Difusión _ 0 1 ADET
1480 1481 _ 9788415640387 _ Neus Sans, S. L. _ Gente Hoy 2-Libro De Trabajo _ Difusión _ 0 1 ADET
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1483 1484 _ 9788415620785 _ Neus Sans, S. L. _ Gente Hoy 1-Libro Del Alumno _ _ 0 1 ADET
1484 1485 _ 9788415640370 _ Neus Sans, S. L. _ Gente Hoy 2-Libro Del Alumno _ _ 0 1 ADET
1485 1486 _ 9780341618140 _ Palma, Ricardo _ Tradiciones Peruanas _ Sgel _ 0 1 ADET
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1487 1488 _ 9788497785105 _ Sánchez Lobato, Jesús _ Aspectos Del Español Actual _ Sgel _ 0 1 ADET
1488 1489 _ 9788415299417 _ C. Favret _ El Hueso Misterioso: Lecturas Graduadas-Nivel 1 _ Enclave _ 2016 1 ADET
1489 1490 _ 9788417730390 _ Castro Viúdez, Francisca _ Esp Marcha 1 Al+ 3ª Edición: Libro Del Alumno + Licencia _ Sgel _ 2021 1 ADET
1490 1491 _ 9788417730406 _ Castro Viúdez, Francisca _ Esp Marcha 1 Ejer+ 3ª Edición: Cuaderno De Ejercicios + Licencia _ Sgel _ 2021 1 ADET
1491 1492 _ 9788417730420 _ Castro Viúdez, Francisca _ Esp Marcha 2 Al+ 3ª Edición: Libro Del Alumno + Licencia _ Sgel _ 2021 1 ADET
1492 1493 _ 9788417730437 _ Castro Viúdez, Francisca _ Español En Marcha 2 Ejerc+@ N 3Ed: Cuaderno De Ejercicios + Licencia _ Sgel _ 2021 1 ADET
1493 1494 _ 9788417730918 _ Castro Viúdez, Francisca _ Español En Marcha 3 Lıbro Del Alumno + Lıcencıa Dıgıtal 3Ed _ Sgel _ 2022 1 ADET
1494 1495 _ 9788417730925 _ Castro Viúdez, Francisca _ Español En Marcha 3 Cuaderno De Ejercıcıos + Lıcencıa Dıgıtal Ed _ Sgel _ 2022 1 ADET
1495 1496 _ 9788417730031 _ Corpas Viñals, Jaime _ Carnaval En Tenerife _ Sgel _ 2021 1 ADET
1496 1497 _ 9788417730048 _ Corpas Viñals, Jaime _ Aventura E Yucatán _ Sgel _ 2020 1 ADET
1497 1498 _ 9788417730284 _ Corpas Viñals, Jaime _ Diverso Basico Alum + Nueva Edición: Libro Del Alumno Basico + Licencia Digital _ Sgel _ 2021 1 ADET
1498 1499 _ 9788417730291 _ Corpas Viñals, Jaime _ Diverso Basico Ejer + Nueva Edición: Cuaderno De Ejercicios Basico + Licencia Digital _ Sgel _ 2021 1 ADET
1499 1500 _ 9788417730314 _ Corpas Viñals, Jaime _ Diverso Español B Alum + Nueva Edición: Libro Del Alumno Espanol B + Licencia Digital _ Sgel _ 2021 1 ADET
1500 1501 _ 9788417730321 _ Corpas Viñals, Jaime _ Diverso Español B Ejer + Nueva Edición: Cuaderno De Ejercicios Espanol B + Licencia Digital _ Sgel _ 2021 1 ADET
1501 1502 _ 9788497788175 _ Corpas Viñals, Jaime _ Fiesta Sorpresa En Chinchón _ Sgel _ 2021 1 ADET
1502 1503 _ 9788497788199 _ Corpas Viñals, Jaime _ Salsa En La Hábana _ Sgel _ 2021 1 ADET
1503 1504 _ 9788497788205 _ Corpas Viñals, Jaime _ Boda En Buenos Aires _ Sgel _ 2021 1 ADET
1504 1505 _ 9788497789639 _ Corpas Viñals, Jaime _ Nochevieja En Madrid _ Sgel _ 2021 1 ADET
1505 1506 _ 9786059518475 _ Ferrero Gil, María Teresa _ Solo Español 2 (A 1.2) Libro Del Alumno Y De Ejercicios +Audio Descargable _ Nuans _ 2021 1 ADET
1506 1507 _ 9786059518499 _ Ferrero Gil, María Teresa _ Solo Español 1 (A 1.1) Libro Del Alumno Y De Ejercicios +Audio Descargable _ Nuans _ 2021 1 ADET
1507 1508 _ 9786059518536 _ Ferrero Gil, María Teresa _ Solo Espanol 3 (A 2.1) Libro Del Alumnoy De Ejercicios +Audio Descargable _ Nuans _ 2021 1 ADET
1508 1509 _ 9788418907548 _ Miquel López, Lourdes _ Enredados _ Difusion _ 2022 1 ADET
1509 1510 _ 9788418032080 _ Miquel López, Lourdes _ Sin Noticias _ Difusión _ 2020 1 ADET
1510 1511 _ 9788418032097 _ Miquel López, Lourdes _ Amor En Línea _ Difusión _ 2020 1 ADET
1511 1512 _ 9781983417108 _ Zalles, Alberto _ Los Últimos Días De Tiwanacu: B1 Lecturas Graduadas Ele _ Createspace Independent Publishing Platform _ 2019 1 ADET
1512 1513 _ 9788858341834 _ A. M. Brivio _ Mani D'oro-Livello B1 _ Loescher _ 2021 1 ADET
1513 1514 _ 9788858341827 _ C. Marulo, C. Marulo _ Il Gatto Scomparso-Livello A1+ _ Loescher _ 2021 1 ADET
1514 1515 _ 9788858339169 _ C. Medaglia, F. Medaglia _ Nuovo Spazio Civilità _ Loescher _ 2021 1 ADET
1515 1516 _ 9788858341803 _ E. Russo _ Se Una Notte D'estate Una Studentessa...-Livello A2 _ Loescher _ 2021 1 ADET
1516 1517 _ 9788858341810 _ E. Russo _ Chef Per Un Giorno-Livello A2 _ Loescher _ 2021 1 ADET
1517 1518 _ 9788858341858 _ E. Russo _ Sulle Tracce Di Una Strega-Livello B1 _ Loescher _ 2021 1 ADET
1518 1519 _ 9788897462774 _ F. Ferrieri, L. Zambianchi _ La Vita È Tutta Un Quiz _ Loescher _ 2021 1 ADET
1519 1520 _ 9788820166663 _ Luigi Castiglione, Scevola Mariotti _ Il Vocabolario Della Lingua Latina. Latino-İtaliano, İtaliano-Latino. _ Loescher _ 2012 1 ADET
1520 1521 _ 9780259592952 _ N. Zingarelli _ Lo Zingarelli 2022. Vocabolario Della Lingua İtaliana. Versione Base. _ Zanichelli _ 2021 1 ADET
1521 1522 _ 9788820345181 _ Alessandra Latino Marida Muscolino _ La Minaccia Di Don Rodrigo _ Hoeplı _ 2010 1 ADET
1522 1523 _ 9788820356958 _ Alessandra Latino, Marida Muscolino _ Una Moglie Per Zeno _ Hoeplı _ 2013 1 ADET
1523 1524 _ 9788820330736 _ Bruno Osimo _ Storia Della Traduzione _ Hoeplı _ 2002 1 ADET
1524 1525 _ 9788820344863 _ Bruno Osimo _ Propedeutica Della Traduzione _ Hoeplı _ 2010 1 ADET
1525 1526 _ 9788820373054 _ Covarino, Filippini, Gramolini, Madia _ L’İtaliano Della Chiesa B1+ _ Hoeplı _ 2016 1 ADET
1526 1527 _ 9788820385354 _ Covarino, Filippini, Gramolini, Madia _ L’İtaliano Della Chiesa A1-A2 _ Hoeplı _ 2018 1 ADET
1527 1528 _ 9788820329471 _ Jean Delisle Hannelore Lee-Jahnke Monique C. Cormier _ Terminologia Della Traduzione _ Hoeplı _ 2002 1 ADET
1528 1529 _ 9788820329433 _ Marella Magris Maria Teresa Musacchio Lorenza Rega Federica Scarpa _ Manuale Di Terminologia _ Hoeplı _ 2001 1 ADET
1529 1530 _ 9788820342883 _ Peeter Torop _ La Traduzione Totale _ Hoeplı _ 2009 1 ADET
1530 1531 _ 9788820329594 _ Pierangelo Petrioli _ Viaggio Nell’Arte İtaliana Da Firenze A Roma Tra Medioevo E Rinascimento _ Hoeplı _ 2001 1 ADET
1531 1532 _ 9788820351151 _ Rosita D’Amora _ Corso Di Lingua Turca _ Hoeplı _ 2012 1 ADET
1532 1533 _ 9788820351823 _ Silvana La Scala _ Alla Scoperta Dell’Italia _ Hoeplı _ 2012 1 ADET
1533 1534 _ 9783030318338 _ Editors: Liang An _ Recycling Of Spent Lithium-Ion Batteries _ Springer Nature _ 2019 1 ADET
1534 1535 _ 9789814651899 _ Nancy J Dudney, William C West, Jagjit Nanda _ Handbook Of Solid State Batteries: 2Nd Edition (Materials And Energy) 2Nd Revised Ed. Edition _ World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd _ 2015 1 ADET
1535 1536 _ 9780521873253 _ Patrick M. Woodward, Pavel Karen, John S. O. Evans, Thomas Vogt _ Solid State Materials Chemistry _ Cambridge University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
1536 1537 _ 9789811228087 _ Andrey Karshikoff _ Non-Covalent Interactions In Proteins _ Wspc _ 2021 1 ADET
1537 1538 _ 9789811232756 _ Benoit Roux _ Computational Modeling And Simulations Of Biomolecular Systems _ Wspc _ 2021 1 ADET
1538 1539 _ 9789811250002 _ David C Clary _ Schrodinger In Oxford _ Wspc _ 2022 1 ADET
1539 1540 _ 9781803243900 _ Keeper L. Sharkey, Alain Chance _ Quantum Chemistry And Computing For The Curious: Illustrated With Python And Qiskit® Code _ Packt Publishing _ 2022 1 ADET
1540 1541 _ 9780198847816 _ Peter Atkins, Julio De Paula, James Keeler _ Atkins' Physical Chemistry _ Oxford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1541 1542 _ 9780593083888 _ Gabor Mate _ The Myth Of Normal: Trauma, Illness, And Healing İn A Toxic Culture _ Avery _ 2022 1 ADET
1542 1543 _ 9780609899434 _ Kat Duff _ The Alchemy Of Illness _ Harmony _ 2000 1 ADET
1543 1544 _ 9781982113674 _ Shanna Swan _ Count Down: How Our Modern World Is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male And Female Reproductive Development, And Imperiling The Future Of The Human Race Paperback _ _ 2022 1 ADET
1544 1545 _ 9780367558871 _ Stanley E Manahan _ Environmental Chemistry _ _ 2022 _ Eleventh 1 ADET
1545 1546 _ 9781591430353 _ Stephen Harrod Buhner _ The Secret Teachings Of Plants: The Intelligence Of The Heart İn The Direct Perception Of Nature _ Bear & Company _ 2004 1 ADET
1546 1547 _ 9781591431350 _ Stephen Harrod Buhner _ Plant Intelligence And The Imaginal Realm: Beyond The Doors Of Perception İnto The Dreaming Of Earth _ Bear & Company _ 2014 1 ADET
1547 1548 _ 9781890132880 _ Stephen Harrod Buhner _ The Lost Language Of Plants _ Chelsea Green Publishing _ 2002 1 ADET
1548 1549 _ 9783110661095 _ Steven M Oberhelman _ Healing Manuals From Ottoman And Modern Greece: The Medical Recipes Of Gymnasios Lavri?Tis And Other Iatrosofia _ De Gruyter _ 2020 1 ADET
1549 1550 _ 9782940540426 _ Tony T Gaillard _ Transgenerational Therapy: Healing The Inherited Burden _ Genesis Editions _ 2020 1 ADET
1550 1551 _ 9780099592969 _ Wade Davis _ One River _ Simon & Schuster _ 1997 1 ADET
1551 1552 _ 9780841231832 _ Adiel Coca _ Boron Reagents İn Synthesis _ Acs _ 2018 1 ADET
1552 1553 _ 9783319335209 _ D. Michael P. Mingos (Editor) _ The Chemical Bond Iı: 100 Years Old And Getting Stronger _ Springer _ 2016 1 ADET
1553 1554 _ 9783319351452 _ D. Michael P. Mingos (Editor) _ The Chemical Bond Iıı: 100 Years Old And Getting Stronger _ Springer _ 2017 1 ADET
1554 1555 _ 9783319775067 _ David A. Petrone _ Stereoselective Heterocycle Synthesis Via Alkene Difunctionalization: Bulky Phosphine Ligands Enable Pd-Catalyzed Arylhalogenation, Arylcyanation And Diarylation _ Springer _ 2018 1 ADET
1555 1556 _ 9783642273698 _ David Michael P. Mingos (Editor) , Peter Day (Editor) , Jens Peder Dahl (Editor) _ Molecular Electronic Structures Of Transition Metal Complexes I _ Springer _ 2012 1 ADET
1556 1557 _ 9783642273773 _ David Michael P. Mingos (Editor) , Peter Day (Editor) , Jens Peder Dahl (Editor) _ Molecular Electronic Structures Of Transition Metal Complexes Iı _ Springer _ 2012 1 ADET
1557 1558 _ 9780124143326 _ Earl L Muetterties And Earl Muetterties _ Boron Hydride Chemistry _ Academic Press _ 2012 1 ADET
1558 1559 _ 9783319130538 _ Elena Fernández (Editor) , Andrew Whiting (Editor) _ Synthesis And Application Of Organoboron Compounds _ Springer _ 2015 1 ADET
1559 1560 _ 9780849391514 _ Ender Erdik (Author) _ Organozinc Reagents İn Organic Synthesis _ Crc Press _ 0 1 ADET
1560 1561 _ 9780128046975 _ James E. House (Author) , Kathleen A. House (Author) _ Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry _ Academic Press _ 0 _ 3Rd 1 ADET
1561 1562 _ 9783319155111 _ Jean-Luc Montchamp (Editor) _ Phosphorus Chemistry Iı: Synthetic Methods _ Springer _ 2015 1 ADET
1562 1563 _ 9781119750611 _ Johannes Karl Fink _ Flame Retardants _ Wiley-Scrivener _ 2020 1 ADET
1563 1564 _ 9783036537740 _ Laura Antonella Aronica _ Metal Promoted Cyclocarbonylation Reactions İn The Synthesis Of Heterocycles _ Mdpi Ag _ 2022 1 ADET
1564 1565 _ 9780198700951 _ Mark J. Winter _ Chemical Bonding _ Oxford University Press _ 0 1 ADET
1565 1566 _ 9780824790219 _ Robert L. Augustine _ Heterogeneous Catalysis For The Synthetic Chemist _ _ 2020 1 ADET
1566 1567 _ 9780471981237 _ Stanley M. Roberts (Editor) , Geraldine Poignant (Editor) _ Hydrolysis, Oxidation And Reduction, Volume 1 _ Wiley _ 0 1 ADET
1567 1568 _ 9780198556626 _ Susan E. Thomas _ Organic Synthesis: The Roles Of Boron And Silicon _ Oxford University Press _ 1992 1 ADET
1568 1569 _ 9783527344536 _ Tamejiro Hiyama And Martin Oestreich _ Organosilicon Chemistry: Novel Approaches And Reactions _ Wıley-Vch _ 0 1 ADET
1569 1570 _ 9783642227486 _ Uli Kazmaier (Editor) _ Transition Metal Catalyzed Enantioselective Allylic Substitution İn Organic Synthesis _ Springer _ 2012 1 ADET
1570 1571 _ 9783319032382 _ Volker Schurig _ Differentiation Of Enantiomers I _ Springer _ 2013 1 ADET
1571 1572 _ 9783319037158 _ Volker Schurig (Editor) _ Differentiation Of Enantiomers Iı _ Springer _ 2013 1 ADET
1572 1573 _ 9781014934239 _ William Gerrard _ The Organic Chemistry Of Boron _ Hassell Street Press _ 2021 1 ADET
1573 1574 _ 9783319084275 _ Zhenfeng Xi (Editor) _ Organo-Di-Metallic Compounds _ Springer _ 2014 1 ADET
1574 1575 _ 9780470023211 _ Zvi Rappoport And Ilan Marek _ The Chemistry Of Organolithium Compounds, Volume 2: R-Li _ Wiley _ 2007 1 ADET
1575 1576 _ 9781483252711 _ By John T. Edsall, Jeffries Wyman _ Biophysical Chemistry: Thermodynamics, Electrostatics, And The Biological Significance Of The Properties Of Matter _ Academic Press _ 2014 1 ADET
1576 1577 _ 9781788017893 _ By Oliviero Carugo, Frank Eisenhaber _ Machine Learning İn Chemistry: The Impact Of Artificial Intelligence _ Royal Society Of Chemistry _ 0 1 ADET
1577 1578 _ 9781482252231 _ Dagmar Klostermeier And Markus G. Rudolph _ Biophysical Chemistry _ Crc Pres _ 2017 1 ADET
1578 1579 _ 9780198807131 _ Tom Mcleish _ Soft Matter: A Very Short Introduction _ Oxford University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
1579 1580 _ 9783527344642 _ Jennifer Strunk _ Heterogeneous Photocatalysis: From Fundamentals To Applications İn Energy Conversion And Depollution _ Wiley _ 2021 1 ADET
1580 1581 _ 9780849315596 _ Eric R. Lee, Sergey Edward Lyshevski _ Microdrop Generation _ Crc Press _ 2002 1 ADET
1581 1582 _ 9783659646775 _ Hussien Sultan _ Micro Bubble Simulation Oscillated Under High Intensity Acoustic Field _ Lap Lambert Academic Publishing _ 2017 1 ADET
1582 1583 _ 9783639296716 _ Meron Mengistu _ Flow-Induced Changes İn Endothelial Cell Micro-Mechanical Properties: Application Of The Oscillating Optical Tweezers Methodology To Study Mechanosensing Events _ Vdm Verlag Dr. Müller _ 2010 1 ADET
1583 1584 _ 9780367446055 _ Reinhard Miller, Libero Liggieri _ Interfacial Rheology _ Crc Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1584 1585 _ 9781782628330 _ Andreas Manz, Pavel Neuzil, Jonathan S O'connor, Giuseppina Simone _ Microfluidics And Lab-On-A-Chip _ Royal Society Of Chemistry _ 2020 1 ADET
1585 1586 _ 9780128233887 _ Ed: Foivos Koukouvinis, Manolos Gavaises _ Cavitation And Bubble Dynamics: Fundamentals And Applications _ Academic Press _ 2021 1 ADET
1586 1587 _ 9783319682365 _ Kyuichi Yasui _ Acoustic Cavitation And Bubble Dynamics _ Springer _ 2018 1 ADET
1587 1588 _ 9780124124981 _ T. G. Leighton _ The Acoustic Bubble _ Academic Press _ 2012 1 ADET
1588 1589 _ 9781790217281 _ Viktor Shkolnikov _ Principles Of Microfluidics _ Independently Published _ 2019 1 ADET
1589 1590 _ 9780367658663 _ Yufeng Zhou _ Principles And Applications Of Therapeutic Ultrasound İn Healthcare _ Crc Press _ 2021 1 ADET
1590 1591 _ 9780990637202 _ Hossein Pishro-Nik _ Introduction To Probability, Statistics, And Random Processes _ _ 2014 1 ADET
1591 1592 _ 9780810844391 _ James Gunn _ The Road To Science Fiction: Volume 2: From Wells To Heinlein _ Scarecrow Press _ 2002 1 ADET
1592 1593 _ 9780810854208 _ James Gunn _ Isaac Asimov: The Foundations Of Science Fiction _ Scarecrow Press _ 2005 1 ADET
1593 1594 _ 9780270456035 _ Paul-François Dupont _ Histoire De L'imprimerie; Volume 2 (French Edition) _ Wentworth Press _ 2018 1 ADET
1594 1595 _ 9780353696587 _ Paul-François Dupont _ Histoire De L'imprimerie: 1 (French Edition) _ Wentworth Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1595 1596 _ 9780367735159 _ Ben Bramble _ The Passing Of Temporal Well-Being _ Routledge _ 2018 1 ADET
1596 1597 _ 9781734358605 _ Joshua Aaron Bowen, Megan Hollie Caroline Lewis _ Learn To Read Ancient Sumerian: An Introduction For Complete Beginners _ Digital Hammurabi Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1597 1598 _ 9781412813198 _ Max Weber _ Methodology Of Social Sciences _ Routlegde _ 2011 1 ADET
1598 1599 _ 9780742512634 _ Michael J. Zimmerman _ The Nature Of Intrinsic Value _ Rowman & Littlefield Publishers _ 2001 1 ADET
1599 1600 _ 9780761852902 _ Rem B. Edwards _ The Essentials Of Formal Axiology _ Upa _ 2010 1 ADET
1600 1601 _ 9781642280265 _ Robert S Hartman _ Five Lectures On Formal Axiology _ Izzard Ink _ 2019 1 ADET
1601 1602 _ 9780812695236 _ Rudolf Carnap _ The Logical Structure Of The World And Pseudoproblems İn Philosophy _ Open Court _ 2003 1 ADET
1602 1603 _ 9780393078992 _ Sheila Jasanoff _ The Ethics Of Invention: Technology And The Human Future _ W. W. Norton & Company _ 2016 1 ADET
1603 1604 _ 9781783486588 _ Sven Ove Hansson _ The Ethics Of Technology: Methods And Approaches _ Rowman & Littlefield Publishers _ 2017 1 ADET
1604 1605 _ 9781789872286 _ W. E. B. Du Bois _ The Philadelphia Negro: A Social Study And History Of Pennsylvania's Black American Population; Their Education, Environment And Work _ Pantianos Classics _ 1995 1 ADET
1605 1606 _ 9781538153482 _ Wessel Reijers _ Interpreting Technology: Ricoeur On Questions Concerning Ethics And Philosophy Of Technology _ Rowman & Littlefield Publishers _ 2023 1 ADET
1606 1607 _ B07ld27fgd _ Adina Pintilie _ Touch Me Not _ Manekino Film _ 2019 1 ADET
1607 1608 _ B07n36m51s _ Barry Jenkins _ If Beale Street Could Talk _ 20Th Century Fox _ 2019 1 ADET
1608 1609 _ 9781538753255 _ Bong Joon Ho _ Parasite _ In-Us _ 2020 1 ADET
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1610 1611 _ B0brkxr1lj _ Carla Simón _ Alcarras _ Mubı _ 2023 1 ADET
1611 1612 _ B092k6ytw3 _ Chloé Zhao _ Nomadland _ Walt Disney Studios He _ 2021 1 ADET
1612 1613 _ B09n7zyf9c _ Jared Bush _ Encanto _ Walt Disney _ 2022 1 ADET
1613 1614 _ B082b7rg2p _ John Lasseter _ Toy Story 4 _ Walt Disney _ 2019 1 ADET
1614 1615 _ B09k1lpvdz _ Julia Ducournau _ Titane _ Decal-Neon _ 2022 1 ADET
1615 1616 _ B07ksmm54g _ Kore-Eda Hirokazu _ Shoplifters _ Thunderbird Releasing _ 2019 1 ADET
1616 1617 _ B0bnjm46cl _ Martin Mcdonagh _ The Banshees Of Inisherin _ Searchlight _ 2022 1 ADET
1617 1618 _ B08gmpb4sx _ Martin Scorsese _ The Irishman _ The Criterion Collection _ 2020 1 ADET
1618 1619 _ B09kvbf9tn _ Michael Showalter _ Eyes Of Tammy Faye, The (Feature) _ Searchlıght Pıctures _ 2021 1 ADET
1619 1620 _ B08v33mpl3 _ Pete Docter _ Soul _ Walt Disney _ 2021 1 ADET
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1622 1623 _ B07vxwdmgh _ Quentin Tarantino _ Once Upon A Time İn... Hollywood _ Sony Pictures _ 2019 1 ADET
1623 1624 _ B096tw98v4 _ Radu Jude _ Bad Luck Banging Or Loony Porn _ Magnolia Home Ent _ 2022 1 ADET
1624 1625 _ B09lrh9c1s _ Reinaldo Marcus Green _ King Richard _ Walt Disney _ 2022 1 ADET
1625 1626 _ B079878glc _ Ruben Östlund _ The Square _ Curzon Artificial Eye _ 2018 1 ADET
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1627 1628 _ B09yj169sx _ Ryusuke Hamaguchi _ Drive My Car _ Mubı _ 2022 1 ADET
1628 1629 _ B083xx3ssq _ Sam Mendes _ 1917 _ Universal Pictures Uk _ 2020 1 ADET
1629 1630 _ B09x5kzvg4 _ Sian Heder _ Coda _ _ 0 1 ADET
1630 1631 _ B07gcnb54c _ Spike Lee _ Blackkklansman _ Uni (Universal Pictures) _ 2018 1 ADET
1631 1632 _ B09q9g5tc7 _ Steven Spielberg _ West Side Story _ Walt Disney _ 2022 1 ADET
1632 1633 _ B0987xpclc _ Thomas Vinterberg _ Another Round _ Studiocanal _ 2021 1 ADET
1633 1634 _ B07ygr2jsp _ Todd Phillips _ Joker _ Warner Bros _ 2020 1 ADET
1634 1635 _ B07lbj296s _ Yorgos Lanthimos _ The Favourite _ 20Th Century Studios _ 2019 1 ADET
1635 1636 _ 9789753333573 _ Alper, Emin _ Jakobenlerden Devrimcilere: Türkiye’De Öğrenci Hareketlerinin Dinamikleri _ Tarih Vakfı _ 2022 1 ADET
1636 1637 _ 9781138507272 _ Auron, Yair _ A Perfect Injustice: Genocide And Theft Of Armenian Wealth _ Routledge _ 2017 1 ADET
1637 1638 _ 9781108833240 _ Danforth, Nicholas _ The Remaking Of Republican Turkey: Memory And Modernity Since The Fall Of The Ottoman Empire _ Cambridge University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
1638 1639 _ 9780241529713 _ Dr Julie Smith _ Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before? _ Penguin Books Ltd _ 2022 1 ADET
1639 1640 _ 9786254081262 _ Erdem, Yahya _ Müteferrika'nın İzinde _ Ötüken Neşriyat _ 2021 1 ADET
1640 1641 _ 9781501715594 _ Erin-Marie Legacey _ Making Space For The Dead: Catacombs, Cemeteries, And The Reimagining Of Paris, 1780–1830 _ Cornell University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1641 1642 _ 9783895008351 _ Ernst-Herzfeld-Gesellschaft _ Beiträge Zur Islamischen Kunst Und Archäologie Jahrbuch Der Ernst-Herzfeld-Gesellschaft E. V. Band 3 _ Reichert Verlag _ 2012 1 ADET
1642 1643 _ 9780252085215 _ Hanig, David _ Remaking Muslim Lives: Everyday Islam İn Postwar Bosnia And Herzegovina _ University Of Illinois Press _ 2020 1 ADET
1643 1644 _ 9781490439600 _ Ida Laura Pfeiffer _ A Woman's Journey Round The World-_ Createspace Independent Publishing Platform _ 2013 1 ADET
1644 1645 _ 9783954904488 _ Ivren, Cigdem; Korn, Lorenz _ Beiträge Zur Islamischen Kunst Und Archäologie Jahrbuch Der Ernst Herzfeld-Gesellschaft E. V. Vol. 6, Encompassing The Sacred İn Islamic Art _ Reichert Verlag _ 2020 1 ADET
1645 1646 _ 9780226431727 _ John Levi Martin _ Thinking Through Methods: A Social Science Primer _ University Of Chicago Press _ 2017 1 ADET
1646 1647 _ 9780231186292 _ Jonathan Wyrtzen _ Worldmaking İn The Long Great War: How Local And Colonial Struggles Shaped The Modern Middle East _ Columbia University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1647 1648 _ 9780231197816 _ Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra _ The Quantified Scholar: How Research Evaluations Transformed The British Social Sciences _ Columbia University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1648 1649 _ 9780199253654 _ Karen J. Bakker _ An Uncooperative Commodity: Privatizing Water İn England And Wales _ Oxford University Press _ 2004 1 ADET
1649 1650 _ 9780313278938 _ Kasaba, Reşat _ Cities İn The World-System _ Praeger _ 1991 1 ADET
1650 1651 _ 9780715639825 _ Matthew Edgeworth _ Fluid Pasts: Archaeology Of Flow _ Bristol Classical Press _ 2011 1 ADET
1651 1652 _ 9783954905041 _ Müller-Wiener, Martina _ Beiträge Zur Islamischen Kunst Und Archäologie Jahrbuch Der Ernst Herzfeld-Gesellschaft E. V. Vol. 7 _ Reichert Verlag _ 2021 1 ADET
1652 1653 _ 9780755642533 _ Oğuz, Çiğdem _ Moral Crisis İn The Ottoman Empire: Society, Politics, And Gender During _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2021 1 ADET
1653 1654 _ 9782848560588 _ Paicheler, Pénélope _ Fabuleuses Aventures De Nasr Eddin Hodja _ Booksxpress _ 2006 1 ADET
1654 1655 _ 9780807159842 _ Richard S. Hopkins _ Planning The Greenspaces Of Nineteenth-Century Paris _ Lsu Press _ 2015 1 ADET
1655 1656 _ 9783752006841 _ Ritter, Markus; _ Beiträge Zur Islamischen Kunst Und Archäologie Jahrbuch Der Ernst Herzfeld-Gesellschaft E. V. Vol. 8 _ Reichert Verlag _ 2022 1 ADET
1656 1657 _ 9781503608924 _ Shana Elizabeth Minkin _ Imperial Bodies: Empire And Death İn Alexandria, Egypt _ Stanford University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1657 1658 _ 9783030574901 _ Subhash Anand _ Water Science And Sustainability By Bindhy Wasini Pandey _ Springer _ 2021 1 ADET
1658 1659 _ 9789813343795 _ Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu _ Water Footprint: Assessment And Case Studies _ Springer; _ 2021 1 ADET
1659 1660 _ 9780691180939 _ Thomas W. Laqueur _ The Work Of The Dead: A Cultural History Of Mortal Remains _ Princeton University Press _ 2018 1 ADET
1660 1661 _ 9783030760106 _ Vaseashta, Ashok _ Water Safety, Security And Sustainability: Threat Detection And Mitigation-Advanced Sciences And Technologies For Security Applications _ Springer _ 2022 1 ADET
1661 1662 _ 9781509523061 _ Byung-Chul Han _ The Expulsion Of The Other: Society, Perception And Communication Today _ Polity _ 2018 1 ADET
1662 1663 _ 9780804795098 _ Byung-Chul Han _ The Burnout Society _ Stanford University Press _ 2010 1 ADET
1663 1664 _ 9780262533379 _ Byung-Chul Han _ The Agony Of Eros _ The Mıt Press _ 2017 1 ADET
1664 1665 _ 9780750317368 _ Bolin Liao _ Nanoscale Energy Transport: Emerging Phenomena, Methods And Applications _ Iop Publishing Ltd _ 2020 1 ADET
1665 1666 _ 9781498736305 _ Mourad Rebay, Sadik Kakac, Renato M. Cotta _ Microscale And Nanoscale Heat Transfer: Analysis, Design, And Application _ Crc Press _ 2016 1 ADET
1666 1667 _ 9789811212987 _ Zhen Chen, Chris Dames _ Applied Thermal Measurements At The Nanoscale: A Beginner's Guide To Electrothermal Methods _ Wspc _ 2019 1 ADET
1667 1668 _ 9780933283121 _ Hany Moustapha; Mark F. Zelesky; Nicholas C. Baines; David Japikse _ Axial And Radial Turbines _ Concepts Etı, Inc. _ 2003 1 ADET
1668 1669 _ 9780470900376 _ Adrian Bejan _ Convection Heat Transfer _ Wiley _ 2013 1 ADET
1669 1670 _ 9783319292595 _ Stefano Lepri _ Thermal Transport İn Low Dimensions: From Statistical Physics To Nanoscale Heat Transfer _ Springer _ 2016 1 ADET
1670 1671 _ 9781107699502 _ Davide Bigoni _ Nonlinear Solid Mechanics: Bifurcation Theory And Material Instability _ Cambridge University Press _ 2014 1 ADET
1671 1672 _ 9780198830269 _ Kannan Krishnan _ Principles Of Materials Characterization And Metrology _ Oxford University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
1672 1673 _ 9780198864721 _ Lallit Anand And Sanjay Govindjee _ Continuum Mechanics Of Solids _ Oxford University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
1673 1674 _ 9780192866080 _ Lallit Anand, Ken Kamrin, And Sanjay Govindjee _ Introduction To Mechanics Of Solid Materials _ Oxford University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
1674 1675 _ 9781107011151 _ Shaofan Li _ Introduction To Computational Nanomechanics _ Cambridge University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
1675 1676 _ 9781119387862 _ İbrahim Dinçer _ Thermodynamics: A Smart Approach _ Wiley _ 2020 1 ADET
1676 1677 _ 9789813157873 _ Yunus A. Çengel; Michael A. Boles; Mehmet Kanoğlu _ Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach _ Mcgraw-Hill Education (Asia) _ 2019 1 ADET
1677 1678 _ 9780128217467 _ Zohaib Khurshid, Muhammad Sohail Zafar, Shariq Najeeb, Jithendra Ratnayake _ Biomaterials İn Endodontics _ Woodhead Publishing Series İn Biomaterials _ 2021 1 ADET
1678 1679 _ 9781032015316 _ John R. Howell, M. Pinar Mengüc, Kyle J. Daun _ Thermal Radiation, An Introduction _ Crc Press _ 2023 1 ADET
1679 1680 _ 9780367347079 _ John R. Howell, M. Pinar Mengüc, Kyle J. Daun, Robert Siegel _ Thermal Radiation Heat Transfer _ Crc Press _ 2020 1 ADET
1680 1681 _ 9780323984065 _ Michael F. Modest, Sandip Mazumder _ Radiative Heat Transfer _ Academic Press _ 2021 1 ADET
1681 1682 _ 9780415306669 _ Arturo Natali _ Dental Biomechanics _ Crc Press _ 2003 1 ADET
1682 1683 _ 9781521823743 _ Asim Rashid _ Solving Contact Problems With Abaqus _ Independently Published _ 2017 1 ADET
1683 1684 _ 9781544625270 _ Mohammadhossein Mamaghani _ Finite Element Analysis Applications And Solved Problems Using Abaqus _ Createspace Independent Publishing Platform _ 2017 1 ADET
1684 1685 _ 9783662515495 _ Alexander Verl, Alin Albu-Schäffer, Oliver Brock, Annika Raatz _ Soft Robotics Transferring Theory To Application _ Springer _ 2016 1 ADET
1685 1686 _ 9780367644215 _ Clarence W. De Silva _ Modeling Of Dynamic Systems With Engineering Applications _ Crc Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1686 1687 _ 9789815051735 _ Gareth J. Monkman _ Soft Robotics _ Bentham Science Publishers _ 2022 1 ADET
1687 1688 _ 9789811242403 _ Antonio Neto _ The Quantum Nature Of Materials _ Wspc _ 2021 1 ADET
1688 1689 _ 9780367199739 _ Georg Rill; Abel Arrieta Castro _ Road Vehicle Dynamics, Fundamentals And Modeling With Matlab _ Crc Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1689 1690 _ 9780387743141 _ Roy Featherstone _ Rigid Body Dynamics Algorithms _ Springer _ 2016 1 ADET
1690 1691 _ 9789811048272 _ Akhilesh Mimani _ Acoustic Analysis And Design Of Short Elliptical End-Chamber Mufflers: Elliptical Mufflers _ Springer _ 2021 1 ADET
1691 1692 _ 9780824712815 _ Mario Di Giovanni _ Flat And Corrugated Diaphragm Design Handbook _ Marcel Dekker _ 1982 1 ADET
1692 1693 _ 9781786492975 _ Steven Strogatz _ Infinite Powers: The Story Of Calculus-The Language Of The Universe _ Atlantic Books; Main Edition _ 20 1 ADET
1693 1694 _ 9780198534457 _ _ Groups Of Finite Morley Rank _ _ 0 1 ADET
1694 1695 _ 9783030891909 _ _ The Absolute Galois Group Of A Semi-Local Field _ _ 0 1 ADET
1695 1696 _ 9783319610412 _ _ Profinite Graphs And Groups: _ _ 0 1 ADET
1696 1697 _ 9783642151279 _ _ Algebraic Patching _ _ 0 1 ADET
1697 1698 _ 9781009018586 _ _ Algebraic Groups _ _ 0 1 ADET
1698 1699 _ 9781107175556 _ _ Representations Of The İnfinite Symmetric Group _ _ 0 1 ADET
1699 1700 _ 9781316518168 _ _ Conformal Blocks, Generalized Theta Functions And The Verlinde Formula _ _ 0 1 ADET
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1702 1703 _ 9783031142086 _ _ Classically Semisimple Rings: A Perspective Through Modules And Categories _ _ 0 1 ADET
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1732 1733 _ 9783030615239 _ _ Introduction To Infinity-Categories, Birkha¨User Cham. _ _ 0 1 ADET
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1748 1749 _ 9781108476546 _ _ An Invitation To Combinatorics, Cambridge University Press (2021) , Shahriar Shahriari. _ _ 0 1 ADET
1749 1750 _ 9781108740722 _ _ Surveys İn Combinatorics 2019, ? Cambridge University Press (30 Giugno 2019) , Allan Lo Etc. _ _ 0 1 ADET
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1752 1753 _ 9783030083892 _ _ Algebraic Combinatorics: Walks, Trees, Tableaux, And More, Springer (2018) , R. Stanley. _ _ 0 1 ADET
1753 1754 _ 9783030712495 _ _ Lessons İn Enumerative Combinatorics, Graduate Texts İn Mathematics, 2021, O. Eğercioğlu, A. Garsia. _ _ 0 1 ADET
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1760 1761 _ 9781470462857 _ _ The Distribution Of Prime Numbers _ _ 0 1 ADET
1761 1762 _ 9781470463700 _ _ Number Theory Revealed: A Masterclass _ _ 0 1 ADET
1762 1763 _ 9780367555047 _ Chang Chew Hung _ Climate Change Education Knowing, Doing And Being _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
1763 1764 _ 9780367001179 _ Peggy Van Meter, Alexandra List, Doug Lombardi, Panayiota Kendeou _ Handbook Of Learning From Multiple Representations And Perspectives _ Routledge _ 2020 1 ADET
1764 1765 _ 9781610488648 _ Tina Grotzer _ Learning Causality İn A Complex World: Understandings Of Consequence _ R&L Education _ 2012 1 ADET
1765 1766 _ 9781316631317 _ Anastasiya A. Lipnevich (Editor) , Jeffrey K. Smith (Editor) _ The Cambridge Handbook Of Instructional Feedback _ Cambridge University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1766 1767 _ 9783031080753 _ Michail Giannakos (Editor) , Daniel Spikol (Editor) , Daniele Di Mitri (Editor) , Kshitij Sharma (Edito _ The Multimodal Learning Analytics Handbook _ Springer _ 2022 1 ADET
1767 1768 _ 9789811256998 _ Sergei Abramovich _ Towards Deep Understanding Of Elementary School Mathematics: A Brief Companion For Teacher Educators And Others _ Wspc _ 2022 1 ADET
1768 1769 _ 9783031145520 _ Gülseren Karagöz Akar, İsmail Özgür Zembat, Selahattin Arslan, Patrick W. Thompson _ Quantitative Reasoning İn Mathematics And Science Education _ Springer Cham _ 2023 1 ADET
1769 1770 _ 9780807764664 _ Marian Small _ Good Questions: Great Ways To Differentiate Mathematics Instruction İn The Standards-Based Classroom _ Nctm _ 2017 _ 3Rd 1 ADET
1770 1771 _ 9781680540369 _ Sarah Quebec Fuentes _ S3d: Fostering And Improving Small-Group, Student-To-Student Discourse _ Nctm _ 2020 1 ADET
1771 1772 _ 9780873537353 _ Zandra De Araujo, Barbara J. Dougherty, And Fay Zenigami _ Putting Essential Understanding Of Expressions And Equations Into Practice İn Grades 6-8 _ Nctm _ 2018 1 ADET
1772 1773 _ 9783319578811 _ Andrew T. Duchowski _ Eye Tracking Methodology: Theory And Practice _ Springer _ 2017 1 ADET
1773 1774 _ 9788770224338 _ Michael Burch _ Eye Tracking And Visual Analytics _ River Publishers _ 2021 1 ADET
1774 1775 _ 9781071623909 _ Samuel Stuart _ Eye Tracking Background, Methods, And Applications _ Humana New York, Ny _ 2022 1 ADET
1775 1776 _ 9783030529253 _ Burra G. Sidharth (Editor) , Jesús Carnicer Murillo (Editor) , Marisa Michelini (Editor) , Carmen Perea _ Fundamental Physics And Physics Education Research _ Springer _ 2021 1 ADET
1776 1777 _ 9789811374951 _ David Andrich (Author) , Ida Marais (Author) _ A Course İn Rasch Measurement Theory: Measuring İn The Educational, Social And Health Sciences _ Springer _ 2019 1 ADET
1777 1778 _ 9780744035759 _ Dk _ What's The Point Of Science? _ Dk Children _ 2021 1 ADET
1778 1779 _ 9783030651398 _ Giovanni Organtini _ Physics Experiments With Arduino And Smartphones _ Springer _ 2021 1 ADET
1779 1780 _ 9781938946066 _ Harold Pratt _ The Nsta Reader's Guide To The Next Generation Science Standards-Pb340x _ National Science Teachers Association-Nsta Press _ 2013 1 ADET
1780 1781 _ 9781465475619 _ Jack Challoner _ Stem Lab _ Dk Children _ 2019 1 ADET
1781 1782 _ 9781682531624 _ Mark Windschitl (Author) , Jessica Thompson (Author) , Melissa Braaten (Author) _ Ambitious Science Teaching _ Harvard Education Press _ 2018 1 ADET
1782 1783 _ 9780750317795 _ Professor Chris Impey, Dr Sanlyn Buxner _ Astronomy Education Volume 1: Evidence-Based İnstruction For İntroductory Courses _ Institute Of Physics Publishing _ 2019 1 ADET
1783 1784 _ 9781510462588 _ The Association For Science Ed _ Teaching Secondary Physics _ Hodder Education _ 2021 1 ADET
1784 1785 _ 9781316616895 _ Todd L. Pittinsky (Editor) _ Science, Technology, And Society: New Perspectives And Directions _ Cambridge University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
1785 1786 _ 9781529797138 _ Andy Field _ An Adventure İn Statistics: The Reality Enigma _ Sage Publications Ltd _ 2022 1 ADET
1786 1787 _ 9780415836661 _ Keenan A. Pituch _ Applied Multivariate Statistics For The Social Sciences _ Routledge _ 2016 1 ADET
1787 1788 _ 9781952157455 _ Clark N. Quinn _ Learning Science For Instructional Designers: From Cognition To Application _ Association For Talent Development _ 2021 1 ADET
1788 1789 _ 9781032009216 _ Fan Ouyang (Editor) , Pengcheng Jiao (Editor) , Bruce M. Mclaren (Editor) , Amir H. Alavi (Editor) _ Artificial Intelligence İn Stem Education _ Crc Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1789 1790 _ 9781506378190 _ Fran Arbaugh (Author) , Margaret (Peg) S. Smith (Author) , Justin D. Boyle (Author) , Gabriel J. Stylia _ We Reason & We Prove For All Mathematics: Building Students’ Critical Thinking, Grades 6-12 _ Corwin _ 2018 1 ADET
1790 1791 _ 9781350269507 _ Henry A. Giroux _ Pedagogy Of Resistance: Against Manufactured Ignorance _ Bloomsbury Academic _ 2022 1 ADET
1791 1792 _ 9781642590371 _ Henry A. Giroux _ Neoliberalism's War On Higher Education _ Haymarket Books _ 2019 1 ADET
1792 1793 _ 9780873536660 _ John Lannin (Author) , Amy Ellis (Author) , Rebekah Elliott (Author) , Rose Mary Zbiek (Editor) , Series _ Developing Essential Understanding Of Mathematical Reasoning For Teaching Mathematics İn Grades Pre-K-8 _ National Council Of Teachers Of Mathematics _ 2011 1 ADET
1793 1794 _ 9781544374833 _ Peter Liljedahl _ Building Thinking Classrooms İn Mathematics, Grades K-12: 14 Teaching Practices For Enhancing Learning _ Corwin _ 2020 1 ADET
1794 1795 _ 9781071812716 _ Shane Safir (Author) , Jamila Dugan (Author) _ Street Data: A Next-Generation Model For Equity, Pedagogy, And School Transformation _ Corwin _ 2021 1 ADET
1795 1796 _ 9780367428891 _ Norman G. Lederman (Editor) , Dana L. Zeidler (Editor) , Judith S. Lederman (Editor) _ See This İmage Handbook Of Research On Science Education: Volume Iıı _ Routledge _ 2023 1 ADET
1796 1797 _ 9789811918391 _ Ying-Shao Hsu (Editor) , Russell Tytler (Editor) , Peta J. White (Editor) _ Innovative Approaches To Socioscientific Issues And Sustainability Education: Linking Research To Practice _ Springer _ 2022 1 ADET
1797 1798 _ 9781941691502 _ Chris Mcmullen (Author) _ Geometry Proofs Essential Practice Problems Workbook With Full Solutions Paperback _ Zishka Publishing _ 2019 1 ADET
1798 1799 _ 9781593634186 _ Christopher M. Freeman (Author) _ Hands-On Geometry: Constructions With Straightedge And Compass, Grades 4-6 _ Routledge _ 2010 1 ADET
1799 1800 _ 9780198846383 _ David Acheson (Author) _ The Wonder Book Of Geometry: A Mathematical Story _ Oxford University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
1800 1801 _ 9789811225512 _ Elana Reiser (Author) _ Science Of Learning Mathematical Proofs, The: An Introductory Course _ Wspc _ 2020 1 ADET
1801 1802 _ 9781683442547 _ Harold R. Jacobs _ Geometry: Seeing, Doing, Understanding _ Master Books _ 2020 1 ADET
1802 1803 _ 9780241413524 _ Jordan Ellenberg (Author) _ Shape: The Hidden Geometry Of Absolutely Everything _ Allen Lane _ 2021 1 ADET
1803 1804 _ 9783030800079 _ Kristen N. Bieda (Editor) , Annamarie Conner (Editor) , Karl W. Kosko (Editor) , Megan Staples (Editor) _ Conceptions And Consequences Of Mathematical Argumentation, Justification, And Proof _ Springer _ 2022 1 ADET
1804 1805 _ 9781559538824 _ Michael Serra _ Discovering Geometry: An Investigative Approach _ Kendall Hunt Publishing _ 2007 1 ADET
1805 1806 _ 9783658327323 _ Susanne Schindler-Tschirner (Author) , Werner Schindler (Author) _ Mathematical Stories I – Graphs, Games And Proofs: For Gifted Students İn Primary School _ Springer _ 2021 1 ADET
1806 1807 _ 9798796836941 _ Thinknetic (Author) _ Critical Thinking & Logic Mastery-3 Books In 1: How To Make Smarter Decisions, Conquer Logical Fallacies And Sharpen Your Thinking _ Independently Published _ 2022 1 ADET
1807 1808 _ 9780996012867 _ Alan Ticotsky _ Now What? A Call To Action: Environmental Systems Lessons For Upcoming Generations _ Creative Learning Exchange _ 2022 1 ADET
1808 1809 _ 9781789245141 _ Craig Cormick _ The Science Of Communicating Science: The Ultimate Guide _ Cabi _ 2019 1 ADET
1809 1810 _ 9781603586764 _ Dennis Meadows, Linda Booth Sweeney Ed. D., Gillian Martin Mehers _ The Climate Change Playbook: 22 Systems Thinking Games For More Effective Communication About Climate Change _ Chelsea Green Publishing _ 2016 1 ADET
1810 1811 _ 9783030709518 _ Godwell Nhamo (Editor) , David Chikodzi (Editor) , Kaitano Dube (Editor) _ Sustainable Development Goals For Society Vol. 2: Food Security, Energy, Climate Action And Biodiversity _ Springer _ 2021 1 ADET
1811 1812 _ 9783030709501 _ Godwell Nhamo (Editor) , Muchaiteyi Togo (Editor) , Kaitano Dube (Editor) _ Sustainable Development Goals For Society Vol. 1: Selected Topics Of Global Relevance _ Springer _ 2022 1 ADET
1812 1813 _ 9781421444208 _ John C. Besley, Anthony Dudo _ Strategic Science Communication: A Guide To Setting The Right Objectives For More Effective Public Engagement _ Johns Hopkins University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1813 1814 _ 9783030735746 _ Wendy Steele, Lauren Rickards _ The Sustainable Development Goals İn Higher Education: A Transformative Agenda _ Palgrave Macmillan _ 2021 1 ADET
1814 1815 _ 9781490799988 _ Yavuz Ercil, Cigdem Baskici _ Systems And Systems Thinking _ Trafford Publishing _ 2020 1 ADET
1815 1816 _ 9780857284020 _ Adrian Dingle (Adapter) , László Holics (Author) _ 300 Creative Physics Problems With Solutions _ Anthem Press _ 2011 1 ADET
1816 1817 _ 9781999611514 _ Andrés Olivares Del Campo (Author) _ Ib Physics Internal Assessment: The Definitive Ia Guide For The International Baccalaureate [Ib] Diploma _ Zouev Elite Publishing _ 2019 1 ADET
1817 1818 _ 9781138235069 _ Ben Rogers _ The Big Ideas İn Physics And How To Teach Them: Teaching Physics 11–18 _ Routledge _ 2018 1 ADET
1818 1819 _ 9780132854580 _ C Hieggelke, Steve Kanim, David Maloney, Thomas O'kuma (Author) _ Tıpers: Sensemaking Tasks For Introductory Physics _ Pearson _ 2013 1 ADET
1819 1820 _ 9781264489886 _ Greg Jacobs (Author) _ 5 Steps To A 5: Ap Physics 1: Algebra-Based 2023 _ Mcgraw Hill _ 2022 1 ADET
1820 1821 _ 9781264519606 _ Greg Jacobs (Author) _ 5 Steps To A 5: Ap Physics C 2023 _ Mcgraw Hill _ 2022 1 ADET
1821 1822 _ 9789811227769 _ Jose Mestre, Jennifer Docktor _ Science Of Learning Physics, The: Cognitive Strategies For Improving Instruction _ Wspc _ 2020 1 ADET
1822 1823 _ 9781506281100 _ Kenneth Rideout M. S. (Author) , Jonathan Wolf M. A. Ed. M (Author) _ Ap Physics 1 Premium, 2023: Comprehensive Review With 4 Practice Tests + An Online Timed Test Option _ Barrons Educational Services _ 2022 1 ADET
1823 1824 _ 9781506281148 _ Robert A. Pelcovits Ph. D. (Author) , Joshua Farkas M. D. (Author) _ Ap Physics C Premium, 2023: 4 Practice Tests + Comprehensive Review + Online Practice _ Barrons Educational Services _ 2022 _ 6Th Edition 1 ADET
1824 1825 _ 9798666008836 _ Sally Weatherly (Author) _ 7 Simple Steps To Achieving A 7 İn Ib Physics (Gradepod) : How To Maximise Your Marks İn Ib Physics Exams İn The Most Effective And Efficient Way _ Independently Published _ 2020 1 ADET
1825 1826 _ 9781954725744 _ Sterling Test Prep (Author) _ Ap Physics 1 Practice Questions: High-Yield Ap Physics 1 Practice Questions With Detailed Explanations _ Sterling Education _ 2021 1 ADET
1826 1827 _ 9781954725751 _ Sterling Test Prep (Author) _ Sterling Test Prep Ap Physics 2 Practice Questions: High Yield Ap Physics 2 Practice Questions With Detailed Explanations _ ?Sterling Education _ 2021 1 ADET
1827 1828 _ 9780593450833 _ The Princeton Review (Author) _ Princeton Review Ap Physics 1 Premium Prep, 2023: 5 Practice Tests + Complete Content Review + Strategies & Techniques _ Princeton Review _ 2022 1 ADET
1828 1829 _ 9780593450857 _ The Princeton Review (Author) _ Princeton Review Ap Physics 2 Prep, 2023: 2 Practice Tests + Complete Content Review + Strategies & Techniques _ Princeton Review _ 2022 1 ADET
1829 1830 _ 9780593450864 _ The Princeton Review (Author) _ Princeton Review Ap Physics C Prep, 2023: 2 Practice Tests + Complete Content Review + Strategies & Techniques _ Princeton Review _ 2022 1 ADET
1830 1831 _ 9780367562670 _ Edited By Alison Castro Superfine, Susan R. Goldman, Mon-Lin Monica Ko _ Teacher Learning İn Changing Contexts Perspectives From The Learning Sciences _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
1831 1832 _ 9781138670563 _ Edited By Frank Fischer, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Susan R. Goldman, Peter Reimann _ International Handbook Of The Learning Sciences _ Routledge _ 2018 1 ADET
1832 1833 _ 9781032174914 _ Edited Bylori Beckett _ Research-Informed Teacher Learning: Critical Perspectives On Theory, Research And Practice _ Taylor & Francis Ltd _ 2021 1 ADET
1833 1834 _ 9783030802035 _ Igal Galili _ Scientific Knowledge As A Culture The Pleasure Of Understanding _ Springer _ 2021 1 ADET
1834 1835 _ 9780367545642 _ Marie C. Shanahan, Beaumie Kim, Miwa A. Takeuchi, Kim Koh, A. Paulino Preciado-Babb, Pratim Sengupta _ The Learning Sciences İn Conversation Theories, Methodologies, And Boundary Spaces _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
1835 1836 _ 9783030188214 _ Michael R. Matthews _ Feng Shui: Teaching About Science And Pseudoscience _ Springer _ 2019 1 ADET
1836 1837 _ 9783030572389 _ William F. Mccomas (Editor) _ Nature Of Science İn Science Instruction Rationales And Strategies _ Springer _ 2020 1 ADET
1837 1838 _ 9780367610357 _ Aman Yadav (Editor) , Ulf Berthelsen (Editor) _ Computational Thinking İn Education _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
1838 1839 _ 9781718500808 _ Daniel Zingaro _ Algorithmic Thinking: A Problem-Based Introduction _ No Starch Press _ 2020 1 ADET
1839 1840 _ 9781119823063 _ Jo Boaler _ Mathematical Mindsets: Unleashing Students' Potential Through Creative Mathematics, Inspiring Messages And Innovative Teaching _ Jossey-Bass _ 2022 1 ADET
1840 1841 _ 9781119357605 _ Jo Boaler (Author) , Jen Munson (Author) , Cathy Williams (Author) _ Mindset Mathematics: Visualizing And Investigating Big Ideas, Grade K _ Jossey-Bass _ 2020 1 ADET
1841 1842 _ 9781119357919 _ Jo Boaler (Author) , Jen Munson (Author) , Cathy Williams (Author) _ Mindset Mathematics: Visualizing And Investigating Big Ideas, Grade 7 _ Jossey-Bass _ 2019 1 ADET
1842 1843 _ 9781119358626 _ Jo Boaler (Author) , Jen Munson (Author) , Cathy Williams (Author) _ Mindset Mathematics: Visualizing And Investigating Big Ideas, Grade 1 _ Jossey-Bass _ 2021 1 ADET
1843 1844 _ 9781119358633 _ Jo Boaler (Author) , Jen Munson (Author) , Cathy Williams (Author) _ Mindset Mathematics: Visualizing And Investigating Big Ideas, Grade 2 _ Jossey-Bass _ 2021 1 ADET
1844 1845 _ 9781119358701 _ Jo Boaler (Author) , Jen Munson (Author) , Cathy Williams (Author) _ Mindset Mathematics: Visualizing And Investigating Big Ideas, Grade 3 _ Jossey-Bass _ 2018 1 ADET
1845 1846 _ 9781119358718 _ Jo Boaler (Author) , Jen Munson (Author) , Cathy Williams (Author) _ Mindset Mathematics: Visualizing And Investigating Big Ideas, Grade 5 _ Jossey-Bass _ 2018 1 ADET
1846 1847 _ 9781119358749 _ Jo Boaler (Author) , Jen Munson (Author) , Cathy Williams (Author) _ Mindset Mathematics: Visualizing And Investigating Big Ideas, Grade 8 _ Jossey-Bass _ 2020 1 ADET
1847 1848 _ 9781119358800 _ Jo Boaler (Author) , Jen Munson (Author) , Cathy Williams (Author) _ Mindset Mathematics: Visualizing And Investigating Big Ideas, Grade 4 _ Jossey-Bass _ 2017 1 ADET
1848 1849 _ 9781119358831 _ Jo Boaler (Author) , Jen Munson (Author) , Cathy Williams (Author) _ Mindset Mathematics: Visualizing And Investigating Big Ideas, Grade 6 _ Jossey-Bass _ 2019 1 ADET
1849 1850 _ 9780134802084 _ John Van De Walle (Author) , Karen Karp (Author) , Jennifer Bay-Williams (Author) _ Elementary And Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally--Mylab Education With Pearson Etext Access Code _ Pearson _ 2018 1 ADET
1850 1851 _ 9780134802084 _ John Van De Walle (Author) , Karen Karp (Author) , Jennifer Bay-Williams (Author) _ Elementary And Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally _ Pearson _ 2018 1 ADET
1851 1852 _ 9780262543323 _ Marina Umaschi Bers _ Beyond Coding: How Children Learn Human Values Through Programming _ The Mıt Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1852 1853 _ 9780199366088 _ Mary Kay Gugerty (Author) , Dean Karlan (Author) _ The Goldilocks Challenge: Right-Fit Evidence For The Social Sector Illustrated Edition _ Oxford University Press; Illustrated Edition _ 2018 1 ADET
1853 1854 _ 9780262543477 _ Siu-Cheung Kong (Editor) , Harold Abelson (Editor) _ Computational Thinking Education İn K-12: Artificial Intelligence Literacy And Physical Computing _ The Mıt Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1854 1855 _ 9781506345062 _ Carol Pelletier Radford (Author) _ The First Years Matter: Becoming An Effective Teacher: A Mentoring Guide For Novice Teachers _ Corwin _ 2016 _ 2Nd 1 ADET
1855 1856 _ 9781506345116 _ Carol Pelletier Radford (Author) _ Mentoring İn Action: Guiding, Sharing, And Reflecting With Novice Teachers: A Month-By-Month Curriculum For Teacher Effectiveness _ Corwin _ 2016 _ 2Nd 1 ADET
1856 1857 _ 9781119526810 _ Chantal D. Larose (Author) , Daniel T. Larose (Author) _ Data Science Using Python And R _ Wiley _ 2019 1 ADET
1857 1858 _ 9781464184901 _ Christine Pfund (Author) , Janet L. Branchaw (Author) , Jo Handelsman (Author) _ Entering Mentoring _ W. H. Freeman _ 2015 _ Revised Edition 1 ADET
1858 1859 _ 9783031085598 _ Eli E. Goldwyn (Editor) , Sandy Ganzell (Editor) , Aaron Wootton (Editor) _ Mathematics Research For The Beginning Student, Volume 1: Accessible Projects For Students Before Calculus _ Birkhäuser _ 2022 1 ADET
1859 1860 _ 9783031085635 _ Eli E. Goldwyn (Editor) , Sandy Ganzell (Editor) , Aaron Wootton (Editor) _ Mathematics Research For The Beginning Student, Volume 2: Accessible Projects For Students After Calculus _ Birkhäuser _ 2022 1 ADET
1860 1861 _ 9781515206460 _ Jesse Lawson (Author) _ Data Science İn Higher Education: A Step-By-Step Introduction To Machine Learning For Institutional Researchers _ Createspace Independent Publishing Platform _ 2015 1 ADET
1861 1862 _ 9781421439037 _ Karen L. Webber (Editor) , Henry Y. Zheng (Editor) _ Big Data On Campus: Data Analytics And Decision Making İn Higher Education _ Johns Hopkins University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
1862 1863 _ 9783030105303 _ Maurits Kaptein (Author) , Edwin Van Den Heuvel (Author) _ Statistics For Data Scientists: An Introduction To Probability, Statistics, And Data Analysis _ Springer _ 2020 1 ADET
1863 1864 _ 9781852337360 _ P. P. G. Dyke (Author) _ Managing Mathematical Projects-With Success! _ Springer _ 2004 _ 2004Th Edition 1 ADET
1864 1865 _ 9780367422257 _ Ryan A. Estrellado (Author) , Jesse Mostipak (Author) , Joshua M. Rosenberg (Author) , Isabella C. Velá _ Data Science İn Education Using R _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
1865 1866 _ 9783031078521 _ Amy L. Reschly (Editor) , Sandra L. Christenson (Editor) _ Handbook Of Research On Student Engagement _ Springer _ 2022 _ 2Nd Edition 1 ADET
1866 1867 _ 9783031176418 _ Henriette Tolstrup Holmegaard (Editor) , Louise Archer (Editor) _ Science Identities: Theory, Method And Research _ Springer _ 2023 1 ADET
1867 1868 _ 9780128134139 _ Jennifer A. Fredricks (Editor) , Amy L. Reschly (Editor) , Sandra L. Christenson (Editor) _ Handbook Of Student Engagement Interventions: Working With Disengaged Students _ Academic Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1868 1869 _ 9783030046262 _ Pospiech (Author) , Gesche Pospiech (Editor) , Marisa Michelini (Editor) , Bat-Sheva Eylon (Editor) _ Mathematics İn Physics Education _ Springer _ 2019 1 ADET
1869 1870 _ 9780471471929 _ Jacqueline N. Crawley _ What's Wrong With My Mouse?: Behavioral Phenotyping Of Transgenic And Knockout Mice _ Wiley _ 2007 1 ADET
1870 1871 _ 9780128202289 _ Liza Pon, Eric Schon _ Mitochondria Biology _ _ 2020 1 ADET
1871 1872 _ 9781621821298 _ Navdeep Chandel _ Navigating Metabolism _ _ 2015 1 ADET
1872 1873 _ 9780393680393 _ Alberts _ Essential Cell Biology _ _ 0 1 ADET
1873 1874 _ 9780822944669 _ Erik L. Peterson _ The Life Organic: The Theoretical Biology Club And The Roots Of Epigenetics _ _ 0 1 ADET
1874 1875 _ 9781621823247 _ Jeffrey W. Pollard _ Metastasis: Mechanism To Therapy _ _ 0 1 ADET
1875 1876 _ 9780198831211 _ John C. Lucchesi _ Epigenetics, Nuclear Organization & Gene Function _ _ 0 1 ADET
1876 1877 _ 9781605357454 _ Licoln Taiz Et Al. _ Plant Physiology And Development _ Oxford University Press _ 2014 1 ADET
1877 1878 _ 9789897524981 _ Ana Sousa Martins _ Contos Com Nível _ Lídel _ 2021 1 ADET
1878 1879 _ 9789897527814 _ Ana Sousa Martins, Ana Paula Gonçalves, Sofia Alcântara _ Histórias Do Mundo A1 – Livro Com Áudio _ Lidel _ 2022 1 ADET
1879 1880 _ 9789897526947 _ Anabela Roque _ Ler Português 2 – Fantasia, Sonho Ou Realidade? _ Lidel _ 2021 1 ADET
1880 1881 _ 9789897526329 _ Carla Oliveira, Luísa Coelho _ Compreensão Oral Em Ação A1/A2 + De 100 Exercícios Com Áudio _ Lidel _ 2022 1 ADET
1881 1882 _ 9789897527692 _ Carla Oliveira, Luísa Coelho _ Compreensão Oral Em Ação B1/B2 + De 100 Exercícios Com Áudio _ Lidel _ 2022 1 ADET
1882 1883 _ 9789723829600 _ Eça De Queirós _ Contos _ Livros Do Brasil _ 2016 1 ADET
1883 1884 _ 9789722523097 _ Eça De Queirós, Ramalho Ortigão _ O Mistério Da Estrada De Sintra _ Bertrand Editora _ 2011 1 ADET
1884 1885 _ 9789727576388 _ Isabel Coimbra, Olga Mata Coimbra _ Gramática Ativa 1. “3ª Edição – Livro Segundo Novo Acordo Ortográfico”. _ Lidel _ 2011 1 ADET
1885 1886 _ 9789727576395 _ Isabel Coimbra, Olga Mata Coimbra _ Gramática Ativa 2. “3ª Edição – Livro Segundo Novo Acordo Ortográfico” _ Lidel _ 2012 1 ADET
1886 1887 _ 9789720726681 _ José Saramago _ O Conto Da Ilha Desconhecida _ Porto Editora _ 2015 1 ADET
1887 1888 _ 9789897525223 _ Raquel Baltazar _ Ler Português 1 – Os Gaiatos _ Lidel _ 2021 1 ADET
1888 1889 _ 9789897522314 _ Vanda Magarreiro, Dália Conceição, Regina Caçador _ Português Ativo – Para O Mundo Profissional _ Lidel _ 2022 1 ADET
1889 1890 _ 9789897524363 _ Ana Boléo, Rita Dourado _ Por Falar Nisso – Manual De Expressão Oral Em Português _ Lidel _ 2019 1 ADET
1890 1891 _ 9789723706772 _ Fernando Pessoa _ Poesia De Álvaro De Campos _ Assírio & Alvim _ 2002 1 ADET
1891 1892 _ 9789723717877 _ Fernando Pessoa _ Livro Do Desassossego _ Assírio & Alvim _ 2022 1 ADET
1892 1893 _ 9789727579310 _ Isabel Coimbra, Olga Mata Coimbra, Lamartine Bião Oberg _ Gramática Ativa 1-Português Do Brasil _ Lidel _ 2012 1 ADET
1893 1894 _ 9789727578634 _ Isabel Coimbra, Olga Mata Coimbra, Lamartine Bião Oberg, Alice Ferreira Fernandes _ Gramática Ativa 2-Português Do Brasil _ Lidel _ 2014 1 ADET
1894 1895 _ 9789720034731 _ José Saramago _ Viagem A Portugal _ Porto Editora _ 2021 1 ADET
1895 1896 _ 9789720039903 _ José Saramago _ Ensaio Sobre A Cegueira _ Porto Editora _ 2021 1 ADET
1896 1897 _ 9789727578481 _ Leonel Melo Rosa _ Vamos Lá Começar – Explicações E Exercícios De Gramática-Nível Elementar E Intermédio _ Lidel _ 2011 1 ADET
1897 1898 _ 9789897522598 _ Leonel Melo Rosa _ Vamos Lá Começar-Exercícios De Vocabulário _ Lidel _ 2017 1 ADET
1898 1899 _ 9789897524974 _ Leonel Melo Rosa _ Vamos Lá Continuar!-Explicações E Exercícios De Gramática E Vocabulário _ Lidel _ 2020 _ 3Rd 1 ADET
1899 1900 _ 9789725648773 _ Luiz Ruffato _ Estive Em Lisboa E Lembrei-Me De Ti _ Quetzal Editores _ 2010 1 ADET
1900 1901 _ 9789722124508 _ Mia Couto _ Um Rio Chamado Tempo, Uma Casa Chamada Terra _ Editorial Caminho _ 2022 1 ADET
1901 1902 _ 9789720034724 _ Valter Hugo Mãe _ A Máquina De Fazer Espanhóis _ Porto Editora _ 2021 1 ADET
1902 1903 _ 9789720034861 _ Valter Hugo Mãe _ As Doenças Do Brasil _ Porto Editora _ 2021 1 ADET
1903 1904 _ 9789720408075 _ _ Dicionário Ilustrado Português _ Porto Editora _ 2007 1 ADET
1904 1905 _ 9780197513620 _ Anjan Chatterjee (Editor) , Eileen Cardilo (Editor) _ Brain, Beauty, And Art: Essays Bringing Neuroaesthetics İnto Focus _ Oxford University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
1905 1906 _ 9780197622223 _ Ned Block (Author) _ The Border Between Seeing And Thinking _ Oxford University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
1906 1907 _ 9780198725022 _ Nicola Bruno (Author) , Francesco Pavani (Author) _ Perception: A Multisensory Perspective Illustrated Edition _ Oxford University Press _ 2018 1 ADET
1907 1908 _ 9781009014205 _ Shaheed Azaad (Author) , Günther Knoblich (Author) , Natalie Sebanz (Author) _ Perception And Action İn A Social Context _ Cambridge University Press; New Edition _ 2021 1 ADET
1908 1909 _ 9780198846345 _ Shaun Gallagher (Author) _ Action And Interaction _ Oxford University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
1909 1910 _ 9781316607077 _ Timothy L. Hubbard (Editor) _ Spatial Biases İn Perception And Cognition _ Cambridge University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
1910 1911 _ 9780198851721 _ Yochai Ataria (Editor) , Shogo Tanaka (Editor) , Shaun Gallagher (Editor) _ Body Schema And Body Image: New Directions _ Oxford University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
1911 1912 _ 9781433831492 _ B. Heidi Ellis, Saida M. Abdi, And Jeffrey P. Winer _ Mental Health Practice With Immigrant And Refugee Youth: A Socioecological Framework _ American Psychological Association _ 2019 1 ADET
1912 1913 _ 9781433833854 _ Cassandra Kisiel, Tracy Fehrenbach, Lisa Conradi, And Lindsey Weil _ Trauma-Informed Assessment With Children And Adolescents: Strategies To Support Clinicians _ American Psychological Association _ 2021 1 ADET
1913 1914 _ 9781433832116 _ Ennifer Hays-Grudo And Amanda Sheffield Morris _ Adverse And Protective Childhood Experiences: A Developmental Perspective _ American Psychological Association; _ 2020 1 ADET
1914 1915 _ 9781433833038 _ Jennifer E. Lansford, Doran C. French, And Mary Gauvain _ Child And Adolescent Development İn Cultural Context _ American Psychological Association _ 2021 1 ADET
1915 1916 _ 9780544570290 _ Laurence Steinberg _ Age Of Opportunity: Lessons From The New Science Of Adolescence _ Harper Paperbacks; _ 2015 1 ADET
1916 1917 _ 9781265197285 _ Laurence Steinberg _ Adolescence _ Mcgraw Hill _ 2022 _ 13Th 1 ADET
1917 1918 _ 9781433836114 _ Norka Malberg, Elliot Jurist, Jordan Bate, And Mark Dangerfield _ Working With Parents İn Therapy: A Mentalization-Based Approach _ American Psychological Association _ 2023 1 ADET
1918 1919 _ 9781433836527 _ Sandra C. Paivio And Antonio Pascual-Leone _ Motion-Focused Therapy For Complex Trauma: An Integrative Approach _ American Psychological Association _ 2010 1 ADET
1919 1920 _ 9781433839115 _ Timothy A. Cavell And Lauren B. Quetsch _ Good Enough Parenting: A Six-Point Plan For A Stronger Relationship With Your Child _ Apa Lifetools _ 2022 1 ADET
1920 1921 _ 9781032376899 _ Axel Lange _ Extending The Evolutionary Synthesis: Darwin’S Legacy Redesigned _ Crc Press _ 2023 1 ADET
1921 1922 _ 9780323828499 _ Charles J. Lockwood Md Mhcm Senior _ Creasy And Resnik's Maternal-Fetal Medicine: Principles And Practice _ Elsevier _ 2022 _ 9Th 1 ADET
1922 1923 _ 9781118982877 _ Luigi Nibali (Editor) , Brian Henderson (Editor) _ The Human Microbiota And Chronic Disease: Dysbiosis As A Cause Of Human Pathology _ Wiley-Blackwell _ 2016 1 ADET
1923 1924 _ 9783030393144 _ Editors: Denise Jodelet, Jorge Vala, Ewa Drozda-Senkowska _ Societies Under Threat A Pluri-Disciplinary Approach _ Springer _ 2020 1 ADET
1924 1925 _ 9781462540563 _ Michael Garrett _ Psychotherapy For Psychosis: Integrating Cognitive-Behavioral And Psychodynamic Treatment _ The Guilford Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1925 1926 _ 9781609184940 _ Nancy Mcwilliams _ Psychoanalytic Diagnosis: Understanding Personality Structure İn The Clinical Process _ The Guilford Press _ 2011 1 ADET
1926 1927 _ 9780521151719 _ Norman D. Cook _ Harmony, Perspective, And Triadic Cognition _ Cambridge University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1927 1928 _ 9781462530540 _ Vittorio Lingiardi (Editor) , Nancy Mcwilliams (Editor) _ Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual: Pdm-2 _ The Guilford Press _ 2017 1 ADET
1928 1929 _ 9781108445481 _ Allison B. Kauffman, Josep Call, James D. Kauffman _ The Cambridge Handbook Of Animal Cognition _ Cambridge University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
1929 1930 _ 9780262044561 _ Barbara Dosher And Zhong-Lin Lu _ Perceptual Learning: How Experience Shapes Visual Perception _ The Mıt Press _ 2020 1 ADET
1930 1931 _ 9780393712377 _ Deb Dana, Stephen W Porges _ The Polyvagal Theory İn Therapy: Engaging The Rhythm Of Regulation _ W. W. Norton & Company _ 2018 1 ADET
1931 1932 _ 9781108476676 _ Samantha Kleinberg _ Time And Causality Across The Sciences _ Cambridge University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1932 1933 _ 9780393707878 _ Stephen W Porges _ The Pocket Guide To The Polyvagal Theory: The Transformative Power Of Feeling Safe _ W. W. Norton & Company _ 2017 1 ADET
1933 1934 _ 9781324016274 _ Stephen W. Porges _ Polyvagal Safety: Attachment, Communication, Self-Regulation _ W. W. Norton & Company _ 2021 1 ADET
1934 1935 _ 9781324000501 _ Stephen W. Porges, Deb Dana _ Clinical Applications Of The Polyvagal Theory: The Emergence Of Polyvagal-Informed Therapies _ W. W. Norton & Company _ 2018 1 ADET
1935 1936 _ 9780197672280 _ Diana Deutsch _ Musical Illusions And Phantom Words: How Music And Speech Unlock Mysteries Of The Brain _ Oxford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1936 1937 _ 9780190640156 _ Elizabeth Hellmuth Margulis _ The Psychology Of Music: A Very Short Introduction _ Oxford University Press _ 2018 1 ADET
1937 1938 _ 9781108411486 _ Ellis, Riggs, Peel _ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex, And Queer Psychology: An Introduction _ Cambridge University Press _ 2019 _ 2Nd 1 ADET
1938 1939 _ 9780367670795 _ Golnar Nabizadeh _ Representation And Memory İn Graphic Novels _ Routledge _ 2020 1 ADET
1939 1940 _ 9781108831413 _ Gregory Minissale _ Rhythm İn Art, Psychology And New Materialism _ Cambridge University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
1940 1941 _ 9780262542838 _ Howard Gardner _ A Synthesizing Mind: A Memoir From The Creator Of Multiple Intelligences Theory _ The Mıt Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1941 1942 _ 9781108701648 _ James C. Zimring _ What Science Is And How It Really Works _ Cambridge University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1942 1943 _ 9781009011129 _ Joshua W. Clegg _ Good Science: Psychological Inquiry As Everyday Moral Practice _ Cambridge University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1943 1944 _ 9780231166164 _ Shams C. Inati _ Ibn Sina's Remarks And Admonitions: Physics And Metaphysics: An Analysis And Annotated Translation _ Columbia University Press _ 2014 1 ADET
1944 1945 _ 9781009219846 _ Sidney Tarrow _ Power İn Movement: Social Movements And Contentious Politics _ Cambridge University Press _ 2022 _ 4Th 1 ADET
1945 1946 _ 9781107465466 _ Carel Ten Cate, Susan D. Healy Et Al. _ Avian Cognition _ Cambridge University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
1946 1947 _ 9780262539319 _ Chad Engelland _ Phenomenology _ The Mıt Press _ 2020 1 ADET
1947 1948 _ 9781108745109 _ Edward A. Wasserman _ As If By Design: How Creative Behaviors Really Evolve _ Cambridge University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
1948 1949 _ 9780190618247 _ Elizabeth S. Spelke _ What Babies Know: Core Knowledge And Composition _ Oxford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1949 1950 _ 9781009069915 _ Fathali M. Moghaddam _ How Psychologists Failed: We Neglected The Poor And Minorities, Favored The Rich And Privileged, And Got Science Wrong _ Cambridge University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1950 1951 _ 9780367745004 _ Henkjan Honing _ Music Cognition: The Basics: The Basics _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
1951 1952 _ 9780141976211 _ Joseph Henrich _ Weırdest People İn The World _ Picador Paper _ 2021 1 ADET
1952 1953 _ 9780358567103 _ Katherine D. Kinzler _ How You Say It: Why We Judge Others By The Way They Talk?And The Costs Of This Hidden Bias _ Mariner Books _ 2021 1 ADET
1953 1954 _ 9781108736022 _ Michael Billig _ More Examples, Less Theory: Historical Studies Of Writing Psychology _ Cambridge University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1954 1955 _ 9780674248281 _ Michael Tomasello _ Becoming Human: A Theory Of Ontogeny _ Belknap Press: An Imprint Of Harvard University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
1955 1956 _ 9780262047005 _ Michael Tomasello _ The Evolution Of Agency: Behavioral Organization From Lizards To Humans _ The Mıt Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1956 1957 _ 9780192866509 _ Paul L. Harris _ Child Psychology İn Twelve Questions _ Oxford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1957 1958 _ 9783319963365 _ Stephen Handel _ Perceptual Organization: An Integrated Multisensory Approach _ Palgrave Macmillan _ 2019 1 ADET
1958 1959 _ 9781108453424 _ Anna Abraham _ The Cambridge Handbook Of The Imagination _ Cambridge University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
1959 1960 _ 9780199216895 _ Bruce M. Hood, Laurie R. Santos _ The Origins Of Object Knowledge _ Oxford University Press _ 2009 1 ADET
1960 1961 _ 9780199980864 _ Editors: Maureen J. Hoskyn, Grace Iarocci, Arlene R. Young _ Executive Functions İn Children's Everyday Lives: A Handbook For Professionals İn Applied Psychology _ Publisher Oxford University Press _ 2017 1 ADET
1961 1962 _ 9780195393873 _ Eugene Subbotsky _ Magic And The Mind: Mechanisms, Functions, And Development Of Magical Thinking And Behavior _ Oxford University Press _ 2010 1 ADET
1962 1963 _ 9781108486583 _ John Martin-Joy _ Diagnosing From A Distance: Debates Over Libel Law, Media, And Psychiatric Ethics From Barry Goldwater To Donald Trump _ Cambridge University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
1963 1964 _ 9780205665686 _ Michael G. Green And John A. Piel _ Theories Of Human Development: A Comparative Approach _ Psychology Press _ 2009 _ 2Nd 1 ADET
1964 1965 _ 9780062910578 _ Paul Bloom _ The Sweet Spot: Suffering, Pleasure And The Key To A Good Life _ Ecco _ 2022 1 ADET
1965 1966 _ 9780190232689 _ Scott A. Miller _ Parenting And Theory Of Mind _ Oxford University Press _ 2016 1 ADET
1966 1967 _ 9781101946565 _ W. Thomas Boyce Md _ The Orchid And The Dandelion: Why Some Children Struggle And How All Can Thrive _ Knopf _ 2019 1 ADET
1967 1968 _ 9780552168861 _ Walter Mischel _ The Marshmallow Test: Mastering Self-Control _ Little, Brown Spark _ 2015 1 ADET
1968 1969 _ 9780199995745 _ Kate C. Mclean _ The Co-Authored Self: Family Stories And The Construction Of Personal Identity _ Oxford University Press _ 2015 1 ADET
1969 1970 _ 9781108748124 _ Asya Pereltsvaig _ Languages Of The World: An Introduction _ Cambridge University Press _ 2020 _ 3Rd 1 ADET
1970 1971 _ 9781107054370 _ Mufwene, Coupe, Pellegrino _ Complexity İn Language: Developmental And Evolutionary Perspectives _ Cambridge University Press _ 2017 1 ADET
1971 1972 _ 9780262538893 _ Nils Christie _ If Schools Didn't Exist: A Study İn The Sociology Of Schools _ The Mıt Press _ 2020 1 ADET
1972 1973 _ 9781108746168 _ Taborsky, Cant, Komdeur _ The Evolution Of Social Behaviour _ Cambridge University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
1973 1974 _ 9783031046438 _ Iva Katzarska-Miller, Stephen Reysen _ Globalized Identities The Impact Of Globalization On Self And Identity _ Palgrave Macmillan _ 2022 1 ADET
1974 1975 _ 9783030288556 _ Jolanda Jetten, Kim Peters _ The Social Psychology Of Inequality _ Springer _ 2019 1 ADET
1975 1976 _ 9783319357720 _ Saba Safdar, Natasza Kosakowska-Berezecka _ Psychology Of Gender Through The Lens Of Culture Theories And Applications _ Springer _ 2015 1 ADET
1976 1977 _ 9781350011786 _ Cecile Malaspina _ An Epistemology Of Noise _ Bloomsbury Academic _ 2018 1 ADET
1977 1978 _ 9780816680023 _ Gilbert Simondon _ Individuation İn Light Of Notions Of Form And Information (Volume 1) (Posthumanities) _ Univ Of Minnesota Press _ 2020 1 ADET
1978 1979 _ 9781517909529 _ Gilbert Simondon _ Individuation İn Light Of Notions Of Form And Information: Volume Iı: Supplemental Texts (Volume 2) (Posthumanities) _ Univ Of Minnesota Press _ 2020 1 ADET
1979 1980 _ 9780367743017 _ Natasha Lushetich (Editor) , Iain Campbell (Editor) _ Distributed Perception: Resonances And Axiologies _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
1980 1981 _ 9781732265172 _ Richard W. Hamming _ The Art Of Doing Science And Engineering: Learning To Learn _ Stripe Press _ 2020 1 ADET
1981 1982 _ 9780300268102 _ Bernard-Henri Levy _ The Will To See Dispatches From A World Of Misery And Hope _ Yale University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
1982 1983 _ 9781478010999 _ Bret Gustafson _ Bolivia İn The Age Of Gas _ Duke University Press Books _ 2020 1 ADET
1983 1984 _ 9780691167602 _ Dan Slater, Joseph Wong _ From Development To Democracy: The Transformations Of Modern Asia _ Princeton University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1984 1985 _ 9781108745611 _ Grzegorz Ekiert _ Ruling By Other Means _ Cambridge University Press _ 2018 1 ADET
1985 1986 _ 9780300255263 _ Hoda Barakat _ Voices Of The Lost _ Yale University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
1986 1987 _ 9781108799836 _ Michael Albertus _ Property Without Rights _ Cambridge University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
1987 1988 _ 9781839761232 _ Nancy Fraser _ Cannibal Capitalism How Our System Is Devouring Democracy, Care, And The Planet—And What We Can Do About It _ Verso Books _ 2022 1 ADET
1988 1989 _ 9783837658026 _ Sabine Bauer-Amin, Leonardo Schiocchet, And Maria Six-Hohenbalken _ Embodied Violence And Agency İn Refugee Regimes _ Columbia University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
1989 1990 _ 9781032082721 _ Seppo Poutanen, Anne Kovalainen, Petri Rouvinen _ Digital Work And The Platform Economy _ Routledge _ 2020 1 ADET
1990 1991 _ 9780691167251 _ Seyla Benhabib _ Exile, Statelessness, And Migration: Playing Chess With History From Hannah Arendt To Isaiah Berlin _ Princeton University Press _ 2018 1 ADET
1991 1992 _ 9780199249015 _ Thomas Faist _ The Transnationalized Social Question: Migration And The Politics Of Social Inequalities İn The Twenty-First Century _ Oxford University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
1992 1993 _ 9781474455435 _ Deniz Kandiyoti, Nadje Al-Ali, Kathryn Spellman Poots _ Gender, Governance And Islam _ Edinburgh University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
1993 1994 _ 9780197598450 _ H. Zeynep Bulutgil _ The Origins Of Secular Institutions: Ideas, Timing, And Organization _ Oxford University _ 2022 1 ADET
1994 1995 _ 9780190064891 _ Murat Tezcür Güneş _ The Oxford Handbook Of Turkish Politics _ Oxford University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
1995 1996 _ 9789004337398 _ Pınar Sarıgöl _ Gender And Biopolitics: The Changing Patterns Of Womanhood İn Post-2002 Turkey _ Brill _ 2021 1 ADET
1996 1997 _ 9789394701373 _ Rajeev Bhargava _ Between Hope And Despair: 100 Ethical Reflections On Contemporary India _ Bloomsbury India _ 2022 1 ADET
1997 1998 _ 9781784537920 _ Sevgi Adak _ Anti-Veiling Campaigns İn Turkey _ I. B. Tauris _ 2022 1 ADET
1998 1999 _ 9780367335236 _ Daniel F. Robinson, Ahmed Abdel-Latif, Pedro Roffe _ Protecting Traditional Knowledge The Wıpo Intergovernmental Committee On Intellectual Property And Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge And Folklore _ Routledge _ 2019 1 ADET
1999 2000 _ 9781032260457 _ Glenn Davis Stone _ The Agricultural Dilemma How Not To Feed The World _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
2000 2001 _ 9780367603540 _ Ingo Gildenhard _ Transformative Change İn Western Thought A History Of Metamorphosis From Homer To Hollywood _ Routledge _ 2017 1 ADET
2001 2002 _ 9780367622220 _ John Warren Head _ Deep Agroecology And The Homeric Epics Global Cultural Reforms For A Natural-Systems Agriculture _ Routledge _ 2020 1 ADET
2002 2003 _ 9780367689773 _ Mariagrazia Alabrese, Adriana Bessa, Margherita Brunori, Pier Filippo Giuggioli _ The United Nations' Declaration On Peasants' Rights _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
2003 2004 _ 9780367734909 _ Piero Ammirato _ The Growth Of Italian Cooperatives Innovation, Resilience And Social Responsibility _ Routledge _ 2018 1 ADET
2004 2005 _ 9780367510947 _ Raquel Ajates Gonzalez _ Farmers' Cooperatives And Sustainable Food Systems İn Europe _ Routledge _ 2018 1 ADET
2005 2006 _ 9781032240015 _ Roberto Del Valle Alcalá _ Contemporary Capitalism, Crisis, And The Politics Of Fiction Literature Beyond Fordism _ Routledge _ 2019 1 ADET
2006 2007 _ 9780745684390 _ Robin Leichenko, Karen O'brien _ Climate And Society: Transforming The Future _ Polity Publishing _ 2019 1 ADET
2007 2008 _ 9780262048057 _ Vaclav Smil _ Invention And Innovation A Brief History Of Hype And Failure _ Mıt Press _ 2023 1 ADET
2008 2009 _ 9781839760259 _ Andreas Malm _ How To Blow Up A Pipeline _ Verso _ 2021 1 ADET
2009 2010 _ 9780691245089 _ Anna M. Grzymala-Busse _ Sacred Foundations: The Religious And Medieval Roots Of The European State _ Princeton University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
2010 2011 _ 9781478018339 _ Ash Amin, Michele Lancione _ Grammars Of The Urban Ground _ Duke University Press Books _ 2022 1 ADET
2011 2012 _ 9781538166154 _ David Collier, Gerardo L. Munck _ Critical Junctures And Historical Legacies: Insights And Methods For Comparative Social Science _ Rowman & Littlefield Publishers _ 2022 1 ADET
2012 2013 _ 9781108816182 _ Diana Kapiszewski _ The Inclusionary Turn İn Latin American Democracies _ Cambridge University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2013 2014 _ 9781108965743 _ Erica S. Simmons _ Rethinking Comparison _ Cambridge University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2014 2015 _ 9781009197144 _ Fiona Feiang Shen-Bayh _ Undue Process _ Cambridge University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2015 2016 _ 9781108708555 _ Gerardo L. Munck _ Latin American Politics And Society _ Cambridge University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2016 2017 _ 9781009114899 _ John Gerring _ The Deep Roots Of Modern Democracy _ Cambridge University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2017 2018 _ 9780300248951 _ Sebastian Mazzuca _ Latecomer State Formation: Political Geography And Capacity Failure İn Latin America _ Yale University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2018 2019 _ 9780691169521 _ Steven Levitsky, Lucan Way _ Revolution And Dictatorship: The Violent Origins Of Durable Authoritarianism _ Princeton University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2019 2020 _ 9781316512678 _ Tomila V. Lankina _ The Estate Origins Of Democracy İn Russia: From Imperial Bourgeoisie To Post-Communist Middle Class _ Cambridge University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2020 2021 _ 9780231177177 _ Axel Honneth, Jacques Rancière, Katia Genel, And Jean-Philippe Deranty Columbia University Press _ Recognition Or Disagreement: A Critical Encounter On The Politics Of Freedom, Equality, And Identity _ Columbia University Press _ 2017 1 ADET
2021 2022 _ 9783518587928 _ Christoph Menke _ Theorie Der Befreiung _ Suhrkamp Verlag _ 2022 1 ADET
2022 2023 _ 9780190071684 _ Cidam, Cigdem _ In The Street: Democratic Action, Theatricality, And Political Friendship _ Oxford University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2023 2024 _ 9781350186019 _ Francesca Ferrando _ Philosophical Posthumanism _ Bloomsbury Academic _ 2020 1 ADET
2024 2025 _ 9783518587904 _ Jürgen Habermas _ Ein Neuer Strukturwandel Der Öffentlichkeit Und Die Deliberative Politik _ Suhrkamp Verlag _ 2022 _ 3Rd 1 ADET
2025 2026 _ 9783518299845 _ Jürgen Habermas _ Auch Eine Geschichte Der Philosophie New, Sealed Two Book Set Habermas German _ Suhrkamp Verlag _ 2019 1 ADET
2026 2027 _ 9781474454049 _ Mark Devenney _ Towards An Improper Politics _ Edinburgh University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2027 2028 _ 9781108797375 _ Matthew Calarco _ Beyond The Anthropological Difference _ Cambridge University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
2028 2029 _ 9780393357622 _ Saidiya Hartman _ Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments _ W. W. Norton & Company _ 2020 1 ADET
2029 2030 _ 9780822363194 _ Sara Ahmed _ Living A Feminist Life _ Duke University Press Books _ 2017 1 ADET
2030 2031 _ 9781478017714 _ Sara Ahmed _ Complaint! _ Duke University Press Books _ 2021 1 ADET
2031 2032 _ 9781138939004 _ Dana Villa _ Arendt _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
2032 2033 _ 9780367199166 _ Jim Josefson _ Political Philosophy In The Moment: Narratives Of Freedom From Plato To Arendt _ Routledge _ 2019 1 ADET
2033 2034 _ 9783030116941 _ Kei Hiruta _ Arendt On Freedom, Liberation, And Revolution _ Palgrave Macmillan _ 2019 1 ADET
2034 2035 _ 9780691182261 _ Kei Hiruta _ Hannah Arendt And Isaiah Berlin: Freedom, Politics And Humanity _ Princeton University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2035 2036 _ 9783030817145 _ Maria Robaszkiewic, Tobias Matzner _ Hannah Arendt: Challenges Of Plurality _ Springer _ 2022 1 ADET
2036 2037 _ 9780810145474 _ Martin Blumenthal-Barby _ Arendt, Kant, And The Enigma Of Judgment _ Northwestern University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2037 2038 _ 9781108498807 _ Adam Przeworski _ Crises Of Democracy _ Cambridge University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
2038 2039 _ 9781108744720 _ Allan Colbern _ Citizenship Reimagined _ Cambridge University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
2039 2040 _ 9780367733629 _ Caponio, Tiziana; Scholten, Peter; Zapata-Barrero, Ricard; _ The Routledge Handbook Of The Governance Of Migration And Diversity İn Cities _ Routledge _ 2020 1 ADET
2040 2041 _ 9781529220070 _ Joseph Choonara, Annalisa Murgia And Renato Miguel Carmo _ Faces Of Precarity Critical Perspectives On Work, Subjectivities And Struggles _ Bristol University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2041 2042 _ 9780226650609 _ Lisa Wedeen _ Authoritarian Apprehensions: Ideology, Judgment, And Mourning İn Syria _ Chicago University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
2042 2043 _ 9781509556441 _ Loïc Wacquant _ Bourdieu İn The City: Challenging Urban Theory _ Polity Press _ 2023 1 ADET
2043 2044 _ 9780197598757 _ Mainwaring, Scott; Masoud, Tarek; _ Democracy İn Hard Places _ Oxford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2044 2045 _ 9780691224749 _ Mark R. Beissinger _ The Revolutionary City: Urbanization And The Global Transformation Of Rebellion _ Princeton University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2045 2046 _ 9780197674758 _ Samuel Issacharoff _ Democracy Unmoored: Populism And The Corruption Of Popular Sovereignty _ Oxford University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
2046 2047 _ 9781108958400 _ Stephan Haggard _ Backsliding _ Cambridge Core _ 2021 1 ADET
2047 2048 _ 9783030036966 _ François Molle, Carles Sanchis-Ibor, Llorenç Avellà-Reus _ Irrigation İn The Mediterranean: Technologies, Institutions And Policies _ Springer International Publishing _ 2019 1 ADET
2048 2049 _ 9780226285092 _ Rogers M. Smith _ Political Peoplehood The Roles Of Values, Interests, And Identities _ The University Of Chicago Press _ 2015 1 ADET
2049 2050 _ 9781784787554 _ Stephanie Degooyer, Alastair Hunt, Lida Maxwell, And Samuel Moyn _ The Right To Have Rights _ Verso _ 2017 1 ADET
2050 2051 _ 9780192847539 _ Andrea Bianchi, Moshe Hirsch _ International Law’S Invisible Frames _ Oxford University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2051 2052 _ 9781108480949 _ Anne Orford _ International Law And The Politics Of History _ Cambridge University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2052 2053 _ 9781032426907 _ Emily Jones _ Feminist Theory And International Law Posthuman Perspectives _ Routledge _ 2023 1 ADET
2053 2054 _ 9780198748830 _ Gleider Hernández _ International Law _ Oxford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2054 2055 _ 9781108448024 _ Jeffrey L. Dunoff, Mark A. Pollack _ International Legal Theory _ Cambridge University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2055 2056 _ 9780141991061 _ David Graeber, David Wengrow _ The Dawn Of Everything: A New History Of Humanity _ Farrar, Straus And Giroux _ 2021 1 ADET
2056 2057 _ 9780393872255 _ Jeffry A. Frieden, David A. Lake, And Kenneth A. Schultz _ World Politics: Interests, Interactions, Institutions _ W. W. Norton _ 2012 _ 4Th 1 ADET
2057 2058 _ 9780691215167 _ Yuhua Wang _ The Rise And Fall Of Imperial China: The Social Origins Of State Development _ Princeton University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2058 2059 _ 9781108499132 _ Bainbridge, William Sims _ The Social Structure Of Online Communities _ Cambridge University Press _ 0 1 ADET
2059 2060 _ 9780521840859 _ Doreian, Patrick; Batagelj, Vladimir; Ferligoj, Anuska _ Generalized Blockmodeling _ Cambridge University Press _ 0 1 ADET
2060 2061 _ 9781316506455 _ Hassanpour, Navid _ Leading From The Periphery And Network Collective Action _ Cambridge University Press _ 0 1 ADET
2061 2062 _ 9781108833509 _ Knoke, David; Diani, Mario; Hollway, James; Christopoulos, Dimitris _ Multimodal Political Networks _ Cambridge University Press _ 0 1 ADET
2062 2063 _ 9780816667345 _ Nella Van Dyke, Holly J. Mccammon (Ed.) _ Strategic Alliances: Coalition Building And Social Movements (Volume 34) (Social Movements, Protest And Contention) _ University Of Minnesota Press _ 2010 1 ADET
2063 2064 _ 9781108438339 _ Steinert-Threlkeld, Zachary C. _ Twitter As Data _ Cambridge University Press _ 0 1 ADET
2064 2065 _ 9783031039591 _ Carsten Anckar _ Presidents, Monarchs, And Prime Ministers _ Palgrave Macmillan _ 2022 1 ADET
2065 2066 _ 9780691240039 _ Isabela Mares _ Protecting The Ballot: How First-Wave Democracies Ended Electoral Corruption _ Princeton University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2066 2067 _ 9781009014861 _ Jacob S. Hacker _ The American Political Economy _ Cambridge University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2067 2068 _ 9781108794862 _ Lily L. Tsai _ When People Want Punishment _ Cambridge University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2068 2069 _ 9781788733885 _ Matthew T. Huber _ Climate Change As Class War: Building Socialism On A Warming Planet _ Verso _ 2022 1 ADET
2069 2070 _ 9780300216202 _ Milan Vaishnav _ When Crime Pays: Money And Muscle İn Indian Politics _ Yale University Press _ 2017 1 ADET
2070 2071 _ 9781478006305 _ Nicholas D'avella _ Concrete Dreams: Practice, Value, And Built Environments İn Post-Crisis Buenos Aires _ Duke University Press Books _ 2019 1 ADET
2071 2072 _ 9781350081109 _ Patricia Maccormack _ The Ahuman Manifesto: Activism For The End Of The Anthropocene _ Bloomsbury Academic _ 0 1 ADET
2072 2073 _ 9781478008484 _ Thea Riofrancos _ Resource Radicals: From Petro-Nationalism To Post-Extractivism İn Ecuador _ Duke University Press Books _ 2020 1 ADET
2073 2074 _ 9781597181396 _ Patrick Royston And Paul C. Lambert. _ Discovering Structural Equation Modeling Using Stata _ _ 0 1 ADET
2074 2075 _ 9781597182607 _ Richard Valliant And Jill A. Dever. _ Survey Weights: A Step-By-Step Guide To Calculation _ Stata Press _ 2018 1 ADET
2075 2076 _ 9781597181389 _ Sophia Rabe-Hesketh And Anders Skrondal _ Multilevel And Longitudinal Modeling Using Stata, Volume Iı: Categorical Responses, Counts, And Survival _ Stata Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2076 2077 _ 9781597181372 _ Sophia Rabe-Hesketh And Anders Skrondal _ Multilevel And Longitudinal Modeling Using Stata Volume 1: Continous Responses _ Stata Press _ 2021 _ 4Th 1 ADET
2077 2078 _ 9781597182669 _ Tenko Raykov And George A. Marcoulides _ A Course İn Item Response Theory And Modeling With Stata. _ Stata Press _ 0 1 ADET
2078 2079 _ 9781478018384 _ Kimberly Theidon _ Legacies Of War: Violence, Ecologies, And Kin. _ Duke Unv. Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2079 2080 _ 9780674278608 _ Mahmood Mamdani _ Neither Settler Nor Native: The Making And Unmaking Of Permanent Minorities _ Belknap Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2080 2081 _ 9781350201835 _ Maria Todorova _ The Lost World Of Socialists At Europe’S Margins: Imagining Utopia, 1870S-1920S _ _ 2022 1 ADET
2081 2082 _ 9780197577233 _ Massimiliano Tomba _ Insurgent Universality: An Alternative Legacy Of Modernity _ Oxford University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2082 2083 _ 9781597183659 _ Michael N. Mitchell _ A Visual Guide To Stata Graphics _ Stata Press _ 2022 _ 4Th 1 ADET
2083 2084 _ 9781478019664 _ Moyukh Chatterjee _ Composing Violence: The Limits Of Exposure And The Making Of Minorities _ Duke Unv. Press _ 2023 1 ADET
2084 2085 _ 9780252081002 _ Pascha Bueno-Hansen _ Feminist And Human Rights Struggles İn Peru: Decolonizing Transitional Justice. _ University Of Illinois Press _ 2015 1 ADET
2085 2086 _ 9781509537860 _ Veena Das _ Slum Acts _ Polity Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2086 2087 _ 9780231191852 _ Ayşe Gül Altınay, Maria Jose Contreras, Marianne Hirsch, Jean Howard, Banu Karaca, Alisa Solomon _ Women Mobilizing Memory _ Columbia University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
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2088 2089 _ 9781509533619 _ Bolivar Echeverria _ Modernity And “Whiteness” _ _ 2019 1 ADET
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2097 2098 _ 9781509537839 _ Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui _ Ch'ixinakax Utxiwa: On Decolonising Practices And Discourses _ _ 2020 1 ADET
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2100 2101 _ 9781788739689 _ Veronica Gago _ Feminist International: How To Change Everything _ _ 2020 1 ADET
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2102 2103 _ 9783030782078 _ Seth Abrutyn, Omar Lizardo _ Handbook Of Classical Sociological Theory _ _ 2021 1 ADET
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2104 2105 _ 9781503606869 _ Aslı Iğsız _ Humanism İn Ruins: Entangled Legacies Of The Greek-Turkish Population Exchange _ Stanford University Press _ 2018 1 ADET
2105 2106 _ 9781531501853 _ Başak Ertür _ Spectacles And Specters: A Performative Theory Of Political Trials _ _ 2022 1 ADET
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2110 2111 _ 9780226403366 _ Jason Ananda Josephson Storm _ The Myth Of Disenchantment: Magic, Modernity, And The Birth Of The Human Sciences _ University Of Chicago Press _ 2017 1 ADET
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2112 2113 _ 9781478018452 _ Lauren Berlant _ On The Inconvenience Of Other People _ Duke Unv. Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2113 2114 _ 9780691168708 _ Lukasz Stanek _ Architecture İn Global Socialism: Eastern Europe, West Africa, And The Middle East İn The Cold War _ _ 2020 1 ADET
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2116 2117 _ 9780367636524 _ Elad Segev _ Semantic Network Analysis İn Social _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
2117 2118 _ 9783030551988 _ Johanna Chovanec, Olof Heilo _ Narrated Empires: Perceptions Of Late Habsburg And Ottoman Multinationalism _ Palgrave Macmillan _ 2021 1 ADET
2118 2119 _ 9780141995106 _ Lea Ypi _ Free: Coming Of Age At The End Of History _ Penguin _ 2021 1 ADET
2119 2120 _ 9781101974148 _ Merve Emre _ The Personality Brokers: The Strange History Of Myers-Briggs And The Birth Of Personality Testing _ _ 2021 1 ADET
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2123 2124 _ 9781517908102 _ Behrooz Ghamari-Tabrizi _ Foucault İn Iran: Islamic Revolution After The Enlightenment _ University Of Minnesota Press _ 2016 1 ADET
2124 2125 _ 9781478011507 _ Catherine Besteman _ Militarized Global Apartheid _ _ 2020 1 ADET
2125 2126 _ 9780226746951 _ Charles Hirschkind _ The Feeling Of History: Islam, Romanticism, And Andalusia _ University Of Chicago Press _ 2020 1 ADET
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2128 2129 _ 9780231167215 _ Gil Anidjar _ Blood: A Critique Of Christianity _ Columbia University Press _ 2016 1 ADET
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2130 2131 _ 9780231190978 _ Howard Chiang _ Transtopia İn The Sinophone Pacific _ Columbia University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2131 2132 _ 9780822369189 _ Jasbir Puar _ The Right To Maim: Debility, Capacity, Disability _ Duke Unv. Press _ 2017 1 ADET
2132 2133 _ 9780226378732 _ Marwa Elshakry _ Reading Darwin İn Arabic, 1860-1950 _ University Of Chicago Press _ 2016 1 ADET
2133 2134 _ 9780520345874 _ Nada Moumtaz _ God's Property: Islam, Charity, And The Modern State _ _ 2021 1 ADET
2134 2135 _ 9780226732862 _ Dipesh Chakrabarty _ The Climate Of History İn A Planetary Age _ University Of Chicago Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2135 2136 _ 9780691203966 _ Helena Rosenblatt _ The Lost History Of Liberalism: From Ancient Rome To The Twenty-First Century _ _ 2020 1 ADET
2136 2137 _ 9780691220284 _ Jay L. Garfield _ Losing Ourselves: Learning To Live Without A Self _ _ 2022 1 ADET
2137 2138 _ 9780231196956 _ Joan W. Scott _ On The Judgment Of History _ Columbia University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
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2139 2140 _ 9780262044875 _ Susan Buck Morrs _ A Philosophical Recounting _ _ 2021 1 ADET
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2143 2144 _ 9781948836975 _ Eve Turow-Paul _ Hungry: Avocado Toast, Instagram Influencers, And Our Search For Connection And Meaning _ Benbella Books _ 2020 1 ADET
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2148 2149 _ 9781789245073 _ Andriotis, K. _ Issues And Cases Of Degrowth İn Tourism _ Hardback _ 2021 1 ADET
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2150 2151 _ 9781786391698 _ Bowen, D. _ Contemporary Tourist Behaviour: Yourself And Others As Tourists. _ _ 2022 1 ADET
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2153 2154 _ 9781444338515 _ Mallgrave, Payne, Van Eck _ Companions To The History Of Architecture, 4 Volume Set _ _ 2017 1 ADET
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2160 2161 _ 9780271028880 _ Timothy Tackett _ Becoming A Revolutionary: The Deputies Of The French National Assembly And The Emergence Of A Revolutionary Culture _ Pennsylvania State University Press _ 2006 1 ADET
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2171 2172 _ 9783030843090 _ Luca Zavagno _ The Byzantine City From Heraclius To The Fourth Crusade, 610-1204: Urban Life After Antiquity _ Palgrave Macmillan _ 2021 1 ADET
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2174 2175 _ 9781032083407 _ Thomas Sinclair _ Eastern Trade And The Mediterranean İn The Middle Ages. Pegolotti’S Ayas-Tabriz Itinerary And İts Commercial Context _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
2175 2176 _ 9780755600397 _ David Low _ Picturing The Ottoman Armenian World _ Ib Tauris _ 2022 1 ADET
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2177 2178 _ 9780262043267 _ François Brunet _ The Birth Of The Idea Of Photography _ Mıt Press _ 2019 1 ADET
2178 2179 _ 9780367405830 _ Geoffrey Batchen _ Negative Positive _ Routledge _ 2020 1 ADET
2179 2180 _ 9783956792823 _ Jussi Parikka _ A Slow Contemporary Violence _ Aarhus _ 2016 1 ADET
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2182 2183 _ 9789089649492 _ Wolfgang Ernst _ Sonic Time Machines _ Amsterdam University _ 2016 1 ADET
2183 2184 _ 9781783485710 _ Wolfgang Ernst _ Chronopoetics _ Rowman & Littlefiels _ 2016 1 ADET
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2185 2186 _ 9780674290143 _ Charles S. Maier _ The Project State And Its Rivals, A New History Of The Twentieth And Twenty-First Centuries _ Harvard University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
2186 2187 _ 9780735222199 _ Dominic Lieven _ In The Shadow Of The Gods: The Emperor İn World History _ Viking _ 2020 1 ADET
2187 2188 _ 9780367728199 _ Leszek Buszynski _ Geopolitics And The Western Pacific China, Japan And The U. S. _ Routledge _ 2020 1 ADET
2188 2189 _ 9781501741586 _ Richard J. Samuels _ Special Duty: A History Of The Japanese Intelligence Community _ Cornell University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
2189 2190 _ 9780674737617 _ Sarah Kovner _ Prisoners Of The Empire: Inside Japanese Pow Camps _ Harvard University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
2190 2191 _ 9781032075785 _ Timothy Amos, Akiko Ishii _ Revisiting Japan’S Restoration New Approaches To The Study Of The Meiji Transformation _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
2191 2192 _ 9789004379022 _ Stefan Winter _ Aleppo And İts Hinterland İn The Ottoman Period _ Brill _ 2019 1 ADET
2192 2193 _ 9783030598594 _ C Fogu _ The Fishing Net And The Spider Web. Mediterranean Imaginaries... _ Palgrave Macmillan _ 2022 1 ADET
2193 2194 _ 9780198798163 _ J Innes And M Philp, Eds. _ Re-Imagining Democracy İn The Mediterranean, 1780-1860 _ _ 2018 1 ADET
2194 2195 _ 9781472576644 _ M Isabella And C Zanou _ Mediterranean Diasporas. Politics And Ideas İn The Long 19Th Century _ Bloomsbury _ 2016 1 ADET
2195 2196 _ 9781789147179 _ P Mason _ Ulisse Aldrovandi _ _ 2023 1 ADET
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2197 2198 _ 9780520303454 _ Hakan Karateke, Helga Anetshofer _ The Ottoman World: A Cultural History Reader, 1450-1700 _ University Of California Press _ 2021 1 ADET
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2202 2203 _ 9780226820422 _ Sinem Arcak Casale _ Gifts İn The Age Of Empire: Ottoman-Safavid Cultural Exchange, 1500–1639 _ University Of Chicago Press _ 2023 1 ADET
2203 2204 _ 9780755635436 _ Suna Çağaptay _ The First Capital Of The Ottoman Empire: The Religious, Architectural, And Social History Of Bursa The First Capital Of The Ottoman Empire: The Religious, Architectural, And Social History Of Bursa _ I. B. Tauris _ 2022 1 ADET
2204 2205 _ 9780755642762 _ Suraiya Faroqhi _ The Ottoman And Mughal Empires: Social History İn The Early Modern World _ I. B. Tauris _ 2021 1 ADET
2205 2206 _ 9781474479370 _ V. L. Menage, Colin Imber _ Ottoman Historical Documents: The Institutions Of An Empire _ Edinburgh University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2206 2207 _ 9782503591520 _ Fikri Kulakoğlu, Guido Kryszat & Cécile Michel _ Cultural Exchange And Current Research İn Kültepe And İts Surroundings _ Brepols _ 2021 1 ADET
2207 2208 _ 9780674659865 _ Carter J. Eckert _ Park Chung Hee And Modern Korea _ Harvard University Press _ 2016 1 ADET
2208 2209 _ 9780801489143 _ Charles Armstrong _ The North Korean Revolution, 1945–1950 _ Cornell University Press _ 2004 1 ADET
2209 2210 _ 9781503629844 _ Korea: A History 1St Edition _ History-A Korea _ Stanford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2210 2211 _ 9780691174563 _ Ahmed El Shamsy _ Rediscovering The Islamic Classics: How Editors And Print Culture Transformed An Intellectual Tradition _ Princeton University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
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2212 2213 _ 9781503636125 _ Elyse Semerdjian _ Remnants: Embodied Archives Of The Armenian Genocide _ Stanford University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
2213 2214 _ 9780300247329 _ John Jeffries Martin _ A Beautiful Ending: The Apocalyptic Imagination And The Making Of The Modern World _ Yale University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2214 2215 _ 9780197531631 _ Kaya Şahin _ Peerless Among Princes: The Life And Times Of Sultan Süleyman _ Oxford University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
2215 2216 _ 9781108739085 _ Maarten Prak, Patrick Wallis _ Apprenticeship İn Early Modern Europe _ Cambridge University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2216 2217 _ 9781474479561 _ Olly Akkerman _ A Neo-Fatimid Treasury Of Books: Arabic Manuscripts Among The Alawi Bohras Of South Asia _ Edinburgh University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2217 2218 _ 9780231170659 _ Thomas Bauer _ A Culture Of Ambiguity: An Alternative History Of Islam _ Columbia University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2218 2219 _ 9780231108430 _ Gerald L. Curtis _ The Logic Of Japanese Politics Leaders, Institutions, And The Limits Of Change _ Columbia University Press _ 2000 1 ADET
2219 2220 _ 9781788210515 _ Hiroaki Richard Watanabe _ The Japanese Economy _ Columbia University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
2220 2221 _ 9780231190732 _ Saori N. Katada _ Japan's New Regional Reality Geoeconomic Strategy İn The Asia-Pacific _ Columbia University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
2221 2222 _ 9780231158534 _ Tomohito Shinoda _ Contemporary Japanese Politics Institutional Changes And Power Shifts _ Columbia University Press _ 2013 1 ADET
2222 2223 _ 9780226184753 _ Matthew Edney, Mary Pedley _ The History Of Cartography, Volume 4: Cartography İn The European Enlightenment (Volume 4) _ University Of Chicago _ 2020 1 ADET
2223 2224 _ 9781316519769 _ Catherine Holmes, Jonathan Shepard, Jo Van Steenbergen, Björn Weiler (Eds.) _ Political Culture İn The Latin West, Byzantium And The Islamic World, C. 700–C. 1500 _ Cambridge University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2224 2225 _ 9789004514706 _ Daphne Penna And Roos Meijering _ A Sourcebook On Byzantine Law: Illustrating Byzantine Law Through The Sources _ Brill _ 2022 1 ADET
2225 2226 _ 9781108824262 _ Ingela Nilsson _ Writer And Occasion İn Twelfth-Century Byzantium: The Authorial Voice Of Constantine Manasses _ Cambridge University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2226 2227 _ 9781789621587 _ Linda Yuretich (Tr.) _ The Chronicle Of Constantine Manasses _ Liverpool University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
2227 2228 _ 9780367586584 _ Marios Philippides _ Constantine Xı Dragaš Palaeologus (1404-1453) : The Last Emperor Of Byzantium _ Routledge _ 2019 1 ADET
2228 2229 _ 9780884024842 _ Nathan Aschenbrenner And Jake Ransohoff (Eds.) _ The Invention Of Byzantium İn Early Modern Europe _ Dumbarton Oaks _ 2021 1 ADET
2229 2230 _ 9781399014137 _ Chris Glenn _ The Battle Of Sekigahara: The Greatest, Bloodiest, Most Decisive Samurai Battle Ever _ Frontline Books _ 2023 1 ADET
2230 2231 _ 9781452174464 _ Chronicle Books _ Tales Of Japan: Traditional Stories Of Monsters And Magic _ Chronicle Books _ 2019 1 ADET
2231 2232 _ 9784805315040 _ David Young, Michiko Young _ The Art Of Japanese Architecture: History/Culture/Design _ Tuttle Publishing _ 2019 1 ADET
2232 2233 _ 9780824820282 _ Esben Andreasen _ Popular Buddhism İn Japan: Shin Buddhist Religion And Culture _ Univ Of Hawaii Pr _ 1997 1 ADET
2233 2234 _ 9780824826208 _ James C. Dobbins _ Jodo Shinshu: Shin Buddhism İn Medieval Japan _ University Of Hawaii Press _ 2002 1 ADET
2234 2235 _ 9781911671589 _ Kengo Sakurada _ Bushido Capitalism: The Code To Redefine Business For A Sustainable Future _ Lıd Publishing _ 2021 1 ADET
2235 2236 _ 9780824884581 _ Orion Klautau (Editor) , Hans Martin Krämer (Editor) _ Buddhism And Modernity: Sources From Nineteenth-Century Japan _ University Of Hawaii Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2236 2237 _ 9782503577715 _ A. Rigo, M. Trizio, E. Despotakis (Eds.) _ Byzantine Hagiography: Texts, Themes And Projects _ Brepols _ 2018 1 ADET
2237 2238 _ 9789004413696 _ Alexander Riehle (Ed.) _ A Companion To Byzantine Epistolography _ Brill _ 2020 1 ADET
2238 2239 _ 9789004444911 _ Alfred Hiatt _ Cartography Between Christian Europe And The Arabic-Islamic World, 1100-1500 Divergent Traditions _ Brill _ 2021 1 ADET
2239 2240 _ 9780367633042 _ Andrea De Giorgi And Asa Eger _ Antioch: A History _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
2240 2241 _ 9780674237360 _ Anthony Kaldellis And Ioannis Polemis (Ed. & Tr.) _ Saints Of Ninth-And Tenth-Century Greece _ Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library _ 2019 1 ADET
2241 2242 _ 9783110634136 _ B. Krawietz, F. Riedler _ The Heritage Of Edirne İn Ottoman And Turkish Times: Continuities, Disruptions And Reconnections _ De Gruyter _ 2019 1 ADET
2242 2243 _ 9789401778244 _ B. S. Hakim (Ed.) _ Mediterranean Urbanism: Historic Urban/Building Rules And Processes _ Springer _ 2014 1 ADET
2243 2244 _ 9780755638499 _ Bertrandon De La Brocquière _ A Mission To The Medieval Middle East. The Travels Of Bertrandon De La Brocquière To Jerusalem And Constantinople _ I. B. Tauris _ 2020 1 ADET
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2245 2246 _ 9783110717099 _ Charalambos Dendrinos And Ilias Giarenis (Eds.) _ Bibliophilos: Books And Learning İn The Byzantine World. Festschrift İn Honour Of Costas N. Constantinides _ De Gruyter _ 2021 1 ADET
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2248 2249 _ 9780884024767 _ Eleni Kefala _ The Conquered: Byzantium And America On The Cusp Of Modernity _ Dumbarton Oaks _ 2020 1 ADET
2249 2250 _ 9781503634688 _ Elizabeth R. Williams _ States Of Cultivation: Imperial Transition And Scientific Agriculture İn The Eastern Mediterranean _ Stanford University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
2250 2251 _ 9780520289932 _ Fariba Zarinebaf _ Mediterranean Encounters: Trade And Pluralism İn Early Modern Galata _ University Of California Press _ 2018 1 ADET
2251 2252 _ 9780674736986 _ Floris Bernard And Christopher Livanos (Ed. & Tr.) _ The Poems Of Christopher Of Mytilene And John Mauropous _ Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library _ 2018 1 ADET
2252 2253 _ 9781032075952 _ Fotini Kondyli And Benjamin Anderson (Eds.) _ The Byzantine Neighbourhood: Urban Space And Political Action _ Routledge _ 2023 1 ADET
2253 2254 _ 9780691159324 _ Gabor Agoston _ The Last Muslim Conquest: The Ottoman Empire And Its Wars _ Princeton University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2254 2255 _ 9781474455398 _ Gülay Yılmaz, Fruma Zachs _ Children And Childhood İn The Ottoman Empire: From The 15Th To The 20Th Century _ Edinburgh University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
2255 2256 _ 9783110440997 _ Ioannis Polemis And Eleni Kaltsogianni (Eds.) _ Theodorus Metochites: Orationes _ De Gruyter _ 2019 1 ADET
2256 2257 _ 9781138556430 _ Jonathan Harris _ Introduction To Byzantium, 602-1453 _ Routledge _ 2020 1 ADET
2257 2258 _ 9780674980730 _ Julian Yolles And Jessica Weiss (Ed. & Tr.) _ Medieval Latin Lives Of Muhammad _ Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library _ 2018 1 ADET
2258 2259 _ 9781503613386 _ Kathryn Babayan _ The City As Anthology: Eroticism And Urbanity İn Early Modern Isfahan _ Stanford University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2259 2260 _ 9780815353829 _ Mark Masterson _ Between Byzantine Men: Desire, Homosociality, And Brotherhood İn The Medieval Empire _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
2260 2261 _ 9780367143411 _ Michael Stewart, David Parnell, And Conor Whately (Eds.) _ The Routledge Handbook On Identity İn Byzantium _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
2261 2262 _ 9791032000861 _ Michel Balivet, H. Lessan-Pezechki, R. Mounier (Trans.) _ Les Turcs Seldjoukides D'anatolie (Xıe-Xıve S.) -Une Anthologie Des Sources Premières, Vol. 1: Les Sources Persanes, Ibn Bibi _ Presses Universitaires De Provence _ 2017 1 ADET
2262 2263 _ 9781032290799 _ Mihail Mitrea (Ed.) _ Holiness On The Move: Mobility And Space İn Byzantine Hagiography _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
2263 2264 _ 9789004439856 _ Nadja Danilenko _ Picturing The Islamicate World: The Story Of Al-I??Akhri's Book Of Routes And Realms _ Brill _ 2023 1 ADET
2264 2265 _ 9781463202378 _ Nikolaos Barkas _ Sleep And Sleeplessness İn Byzantium _ Gorgias Press _ 2016 1 ADET
2265 2266 _ 9780367661373 _ Nikolaos Chrissis, Athina Kolia-Dermitzaki, Angeliki Papageorgiou (Eds.) _ Byzantium And The West: Perception And Reality _ Routledge _ 2019 1 ADET
2266 2267 _ 9781399508612 _ Nilay Özok Gündoğan _ The Kurdish Nobility İn The Ottoman Empire: Loyalty, Autonomy And Privilege _ Edinburgh University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2267 2268 _ 9789004434387 _ P. Marciniak And I. Nilsson (Eds.) _ Satire İn The Middle Byzantine Era: The Golden Age Of Laughter? _ Brill _ 2020 1 ADET
2268 2269 _ 9781800856035 _ Panagiotis A. Agapitos (Trans.) _ The Tale Of Livistros And Rodamne: A Byzantine Love Romance Of The 13Th Century _ Liverpool University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2269 2270 _ 9780190272739 _ Robert G. Ousterhout _ Eastern Medieval Architecture: The Building Traditions Of Byzantium And Neighboring Lands _ Oxford University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
2270 2271 _ 9789004465251 _ Robert Mihajlovski _ The Religious And Cultural Landscape Of Ottoman Manastır _ Brill _ 2021 1 ADET
2271 2272 _ 9789004444928 _ Shirine Hamadeh, Çiğdem Kafescioğlu _ A Companion To Early Modern Istanbul _ Brill _ 2021 1 ADET
2272 2273 _ 9789004437555 _ Sinem Erdoğan İşkorkutan _ The 1720 Imperial Circumcision Celebrations İn Istanbul Festivity And Representation İn The Early Eighteenth Century _ Brill _ 2020 1 ADET
2273 2274 _ 9781789628074 _ Staffan Wahlgren (Trans.) _ The Chronicle Of The Logothete _ Liverpool University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
2274 2275 _ 9780674975859 _ Sunil Sharma _ Mughal Arcadia: Persian Literature İn An Indian Court _ Harvard University Press _ 2017 1 ADET
2275 2276 _ 9789004346192 _ Tarek Kahlaoui _ Creating The Mediterranean Maps And The Islamic Imagination _ Brill _ 2017 1 ADET
2276 2277 _ 9780897571166 _ Zuzana Chovanec And Walter Crist _ All Things Cypriot: Studies On Ancient Environment, Technology And Society İn Honor Of Stuart Swiny _ Isd Distributors _ 2021 1 ADET
2277 2278 _ 9781474441049 _ Florin Leonte _ Imperial Visions Of Late Byzantium: Manuel Iı Palaiologos And Rhetoric İn Purple _ Edinburgh University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2278 2279 _ 9781802077476 _ Norman Russell _ Gregory Palamas: The Hesychast Controversy And The Debate With Islam _ Liverpool University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2279 2280 _ 9780674986626 _ Scott Kennedy (Ed. And Trans.) _ Two Works On Trebizond; Michael Panaretos, Bessarion _ Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library _ 2019 1 ADET
2280 2281 _ 9788867289172 _ Sebastian Kolditz And Markus Koller (Eds.) _ The Byzantine-Ottoman Transition İn Venetian Chronicles/La Transizione Bizantino-Ottomana Nelle Cronache Veneziane _ Viella _ 2018 1 ADET
2281 2282 _ 9789004527065 _ Sofia Kotzabassi (Ed.) _ Companion To The Intellectual Life Of The Palaeologan Period _ Brill _ 2022 1 ADET
2282 2283 _ 9780674244634 _ Theodore Metochites _ On Morals Concerning Education (Trans. Sophia Xenophontos) _ Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library _ 2020 1 ADET
2283 2284 _ 9781952636387 _ Alisa Freedman _ Women İn Japanese Studies Memoirs From A Trailblazing Generation _ Columbia University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
2284 2285 _ 9780860085362 _ Atsuko Kondoh, Chika Maruyama _ Images Of Japan: Text: For Pre-Advanced And Advanced Learners Of Japanese _ University Of Tokyo _ 2005 _ Second Edition 1 ADET
2285 2286 _ 9781350182141 _ Brian P. Farrell _ Empire İn Asia: A New Global History Paperback, Bloomsbury Academic _ Bloomsbury Academic _ 2021 1 ADET
2286 2287 _ 9783110717402 _ Brian P. Farrell, S. R. Joey Long, David Ulbrich _ From Far East To Asia Pacific: Great Powers And Grand Strategy 1900–2022 _ De Gruyter Oldenbourg _ 2022 1 ADET
2287 2288 _ 9780674059788 _ Charles S. Maier _ Once Within Borders Territories Of Power, Wealth, And Belonging Since 1500 _ Cambridge, Ma: Harvard University Press _ 2016 1 ADET
2288 2289 _ 9780924304910 _ Ronald S. Green _ Shinto İn The History And Culture Of Japan _ Columbia University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
2289 2290 _ 9781789255836 _ Boyes, Philip J. _ Script And Society: The Social Context Of Writing Practices İn Late Bronze Age Ugarit _ Oxbow Books _ 2021 1 ADET
2290 2291 _ 9783110657678 _ De Martino, Stefano _ Handbook Hittite Empire: Power Structures (Empires Through The Ages İn Global Perspective) _ De Gruyter Oldenbourg _ 2022 1 ADET
2291 2292 _ 9781108816496 _ Van Den Hout, Theo _ A History Of Hittite Literacy. Writing And Reading İn Late Bronze-Age Anatolia _ Cambridge University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
2292 2293 _ 9789088907982 _ Waal, Wilhelmijn And Jorrit Kelder _ From Lugal. Gal To Wanax: Kingship And Political Organisation İn The Late Bronze Age Aegean _ Sidestone Press _ 2019 1 ADET
2293 2294 _ 9780143133995 _ Ganjavi, Nezami; Davis, Dick _ Layli And Majnun _ Penguin Books _ 2021 1 ADET
2294 2295 _ 9781909942455 _ George, Alain _ The Umayyad Mosque Of Damascus: Art, Faith And Empire İn Early Islam _ Gingko _ 2021 1 ADET
2295 2296 _ 9781624669842 _ Lindsay, James E. _ Muslim Sources Of The Crusader Period: An Anthology _ Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. _ 2021 1 ADET
2296 2297 _ 9781474489522 _ Magnusson, Andrew _ Zoroastrians İn Early Islamic History _ Edinburgh University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2297 2298 _ 9780300246827 _ Pruitt, Jennifer _ Building The Caliphate: Construction, Destruction, And Sectarian Identity İn Early Fatimid Architecture _ Yale University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
2298 2299 _ 9781399502825 _ Rabbat, Nasser _ Writing Egypt: Al-Maqrizi And His Historical Project _ Edinburgh University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2299 2300 _ 9780367407513 _ Karen Sonik, Ulrike Steinert _ The Routledge Handbook Of Emotions İn The Ancient Near East _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
2300 2301 _ 9780190673161 _ Amy Gansell, Ann Shafer _ Testing The Canon Of Ancient Near Eastern Art And Archaeology _ Oxford University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
2301 2302 _ 9780199271870 _ Ian Shaw, Elizabeth Bloxam _ The Oxford Handbook Of Egyptology _ Oxford University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
2302 2303 _ 9781800500266 _ John Baines, Henriette Van Der Blom, Yi Samuel Chen, Tim Rood _ Historical Consciousness And The Use Of The Past İn The Ancient World _ Equinox _ 2019 1 ADET
2303 2304 _ 9781803271224 _ Laura Battini _ Image And Identity İn The Ancient Near East: Papers İn Memoriam Pierre Amiet _ Archaeopress _ 2022 1 ADET
2304 2305 _ 9780691235196 _ Adeeb Khalid _ Central Asia: A New History From The Imperial Conquests To The Present _ Princeton University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2305 2306 _ 9780674279162 _ Anne Dunlop _ The Mongol Empire İn Global History And Art History _ Harvard University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
2306 2307 _ 9780674260245 _ Craig A. Smith _ Chinese Asianism, 1894–1945 _ Harvard University Press _ 0 1 ADET
2307 2308 _ 9780231197557 _ Eric Schluessel _ Land Of Strangers: The Civilizing Project İn Qing Central Asia _ Columbia University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
2308 2309 _ 9780691146829 _ Eric Tagliacozzo _ In Asian Waters: Oceanic Worlds From Yemen To Yokohama _ Princeton University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2309 2310 _ 9780674241848 _ Julian Gewirtz _ Never Turn Back China And The Forbidden History Of The 1980S _ Belknap Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2310 2311 _ 9780674737358 _ Klaus Mühlhahn _ Making China Modern From The Great Qing To Xi Jinping _ Belknap Press _ 2019 1 ADET
2311 2312 _ 9780674238213 _ Odd Arne Westad _ Empire And Righteous Nation 600 Years Of China-Korea Relations _ Harvard University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2312 2313 _ 9780674735330 _ Seema Alavi _ Muslim Cosmopolitanism İn The Age Of Empire _ Harvard University Press _ 2015 1 ADET
2313 2314 _ 9780691237831 _ Xin Wen _ The King’S Road: Diplomacy And The Remaking Of The Silk Road _ Princeton University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
2314 2315 _ 9781503631267 _ Chris Gratien _ The Unsettled Plain: An Environmental History Of The Late Ottoman Frontier _ Stanford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2315 2316 _ 9780197547274 _ Faisal H. Husain _ Rivers Of The Sultan: The Tigris And Euphrates İn The Ottoman Empire _ Oxford University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2316 2317 _ 9780691195230 _ Helen Pfeifer _ Empire Of Salons: Conquest And Community İn Early Modern Ottoman Lands _ Princeton University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2317 2318 _ 9781644698624 _ İsmail E. Erünsal _ A History Of Ottoman Libraries _ Academic Studies Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2318 2319 _ 9780241953044 _ John Julius Norwich _ A History Of Venice _ Viking _ 2013 1 ADET
2319 2320 _ 9781474426398 _ Konrad Hirschler _ Medieval Damascus: Plurality And Diversity İn An Arabic Library: The Ashrafiya Library Catalogue _ Edinburgh University Press _ 2016 1 ADET
2320 2321 _ 9781474492065 _ Said Aljoumani And Konrad Hirschler _ Owning Books And Preserving Documents İn Medieval Jerusalem: The Library Of Burhan Al-Din _ Edinburgh University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
2321 2322 _ 9780198865438 _ Clive Foss _ The Beginnings Of The Ottoman Empire _ Oxford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2322 2323 _ 9780367260149 _ Leslie Brubaker, Rebecca Darley, And Daniel Reynolds (Eds.) _ Global Byzantium: Papers From The Fiftieth Spring Symposium Of Byzantine Studies _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
2323 2324 _ 9783110677003 _ Panagiotis Athanasopoulos (Ed.) _ Translation Activity İn The Late Byzantine World: Contexts, Authors, And Texts _ De Gruyter _ 2022 1 ADET
2324 2325 _ 9780367660604 _ Shaun Tougher (Ed.) _ The Emperor İn The Byzantine World. Papers From The Forty-Seventh Spring Symposium Of Byzantine Studies _ Routledge _ 2019 1 ADET
2325 2326 _ 9780231199957 _ Aubrey Clayton _ Bernoulli's Fallacy: Statistical Illogic And The Crisis Of Modern Science _ Columbia University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2326 2327 _ 9780226818399 _ Clara E. Mattei _ The Capital Order: How Economists Invented Austerity And Paved The Way To Fascism _ University Of Chicago Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2327 2328 _ 9780374610197 _ David Greaber _ Pirate Enlightenment, Or The Real Libertalia _ Farrar, Straus And Giroux _ 2023 1 ADET
2328 2329 _ 9780192846631 _ Joanna Bourke _ Birkbeck: 200 Years Of Radical Learning For Working People _ Oxford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2329 2330 _ 9781009366182 _ Kohei Saito _ Marx İn The Anthropocene _ Cambridge University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
2330 2331 _ 9781839765537 _ Ludovico Silva _ Marx's Literary Style _ Verso _ 2023 1 ADET
2331 2332 _ 9780822947349 _ Marci Baranski _ The Globalization Of Wheat: A Critical History Of The Green Revolution _ University Of Pittsburgh Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2332 2333 _ 9780691237206 _ Michael Sonnenscher _ Capitalism: The Story Behind The Word _ Princeton University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2333 2334 _ 9781009231008 _ Richard Bourke (Ed.) _ History İn The Humanities And Social Sciences _ Cambridge Univeristy Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2334 2335 _ 9780349141435 _ Richard J. Evans _ Eric Hobsbawm: A Life İn History _ Abacus _ 2020 1 ADET
2335 2336 _ 9780300233186 _ Richard Wolin _ Heidegger İn Ruins: Between Philosophy And Ideology _ Yale University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
2336 2337 _ 9781541646469 _ Scott Reynolds Nelson _ Oceans Of Grain: How American Wheat Remade The World _ Basic Books _ 2022 1 ADET
2337 2338 _ 9780691191072 _ Stefan Eich _ The Currency Of Politics: The Political Theory Of Money From Aristotle To Keynes _ Princeton University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2338 2339 _ 9781108499361 _ A. C. S. Peacock _ Islam, Literature And Society İn Anatoli Under The Mongols _ Cambridge University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
2339 2340 _ 9780520388215 _ Aslıhan Gürbüzel _ Taming The Messiah: The Formation Of An Ottoman Public Sphere _ University Of California Press _ 2023 1 ADET
2340 2341 _ 9780691179063 _ Barbara Stollberg Rilinger _ Maria-Theresa: The Habsburg Empress İn Her Time _ Princeton University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2341 2342 _ 9781848851443 _ Dominic Parviz Brookshaw _ Hafiz And His Contemporaries: Poetry, Performance And Patronage İn Fourteenth Century Iran _ I. B. Tauris _ 2019 1 ADET
2342 2343 _ 9780253048912 _ Keelan Overton _ Iran And The Deccan: Persianate Art, Culture, And Talent İn Circulation, 1400–1700 _ Indiana University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
2343 2344 _ 9781474451574 _ Konrad Hirschler _ A Monument To Syrian Book Culture: The Library Of Ibn Abd Al-Hadi _ Edinburgh University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
2344 2345 _ 9781503611955 _ Mana Kia _ Persianate Selves: Memories Of Place And Origin Before Nationalism _ Stanford University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
2345 2346 _ 9780231190770 _ Michael Christopher Low _ Imperial Mecca: Ottoman Arabia And The Indian Ocean Hajj _ Columbia University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
2346 2347 _ 9780367870256 _ Milad Milani _ Sufi Political Thought _ Routledge _ 2017 1 ADET
2347 2348 _ 9789004512580 _ Xinjiang Rong _ The Silk Road And Cultural Exchanges Between East And West _ Brill _ 2022 1 ADET
2348 2349 _ 9781138313316 _ Brian Maxson, Nicholas Scott Baker _ Florence İn The Early Modern World _ Routledge _ 2019 1 ADET
2349 2350 _ 9780300233179 _ Chanchal Dadlani _ From Stone To Paper: Architecture As History İn The Late Mughal Empire _ Yale University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
2350 2351 _ 9781138599840 _ Danielle Van Den Hauvel _ Early Modern Streets _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
2351 2352 _ 9780300225761 _ David Hemsoll _ Emulating Antiquity: Renaissance Buildings From Brunelleschi To Michelangelo _ Yale University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
2352 2353 _ 9780691201849 _ Dipti Khera _ The Place Of Many Moods: Udaipur’S Painted Lands And India’S Eighteenth Century _ Princeton University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
2353 2354 _ 9780226600055 _ Kathleen Brosnan, James Akerman _ Mapping Nature Across The Americas _ University Of Chicago Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2354 2355 _ 9780226605685 _ Matthew Edney _ Cartography The Ideal And İts History _ University Of Chicago _ 2019 1 ADET
2355 2356 _ 9781032347455 _ Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu _ The Abbasid House Of Wisdom Between Myth And Reality _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
2356 2357 _ 9780691210391 _ Jacqueline Feke _ Ptolemy's Philosophy: Mathematics As A Way Of Life _ Princeton University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
2357 2358 _ 9782271134585 _ Michela Malpangotto _ Theoricae Novae Planetarum Georgii Peurbachii Dans L’Histoire De L’Astronomie _ Cnrs Éditions _ 2021 1 ADET
2358 2359 _ 9780262045537 _ Omar W. Nasim _ The Astronomer's Chair A Visual And Cultural History _ The Mıt Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2359 2360 _ 9780773550100 _ Rivka Feldhay, F. Jamil Ragep _ Before Copernicus The Cultures And Contexts Of Scientific Learning İn The Fifteenth Century _ Mcgill-Queen's University Press _ 2017 1 ADET
2360 2361 _ 9780691186627 _ Vannevar Bush _ Science, The Endless Frontier _ Princeton University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2361 2362 _ 9780197654422 _ Carolina López-Ruiz, Brian R. Doak _ The Oxford Handbook Of The Phoenician And Punic Mediterranean _ Oxford University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
2362 2363 _ 9780226819044 _ Jonathan M. Hall And James F. Osborne _ The Connected Iron Age Interregional Networks İn The Eastern Mediterranean, 900-600 Bce _ University Of Chicago Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2363 2364 _ 9781108958370 _ Albrecht Berger _ The Statues Of Constantinople _ Cambridge University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2364 2365 _ 9780367671525 _ Andrea Mattiello And Maria Alessia Rossi (Eds.) _ Late Byzantium Reconsidered: The Arts Of The Palaiologan Era İn The Mediterranean _ Routledge _ 2020 1 ADET
2365 2366 _ 9781108480710 _ Dimiter Angelov _ The Byzantine Hellene: The Life Of Emperor Theodore Laskaris And Byzantium İn The Thirteenth Century _ Cambridge University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
2366 2367 _ 9781108931984 _ Engin Akyürek _ The Hippodrome Of Constantinople _ Cambridge University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2367 2368 _ 9783884673447 _ Falko Daim And Ewald Kislinger (Eds.) _ The Byzantine Harbours Of Constantinople _ Verlag Des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums _ 2021 1 ADET
2368 2369 _ 9781108483056 _ Foteini Spingou (Ed.) _ Sources For Byzantine Art History: Volume 3, The Visual Culture Of Later Byzantium (1081–C. 1350) _ Cambridge University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2369 2370 _ 9781032179575 _ Cristina Bellorini _ The World Of Plants İn Renaissance Tuscany: Medicine And Botany _ Routledge _ 2016 1 ADET
2370 2371 _ 9781841714905 _ Efraim Lev _ Medicinal Substances İn Jerusalem From Early Times To The Present Day _ British Archaeological Reports _ 2003 1 ADET
2371 2372 _ 9781503614567 _ Elise K. Burton _ Genetic Crossroads: The Middle East And The Science Of Human Heredity _ Stanford University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2372 2373 _ 9781526137166 _ Emily Cock _ Rhinoplasty And The Nose İn Early Modern British Medicine And Culture _ Manchester University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
2373 2374 _ 9780367520236 _ Jennifer F. Kosmin _ Authority, Gender, And Midwifery İn Early Modern Italy: Contested Deliveries _ Routledge _ 2020 1 ADET
2374 2375 _ 9781421420486 _ Joel Peter Eigen _ Mad-Doctors İn The Dock _ Johns Hopkins University Press _ 2016 1 ADET
2375 2376 _ 9781032098340 _ Michael Stolberg _ Uroscopy İn Early Modern Europe _ Routledge _ 2015 1 ADET
2376 2377 _ 9781108816335 _ Stefanie Gänger _ A Singular Remedy: Cinchona Across The Atlantic World, 1751-1820 _ Cambridge University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2377 2378 _ 9798356039638 _ Anna Wiley _ Adhd Raising An Explosive Child: The #1 Guide To Helping Parents Understand, Discipline & Empower Kids With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder To Reach Success And Fulfillment With No-Drama _ Independently Published _ 2022 1 ADET
2378 2379 _ 9781987787474 _ Autumn Mckay _ The Ultimate Toddler Activity Guide: Fun & Educational Activities To Do With Your Toddler _ Createspace Independent Publishing Platform _ 2018 1 ADET
2379 2380 _ 9781598571189 _ C. Schuele, Naomi Murphy M. S. Ccc-Slp, Louisa Cook Moats _ The Intensive Phonological Awareness (Ipa) Program _ Brookes Publishing _ 2014 1 ADET
2380 2381 _ 9780964690363 _ David Kilpatrick _ Equipped For Reading Success A Comprehensive, Step-By-Step Program For Developing Phonemic Awareness And Fluent Word Recognition _ Casey & Kirsch Publishers _ 2016 1 ADET
2381 2382 _ 9781087653198 _ Hallie Yopp, Ruth Helen Yopp _ Purposeful Play For Early Childhood Phonological Awareness _ Shell Education _ 2022 1 ADET
2382 2383 _ 9781087696690 _ Jennifer Jump, Robin Johnson _ What The Science Of Reading Says About Word Recognition _ Shell Education _ 2022 1 ADET
2383 2384 _ 9798802052747 _ Kangaroo Publications, Mary C. Norris _ Self-Regulation Skills Workbook For Kids (8-12) : Mindfulness, Positive Thinking, And Self-Regulating Children's Daily Life Through Cbt Exercises And Emotional Guidance _ Independently Published _ 2022 1 ADET
2384 2385 _ 9781641520416 _ Kelli Miller Lcsw Msw _ Thriving With Adhd Workbook For Kids: 60 Fun Activities To Help Children Self-Regulate, Focus, And Succeed _ Althea Press _ 2018 1 ADET
2385 2386 _ 9798690337698 _ Kidsmathzone _ Toddler Workbook (75+ Worksheets) , Kids Activities, Preschool Learning, Alphabet, Tracing, Numbers, Shapes, 2-4-Year-Old _ Independently Published _ 2020 1 ADET
2386 2387 _ 9781681255996 _ Kristie Pretti-Frontczak, Jennifer Grisham, Sullivan Lynn Ma _ Assessing Young Children İn Inclusive Settings: The Blended Practices Approach _ Brookes Publishing _ 2022 1 ADET
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2395 2396 _ 9781544334820 _ Felice D. Billups _ Qualitative Data Collection Tools: Design, Development, And Applications (Qualitative Research Methods) _ Sage Publications _ 2020 1 ADET
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2397 2398 _ 9780415714396 _ Nancy File, Jennifer J. Mueller, Debora Basler Wisneski, Andrew J. Stremmel _ Understanding Research İn Early Childhood Education Quantitative And Qualitative Methods _ Routledge _ 2016 1 ADET
2398 2399 _ 9781473926608 _ Tim Waller, Eva Ärlemalm-Hagsér, Ellen Beate Hansen Sandseter _ The Sage Handbook Of Outdoor Play And Learning _ Sage Publications Ltd _ 2017 1 ADET
2399 2400 _ 9783319260839 _ Deborah P. Britzman _ Melanie Klein: Early Analysis, Play, And The Question Of Freedom _ Springer _ 2016 1 ADET
2400 2401 _ 9781032346991 _ Donna Starks & Margaret J. Robertson _ 50 Things To Think About When Writing A Thesis: Paving Your Own Path To Submission _ Routledg _ 2023 1 ADET
2401 2402 _ 9780761870609 _ Fraser Brown & Bob Hughes _ Aspects Of Playwork: Play And Culture Studies (Volume 14) _ Hamilton Books _ 2018 _ 14Th Edition 1 ADET
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2415 2416 _ 9781937661571 _ Debra Burdick _ Mindfulness Skills For Kids & Teens: A Workbook For Clinicians & Clients With 154 Tools, Techniques, Activities & Worksheets _ Pesı Publishing & Media; Workbook Edition _ 2014 1 ADET
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2422 2423 _ 9781838956967 _ Lisa Damour _ The Emotional Lives Of Teenagers: Raising Connected, Capable, And Compassionate Adolescents _ Ballantine Books _ 2023 1 ADET
2423 2424 _ 9781250212849 _ Marc Brackett _ Permission To Feel _ ?Celadon Books _ 2020 1 ADET
2424 2425 _ 9780367726287 _ Nicole Vliegen, Eileen Tang & Patrick Meurs _ Children Recovering From Complex Trauma: From Wound To Scar _ Routledge _ 2023 1 ADET
2425 2426 _ 9780062951519 _ Steve Brusatte _ The Rise And Reign Of The Mammals: A New History, From The Shadow Of The Dinosaurs To Us _ Mariner Books _ 2022 1 ADET
2426 2427 _ 9780316365215 _ Tricia Hersey _ Rest Is Resistance: A Manifesto _ Little, Brown Spark _ 2022 1 ADET
2427 2428 _ 9780367508814 _ Alison Clark _ Slow Knowledge And The Unhurried Child _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
2428 2429 _ 9780367733889 _ Anca Gheaus (Editor) , Gideon Calder (Editor) , Jurgen De Wispelaere (Editor) _ The Routledge Handbook Of The Philosophy Of Childhood And Children _ Routledge _ 2018 1 ADET
2429 2430 _ 9780807758373 _ Bonnie Keilty (Author) , Hedi Levine Sagarika Kosaraju Philippa Campbell _ Seven Essentials For Family–Professional Partnerships İn Early Intervention _ Teachers College Press _ 2017 1 ADET
2430 2431 _ 9781472975751 _ Brenna Hassett _ Growing Up Human: The Evolution Of Childhood _ Bloomsbury Sigma _ 2022 1 ADET
2431 2432 _ 9798375300634 _ Deniz Kenan (Author) , Hamza Yormaz (Editor) , Youssef Harvey (Editor) , _ Beıng The Other Chıld In Turkey: Human Rights Violations Against Children İn Turkey _ Independently Published _ 2023 1 ADET
2432 2433 _ 9798888450116 _ Katy Faust (Author) , Stacy Manning (Author) , Robert George (Foreword) _ Them Before Us: Why We Need A Global Children's Rights Movement _ Post Hill Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2433 2434 _ 9789814585569 _ Kirsi Pauliina Kallio (Editor) , Sarah Mills (Editor) , Tracey Skelton (Editor) _ Politics, Citizenship And Rights _ Springer _ 2016 1 ADET
2434 2435 _ 9781683730552 _ Mona Delahooke _ Social And Emotional Development İn Early Intervention _ Pesı Publishing & Media _ 2017 1 ADET
2435 2436 _ 9789211014365 _ United Nations (Editor) _ A Child's Right To Rights _ United Nations _ 2020 1 ADET
2436 2437 _ 9780367700348 _ C. Michael Hall, Linda Lundmark, Jundan Jasmine Zhang _ Degrowth And Tourism: New Perspectives On Tourism Entrepreneurship, Destinations And Policy _ Routledge _ 2023 1 ADET
2437 2438 _ 9781292441405 _ David, F. R; David, F. R. ; David, M. _ Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts And Cases _ Pearson _ 2022 _ 17Th Edition 1 ADET
2438 2439 _ 9781774636800 _ Demicco, F. J. _ Medical Tourism And Wellness: Hospitality Bridging Healthcare _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
2439 2440 _ 9781911635352 _ Mckercher, B. ; Prideaux, B. _ Tourism Theories, Concepts And Models _ Goodfellow Publishers _ 2020 1 ADET
2440 2441 _ 9781789242812 _ Peter U. C. Dieke, Brian E. M. King, Richard A. J. Sharpley _ Tourism In Development: Reflective Essays _ Cabı _ 2021 1 ADET
2441 2442 _ 9781944659820 _ Wirtz, J. ; Lovelock, C. _ Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy _ World Scientific _ 2021 _ 9Th 1 ADET
2442 2443 _ 9789811240546 _ Anil Markandya, Dirk Rübbelke _ World Scientific Series On Environmental, Energy And Climate Economics: Volume 1 _ World Scientific _ 2021 1 ADET
2443 2444 _ 9781788532037 _ Neil Mcculloch _ Ending Fossil Fuel Subsidies _ Practical Action Publishing _ 2023 1 ADET
2444 2445 _ 9783030894597 _ Raphael J Heffron _ Achieving A Just Transition To A Low-Carbon Economy _ Palgrave Macmillan _ 2021 1 ADET
2445 2446 _ 9789811247682 _ Robert Mendelsohn _ World Scientific Series On Environmental, Energy And Climate Economics: Volume 2 _ World Scientific _ 2021 1 ADET
2446 2447 _ 9780128166352 _ Sevil Acar, Erinc Yeldan _ Handbook Of Green Economics _ Elsevier _ 2019 1 ADET
2447 2448 _ 9780471287742 _ Chuck Y. Gee, James C. Makens, Dexter J. L. Choy _ The Travel Industry _ Wiley _ 1997 1 ADET
2448 2449 _ 9781648895913 _ George Rossolatos (Ed.) _ Advances İn Brand Semiotics & Discourse Analysis _ Vernon Press _ 2023 1 ADET
2449 2450 _ 9781138151284 _ Henry Cleere (Editor) _ Archaeological Heritage Management İn The Modern World _ Routledge _ 2017 1 ADET
2450 2451 _ 9780300261455 _ Christopher Marquis _ Better Business: How The B Corp Movement Is Remaking Capitalism _ ?Yale University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
2451 2452 _ 9781398604049 _ David Grayson, Chris Coulter, Mark Lee (_ The Sustainable Business Handbook: A Guide To Becoming More Innovative, Resilient And Successful _ Kogan Page _ 2022 1 ADET
2452 2453 _ 9781400230358 _ George Serafeim _ Purpose And Profit: How Business Can Lift Up The World _ ?Harpercollins Leadership _ 2022 1 ADET
2453 2454 _ 9780367478957 _ Gunnar Rimmel _ Accounting For Sustainability _ Routledge _ 2020 1 ADET
2454 2455 _ 9781032023106 _ Matias Laine, Helen Tregidga, Jeffrey Unerman _ Sustainability Accounting And Accountability _ Routledge _ 2021 _ 3Rd Edition 1 ADET
2455 2456 _ 9781032249001 _ Norman Walzer, Christopher Merrett _ Rural Areas İn Transition _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
2456 2457 _ 9781647821302 _ Paul Polman, Andrew Winston _ Net Positive: How Courageous Companies Thrive By Giving More Than They Take _ Harvard Business Review Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2457 2458 _ 9780241379684 _ Rebecca Henderson _ Reimagining Capitalism İn A World On Fire _ Publicaffairs _ 2021 1 ADET
2458 2459 _ 9781604271706 _ Suzanne Farver _ Mainstreaming Corporate Sustainability: Using Proven Tools To Promote Business Success _ J. Ross Publishing _ 2019 _ 2Nd Edition 1 ADET
2459 2460 _ 9780367532505 _ Willy Legrand, Joseph S. Chen, Gabriel C. M. Laeis _ Sustainability İn The Hospitality Industry: Principles Of Sustainable Operations _ Routledge _ 2022 _ 4Th Edition 1 ADET
2460 2461 _ 9781474613125 _ Erno Rubik _ Cubed: The Puzzle Of Us All _ W&N _ 2021 1 ADET
2461 2462 _ 9781709385650 _ Marc Brockmann Olsen _ Backgammon-Cube Like A Boss: Patterns, Intuition & Strategy _ ?Independently Published _ 2019 1 ADET
2462 2463 _ 9781733907507 _ Michihito Kageyama _ Endgame Technique _ Edo Publishing _ 2019 1 ADET
2463 2464 _ 9781733907514 _ Michihito Kageyama _ Back Checker Strategy _ Edo Publishing _ 2021 1 ADET
2464 2465 _ 9780989549622 _ Robert H Wachtel _ The Language Of Backgammon: A Player's Dictionary _ Coup Classique Press _ 2019 1 ADET
2465 2466 _ 9780989549639 _ Robert Wachtel _ The Backgammon Chronicles: A Pro's Adventures On Tour _ Coup Classique Press _ 2019 1 ADET
2466 2467 _ 9781032322858 _ Andrew Smith, Judith Mair _ Events And Sustainability Can Events Make Places More Inclusive, Resilient And Sustainable? _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
2467 2468 _ 9781032037325 _ David Kergel, Birte Heidkamp-Kergel, Hanne Nørreklit, Michael Paulsen _ Agile Learning And Management İn A Digital Age Dialogic Leadership _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
2468 2469 _ 9781799858454 _ Heather C. Webb, Wendy Wu _ Innovation Management And Growth İn Emerging Economies _ Igı Publ. _ 2022 1 ADET
2469 2470 _ 9781668466933 _ Oğuz Doğan _ Global Perspectives On The Opportunities And Future Directions Of Health Tourism _ Igı Publ. _ 2023 1 ADET
2470 2471 _ 9781544396408 _ Joe Hair, G. Thomas Hult, Christian M. Ringle, Marko Sarstedt _ A Primer On Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling _ Sage _ 2021 _ 3Rd Edition 1 ADET
2471 2472 _ 9781483377391 _ Joe Hair, Marko Sarstedt, Christian M. Ringle, Siegfried P. Gudergan _ Advanced Issues İn Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling _ Sage _ 2017 1 ADET
2472 2473 _ 9781462545605 _ Jörg Henseler _ Composite-Based Structural Equation Modeling: Analyzing Latent And Emergent Variables _ The Guilford Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2473 2474 _ 9780367469542 _ Steven Pike _ Destination Marketing: Essentials _ Routledge _ 2020 _ 3Rd Edition 1 ADET
2474 2475 _ 9781009060813 _ Adeline Johns-Putra _ The Cambridge Companion To Literature And Climate _ Cambridge University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2475 2476 _ 9781009011143 _ Evan Kindley _ The Cambridge Companion To The Essay _ Cambridge University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2476 2477 _ 9780226673264 _ John Brenkman _ Mood And Trope: The Rhetoric And Poetics Of Affect _ Chicago University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
2477 2478 _ 9781350030848 _ Peta Tait _ Theory For Theatre Studies: Emotion _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2021 1 ADET
2478 2479 _ 9781350268401 _ Robin Truth Goodman _ The Bloomsbury Handbook Of 21St-Century Feminist Theory _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2021 1 ADET
2479 2480 _ 9781529206616 _ Steven Threadgold _ Bourdieu And Affect Towards A Theory Of Affective Affinities _ Bristol University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
2480 2481 _ 9781503631762 _ Alaın Badıou _ Badiou By Badiou _ Stanford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2481 2482 _ 9781909408050 _ Amelie Skram _ Fru Ines _ Norvik Press _ 2014 1 ADET
2482 2483 _ 9780804799942 _ Anders Engberg-Pedersen _ Martial Aesthetics How War Became An Art Form _ Stanford University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
2483 2484 _ 9781503635432 _ Elı Jelly-Schapıro _ Moments Of Capital World Theory, World Literature _ Stanford University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
2484 2485 _ 9781509549252 _ Georges Vigarello _ A History Of Fatigue _ Polity _ 2022 1 ADET
2485 2486 _ 9780141394923 _ Italo Calvino _ The Written World And The Unwritten World Collected Non-Fiction _ Penguin Classics _ 2023 1 ADET
2486 2487 _ 9781350167346 _ Jean-Francois Lyotard _ Readings İn Infancy _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2023 1 ADET
2487 2488 _ 9780804734639 _ K. Ludwıg Pfeıffer _ The Protoliterary Steps Toward An Anthropology Of Culture _ Stanford University Press _ 2002 1 ADET
2488 2489 _ 9781503634848 _ K. Ludwıg Pfeıffer _ Sociability And Society Literature And The Symposium _ Stanford University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
2489 2490 _ 9781503631953 _ Max Weıss _ Revolutions Aesthetic A Cultural History Of Ba'thist Syria _ Stanford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2490 2491 _ 9781503633902 _ Mıchael Gavın _ Literary Mathematics Quantitative Theory For Textual Studies _ Stanford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2491 2492 _ 9781501386749 _ Michael J. Seidlinger _ Scream _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2022 1 ADET
2492 2493 _ 9781503635548 _ Patrıck Whıtmarsh _ Writing Our Extinction Anthropocene Fiction And Vertical Science _ Stanford University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
2493 2494 _ 9781509555512 _ Philippe Pignarre _ Latour-Stengers: An Entangled Flight _ Polity _ 2023 1 ADET
2494 2495 _ 9781350231436 _ Rosi Braidotti _ More Posthuman Glossary _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2022 1 ADET
2495 2496 _ 9781503633827 _ Roy Ben-Shaı _ Critique Of Critique _ Stanford University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
2496 2497 _ 9781350240483 _ Timothy Morton _ The Stuff Of Life _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2023 1 ADET
2497 2498 _ 9781503630079 _ Writing The Mind Social Cognition İn Nineteenth-Century American Fiction _ Hannah Walser _ Stanford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2498 2499 _ 9781350296480 _ Bryan Furuness _ The Invisible Art Of Literary Editing _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2023 1 ADET
2499 2500 _ 9781352006025 _ Craig Batty _ Writing For The Screen _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2019 1 ADET
2500 2501 _ 9781350184213 _ Deborah Wardle _ A To Z Of Creative Writing Methods _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2022 1 ADET
2501 2502 _ 9781352006056 _ Eugen Bacon _ Writing Speculative Fiction _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2019 1 ADET
2502 2503 _ 9781350243279 _ Isabel Galleymore _ Teaching Environmental Writing _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2021 1 ADET
2503 2504 _ 9781352007183 _ Jo Parnell _ New And Experimental Approaches To Writing Lives _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2019 1 ADET
2504 2505 _ 9781350160750 _ Joey Franklin _ The Writer's Hustle _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2022 1 ADET
2505 2506 _ 9781501358661 _ Laura Beaumont _ Writing For Animation _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2021 1 ADET
2506 2507 _ 9781350155572 _ Luke Yankee _ The Art Of Writing For The Theatre _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2022 1 ADET
2507 2508 _ 9781952178085 _ Octavia Wynne _ Poetic Meter And Form _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2016 1 ADET
2508 2509 _ 9781352008449 _ Paul Williams _ Novel Ideas Writing Innovative Fiction _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2020 1 ADET
2509 2510 _ 9781350036673 _ Robert Edgar _ Adaptation For Screenwriters _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2019 1 ADET
2510 2511 _ 9781350190849 _ Ryan Craig _ Writing İn Coffee Shops _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2021 1 ADET
2511 2512 _ 9781350084247 _ Sean Prentiss _ The Science Of Story The Brain Behind Creative Nonfiction _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2020 1 ADET
2512 2513 _ 9781350152021 _ Steve Westbrook _ Beyond Craft An Anti-Handbook For Creative Writers _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2020 1 ADET
2513 2514 _ 9781839024818 _ Ted Wilkes _ Character İs Structure _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2023 1 ADET
2514 2515 _ 9780192865045 _ Jeroen Van Craenenbroeck (Editor) , Tanja Temmerman (Editor) _ The Oxford Handbook Of Ellipsis _ Oxford Univ Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2515 2516 _ 9780198826767 _ Caroline Féry, Shinichiro Ishihara _ The Oxford Handbook Of Information Structure _ Oxford Univ Press _ 2018 1 ADET
2516 2517 _ 9780367408435 _ David Sless, Ruth Shrensky _ A New Semiotics: An Introductory Guide For Students _ Routledge _ 2023 1 ADET
2517 2518 _ 9780262542609 _ Kathryn Bond Stockton _ Gender (S) _ Mıt Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2518 2519 _ 9781137000675 _ Kim Ballard _ The Stories Of Linguistics: An Introduction To Language Study Past And Present _ Red Globe Press _ 2016 1 ADET
2519 2520 _ 9780262046718 _ Noam Chomsky And Andrea Moro _ The Secrets Of Words _ Mıt Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2520 2521 _ 9781784532918 _ Alireza Korangy (Anthology Editor) , Hanadi Al-Samman (Anthology Editor) , Michael Beard (Anthology Ed _ The Beloved İn Middle Eastern Literatures The Culture Of Love And Languishing _ I. B. Tauris _ 2017 1 ADET
2521 2522 _ 9781474439008 _ Marilyn Booth _ Migrating Texts Circulating Translations Around The Ottoman Mediterranean _ Edinburgh University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2522 2523 _ 9781399502573 _ Marilyn Booth, Claire Savina _ Ottoman Translation Circulating Texts From Bombay To Paris _ Edinburgh University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2523 2524 _ 9780814345993 _ Pasha M. Khan _ "The Broken Spell Indian Storytelling And The Romance Genre İn Persian And Urdu" _ Wayne State University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
2524 2525 _ 9781935408369 _ Andrei Pop _ A Forest Of Symbols: Art, Science, And Truth İn The Long Nineteenth Century _ Zone Books _ 2019 1 ADET
2525 2526 _ 9781804270103 _ Carlos Manuel Alvarez _ The Fallen _ Fitzcarraldo _ 2022 1 ADET
2526 2527 _ 9781935408888 _ Daniel Heller-Roazen _ No One’S Ways: An Essay On Infinite Naming _ Zone Books _ 2018 1 ADET
2527 2528 _ 9781804270035 _ Esther Kinsky _ Rombo _ Fitzcarraldo _ 2022 1 ADET
2528 2529 _ 9781803412405 _ Graham Harman _ Graham Harman Reader _ Zero Books _ 2023 1 ADET
2529 2530 _ 9781935408741 _ Ivan Ascher _ Portfolio Society: On The Capitalist Mode Of Prediction _ Zone Books _ 2016 1 ADET
2530 2531 _ 9781935408765 _ Janina Wellmann _ The Form Of Becoming: Embryology And The Epistemology Of Rhythm, 1760–1830 _ Zone Books _ 2018 1 ADET
2531 2532 _ 9781789042771 _ Jason Bahbak Mohaghegh _ Night _ Zero Books _ 2019 1 ADET
2532 2533 _ 9781789049411 _ Jason Bahbak Mohaghegh _ Night, Volume Iı _ Zero Books _ 2022 1 ADET
2533 2534 _ 9781785353819 _ Joanna Demers _ Anatomy Of Thought-Fiction _ Zero Books _ 0 1 ADET
2534 2535 _ 9781804270042 _ Jon Fosse _ Alıss At The Fıre _ Fitzcarraldo _ 2022 1 ADET
2535 2536 _ 9781804270066 _ Jon Fosse _ Septology _ Fitzcarraldo _ 2022 1 ADET
2536 2537 _ 9781804270202 _ Joshua Cohen _ The Netanyahus _ Fitzcarraldo _ 2022 1 ADET
2537 2538 _ 9781529759792 _ Kristin Asdal _ Doing Document Analysis: A Practice-Oriented Method _ Sage Publications Ltd _ 2021 1 ADET
2538 2539 _ 9781531501815 _ Michael Muhammad Knight _ Sufi Deleuze _ Fordham University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
2539 2540 _ 9781913097974 _ Thea Lenarduzzi _ Dandelions _ Fitzcarraldo _ 2022 1 ADET
2540 2541 _ 9781912545957 _ Aslı Biçen _ Snapping Point _ Istros _ 2021 1 ADET
2541 2542 _ 9780872867505 _ Aslı Erdoğan _ The Stone Building And Other Places _ City Lights _ 2018 1 ADET
2542 2543 _ 9780525537427 _ Ayşegül Savaş _ Walking On The Ceiling _ Riverhead _ 2020 1 ADET
2543 2544 _ 9781529115260 _ Ayşegül Savaş _ White On White _ Riverhead _ 2022 1 ADET
2544 2545 _ 9781477321096 _ Barış Bıçakçı _ The Mosquito Bite Author _ Ctr For Middle Eastern Studies Ut-Austin _ 2020 1 ADET
2545 2546 _ 9781859643846 _ Burhan Sönmez _ Sins And Innocents _ Garnet _ 2014 1 ADET
2546 2547 _ 9781590510988 _ Burhan Sönmez _ Labyrinth _ Other Press _ 2019 1 ADET
2547 2548 _ 9781635422771 _ Burhan Sönmez _ Stone And Shadow _ Other Press _ 2023 1 ADET
2548 2549 _ 9781628727098 _ Hakan Günday _ The Few _ Arcade _ 2018 1 ADET
2549 2550 _ 9783956509735 _ Julian Rentzsch And Petr Kucera _ Texts, Contexts, Intertexts: Studies İn Honor Of Orhan Pamuk _ Ergon _ 2022 1 ADET
2550 2551 _ 9781646051489 _ Leyla Erbil _ A Strange Woman _ Deep Vdllum _ 2022 1 ADET
2551 2552 _ 9781646051175 _ Leyla Erbil _ What Remains _ Deep Vellum _ 2023 1 ADET
2552 2553 _ 9780571352937 _ Orhan Pamuk _ Nights Of Plague _ Faber And Faber _ 2023 1 ADET
2553 2554 _ 9798412190860 _ Sabahattin Ali _ The Devil Inside Us _ Envance _ 2022 1 ADET
2554 2555 _ 9781953861382 _ Sevgi Soysal _ Dawn _ Archipelago _ 2022 1 ADET
2555 2556 _ 9781590510414 _ Suat Derviş _ In The Shadow Of The Yali _ Other Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2556 2557 _ 9781788168717 _ Tezer Özlü _ Cold Nights Of Childhood _ Transit Books _ 2023 1 ADET
2557 2558 _ 9781785089305 _ Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoğlu _ Stepmother Earth _ Milet Publishing _ 2020 1 ADET
2558 2559 _ 9781942130727 _ Andrew M. Shanken _ The Everyday Life Of Memorials _ Zone Books _ 2022 1 ADET
2559 2560 _ 9781942130376 _ Caroline Walker Bynum _ Dissimilar Similitudes: Devotional Objects İn Late Medieval Europe _ Zone Books _ 2020 1 ADET
2560 2561 _ 9781942130475 _ Daniel Heller-Roazen _ Absentees: On Variously Missing Persons _ Zone Books _ 2021 1 ADET
2561 2562 _ 9781942130741 _ Florian Fuchs _ Civic Storytelling: The Rise Of Short Forms And The Agency Of Literature _ Zone Books _ 2023 1 ADET
2562 2563 _ 9781942130796 _ Gary Tomlinson _ The Machines Of Evolution And The Scope Of Meaning _ Zone Books _ 2023 1 ADET
2563 2564 _ 9780367741907 _ Laura Oulanne _ Materiality İn Modernist Short Fiction _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
2564 2565 _ 9781942130659 _ Maria Stavrinaki _ Transfixed By Prehistory: An Inquiry İnto Modern Art And Time _ Zone Books _ 2022 1 ADET
2565 2566 _ 9781942130574 _ Markets İn The Making: Rethinking Competition, Goods, And Innovation _ Michel Callon _ Zone Books _ 2021 1 ADET
2566 2567 _ 9781942130468 _ Paul North _ Bizarre-Privileged Items İn The Universe: The Logic Of Likeness _ Zone Books _ 2021 1 ADET
2567 2568 _ 9781942130505 _ Romy Golan _ Flashback, Eclipse: The Political Imaginary Of Italian Art İn The 1960S _ Zone Books _ 2022 1 ADET
2568 2569 _ 9781942130765 _ Samuel Weber _ Preexisting Conditions: Recounting The Plague _ Zone Books _ 2022 1 ADET
2569 2570 _ 9781942130604 _ Timothy Hampton _ Cheerfulness: A Literary And Cultural History _ Zone Books _ 2022 1 ADET
2570 2571 _ 9780231204170 _ A. Azfar Moin And Alan Strathern _ Sacred Kingship İn World History: Between Immanence And Transcendence _ Columbia University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2571 2572 _ 9781108701952 _ Alan Strathern _ Unearthly Powers: Religious And Political Change İn World History _ Cambridge University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
2572 2573 _ 9781032237459 _ Beaman, Lori _ The Transition Of Religion To Culture İn Law And Public Discourse _ Routledge _ 2020 1 ADET
2573 2574 _ 9780231206891 _ Marion Holmes Katz _ Wives And Work, Islamic Law And Ethics Before Modernity _ Columbia University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2574 2575 _ 9780274758180 _ Michael Pifer _ Kindred Voices: A Literary History Of Medieval Anatolia _ Yale University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2575 2576 _ 9782204134927 _ Wissam H. Halawi _ Les Druzes Aux Marges De L'islam _ Editions Du Cerf _ 2021 1 ADET
2576 2577 _ 9781350180093 _ Amy E. Weldon _ Advanced Fiction A Writer's Guide And Anthology _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2023 1 ADET
2577 2578 _ 9781108707237 _ Avital Livny _ Trust And The Islamic Advantage: Religious-Based Movements İn Turkey And The Muslim World _ Cambridge Press _ 2020 1 ADET
2578 2579 _ 9781162885797 _ Charles F. Horne _ The Great Turkish Poets _ Kessinger Publishing _ 2010 1 ADET
2579 2580 _ 9781350092815 _ Chris Gavaler, Leigh Ann Beavers _ Creating Comics _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2021 1 ADET
2580 2581 _ 9781350019881 _ H. K. Hummel, Stephanie Lenox _ Short-Form Creative Writing _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2018 1 ADET
2581 2582 _ 9781857543902 _ Louise Gluck _ Proofs And Theories: Essays On Poetry _ Ecco _ 1995 1 ADET
2582 2583 _ 9781350076549 _ Robin Hemley _ The Art And Craft Of Asian Stories _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2021 1 ADET
2583 2584 _ 9780367769079 _ Samuel Saunders _ The Nineteenth Century Periodical Press And The Development Of Detective Fiction _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
2584 2585 _ 9781350067806 _ Sean Prentiss _ Advanced Creative Nonfiction _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2021 1 ADET
2585 2586 _ 9781472592538 _ Sean Prentiss, Joe Wilkins _ Environmental And Nature Writing _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2016 1 ADET
2586 2587 _ 9780367820046 _ Tom Furniss, Michael Bath _ Reading Poetry: A Complete Coursebook _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
2587 2588 _ 9781839767036 _ Alva Gotby _ They Call It Love The Politics Of Emotional Life _ Verso _ 2023 1 ADET
2588 2589 _ 9781478019367 _ Christopher Schaberg _ Fly-Fishing _ Duke University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
2589 2590 _ 9781804270288 _ Clemens Meyer _ Whıle We Were Dreamıng _ Fitzcarraldo _ 2023 1 ADET
2590 2591 _ 9781839765575 _ Fredric Jameson _ The Benjamin Files _ Verso _ 2022 1 ADET
2591 2592 _ 9781478019435 _ Heather Paxson _ Eating Beside Ourselves Thresholds Of Foods And Bodies _ Duke University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
2592 2593 _ 9781804270301 _ Jon Fosse _ Melancholy I-Iı _ Fitzcarraldo _ 2023 1 ADET
2593 2594 _ 9788024649399 _ Josef Hrdlicka And Mariana Machová _ Things İn Poems From The Shield Of Achilles To Hyperobjects _ Karolinum Press _ 2023 1 ADET
2594 2595 _ 9781804270325 _ Kate Briggs _ The Long Form _ Fitzcarraldo _ 2023 1 ADET
2595 2596 _ 9781804270264 _ Mário De Andrade _ Macunaíma _ Fitzcarraldo _ 2023 1 ADET
2596 2597 _ 9783837662719 _ Susanne Knaller _ Writing Facts Interdisciplinary Discussions Of A Key Concept İn Modernity _ Transcript _ 2023 1 ADET
2597 2598 _ 9781786636676 _ Valery Podoroga _ Mimesis The Analytic Anthropology Of Literature _ Verso _ 2022 1 ADET
2598 2599 _ 9781501376788 _ William S. Allen _ Illegibility Blanchot And Hegel _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2023 1 ADET
2599 2600 _ 9781032125893 _ Bien Klomberg, Theresa Schilhab, Michael Burke _ Picturing Fiction Through Embodied Cognition _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
2600 2601 _ 9781517912833 _ Cary Wolfe _ Art And Posthumanism _ University Of Minnesota Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2601 2602 _ 9781501354083 _ Dieter Daniels _ Video Theories: A Transdisciplinary Reader _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2022 1 ADET
2602 2603 _ 9781643172514 _ Jackie Hoermann-Elliott _ Running, Thinking, Writing: Embodied Cognition İn Composition _ Parlor Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2603 2604 _ 9781517912543 _ Jeffrey West Kirkwood _ Endless Intervals Cinema, Psychology, And Semiotechnics Around 1900 _ University Of Minnesota Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2604 2605 _ 9781517914172 _ Jeremy Packer _ The Prison House Of The Circuit _ University Of Minnesota Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2605 2606 _ 9780826361882 _ Lewis Turco _ The Book Of Forms: A Handbook Of Poetics _ University Of New Mexico Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2606 2607 _ 9781032263748 _ Merja Polvinen _ Self-Reflective Fiction And 4E Cognition _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
2607 2608 _ 9781517910389 _ Samuel Weber _ Singularity Politics And Poetics _ University Of Minnesota Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2608 2609 _ 9781517913663 _ Vilém Flusser _ What If?: Twenty-Two Scenarios İn Search Of Images _ University Of Minnesota Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2609 2610 _ 9781804270165 _ Brian Dillon _ Affinities _ Fitzcarraldo _ 2023 1 ADET
2610 2611 _ 9780262539906 _ Caitlin Ring Carlson _ Hate Speech _ Mıt Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2611 2612 _ 9780814343838 _ Christy Williams _ Mapping Fairy-Tale Space Pastiche And Metafiction İn Borderless Tales _ Wayne State University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2612 2613 _ 9780814345016 _ Julie L. J. Koehler, Shandi Lynne Wagner, Anne E. Duggan, And Adrion Dula _ "Women Writing Wonder An Anthology Of Subversive Nineteenth-Century British, French, And German Fairy Tales" _ Wayne State University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2613 2614 _ 9781032310992 _ Kenneth Paap _ The Bilingual Advantage İn Executive Functioning Hypothesis _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
2614 2615 _ 9781032385518 _ Luca M. Possati _ Unconscious Networks: Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, And Artificial Intelligence _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
2615 2616 _ 9780814258088 _ Marco Caraccıolo And Karın Kukkonen _ "With Bodies Narrative Theory And Embodied Cognition" _ Ohio State University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2616 2617 _ 9780814345368 _ Mayako Murai And Luciana Cardi _ "Re-Orienting The Fairy Tale Contemporary Adaptations Across Cultures" _ Wayne State University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
2617 2618 _ 9780262539920 _ Remi H. Kalir And Antero Garcia _ Annotation _ Mıt Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2618 2619 _ 9780755638260 _ Suraiya Faroqhi _ Women İn The Ottoman Empire A Social And Political History _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2023 1 ADET
2619 2620 _ 9781501383656 _ Allison C. Meier _ Grave _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2023 1 ADET
2620 2621 _ 9781350144309 _ Brean Hammond _ Tragicomedy _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2021 1 ADET
2621 2622 _ 9781681376769 _ Ferit Edgü _ The Wounded Age And Eastern Tales _ Nyrb Classics _ 2023 1 ADET
2622 2623 _ 9781350139770 _ James Moran _ Modern Tragedy _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2023 1 ADET
2623 2624 _ 9781350140073 _ Joel Schechter _ Satire _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2021 1 ADET
2624 2625 _ 9780226821306 _ John Guillory _ Professing Criticism: Essays On The Organization Of Literary Study _ University Of Chicago Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2625 2626 _ 9780810145245 _ Murathan Mungan _ Valor _ Northwestern University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2626 2627 _ 9781738750504 _ Refik Halid Karay _ Stories Of Exile _ Translation Attached _ 2022 1 ADET
2627 2628 _ 9780367233181 _ Zeynep Uysal And Didem Havlioğlu _ Routledge Handbook On Turkish Literature _ Routledge _ 2023 1 ADET
2628 2629 _ 9780691241913 _ Ahmed El Shamsy _ Rediscovering The Islamic Classics: How Editors And Print Culture Transformed An Intellectual Tradition _ Princeton University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2629 2630 _ 9789004398504 _ Alexandre Papas _ Thus Spake The Dervish: Sufism, Language, And The Religious Margins İn Central Asia _ Brill _ 2019 1 ADET
2630 2631 _ 9789004435896 _ Domenico Ingenito _ Beholding Beauty: Sa?Di Of Shiraz And The Aesthetics Of Desire İn Medieval Persian Poetry _ Brill _ 2020 1 ADET
2631 2632 _ 9780226796062 _ Karla Mallette _ Lives Of The Great Languages Arabic And Latin İn The Medieval Mediterranean _ The University Of Chicago Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2632 2633 _ 9780226819754 _ Michelle Karnes _ Medieval Marvels And Fictions İn The Latin West And Islamic World _ The University Of Chicago Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2633 2634 _ 9780416050127 _ Terence Hawkes _ Textual Practice _ Taylor & Francis _ 0 1 ADET
2634 2635 _ 9780814347737 _ Ulrich Marzolph _ 101 Middle Eastern Tales And Their Impact On Western Oral Tradition _ Wayne State University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
2635 2636 _ 9781632863669 _ Clair Brown _ Buddhist Economics An Enlightened Approach To The Dismal Science _ Bloomsbury Publishing _ 2017 1 ADET
2636 2637 _ 9781398600003 _ Edward Sweeney, Donald Waters _ Global Logistics-New Directions İn Supply Chain Management _ Kogan Page _ 2021 _ 8Th Edition 1 ADET
2637 2638 _ 9781292416182 _ Martin Christopher _ Logistics And Supply Chain Management _ Ft Publishing International _ 2023 _ 6Th Edition 1 ADET
2638 2639 _ 9781398605541 _ Patrick Barr _ Effective Strategic Sourcing-Drive Performance With Sustainable Strategies For Procurement _ Kogan Page _ 2022 1 ADET
2639 2640 _ 9781736945605 _ Pierre A. David _ International Logistics: The Management Of International Trade Operations _ Cicero Books, Llc _ 2021 1 ADET
2640 2641 _ 9780357442142 _ Robert M. Monczka, Robert B. Handfield, Larry C. Giunipero, James L. Patterson _ Purchasing & Supply Chain Management _ Cengage Learning _ 2020 _ 7Th Edition 1 ADET
2641 2642 _ 9780128158746 _ Alberto Bisin, Giovanni Federico _ The Handbook Of Historical Economics _ Academic Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2642 2643 _ 9780691141282 _ Gregory Clark _ A Farewell To Alms: A Brief Economic History Of The World _ _ 2009 1 ADET
2643 2644 _ 9781032002675 _ Michael Filimowicz _ Democratic Frontiers: Algorithms And Society _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
2644 2645 _ 9780593186008 _ Oded Galor _ The Journey Of Humanity A New Hıstory Of Wealth And Inequalıty Wıth Implıcatıons For Our Future _ _ 2023 1 ADET
2645 2646 _ 9781107698321 _ Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra (Editor) , Ravi Ramamurti _ Understanding Multinationals From Emerging Markets _ Cambridge University Press _ 2014 1 ADET
2646 2647 _ 9781009114929 _ Andreas Rasche (Editor) , Mette Morsing (Editor) , Jeremy Moon (Editor) , Arno Kourula _ Corporate Sustainability: Managing Responsible Business İn A Globalised World 2Nd Edition _ Cambridge University Press _ 2023 _ 2Nd Ed. 1 ADET
2647 2648 _ 9781009176330 _ Aulakh, P., & Chittoor, R. _ Coping With Global Institutional Change: A Tale Of India's Textile And Pharmaceutical Industries _ Cambridge University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2648 2649 _ 9783110787511 _ Peter Verhezen And Tanri Abeng, De Gruyter _ The Boardroom A Guide To Effective Leadership And Good Corporate Governance İn Southeast Asia _ _ 2022 1 ADET
2649 2650 _ 9781394177417 _ Stuart Mclachlan, Dean Sanders _ The Adventure Of Sustainable Performance: Beyond Esg Compliance To Leadership İn The New Era _ _ 2023 1 ADET
2650 2651 _ 9781953337801 _ Cfa Institute _ Certificate İn Esg Investing Curriculum: Esg Investing Official Training Manual _ Cfa Institute _ 0 1 ADET
2651 2652 _ 9781637421536 _ Cristina Dolan _ Transparency İn Esg And The Circular Economy: Capturing Opportunities Through Data _ Business Expert Press _ 0 1 ADET
2652 2653 _ 9789386394729 _ Indian Institute Of Banking & Finance _ International Trade Finance _ Taxmann Publications Pvt. Ltd. _ 0 1 ADET
2653 2654 _ 9781647042868 _ Joseph F. Greco Ph. D _ The Fundamentals Of Trade Finance _ _ 0 _ 3Rd Edition 1 ADET
2654 2655 _ 9780857197689 _ Morgan Housel _ The Psychology Of Money: Timeless Lessons On Wealth, Greed, And Happiness _ _ 0 1 ADET
2655 2656 _ 9781938162046 _ Stephen R. Poland _ Founder’S Pocket Guide: Startup Valuation _ 1X1 Media _ 0 _ 2Nd Edition 1 ADET
2656 2657 _ 9781119610885 _ Tim Koller _ Valuation: Measuring And Managing The Value Of Companies _ Wiley Finance _ 0 1 ADET
2657 2658 _ 9781138217478 _ Howorth, C., & Robinson, N. _ Family Business _ Taylor & Francis _ 2020 1 ADET
2658 2659 _ 9781800884243 _ Jeremy Cheng, Andrea Calabrò, Rodrigo Basco _ Family Business Case Studies Across The World: Succession And Governance İn A Disruptive Era _ Edward Edgar Publishing Limited _ 2022 1 ADET
2659 2660 _ 9781788976794 _ M. Lazarova, D. C. Thomas, E. Farndale _ Essentials Of International Human Resource Management: Managing People Globally _ Edward-Elgar _ 2021 _ 2Nd Edition 1 ADET
2660 2661 _ 9789403543031 _ Toksoy, F. Balki, B. Stakheyeva, H. _ Merger Control İn The Eu And Turkey: A Comparative Guide _ Welters Kluwer _ 2022 1 ADET
2661 2662 _ 9781529200003 _ Akgiray, Vedat _ Good Finance _ Bristol University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
2662 2663 _ 9781108464253 _ Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, William Newburry, Et Al. _ Building Strategic Capabilities İn Emerging Markets _ Cambridge University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
2663 2664 _ 9781493937813 _ Arlie O. Petters _ An Introduction To Mathematical Finance With Applications: Understanding And Building Financial Intuition _ Springer _ 0 1 ADET
2664 2665 _ 9781119903802 _ Cino Robin Castelli _ Quantitative Methods For Esg Finance _ _ 0 1 ADET
2665 2666 _ 9780198869818 _ Dirk Schoenmaker _ Principles Of Sustainable Finance _ Oxford University Press _ 0 1 ADET
2666 2667 _ 9781803243191 _ Eryk Lewinson _ Python For Finance Cookbook: Over 80 Powerful Recipes For Effective Financial Data Analysis _ Packt Publishing _ 2022 _ 2Nd Edition 1 ADET
2667 2668 _ 9781639050512 _ Katayun Iris Jaffari And Stephen Pike _ Esg İn The Boardroom: A Guidebook For Directors _ Aba Publishing _ 2022 1 ADET
2668 2669 _ 9781803246802 _ Manu Joseph _ Modern Time Series Forecasting With Python: Explore İndustry-Ready Time Series Forecasting Using Modern Machine Learning And Deep Learning _ Packt Publishing _ 0 1 ADET
2669 2670 _ 9783030287559 _ Andrzej Cirocki, Irshat Madyarov, Laura Baecher _ Current Perspectives On The Tesol Practicu _ Springer _ 2019 1 ADET
2670 2671 _ 9781788926508 _ Beth Wasell, Cassandra Glynn _ Transforming World Language Teaching And Teacher Education For Equity And Justice: Pushing Boundaries İn Us Contexts _ Multilingual Matters _ 2022 1 ADET
2671 2672 _ 9789027212689 _ Laura Gurzynski-Weiss, Youjin Kim _ Instructed Second Language Acquisition Research Methods _ John Benjamins _ 2022 1 ADET
2672 2673 _ 9781119421733 _ Luciana C. De Oliveira _ The Handbook Of Tesol K-12 _ Wıley Blackwell _ 2022 1 ADET
2673 2674 _ 9781788921008 _ Zia Tajeddin, Atsuko Watanabe _ Teacher Reflection: Policies, Practices And Impacts _ Multilingual Matters _ 2022 1 ADET
2674 2675 _ 9780472039340 _ Christine M. Tardy, Nigel A. Caplan & Ann M. Johns _ Genre Explained Frequently Asked Questions And Answers About Genre-Based Instruction _ University Of Michigan Press _ 2023 1 ADET
2675 2676 _ 9781009224468 _ Craig Thaine _ Teaching And Developing Writing Skills _ Cambridge Up _ 2023 1 ADET
2676 2677 _ 9780472038688 _ David Hirsh _ Vocabulary And Second Language Writing _ University Of Michigan Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2677 2678 _ 9780367617998 _ Eli Hinkel _ Handbook Of Practical Second Language Teaching And Learning _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
2678 2679 _ 9783031095627 _ John S. Schmit _ The Sociolinguistics Of Written Identity Constructing A Self _ Springer _ 2022 1 ADET
2679 2680 _ 9781108445924 _ Sarah Mercer, Zoltán Dörnyei _ Engaging Language Learners İn Contemporary Classrooms _ Cambridge Up _ 2020 1 ADET
2680 2681 _ 9783030993634 _ Zhongchao Tan _ Academic Writing For Engineering Publications A Guide For Non-Native English Speakers _ Springer _ 2022 1 ADET
2681 2682 _ 9781350065888 _ Bayyurt, Yasemin _ Bloomsbury World Englishes Volume 3: Pedagogies _ Bloomsbury _ 2021 1 ADET
2682 2683 _ 9781350065802 _ Britta Schneider, Theresa Heyd _ Bloomsbury World Englishes Volume 1: Paradigms _ Bloomsbury _ 2021 1 ADET
2683 2684 _ 9781350065840 _ Rani Rubdy, Ruanni Tupas _ Bloomsbury World Englishes Volume 2: Ideologies _ Bloomsbury _ 2021 1 ADET
2684 2685 _ 9781119814474 _ Alison Mackey, Susan M. Gass _ Current Approaches İn Second Language Acquisition Research _ Wiley _ 2023 1 ADET
2685 2686 _ 9780192898951 _ Elaine J. Francis _ Gradient Acceptability And Linguistic Theory _ Oup _ 2021 1 ADET
2686 2687 _ 9781119852964 _ Matthew J. Traxler _ Introduction To Psycholinguistics: Understanding Language Science, 2Nd Edition _ _ 2023 _ Second 1 ADET
2687 2688 _ 9780198852513 _ Nan Jiang _ The Study Of Bilingual Language Processing _ Oup _ 2023 1 ADET
2688 2689 _ 9780198866954 _ Nicholas Shea _ Representation İn Cognitive Science _ Oup _ 2020 1 ADET
2689 2690 _ 9780190464783 _ Roberto G. De Almeida, Lila R. Gleitman _ On Concepts, Modules, And Language: Cognitive Science At Its Core _ _ 2017 1 ADET
2690 2691 _ 9780198840558 _ Samuel Schindler, Anna Drozdzowicz, Karen Brøcker _ Linguistic Intuitions: Evidence And Method _ Oup _ 2020 1 ADET
2691 2692 _ 9780367536428 _ Ali Fuad Selvi, Bedrettin Yazan _ Language Teacher Education For Global Englishes _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
2692 2693 _ 9780367201814 _ Eric Friginal, Jack A. Hardy (Editor) _ The Routledge Handbook Of Corpus Approaches To Discourse Analysis _ Routledge _ 2020 1 ADET
2693 2694 _ 9780367554620 _ Eric Nicaise (Author) _ Native And Non-Native Teacher Talk İn The Efl Classroom _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
2694 2695 _ 9788026083603 _ James Thomas (Author _ Discovering English With Sketch Engine 2Nd Edition _ Versatile _ 2016 1 ADET
2695 2696 _ 9781800413160 _ Leah Shepard-Carey, Zhongfeng Tian _ (Re) İmagining Translanguaging Pedagogies Through Teacher–Researcher Collaboration _ Multilingual Matters _ 2023 1 ADET
2696 2697 _ 9780367715786 _ Philip Durrant (Author) _ Corpus Linguistics For Writing Development: A Guide For Research _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
2697 2698 _ 9780367433956 _ Reka R. Jablonkai, Eniko Csomay (Editors) _ The Routledge Handbook Of Corpora And English Language Teaching And Learning _ Routledge _ 0 1 ADET
2698 2699 _ 9780367725198 _ Bernhardt, E. _ Conducting Second-Language Reading Research _ _ 2022 1 ADET
2699 2700 _ 9780367681210 _ Lorenz _ Crosslinguistic Influence İn L3 Acquisition _ _ 2022 1 ADET
2700 2701 _ 9780367721305 _ Louise Cummings _ Language Case Files İn Neurological Disorders _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
2701 2702 _ 9780367677176 _ Mark Feng Teng _ Language Learning Through Captioned Videos _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
2702 2703 _ 9783985540204 _ Raphael Berthele (Herausgeber) , Isabelle Udry Raphael Berthele, Isabelle Udry _ Individual Differences İn Early İnstructed Language Learning: The Role Of Language Aptitude, Cognition, And Motivation _ Language Science Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2703 2704 _ 9781032401621 _ Ronald P. Leow _ The Routledge Handbook Of Second Language Research İn Classroom Learning _ Routledge _ 2019 1 ADET
2704 2705 _ 9780367893767 _ Susan M. Gass, Alison Mackey _ The Routledge Handbook Of Second Language Acquisition And Psycholinguistics _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
2705 2706 _ 9781800412026 _ Gspandl, J., Korb, C., Heiling, A., & Erling, E. _ The Power Of Voice İn Transforming Multilingual Societies _ _ 2023 1 ADET
2706 2707 _ 9781800410138 _ Holmes, P., Reynolds, J. & Ganassin, S. _ The Politics Of Researching Multilingually _ _ 2022 1 ADET
2707 2708 _ 9781800415676 _ Macswan, Jeff _ Multilingual Perspectives On Translanguaging _ Multilingual Matters _ 2022 1 ADET
2708 2709 _ 9781788928694 _ May, S. & Caldas, B. _ Critical Ethnography, Language, Race/İsm And Education _ _ 0 1 ADET
2709 2710 _ 9781800415713 _ Purkarthofer, J. & Flubacher, Mi-Cha _ Speaking Subjects İn Multilingualism Research: Biographical And Speaker-Centred Approaches _ _ 2022 1 ADET
2710 2711 _ 9781788922319 _ Vandrick, S. _ Growing Up With God And Empire: A Postcolonial Analysis Of 'Missionary Kid' Memoirs _ _ 2018 1 ADET
2711 2712 _ 9781800411036 _ Will, L., Stadler, W., & Eloff, I. _ Authenticity Across Languages And Cultures: Themes Of Identity İn Foreign Language Teaching And Learning _ _ 0 1 ADET
2712 2713 _ 9781788926935 _ Windle, J. A., De Jesus, D. & Bartlett, L. _ The Dynamics Of Language And Inequality İn Education: Social And Symbolic Boundaries İn The Global South _ _ 0 1 ADET
2713 2714 _ 9780198845003 _ By Anna Papafragou (Editor) , John C. Trueswell (Editor) , Lila R. Gleitman (Editor) _ The Oxford Handbook Of The Mental Lexicon _ Oxford University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2714 2715 _ 9780262545204 _ Fergus Craik And Larry Jacoby _ Memory _ Mıt Press _ 2023 1 ADET
2715 2716 _ 9781009013567 _ Ionin, T., & Montrul, S. _ Second Language Acquisition: Introducing Intervention Research. _ Cambridge University Press _ 2023 1 ADET
2716 2717 _ 9789027212917 _ Irina Elgort, Anna Siyanova-Chanturia, Marc Brysbaert _ Cross-Language Influences İn Bilingual Processing And Second Language Acquisition _ John Benjamins _ 2023 1 ADET
2717 2718 _ 9781108455817 _ Susan Conrad, Alissa Hartig, Lynn Santelmann _ The Cambridge Introduction To Applied Linguistics _ Cambridge University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
2718 2719 _ 9781800411838 _ Dina C. Castro & Alfredo, J. Artiles _ Language, Learning, And Disability İn The Education Of Young Bilingual Children _ Multilingual Matters _ 2021 1 ADET
2719 2720 _ 9781788929332 _ Eowyn Crisfield _ Bilingual Families: A Practical Language Planning Guide _ Multilingual Matters _ 2021 1 ADET
2720 2721 _ 9781800413337 _ Jieun Kiaer _ Multimodal Communication İn Young Multilingual Children: Learning Beyond Words _ Multilingual Matters _ 2023 1 ADET
2721 2722 _ 9789027211651 _ Julia Herschensohn _ Bilingualism, Language Development And Processing Across The Lifespan _ John Benjamins _ 2022 1 ADET
2722 2723 _ 9781788928083 _ Kathryn Henderson & Deborah Palmer _ Dual Language Bilingual Education: Teacher Cases And Perspectives On Large-Scale Implementation _ Multilingual Matters _ 2020 1 ADET
2723 2724 _ 9780367646301 _ Sean Pert _ Working With Children Experiencing Speech And Language Disorders İn A Bilingual Context _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
2724 2725 _ 9780198828594 _ Betty J. Birner (Author) _ Pragmatics: A Slim Guide _ Oxford University Press _ 2021 1 ADET
2725 2726 _ 9780367203030 _ Carsten Roever (Author) _ Teaching And Testing Second Language Pragmatics And Interaction (Second Language Acquisition Research Series) 1St Edition _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
2726 2727 _ 9781032229539 _ Gavin Brooks, Jon Clenton, Simon Fraser _ Eal Research For The Classroom Practical And Pedagogical Implications _ Routledge _ 2023 1 ADET
2727 2728 _ 9781316614952 _ Heath Rose, Nicola Galloway _ Global Englishes For Language Teaching _ Cambridge University Press _ 2019 1 ADET
2728 2729 _ 9783030997571 _ Karim Sadeghi _ Talking About Second Language Acquisition _ Palgrave Macmillan _ 2022 1 ADET
2729 2730 _ 9780367485665 _ Ryan Thorpe _ Teaching Creative Writing To Second Language Learners A Guidebook _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
2730 2731 _ 9781032337746 _ Angela Farrell (Author) _ Corpus Perspectives On The Spoken Models Used By Efl Teachers _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
2731 2732 _ 9780367219628 _ Danielle Barth, Stefan Schnell (Authors) _ Understanding Corpus Linguistics: Corpus Linguistics _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
2732 2733 _ 9783031159244 _ Gloria Corpas Pastor, Ruslan Mitkov (Editors) _ Computational And Corpus-Based Phraseology: 4Th International Conference, Europhras 2022, Malaga, Spain, 28-30 September, 2022, Proceedings _ Springer _ 2022 1 ADET
2733 2734 _ 9781108814072 _ Helen Caple, Changpeng Huan, Monika Bednarek (Authors) _ Multimodal News Analysis Across Cultures _ Cambridge University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
2734 2735 _ 9781108744850 _ Jesse Egbert (Author) _ Doing Linguistics With A Corpus _ Cambridge University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
2735 2736 _ 9781032337821 _ Joan O'sullivan _ Corpus Linguistics And The Analysis Of Sociolinguistic Change: Language Variety And Ideology İn Advertising _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
2736 2737 _ 9783030462185 _ Magali Paquot, Stefan Th. Gries (Editor) _ A Practical Handbook Of Corpus Linguistics _ Springer _ 2020 1 ADET
2737 2738 _ 9781108749947 _ Natalia Muguiro (Author) _ Citations İn Interdisciplinary Research Articles _ ?Cambridge University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
2738 2739 _ 9783110718164 _ Stefan Th. Gries (Author) _ Statistics For Linguistics With R: A Practical Introduction (Mouton Textbook) Expanded Edition _ De Gruyter Mouton _ 2021 _ Expanded Edition 1 ADET
2739 2740 _ 9781138742086 _ Vander Viana, Aisling O'boyle (Authors) _ Corpus Linguistics For English For Academic Purposes _ Routledge _ 0 1 ADET
2740 2741 _ 9781032001951 _ Dario Luis Banegas, Sandra Zappa-Hollman _ The Routledge Handbook Of Content And Language Integrated Learning _ Routledge _ 2023 1 ADET
2741 2742 _ 9780472039128 _ Rachael Cayley _ Thriving As A Graduate Writer Principles, Strategies, And Habits For Effective Academic Writing _ University Of Michigan Press _ 2023 1 ADET
2742 2743 _ 9783031191268 _ Ufuk Balaman _ Conversation Analytic Language Teacher Education İn Digital Spaces _ Palgrave Macmillan _ 2022 1 ADET
2743 2744 _ 9781108479714 _ Amy Bik May Tsui _ English Language Teaching And Teacher Education İn East Asia: Global Challenges And Local Responses _ Cambridge University Press _ 2020 1 ADET
2744 2745 _ 9781032046150 _ Chang Pu, Wayne E. Wright _ Innovating The Tesol Practicum İn Teacher Education Design, Implementation, And Pedagogy İn An Era Of Change _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
2745 2746 _ 9780367643195 _ Fiona Copland, Helen Donaghue _ Analysing Discourses İn Teacher Observation Feedback Conferences _ Routledge _ 2023 1 ADET
2746 2747 _ 9783823383741 _ Katrin Thomson _ Classroom Discourse Competence: Current Issues İn Language Teaching And Teacher Education _ Narr Francke Attempto Verlag _ 2022 1 ADET
2747 2748 _ 9781119550389 _ Larry Ferlazzo, Katie Hull Sypnieski _ The Esl/Ell Teacher's Survival Guide: Ready-To-Use Strategies, Tools, And Activities For Teaching All Levels (J-B Ed: Survival Guides _ Jossey-Bass _ 2022 _ 2Nd Edition 1 ADET
2748 2749 _ 9780367431563 _ Maggioli, Gabriel H. Diaz. _ Initial Language Teacher Education _ Taylor & Francis Limited _ 2022 1 ADET
2749 2750 _ 9781138543461 _ Zoltán Dörnyei And Ema Ushioda _ Teaching And Researching Motivation _ Routledge _ 0 _ 3Rd Edition 1 ADET
2750 2751 _ 9781108441957 _ Daniel Schreier, Marianne Hundt _ The Cambridge Handbook Of World Englishes _ Cambridge University Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2751 2752 _ 9780472038657 _ Deborah Crusan And Todd Ruecker _ Linking Assignments To Assessments A Guide For Teachers _ University Of Michigan Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2752 2753 _ 9781009044523 _ Do Coyle, Oliver Meyer, Susane Stachen-Dialman _ A Deeper Learning Companion For Clıl: Putting Pluriliteracies İnto Practice _ Cambridgeuniversity Press _ 2023 1 ADET
2753 2754 _ 9781108714402 _ Gisela Granena _ Implicit Language Aptitude _ Cambridge _ 2020 1 ADET
2754 2755 _ 9781108453103 _ Guido Rings, Anglia Ruskin, Sebastian Rasinger _ The Cambridge Handbook Of Intercultural Communication _ Cambridge _ 2022 1 ADET
2755 2756 _ 9781032214085 _ Karen E. Johnson, Deryn P. Verity, Sharon S. Childs _ Praxis-Oriented Pedagogy For Novice L2 Teachers Developing Teacher Reasoning _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
2756 2757 _ 9781032016771 _ Li-Shih Huang _ Improving Learner Reflection For Tesol Pedagogical Strategies To Support Reflective Learning _ Routledge _ 2023 1 ADET
2757 2758 _ 9780472037964 _ Nigel A. Caplan And Ann M. Johns _ Essential Actions For Academic Writing A Genre-Based Approach _ University Of Michigan Press _ 2022 1 ADET
2758 2759 _ 9780367645205 _ Osman Barnawi, Anwar Ahmed _ Tesol Teacher Education İn A Transnational World Turning Challenges İnto Innovative Prospects _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
2759 2760 _ 9781800412446 _ Zoltán Dörnyei, Katarina Mentzelopoulos _ Lessons From Exceptional Language Learners Who Have Achieved Nativelike Proficiency: Motivation, Cognition And Identity _ Multilingual Matters _ 2022 1 ADET
2760 2761 _ 9781032145976 _ Mark Peterson, Nasser Jabbari _ Digital Games İn Language Learning _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
2761 2762 _ 9780815360773 _ Nicole Ziegler (Editor) , Marta González-Lloret (Editor) _ The Routledge Handbook Of Second Language Acquisition And Technology _ Routledge; _ 2022 1 ADET
2762 2763 _ 9783030832735 _ Hidary J. D. _ Quantum Computing: An Applied Approach _ Springer _ 2021 1 ADET
2763 2764 _ 9781032125787 _ Huntington-Klein _ The Effect _ Routledge _ 2022 1 ADET
2764 2765 _ 9798599111306 _ Juan Martin Garcia _ Agent-Based Modeling And Simulation I: Practical Guide To The Analysis Of Complex Systems _ Independently Published _ 2021 1 ADET
2765 2766 _ 9798599114710 _ Juan Martin Garcia _ Agent-Based Modeling And Simulation Iı: Actions, Cohorts And Analysis Of Results _ Independently Published _ 2021 1 ADET
2766 2767 _ 9781526424730 _ Mcbee M. _ Statistical Approaches To Causal Analysis _ Sage Publications Ltd _ 2022 1 ADET
2767 2768 _ 9798568301523 _ Mounfield C. C. _ The Handbook Of Agent Based Modelling _ Independently Published _ 2020 1 ADET
2768 2769 _ 9781506355603 _ Nigel Gilbert _ Agent-Based Models _ Sage Publications, Inc _ 2019 1 ADET
2769 2770 _ 9780262545198 _ Rosenbaum P. R. _ Causal Inference _ The Mıt Press _ 2023 1 ADET
2770 2771 _ 9781394171958 _ Amanda Cassatt _ Web3 Marketing: A Handbook For The Next Internet Revolution _ Wiley _ 2023 1 ADET
2771 2772 _ 9780367898991 _ Brenda D. Phillips, David M. Neal, Gary R. Webb _ Introduction To Emergency Management And Disaster Science _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
2772 2773 _ 9781933820316 _ Donna Lichaw _ The User's Journey: Storymapping Products That People Love _ Rosenfeld Media _ 2016 1 ADET
2773 2774 _ 9781736929612 _ Eisha Armstrong _ Productize: The Ultimate Guide To Turning Professional Services İnto Scalable Products _ Vecteris _ 2021 1 ADET
2774 2775 _ 9781801811958 _ Greg Deckler _ Learn Power Bı: A Comprehensive, Step-By-Step Guide For Beginners To Learn Real-World Business İntelligence _ Packt Publishing _ 2022 1 ADET
2775 2776 _ 9780367423964 _ Jason D. Rivera _ Disaster And Emergency Management Methods _ Routledge _ 2021 1 ADET
2776 2777 _ 9780520325050 _ Juliet B. Schor _ After The Gig: How The Sharing Economy Got Hijacked And How To Win It Back _ University Of California Press _ 2020 1 ADET
2777 2778 _ 9781324092032 _ Matthew Ball _ The Metaverse: And How It Will Revolutionize Everything _ Liveright _ 2022 1 ADET
2778 2779 _ 9798218114008 _ Mike Duwe _ The Sharing Green Economy: Sharing What’S Possible With New Labor Economics _ Mike Duwe _ 2022 1 ADET
2779 2780 _ 9798846707023 _ Mr Artur Gula _ Checklists For User Story Mapping Workshops: Practical Moderator's Guide _ Independently Published _ 2022 1 ADET
2780 2781 _ 9798728860044 _ Riccardo Barbieri _ The Product Owner Notebook: Agile Project Management Tools And Templates For Today's Product Managers _ Independently Published _ 2021 1 ADET
2781 2782 _ 9780988502642 _ Robert Galen _ Scrum Product Ownership: Navigating The Forest And The Trees _ Bowker _ 2019 1 ADET
2782 2783 _ 9780241958223 _ Simon Sinek _ Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action _ Portfolio _ 2011 1 ADET
2783 2784 _ 9781736633304 _ Teresa Torres _ Continuous Discovery Habits: Discover Products That Create Customer Value And Business Value _ Product Talk Llc _ 2021 1 ADET
2784 2785 _ 9781119843313 _ Tiana Laurence, Seoyoung Kim _ Nfts For Dummies _ For Dummies _ 2021 1 ADET
2785 2786 _ 9781803246154 _ Aditya Bhattacharya _ Applied Machine Learning Explainability Techniques: Make Ml Models Explainable And Trustworthy For Practical Applications Using Lıme, Shap, And More _ Packt Publishing _ 2022 1 ADET
2786 2787 _ 9781617297649 _ Ajay Thampi _ Interpretable Aı: Building Explainable Machine Learning Systems _ Manning _ 2022 1 ADET
2787 2788 _ 9781800208131 _ Denis Rothman _ Hands-On Explainable Aı (Xaı) With Python: Interpret, Visualize, Explain, And İntegrate Reliable Aı For Fair, Secure, And Trustworthy Aı Apps _ Packt Publishing _ 2020 1 ADET
2788 2789 _ 9781617298639 _ Edward Raff _ Inside Deep Learning: Math, Algorithms, Models Annotated Edition _ Manning _ 2022 _ Annotated 1 ADET
2789 2790 _ 9798215611548 _ Michael Kirsch _ Tısax Made Easy _ Michael Kirsch _ 2023 1 ADET
2790 2791 _ 9781292401133 _ Peter Norvig, Stuart Russell _ Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Global Edition _ Pearson _ 2021 1 ADET
2791 2792 _ 9781801819312 _ Sebastian Raschka, Yuxi (Hayden) Liu, Vahid Mirjalili _ Machine Learning With Pytorch And Scikit-Learn: Develop Machine Learning And Deep Learning Models With Python _ Packt Publishing _ 2022 1 ADET
2792 2793 _ 9780367609528 _ Elizabeth A. Stuar _ Handbook Of Matching And Weighting Adjustments For Causal Inference _ Chapman And Hall/Crc _ 2023 1 ADET
2793 2794 _ 9781492039686 _ Eric Johnston _ Programming Quantum Computers: Essential Algorithms And Code Samples _ O'reilly Media _ 2019 1 ADET
2794 2795 _ 9780128117606 _ Han J., Pei J. _ Data Mining: Concepts And Techniques _ Morgan Kaufmann _ 2022 1 ADET
2795 2796 _ 9783030635824 _ Weng-Long Chang _ Fundamentals Of Quantum Programming İn Ibm's Quantum Computers _ Springer _ 2021 1 ADET
2796 2797 _ 9798433233065 _ Aj Khan _ Automotive Cyber Governance: Opportunities & Challenges For Cybersecurity İn Connected & Autonomous Vehicles _ Independently Published _ 2022 1 ADET
2797 2798 _ 9798617419612 _ Dr. Yasir Imtiaz Khan _ Automotıve Cyber Securıty Challenges A Beginner's Guide _ Independently Published _ 2020 1 ADET
2798 2799 _ 9781668436981 _ Information Reso Management Association _ Research Anthology On Business Aspects Of Cybersecurity _ Information Science Reference _ 2021 1 ADET
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2827 33 _ 9783518420478 _ Müller, Heiner _ Werke 1-12 _ Suhrkamp Verlag _ 2008 1 ADET